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Topic: Suffering (Affliction, Pain, Agony)

Showing 151 to 200 of 217.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-08-26 Christian Living Glorifying God: How come people are not glorifying God today? Why are people not coming to Christ now? Persecution now? Christians not drawing other to Christ? [Matthew 5:16, Matthew 5:11, Ephesians 5:8]
Christian Persecution: Caller thinks he's never been persecuted for his faith, but is it coming?
2016-08-09 God Allowing Evil: If God allows evil, doesn't that make God not God?
2016-05-24 Christians during these Perilous Times: What should we be doing as believers now in these perilous times?
2016-05-24 Christians being in Troubled Times: What should we be doing in these perilous times? Should we be fleeing or stand? Death End Times Last Days Persecution Suffering Tribulation
2016-05-10 God Allowing Stuff to Happen: Is it true that everything that happens to you gets filtered from God?
2016-04-12 Paul having the "Marks of the Christ": Paul says he “marks of the Lord” stigmata of Christ, but what exactly does he mean? [Galatians 6:17]
"I am the Door": Why did Jesus use the words like “I am the door" as opposed to anything else, like, 'I am the window', 'I am the roof'? [John 10:9]
2016-03-28 Comforting a loved one with Diagnosis of Cancer: I have a relative who has just been diagnosed with cancer, & I was wondering how to comfort them.
2016-02-26 Spiritual Attacks or God's Testing: I'm trying to differentiate between having spiritual attacks from the devil or is God orchestrating testing?
2015-11-05 Christian Persecution: Are we supposed to help prevent persecution of Christians or just accept it as a reality of being a Christian? [Romans 8:35]
2015-11-04 Suffering: What is 1 Peter 4:1 talking about as far as suffering? [1 Peter 4:1]
2015-08-06 Transformed into Christ: What is the purpose of going through process of the trials & tribulations in order to be transformed? Why can't we just skip it all & be in the image of Christ immediately? [Romans 8:29, 12:1-2, Hebrews 2:10]
2015-07-30 Lazarus: Wouldn't that have been cruel of Jesus to bring Lazarus out of Paradise to come back to this cold, cruel world?
Suffering: Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? Jesus suffered more than anyone will suffer, the caller told his friend. Was he right in saying what he said & could have Jesus turned off His nerve endings, & would that have unqualified Him from suffering for us?
2015-07-23 Ruin & Destruction & Relents from Sending Calamity: Is God a good God? In one passage it says He'll have no qualms about making ruin & destruction happening but then in other places He relents from causing calamity. Can Steve explain the contradiction? [Deuteronomy 28:63, Jonah 4:2]
2015-07-21 Anti-Christ: An antichrist WILL COME. What did John mean by this? [1 John 2:18]
Coming to Christ late in Life: Caller is suffering from things, consequences of things he did in his life, as a result of doing things he wouldn't have done if he had been a believer earlier, & wants to be know to relate to people who haven't messed up their lives like he has.
2015-06-29 Losing Their Salvation: Parents getting divorced, or God not healing people, can make people lose their salvation.
2015-05-19 God Loves Us, but Proof Needed: The caller knows that God loves us, but he needs encouragement because he & his family have been suffering both financially & physically.
2015-04-24 NIV Translation: Why are some verses missing in the NIV of the Bible?
4 different kinds of Baptisms: There are only 4 kinds of Baptisms in the Bible, is that right? Being immersed in Water, in the Holy Spirit, in Fire, & in the baptism of Suffering?
2015-04-07 God Intervening: Why doesn't God intervene & stop bad things from happening, especially for Christians who were praying when they were killed?
2015-03-09 Michael the Buddhist: Michael wants to avoid pain, but the thing we need to get away from is sin, so he needs to change his entire belief structure.
Lewis Sperry Chafer: Caller reads a quote from Lewis Sperry Chafer & wondering what Steve's thoughts are on it, about works & Calvinism.
2015-01-30 Faith in America: Caller thinks has a theory on why so many people are having trouble with their faith in America & thinks he has the remedy for it.
2014-12-12 Faith & Suffering: Suffering & Faith are both gifts from God.
Yoke is Easy & Burden is Light: Why did Jesus say His Yoke is easy when it seems to be anything but? [Matthew 11:30]
2014-11-06 Jesus' Suffering: Did Jesus Suffer so we don't have to?
2014-11-06 Rejoicing in Temptation/Tests: Should we be embracing what we are struggling w/ life, having temptations? We should just be rejoicing in them? [James 1]
2014-10-31 Appreciate of Steve Gregg: Caller is appreciative of Steve Gregg.
Trials that caller had: Caller says how he's been much better after going a period of suffering.
2014-10-31 persecution happening: Pakistan is going through a lot of persecution. Sufferings is real. Caller loves Steve's radio show to edify the believers because there is no radio in Pakistan.
2014-10-17 God & Tough Times: God is not a genie, & that it might be God's will for us going through trials, suffering.
Fundamentalism: Do you ever find that you have to correct people about their Fundamentalism?
2014-10-07 Suffering: Caller feels there was a reason for his suffering.
Paul: God picked Paul to be an ambassador/apostle of Christ for a reason.
Speaking in Tongues: Caller feels Speaking in Tongues is not necessary in this day & age. [1 Corinthians 14]
2014-09-11 Jesus' Course of Action (not following the expected program): Mary, the Mother of Jesus, knew immediately that it was God telling her that she got to have the privilege of having the Son of God & it must've been quite a miraculous experience, but during His ministry, she questioned if He was okay or not, wanting to take Him home. Why would she wonder that after she knew what knew? John the Baptist also wondered if He was the One or not during his suffering, even though he also had known. [Mark 3:20-33, Matthew 12:43-50, Luke 7:20]
2014-09-03 Paul's suffering & glorying over it: What is Paul saying when he said people would be able to glory in suffering? [Ephesians 3:13]
Descending to Hell: Did Jesus go to hell during His death? [Ephesians 4:8-10, 1 Peter 3:18-20]
Sign of Jonah: [Matthew 16:4, 12:39-40]
2014-08-28 "Slain for the Word of God": Can you explain who the souls are that are crying out that were slain for the word & testimony of God? [Revelation 6:9-11]
Activity in Heaven in Contrast to the New Earth: What is everyone doing in Heaven when they die? I know some things we are doing on the New Earth, but what are we doing in Heaven?
2014-08-08 The Middle East & Chaldean Christians: There's a lot of persecution happening to the Chaldean Christians in the Middle East, & nobody is talking about it.
Masonic Lodge followup comment: Secret idolatry in hidden chambers in temples, so one should stay away from secret societies like the Masonic Lodge. [Ezekiel 8-10]
2014-07-30 Bad Experiences on this side of Glory: Are we going to remember bad, horrible experiences that we experienced while here on earth?
2014-07-23 Evil for Good: How far does God allow evil to be done so sometimes good come out of it like what happened to Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers? [Genesis 45:4-8, Romans 8:28]
2014-06-30 Joy of the Lord: Joy of the Lord amidst turmoil.
Meteorology: Can people help support my short program for meteorology so I can make a living? I have to make more than my social security.
2014-05-30 Take My Yoke upon you & Resting in Jesus: What does Jesus mean to take His Yoke & rest in Him? [Matthew 11:29-30]
Suffering: You said something profound once regarding suffering, that there's more of it than we can possibly know, but it's just that some of it gets sensationalized & some ignored.
2014-05-16 Job & his troubles: How long was the duration of Job's suffering? [Job 1-42]
2014-05-16 Job's Suffering: Caller thinks Job's suffering should take a little longer amount of time than Steve said in a recent answer to a question about Job.
Lusting after a woman: Caller wonders if Steve agrees w/ him that it's the number of times you look at a woman as to whether it becomes lust or not, & did he mention that in a previous call?
2014-04-22 Pestilences, Famines & the Law of God: What would the Israelites motivation be for keeping the law if God just sent them bad stuff all the time, such as pestilences & famines, because doesn't the law put you in bondage to sin?
All thing through Christ: It says that we can do ALL things through Christ. Does that mean we can stop sinning? [Philippians 4:13-17, Galatians 5:16]
2014-03-13 By His Stripes we are Healed: In Isaiah 53, by His Stripes we are healed, do you believe it is talking about Jesus' SUFFERING on the cross as well as dying on the cross, His scourging? [Isaiah 53]
Jesus bearing our guilt: Did Jesus bear our guilt as well as our penalty on the cross?
2014-02-27 Paul Being whipped: Paul being whipped the first time, but when he said the second time that he was a Roman Citizen he saved himself from being whipped, and they were in great trouble for whipping. [Acts 22:22-29]
Financial & Marriage difficulties: How do you take care of yourself in order to help someone else, namely my wife, since we are both having financial difficulties right now, & I don't know what to do.
2014-02-20 Hard knocks of Life: Lengthy discussion (half of the show) about the hard knocks of life, & it seems to be happening even when he's seeking righteousness. [Matthew 6:33, Hebrews 11:1]
2014-02-19 Thankful for finding Peace & Power of Prayer: Mike is following up w/ a call he had made the previous week about suffering, saying how thankful he was for the prayer of the listeners because he had a deep peace that very night he had called like never before.
2014-02-11 Paying for our sins NOW by Suffering: Even though Jesus paid the penalty on the cross for our sins, is it possible that sometimes we have to pay our own debt w/ suffering in the present time before the other side of glory? [1 Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 1:8-9]
2013-11-14 Super Typhoon Haiyan/Super Typhoon Yolanda: An Atheist caller is wondering how God would allow something like the typhoon that hit the Philippines & killed over 8,000 people happen?
2013-11-07 Job's Suffering verses Peace: We need to tell Michael the Buddhist about suffering, not peace. Or what about the things the people in Hebrews 11 suffered instead about obtaining peace at the moment? [Job, Hebrews 11]
2013-10-21 God Providing Everything but So much Suffering: I know it says somewhere in the Bible that God will provide, but why all this suffering & people with lack of stuff? [Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:33]
2013-10-03 Biblical What are the verses for Biblical grounds for divorce? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32]
Steve Gregg Refusing to Divorce: Even though you had grounds for divorce, how come you chose not to iniate the divorce?
Joy & Peace in Suffering: How did you maintain having joy & peace in suffering? [Romans 18:8, 2 Corinthians 4:18]
2013-09-30 Calvinism, Bad Things Happening & Micromanaging: God doesn't micromanage, but what about when God tests us & allows very bad things to happen, isn't that micromanaging?
2013-09-30 "Forever" by Paul David Tripp: Caller wanted to recommend a book by Paul David Tripp called, "Forever" that really talks about bad things happening to us & the fact that we only see things from our perspectives, but God sees things from the whole scheme of things.
2013-09-19 Job's Children: Why did God let Job lose his children? Listener thinks that sounds very mean of God.
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