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Topic: Suffering (Affliction, Pain, Agony)

Showing 201 to 217 of 217.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-09-05 Job Suffering: Doesn't what God allowing happen to Job proof that Calvinism might be correct?
2013-08-27 Michael the Buddhist answering the Question: Michael answers the question about whether Buddhism has division &/or unity like you might find the Christian faith.
Suffering for Eternity: How can there be any real peace for the people in Heaven who know their loved ones or friends are being tortured in hell for eternity?
Purgatory: What does the purgatory doctrine say again?
2013-08-23 Pain & Suffering: Why does God allow pain & suffering? Caller asks the question & then gives his hypothesis as to why, & wants Steve to confirm if he's right. [Genesis 3:22, Luke 17:1, Luke 16:25]
2013-08-23 God allowing Evil: God allows evil because we are in a very evil world.
2013-08-05 "Deny Yourself & Take up Your Cross Daily": What did Jesus mean when He said, "Deny yourself & take up your cross daily"? Is Christ warning that this will affect our salvation? [Luke 9:23-24]
2013-08-05 Bore our Griefs & Sorrows: How do you interpret the famous verse in Isaiah about boring our griefs & sorrows, or is it our pain & sicknesses? [Isaiah 53:4]
2013-07-11 Current Persecution : Dispesationaliists don't think we will be going through the wrath of God, but what about the fact that there are people suffering horribly right now?
2013-06-21 Pets in Heaven: Will we see our pets in Heaven?
Job's Wife: Job's wife didn't seem to accept the tribulation, suffering & calamity that had suddenly happened.
2013-06-21 Job's Wife followup: Caller defends Job's wife's actions.
2013-05-30 God Allowing Suffering: Could you expand on why God allows suffering and allow some bad people to live long lives, while others die so young-especially for skeptic?
2013-05-10 Buddhist View-Self: Buddhist considers the Buddhist and Christian views of "self?" [Job 5:7, John 16:27-28].
2013-04-29 The Pain in Hell & Wrath of God: Does the imagery describing hell apply not only mentally, but also physically? And isn't God a wrathful God? [Matthew 13].
2013-04-22 Despising One's Father: I think I really despise my father and I no longer want to, what do you suggest I do to unload this terrible burden? [Exodus 20:12].
2013-04-18 Why did God Create all This?: If God knows all and knows how it all plays out in the end, then what is the point of all the suffering?
2013-03-08 Relationship Advice from Caller: Caller shares advice with previous caller about her difficult relationship. [Matthew 26:14].
2013-01-21 Special Revelation to offset such Violent Persecution: Isn't it as if people like John the Baptist & the Apostle Paul, who suffered such persecution, had God offset that by giving them special Revelation? [Luke 12:48]
Problematic Timeline of Daniel: How could Daniel give insight to Nebuchadnezzar in only his second year of training? Is that why Nebuchadnezzar didn't originally call on them? [Daniel 1:1, Daniel 2:1]
Chaldeans Speaking in Aramaic: Why did the Chaldeans speak in Aramaic? [Daniel 2:36-39, Daniel 2:4]
2012-01-04 Holy Spirit & Father as Persons: Caller disagrees with Steve about calling God a "person" indicating that "person" means "human," therefore inaccurate.
"Yoke is Easy" vs "Take Up Your Cross": Can you solve the apparent contradiction between the scriptures "my burden is light and yoke easy" vs "take up your cross" (preparing for trials and tribulation that is promised us)? [John 15:19, Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 23:4, John 16:33, Matthew 16:24-25].
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