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Topic: Judgment

Showing 201 to 250 of 378.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-04-13 Olivet Discourse, Abomination of Desolation, & Jesus' Coming: How do you resolve the signs and phrases in the Olivet Discourse, "in this generation" and nothing shall pass "till all be fulfilled"? [Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Isaiah 19:1].
2020-04-03 Intermediate State of Unbelievers Upon Death: What happens to the condemned immediately after death, before they are thrown into the lake of fire (in the intermediate state)? [Romans 2:6, Luke 16:19-31].
2020-04-02 Book of Job: Would you share your thoughts about the critical comments of Job's friends, including, Elihu, in the book of Job? [Job 42].
A Bet Between God & Satan in Job: Isn't it a bit ridiculous to think the story of Job is really only about a bet between Job and Satan? [Job].
2020-03-31 Second Coming of the Lord: Does Luke 17 & 2 Thessalonians passages refer to the same thing - the coming of the Lord? [Luke 17:32, 2 Thessalonians].
Judgment of the Wicked: Is the same word used for "body" in where the eagles are, the same word for body in the body of Christ? [Luke 17:32, Job 39:30, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Psalm 91:10].
2020-03-23 God Communicating Through Coronavirus: Do you think that God is trying to get something across to us using the Coronavirus? If so, what?
2020-03-13 Repentance in Hell: Doesn't the Hebrews 9 verse prove that there is no chance to repent after death? [Hebrew 9:27].
False Teachers Today: Why do Christians not root out and expose false teachers like Rick Warren, the Pope, and Hillsong, among others, more agressively?
2020-02-25 Rapture: Is Matthew 24:31 the rapture, as is I Thessalonians 4? [Matthew 24:31, I Thessalonians 4, I Corinthians 15].
2020-02-21 God's Initiating Genocide: Why would God want a genocide orchestrated against an alternate pagan people, when they are just minding their own business? [Ecclesiastes 8:11, Romans 6:23].
2020-02-20 God's Harsh Punishment in Old Testament: What do you say regarding the harshness of God's punishment on his people in the Old Testament? [2 Chronicles 15:12-13].
2020-02-07 Judgment for What: If our sins are forgiven when we are saved, why do we need to judged later? [I Corinthians 3:10, 5:10, Titus 3:14, Romans 2:6f, 14:10, I Peter 1:17, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 16, 25:31].
Separate Judgments for Saved and Unsaved: Are there two separate judgments? One for the saved, and one for the unsaved? [Matthew 25:31].
2020-02-07 Judgment for What: If our sins are forgiven when we are saved, why do we need to judged later? [I Corinthians 3:10, 5:10, Titus 3:14, Romans 2:6f, 14:10, I Peter 1:17, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 16, 25:31].
Separate Judgments for Saved and Unsaved: Are there two separate judgments? One for the saved, and one for the unsaved? [Matthew 25:31].
2019-12-16 Hell & Judgment Day: Where is hell? When does the judgment happen? [Matthew 25:31, Revelation 20, 2 Corinthians].
2019-11-21 Chronology of Death, Judgment, Hell, New Earth: Can you help me sort out the going to heaven, the judgment, living on earth, when people go to hell, and how all that fits together? [2 Corinthians 12:3, 5:8, Philippians 1, I Thessalonians 4:14, Revelation 3:20].
Dying & the Bright Light: What do you think about when people talk about their experience of dying and coming back?
2019-09-11 Knowing God's Will for Your Path: How does one know what God's choice may be, regarding the path one is to take? [Titus 2:14, Ephesians 2:8-10, I Corinthians 7:39, Acts 16:6].
Saved by Grace-Judged by Works: If we are not saved by our works, why will we be judged by our works? How is this contrasted and can this be harmonized? [Galatians 5:6, James 2:19].
2019-08-30 Lost Souls-Hell & Lake of Fire: What happens to all the souls in hell who are awaiting the judgment? And then after they are cast in the lake of fire, who is governing there? [Revelation 20:10, 15 Matthew 25:41].
Why So Long Before Jesus Comes Back: Why is Jesus waiting so long to come back? [Matthew 28:19-20, Isaiah 42:1-4].
2019-08-23 Do We Owe God: Do we owe anything to God? [I Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthains 5:14-15, Romans 13:8].
What is Judged at the Judgment: What is to be judged at the judgment - if our names are in the Book of Life or our works, or what? [Matthew 16:28, 28:20, Revelation 20:12-13, I Peters 1:17, John 5:45-47, 12:48, 8:31].
2019-08-16 Unbelievers in Hell Awaiting Judgment: Will it only be Christians be raised to face judgment, and are unbelievers in hell waiting for the judgment? [Revelation 20:15, John 5:28-29]
2019-08-14 Judging Angels: What does it mean when it says "we shall judge angels"? [I Corinthians 6:3, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6].
2019-08-12 Salvation vs Judgement: If one is already saved, then why would there be a judgment to follow? Or if unsaved, what would the judgment be about? [Luke 12:47-48, Matthew 5:16, 16:27, Titus 2:14, I Peter 1:17].
2019-07-25 Communion (Eucharist): Do Catholics think they are actually at the foot of the cross when they are taking communion?
Assyriah's Judgment: Did God direct Assyriah to Israel, to levy judgment on them, and then also punished Assyriah for that? [Isaiah 10:5-16, Habakkuk].
God's Punishment: Is God using capital punishment and other things against us now, using pagan people? [Romans 13, 1 Peter 2:13-17]
2019-07-25 Communion (Eucharist): Do Catholics think they are actually at the foot of the cross when they are taking communion?
Assyriah's Judgment: Did God direct Assyriah to Israel, to levy judgment on them, and then also punished Assyriah for that? [Isaiah 10:5-16, Habakkuk].
God's Punishment: Is God using capital punishment and other things against us now, using pagan people? [Romans 13, 1 Peter 2:13-17]
2019-07-24 Holy Spirit Convicting of Righteousness: I don't understand this passage about the Holy Spirit and how He will convict the world of righteousness and judgment? [John 16:8-11, Acts 24:25].
2019-07-10 Uzzah's Death: Why did Uzzah have to die when he tried to stabilize the ark when the people carrying the ark stumbled? [2 Samuel 6:7].
2019-07-08 Repentance and Judgment: Why do we pray for judgment of the unrepentant? [2 Peter 3, Ezekiel 33:11, Revelation 6:9-11].
2019-06-06 Judging Others: When is it sinful to judge others, and when is it not? [John 7:2-5, 24].
2019-06-05 God's Intervention in U.S. Elections: Would God intervene in an American election, especially in light of the direction we have gone with our unhinged abortion policies? [I Corinthians 15:52].
2019-05-31 God's Judgment on Pagan Societies: What is the difference between what terrorists are doing today and the genocide God pronounced against the Canaanites and Amalekites in the Old Testament? [Deuteronomy 20:17, I Samuel 15].
2019-05-30 I Never Knew You: Who was Jesus talking to when he said, "I never knew you"? [Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 6:46-49].
2019-05-28 Judgment & Rewards: Would you help me understand the judgment, the assignments, and the rewards to follow? How much of a motivation should the rewards play in our efforts to serve the Lord? [II Corinthians 5:10f, Romans 2:6, Luke 19, Matthew 25].
2019-05-23 Wrath of Judgment: Who is going to carry out the wrath of judgment, Jesus or God? [Revelation 6:16-17].
Abuse of Children: What do you think about the CIA, if true, carrying out abuse of children? [Mark 9:42, Luke 17:2].
2019-05-20 Council of the Gods: Are angels God's human judges? Do you know much about Michael Heiser and his writings about this? What does it mean, "you will die like men, perish like princes"? [Psalm 82:1,7]
2019-03-15 Heaven & Judgment: Isn't it going to be a bittersweet experience when we go to heaven, because of the judgement?
Blue-eyed Middle-Easterners: Were there blue-eyed Caucasians in the middle east during Jesus' time? 15 3 2 1117
2019-02-19 Coming in the Clouds: Coming on the clouds as being relative to coming in judgment, rather than the second coming [Matthew 13:24]
2019-02-18 Two Bears killed Youths: So 2 bears came out of the woods & killed the young men that were mocking Elijah. What's up w/ that?
2019-02-14 Showing judgment to the Gentiles: Is this a prophecy in Matthew regarding the Gentiles? [Matthew 12:18]
2019-02-11 The White Throne Judgment: Are all these judgments talking about the same judgment, the sheep & the goats, & the great white throne judgment? [2 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 25, Revelation 20:11-15]
No longer Blind: Can you tell me what He was saying here? The Pharisees are no longer ignorant? [John 9:39-41]
2019-02-07 Sermon on the mount & judging: It says not to judge, but then it says you should judge. [Matthew 7:1-6, John 7:24-25]
2019-02-06 Less Stern Judgment: Did pagans have less accountability than the Israelites because they didn't know as much as Israel? [Acts 14:16, 17:30]
2019-02-05 Eternal judgment: John Piper says that the wicked are going to be tormented eternally. [Hebrews 6:1-2, Revelation 14:10, 20:10]
Dispensationalism & taking Revelation literally: There's a lengthy discussion about it the caller takes Revelation literally or symbolically as a Dispensationalist.
2019-02-04 Fall of Babylon & Sun 7 Times Brigher: Are these scriptures talking about judgment? [Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 30:26]
2019-02-01 Judgment: How does this verse fit into the partial preterism, 70 AD paradigm? Sodom & Gomorrah will be having a future judgment, not at 70 AD. [Matthew 10:15]
2019-01-31 Parable of the Sheep & the Goats: Can you please explain the parable of the sheep & the goats? [Matthew 25:31-46]
2019-01-18 Anything You Want God Gives: Does the Bible say that anything you want, He will give to you? [John 15, I John 5:14].
Judged by Our Works: Did you say we are not judged by our works?
2019-01-07 Judgment vs Forgiveness: Would you harmonize the contradictory ideas that we will stand before the judgment seat of Christ & answer for our deeds, but then He said that won't remember our sins ... they will be far as the east is to the west? [Psalm 103:12, Romans14:12-13, Matthew 7:2, 12:36 2 Corinthians 5:10].
2018-11-27 Justice Steve Gregg: Why can't we have a supreme court (of Jesus) of Steve Gregg type justices? Should we have ecumenical councils today?
2018-11-20 Judged by our Works: If we're all saved when we are in Christ, then why are we judged for our works?
2018-11-19 God's Wrath: Why believe in a God who kills people, turning Lot's wife into a pillar of salt & so on?
King James: Did king james leave out gospels that should've been included?
2018-11-01 Never heard the Gospel: What about people who have never heard the gospel? [Romans 2:14]
2018-09-19 Unbelievers in Heaven after Death: Do Believers & UNbelievers go to heaven to wait until the judgment?
2018-09-13 Heaven before Judgment: When do you actually get to go to heaven after we die since we still have to go through a judgment?
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