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Topic: Judgment

Showing 251 to 300 of 378.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-09-05 Christian Making Judgments: Christians making judgments, being morally sensitive & being indignant over wrong.
2018-08-29 Tree of Life: What was the tree of life exactly? Was it literal or symbolic?
Hidden Truths: Do you think there is still a veil of hidden truths that He is keeping from us? [2 Corinthians 4:3, Romans 16:25-27]
A bruised Reed remaining till Judgment: What does it mean to bring forth or set Judgment? [Matthew 12:20, Isaiah 42:3-4]
2018-08-28 Heaping Coal of Fire: Heaping coals of fire on his head, don't avenge yourselves, giving place to God's wrath, are we trying to win people over by doing that or what? [Romans 12:20, Proverbs 25:21]
2018-08-21 Two Judgments: Are there more judgments than just the one at the end? Judgment for salvation vs judgment for works? [john 3:16-18]
2018-08-07 First Fruits: What is the meaning of "first fruits"? I thought that meant this first resurrection before the millennium, before the rest of them? What about the 144,000? [Revelation 14:5]
More tolerable for Gomorrah than Tyre: What does it mean more tolerable for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah than the city of Tyre in the judgement? [Matthew 11:22]
2018-08-02 2 Judgements: Are there two judgments, one when you die and one when He comes back, a Great White Throne Judgment?
2018-06-25 Rewards for Judgment: Bema seat, Great White Throne of Judgment, what is the common view of the judgment(s) at the end of the world? Are they just for rewards at different times?
2018-06-18 Church Classes at a Different RCC: My Girlfriend is trying to become a Catholic like I am, but she's taking the classes at a different church than she plans on being baptized at. Is that okay?
God Demands Justice: How do I explain that God does justice, but still loves people, both in the Old Testament & the New Testament?
2018-06-14 Judging Nothing Before the Time: Paul seems to be for & against judging, & judge before the time. Can you explain all this stuff about judging? [1 Corinthians 4:3-5, 1 Corinthians 2:15, 1 Corinthians 5:3,12]
"He Shall Suffer Loss": What is Paul saying in this chapter about people following him, other following Apollos & some people's work being all burned up, but they themselves making it? [1 Corinthians 3:13-14]
2018-05-09 Once to Die: What does it mean, "once to die & after this, judgment"? Can you explain this? [Hebrews 9:27]
2018-04-24 Tormented forever in Hell: Hell & Mr. Fudge, 4 views of hell
2018-04-05 Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth: Weeping & gnashing of teeth & being in outer darkness, is this talking about Hell?
2018-02-13 Judgment: Does the word "judgment" in the bible have a greater meaning than our english word? What will God do to those who never heard of Him?
2018-02-05 Jesus on the Cross, the Thieves On the Cross & the Elect: Who was Jesus asking for the Father to "forgive them for they know not what they do"? Jesus dying for the elect.
"Depart from me; I never knew you": Could the statement, "Depart from me; I never knew you" apply to people who were once "known" by Jesus but abandoned the faith?
2018-01-24 Day of the Lord being the Great Tribulation: Is the Day of the Lord the Great Tribulation?
The Rapture: What about the Rapture?
2018-01-04 Future Judgment: If you are forgiven, then why a future judgment?
2018-01-01 Hell in the Old Testament: What does the Old Testament say about hell and judgment?
2017-12-18 Righteous in Eternity: Where do the righteous go after the judgment, to heaven & come back again to the New Earth? When is the judgment day? What is the judgment for?
Hades & Paradise: Can you explain what you were saying about Hades & Paradise?
2017-12-01 Judgment Private or Public: Will the judgment be private or public where everyone can see it? [Romans 2:16]
Adam as a Sacrifice: Jack hayford says that if Adam had not sinned, but Eve had, he could've been an acceptable sacrifice instead of Jesus. What do you think about that idea?
Greatest in the Kingdom of God: What can you tell about this verse? [Matthew 18:1]
2017-10-26 Predestination Exists: Caller thinks predestination exists because God knows everything.
Doctrine of Hell: Where does the doctrine of hell come from?
2017-10-06 False Teacher: How are we to judge & treat false teachers/prophets? [James 3:1]
2017-09-11 Kingdom of God: Caller really enjoyed the lecture about the Kingdom of God Steve had done in WA state recently. (Steve just wrote a book about the Kingdom of God called, "Empire of the Risen Son", Part 1 & 2, October 2020)
The Dove, the Flood & Holy Spirit: The Dove never coming back because he had a place to land, & soon as Jesus got baptized, & His followers were going to start being baptized, the Holy Spirit having a place to go, is what the caller thinks. [1 Peter 2:20-21]
Sons of God: We as Christians have authority as the Sons of God & our Father is our Righteous "Judge". We need to realize our authority over demons, our own sins & God's extreme love for us as His children.
2017-08-04 This Generation Will Not Pass Away Until: This generation shall not pass away until all these things shall be fulfilled, what did that mean? [Luke 21:32]
2017-08-03 Unholy Desires: This verse frightens me because I have unholy desires & afraid I'm going to be told this. [Matthew 7:23-24]
2017-08-03 Offenses: What does this mean, "It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!" [Luke 17:1]
2017-07-25 Homosexuality the Pinnacle of Sin: In Romans 1, is homosexual sex the pinnacle of sin? [Romans 1:26]
Recompence of Their Error: What do you think the recompence of their error is that Paul is referring to? A sickness?
2017-07-25 Nation Under Judgment: Is our nation under Judgment because of a reprobate mind?
Bad Cops: Is it biblical to shoot back at police who are shooting you unjustifiably, & why is this happening so much lately in our country?
2017-07-18 Judged by Your Knowledge: Are you judged according to the light you have?
Paul's Gospel Different than James: Paul seems to teach a different gospel than James, where Paul says faith alone, but James says faith & works. [Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:19-23, James 2:14–26]
2017-07-14 Judging the Angels: When & why are we going to be judging angels? [1 Corinthians 6:3-5]
2017-06-06 Stars Falling out of the Sky: In Matthew 24:29, it says stars will fall out of the sky, what does this mean? [Matthew 24:29]
2017-05-26 Thou Fool: Calling people a fool makes you in danger of hell fire, what does that mean? [Matthew 5:22]
2017-05-15 Sin, Righteousness, Judgment, Death, Burial & Resurrection: These are main constructs of the gospel, but is there anything else that needs to be preached? [John 16:8, 1 Corinthians 15:4, 1 Corinthians 2:2]
2017-04-05 God Hardening People: Does God still harden people in the New Testament like He did w/ Pharaoh in the Old Testament, & if He does does that mean it's lights out for them?
2017-02-02 Ananias' & Sapphira's Judgment: That was too harsh judgment for Ananias & Sapphira just for not giving all their proceeds from their property, don't you think? [Acts 5:1-11]
2016-12-09 Holy Sprit's Role in Eternity: What will the role of the Holy Spirit be in eternity since we are already redeemed?
2016-12-01 Reincarnation & Resurrection: The difference between reincarnation in contrast to a judgment & a resurrection.
2016-11-09 The Judgment: Why a judgment if our sins are forgiven?
2016-11-03 Second Coming & Judgment Day: What's going to happen to people who have never heard the gospel? [2 Thessalonians 1:8-9]
2016-09-30 Noah: Why didn't God just strike everybody down & spare the animals? [Genesis 6]
Pharaoh & the Plagues: Why did God kill the first born of all the families when they had little to do why the Jews weren't able to leave?
2016-09-29 Making Judgment Calls: Caller has a whole bunch of specific questions re: Settling conflicts: Who should settle judgments? Who to you go to when there is a conflict? [Matthew 18:15-19, 1 Corinthians 6:1]
2016-08-22 King Solomon: How long did Solomon remain good & is he saved?
David Taking the Census: Why was David disobedient in numbering the people, taking the census? [1 Chronicles 21:4, 2 Samuel 24:4]
2016-08-09 Purpose of God's Wrath: What is the purpose of God's wrath? Is it to satisfy His righteous requirements or is it just leaving man to his own devices? [Romans 1, 2 Thessalonians 1:6, Ezekiel 33:11]
Punishment Despite God Letting People Go: Is there still a judgement & punishment for the people God had already let go with reprobate minds? [Romans 1]
Hell, Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth & Annihilationism: Don't annihilationists believe that they are just going to be burned up & no more punishment?
2016-08-01 Judging an Angry Christian: The verse that says, "You will know them by their fruits", when someone SAYS they are a Christian but is very angry & swears, how does one know if they are or not? [Matthew 7:15-20]
2016-07-29 Judging: What kind of judging are we supposed to do & not do? [1 Corinthians 5, Romans 14, James 4, John 7:24]
2016-07-25 Sincere Believers in wrong Faith: Sincere believers in the wrong faith will be viewed by God how?
2016-07-14 Different or Same Judgment: Are we talking the same or different judgments here? [Matthew 7, Matthew 28]
Calvinism & Arminianism: What is the difference between calvinism & arminianism?
2016-06-29 Critical & Judgmental of Church: Caller struggling with their attitude toward the church & not being judgmental.
2016-06-20 God is Fire-Baptized with Fire: God is fire because of holiness, is it a good thing to be baptised with fire? [Lamentations 3:23, Matthew 3:10-12]
2016-05-25 Isaiah 66:17: I was wondering if you could explain this verse in Isaiah 66? [Isaiah 66:17]
2016-05-03 Last Day Events: On the Last Day or the Day of the Lord, will the saints have new bodies?
The wicked on the Last Day: What about UNbelievers (the unrighteous)? [John 5:28]
White Throne Judgment: The White Throne Judgment will happen then also, & where will that take place? Heaven or the New Earth?
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