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Topic: Judgment

Showing 301 to 350 of 378.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-04-18 Contradiction about Judging in Scripture: Is there scriptural contradictions about what it says about judging? [1 Corinthians 4, 1 Corinthians 2, 1 Corinthians 7, 1 Corinthians 7, 1 Corinthians 14, Mark 7:1-2, Judge 7:24-25]
2016-04-01 Judgment has already come: Caller thinks there's going to be no future hell, that there was already a judgment, a consuming fire that took place when Jesus came. [Romans 2:5, 2 Peter 3]
2016-03-09 Judging People or Things: Caller thinks Matthew 7 is talking about judging fellow brothers in Christ, & that John 7 is talking about judging things. What does Steve think? [Matthew 7:1-2, 1 Corinthians 5:1-4, John 7:24, Proverbs 12:1]
Judging by Appearance: Some people just do too much judging by appearance who have no idea what's going on though.
Christ-likeness Preventing Sound Judgment: Does be coming too Christ-like prevent sound judgment of being able to accurately judge people on the other hand? [1 Corinthians 2:15]
2016-03-09 Judging People or Things: Caller thinks Matthew 7 is talking about judging fellow brothers in Christ, & that John 7 is talking about judging things. What does Steve think? [Matthew 7:1-2, 1 Corinthians 5:1-4, John 7:24, Proverbs 12:1]
Judging by Appearance: Some people just do too much judging by appearance who have no idea what's going on though.
Christ-likeness Preventing Sound Judgment: Does be coming too Christ-like prevent sound judgment of being able to accurately judge people on the other hand? [1 Corinthians 2:15]
2016-02-10 Paul & Wrath: Paul uses the word "wrath" 3 times. what is this wrath he is talking about & is it still future? {1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:9]
2016-01-04 God's Wrath on the Amalekites: I have an atheist friend who points this passage out, asking why would God order the killing of the Amalekites? [1 Samuel 15:2-3]
2015-12-04 Judgement: White throne judgment, & all these other judgments that Jesus talks about, you say they are all one & the same, but Dispensationalists like to distinguish the White Throne Judgment as separate, because we are supposedly not judged by our works. [1 Peter 1:17, Romans 2:5-11]
2015-12-03 Scroll & the 7 Seals: Isn't the Scroll & the 7 Seals more talking about the redemptive plan of salvation more than a judgment? [Revelation 5-7]
2015-11-03 Judgment of Cities vs Individuals: How can a city be held accountable in the final judgment verses an individual? [Matthew 11:20-24]
2015-10-27 Assyrians & Israel: Why did God use Assyrians to judge Israel, but then punish Assyria for doing what He wanted? [Isaiah 10]
2015-10-23 Zechariah, Judgments & Partial Preterism: Caller wants a good explanation of Zechariah 14, & has given several points of the contrast between judgments immediately back then to end time events (telescoping). [Zechariah 13 - 14, Matthew 24:15-51, Isaiah 15-24]
2015-10-16 Fire Meaning in the Bible: What is the meaning of "fire" is, especially in the book of Acts? Fire is a form of judgment, but it also says fire came on the people at Pentecost. [Matthew 3:10-12, 1 Peter 1:7, Acts 2:3, Isaiah 4:5]
2015-08-21 Judging the 12 Tribes of Israel: How could the Apostles be Judging the Jews, & the Christians even rulers of these people? How's that possible? [Matthew 19:28]
2015-08-19 Judgment of Believers: Do we have to give an account of for everything we've ever said or done? [Matthew 12:36]
2015-08-18 Judging & Discerning: One Greek interlinear said Discerning means judge. Caller thought they were different. [1 Corinthians 11:31]
2015-08-05 Loving Your Enemies: God was pretty severe w/ His own people, let alone His own enemies, but how do we reconcile the way He is in the New Testament?
God forgets our Sin: God forgets our sins, it says in the Old Testament, the Sea of Forgetfulness, but it also says every idle word will be held against us? [Micah 7:9, Matthew 12:36]
2015-05-12 Pastors Not Following Bible: Pastors not going according to the Bible, but anything goes, for the most part, & the pastor didn't like being criticized about it. Shouldn't he be concerned w/ what he taught on Judgment Day? [James 3:1]
2015-04-01 Sheep & Goats: When do we become a Sheep or a Goat? Wasn't David's son who died at 2 years old a sheep? Are we all sheep & become goats? [Matthew 25:31-46]
People's Level of Importance: Why is the President esteemed so much more than a garbage man?
2015-03-27 Meeting Jesus in the Sky: Caller is having a hard time understanding why we are to meet Jesus in the sky if He's coming down here to the earth? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17]
Clouds: Are they going to be literal clouds when He comes down? [1 Thessalonians 4:17]
2015-03-26 God being Angry at Sinners: Did Jonathan Edwards have anything to do w/ the idea that God is Angry at Sinners?
R. C. Sproul & Romans 9 - 11: What was Steve saying yesterday about R. C. Sproul & Romans 9 - 11?
2015-03-25 Hell: We don't really know how hell is going to play out. There's no concrete teaching on anything in Revelation for that matter.
Blood Moons: What does Steve think about all these "Blood Moons" coming up one right after another?
2015-03-06 Judging the 12 Tribes of Israel: After the regeneration, the 12 apostles will be judging the 12 tribes of Israel…..making a distinction between the Jews & Gentiles? [Matthew 19:28]
2015-02-17 Judging: Caller wants all the verses she heard on a recent show about judging. [Matthew 7:1-5, John 7:24]
2015-02-11 Final Judgment - White Thone: Is there ONE judgment, for both the righteous & the unrighteous? Wouldn't it take forever & forever to go through millions or billions of people? [John 5:28]
2015-02-10 Miracles & Unbelief: Was the reason that Jesus did not do miracles at times because of their unbelief? [Matthew 13:58]
"Coming in the Clouds": "Son of Man of coming in the clouds" of heaven. [Luke 21:27]
2015-02-04 Spiritual Discernment - Judging: Aren't we as Christians supposed to judge one another? [1 Corinthians 2:15, Matthew 7:1, John 7:24]
2015-01-29 Judge not: People at church tell me, who I am to judge, citing a verse in Matthew? What do you say? [Matthew 7:1, John 7:24]
2015-01-07 Rewards (to the Pharisees): What did Jesus mean when He said, "...they have their reward"? [Matthew 6:5]
God of the OT vs the NT: The God of the Old Testament seems to be different than the God of the New Testament, is this true?
2014-12-16 Judgment Day & the Christian: As a Christian, do we need to have any fear of the judgment on Judgment Day even though we were washed in the Blood of Christ? [1 Peter 1:2, 17-19]
Death: What happens to us as soon we die? Do we go immediately to Heaven?
2014-10-09 Redemption Draweth Nigh & False Christs: Are the verses 25 & after in Luke 21 talking about the actual physical coming of Christ or do you think it's still talking about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD? Don't believe in False Christs....He's going to come w/ power & great glory. [Luke 21]
Final Judgment, End of the World & Signs: Did Jesus ever speak of a the end of the world, a final judgment? Are there going to be any signs of His coming?
Times & Seasons & Restoring the Kingdom: Didn't Jesus say it wasn't for us to know the times or seasons or the restoration of the Kingdom of God? [Acts 1:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1]
2014-10-08 More Tolerable for Sodom & Gomorrah: When Jesus told His disciples, when He sent them out, that it would be tolerable for Sodom & Gomorrah than for the cities that reject Him, what does "more tolerable" mean? [Matthew 6:11
2014-09-12 Judgment: Are the world AND the people going to be judged? [Hebrews 9:27, 2 Peter 3:10]
2014-08-26 Forgiven but Judgment: Why if we are forgiven down here on earth, why do we then have to go through a judgment in heaven? [1 Corinthians 11:31]
2014-08-25 In the Day of Visitation: Can you explain what the "Day of Visitation" means that appears several times in the Bible? [Luke 19:44, 1 Peter 2:12]
2014-08-01 Valley of the Dry Bones: When the dry bones in the valley were resurrected, does that mean that the people who were resurrected were given a 2nd chance? [Ezekiel 37]
2014-07-24 God being Angry, Vindictive in OT: Does God seem to be a little bit angry, vindictive or even hateful in the Old Testament? Killing just for breaking the Sabbath?
2014-07-21 Letters of Paul: How did the early Christians receive the instruction from Paul before the New Testament was put into the Bible & grow from it before it was?
Wrath of God revealed from Heaven: How can we make the leap from Paul addressing people in the 1st century church to it applying to us now? [Romans 1]
2014-07-01 Amillennialism & End time events: As an Partial Preterist, 5Amillennialist, do you know of any signs that are to happen right before Christ comes back?
The state of Israel being formed in 1948: What do you say about the miraculous events of Israel being able to become a country again?
Unbelievers & the Bema & White Throne Judgment: What happens to unbelievers at the end? What is the difference between the Bema & White Throne Judgment?
2014-04-09 Judging Angels: What does it mean that we will be judging angels? [1 Corinthians 6:3]
Anti-Christ: What are your thoughts on the Anti-Christ?
2014-04-08 Judgment & the Last Day: Where is the Judgment placed in the Last Day? [John 12:48, John 6:39, 40, 44, 54, 2 Timothy 4:1]
Orthodox Church: Orthodox belief system is very close to the Roman Catholic church.
Reconciling the world: What do these verses mean in Romans about Israel & Gentiles, the riches of the world & the reconciling of the world? [Romans 11:12, 15]
2014-03-27 Judging the Living & the Dead: How can the dead be judged if they didn't know who Jesus was? [1 Peter 4:6]
People who never heard of Christ: What about people who have never heard of Christ, do they get a second chance to meet Him?
2014-03-24 Judgment of the Bowls: What are say views about the bowl judgements? What about the Euphrates River drying up? [Revelation 15-16]
2014-01-28 Paul's Writings: Was Paul speaking his own opinion most of the time even though he wrote over 2/3's of the New Testament?
God being in the OT: Was God a lot more angry in the Old Testament then He was in the New Testament, the death of His Son nullifying it?
2014-01-27 Judgments of God: Mass shootings, Tsunamis, & all this other calamity & violence happening, is that a result of getting rid of God?
Noah's Flood & Sodom & Gomorrah: So do you think there won't be major catastrophe like happened in the ancient days like Noah's Flood & Sodom & Gomorrah?
Paul's conflicting instruction towards widows: Why did Paul seem to contradict himself in his instruction to widows, where he advised some to get married again & others not to get married? [1 Timothy 5:11-14]
2013-12-17 Coarse Jesting: Can you talk about what coarse jesting is? [Ephesians 5:3-4]
Churches that are Aposatizing: So in follow up to a previous caller, what are we supposed to do about churches that are embracing sin? [Revelation 3:16]
2013-12-11 Pre-Wrath (pre-tribulation) Rapture: Can you talk about the pre-wrath (Pre-tribulation), rapture of the saints? [John 6]
2013-12-10 Judged by our Works: What are we judged by in the Judgment?
Present with the Lord upon Death: It says in the BIble that we are in the presence of the Lord if we are Christians, but it also says that the righteous will be resurrected first.
2013-12-03 Blessings: We receive blessings from being in Christ & being faithful in little.
Wrath of God: How can there be another wrath of God after Jesus appeased it on the cross? [1 Corinthians 11]
2013-09-11 Judgment of Nations: Is there a possibility Jesus is about to judge all nations, but will give nations who repent a reprieve of the judgment? [Matthew 25:31-32]
Influencing Gospel in Government or Individuals: Should we be more worried about trying to influence our country with the gospel or individuals?
2013-09-06 Shaking the Dust off Your Feet & Jesus "Coming": In Matthew, what does it mean, "till the Son of man be come" mean since Jesus hasn't come back yet but the gospel was preached by the Disciples? [Matthew 10:23]
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