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Topic: Isaiah (Book)

Showing 301 to 350 of 516.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-06-25 "The Lord Said to My Lord": Could you clarify the significance of these verses inrelative to the addressing of "Lord to my Lord"? [Psalm 110:1, Isaiah 48:16, Mark 16:19].
2021-06-08 Book of Enoch: What scriptures are being referred to in Matthew 22, and should we not take the Book of Enoch as authentic? [Matthew 22:29, Isaiah 26, Daniel 12:2, Acts 2, 2 Peter 2, Jude 1:14-15].
2021-06-03 The Narrow Path Website: Caller talks about the amazing website,
Judgment Day: Does the Bible say that our works will all be put on display on judgment day? [Matthew 12:36, Luke 12:3, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 21:4].
Peace Without Christ: Is it biblical to say that people cannot have peace without Christ? [John 14:27, Isaiah 48:22, Isaiah 57:21].
2021-06-03 Satan Bound, but Still Casting out Demons: If Satan has already been bound, how there can still be the casting out of demons after Christ came? [Revelation 20, Revelation 12, Matthew 12:36, Isaiah 49:6, Colossians 2:15, Luke 11:22, Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 28:18].
2021-06-01 "Son of God" in the Old Testament: Caller questions Steve's statement that "Son of God" doesn't appear in the Old Testament. [Psalm 2:7, 2 Samuel 7:12, Proverbs 30:4, Acts 13:33, Hebrews 1:5, Isaiah 9:6].
The Remnant of Israel: Could you comment on the passage in Romans 11 about the salvation of the Jews and the remnant of Israel? [Romans 11:11-25, Romans 9-11, Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27].
2021-05-28 Vegetarian in the New Earth: Will humans and animals be vegetarian on the New Earth? [Genesis 1, Ezekiel 34, Ephesians 2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 65, I Timothy 4:5].
Jesus Eating Lamb: Did Jesus eat lamb at the Passover?
2021-05-25 What More is Required of the Jew: A Jew argued that 2 Chronicles 7:14 indicates that God doesn't require anything more of us to be saved. [2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 10:21-22, Isaiah 9:6].
2021-05-18 Delight in the Lord: Could you help me with the scripture promise when one "delights in the Lord", and if it is more physical or spiritual? Does this relate to Isaiah 58 [Psalm 37:4, Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 6:25, Genesis 15:1, Luke 22:42].
2021-05-11 Lucifer & Satan Controversy: Caller tries to make a case for Lucifer being Satan. Lecture recommended; "Spiritual Warfare-Origin of Satan." Continues after the break. [Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-19, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:9-11]. (Steve continues talking about this subject after the break even though he doesn't indicate he was going to.)
2021-05-10 The Morning Star (Lucifer): Could you help me understand the use of the title, "The Morning Star" n (Lucifer)? [Revelation 22, Isaiah 14:12, Isaiah 14:5, 2 Peter 1:19, I Thessalonians 4, Revelation 1:1, Daniel 2:37].
2021-05-06 Theme Song for The Narrow Path: Would you tell me about your theme song ("Like Arrows" Do by Jon Marr-available at the website)?
Animals in Heaven: Will there be animals in heaven? [Isaiah 11:6, Isaiah 65:25].
2021-05-06 Jewish Man Considering the Evidence for Messiah, Jesus: As a Jewish man with an open mind, can you help me get more clarity on Jesus as Messiah? [2 Samuel 7:1-17, Isaiah 53:6, Daniel 7:13-14, Psalm 110:1, Isaiah 10:20-23, Isaiah 9:6].
2021-05-03 Mandela Effect & the Lion Lays Down with the Lamb (KJV): What do you think of the Mandela effect relative to the verse about the lion laying down with the lamb? [Isaiah 11:6, Isaiah 65:25]
2021-04-29 New Heavens & New Earth: What is meant by the references to the New heavens and earth in 2 Peter? [2 Peter 3, Romans 8, Revelation 21-22, Isaiah 65:17, 2 Corinthians 5:17].
2021-04-27 Comparison of Visions in Isaiah & Revelation: Could you talk about the difference between the visons in Isaiah of the temple and Revelation of heaven ? [Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8].
2021-04-23 If Lucifer is Not Satan: Who is being referred to if Lucifer is not Satan? [Isaiah 4, Isaiah 14:12-22, Daniel 4].
More about Satan: What lecture should one listen to at the website in order to learn more about spiritual warfare? Recommended Topical Lecture; Spiritual Warfare.
2021-04-23 Isaiah 62:8-Temple or Salvation: Could you help me understand what is being discussed in Isaiah 62:8 and if it is about the destruction of the temple? [Isaiah 62:8, Isaiah 60-66, John 16:33, John 10:10].
2021-04-23 Satan is Lucifer Proven by Scriptural Parallels: Doesn't it seem like the part where scripture says "fallen from heaven" correspond to the Revelation verse where he "fell like lightening", thereby proving that Lucifer and Satan are the same being? [Isaiah 14:12-17, Matthew 11:23. Obadiah 1:4, Luke 10:18].
2021-04-16 Conspiracies-Anxiety or Surrender: Since I have gotten caught up with various conspiracies like the illuminati, etc., I decided to just surrender to God, particularly since I don't have any control anyway, but I am also conflicted, because I feel as though I am giving up. Can you help? [Isaiah 8:12, I Peter 3:15, Revelation 20:3, I Corinthians 15:25, Psalms 110:1, Psalm 2:1-7, Acts 4:25-26].
2021-04-06 All the Conspiracies: As a fairly new Christian, I am finding some of the vast amount of conspiracies theories out there very unsettling, so how do I sort that? [Psalm 2, Isaiah 8:11-15, I Peter 3:15].
2021-03-26 Walking in the Spirit: How does one achieve walking in the Spirit and living a holy life? Recommended Gregg's new books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1 & 2) and Lecture series; Charisma & Character [Isaiah 11:2, Colossians 3:15, Luke 12:11, I Peter 4:11].
2021-03-25 Copies of Matthew: Caller shares how many copies of Matthews are available.
Considering Hell: Caller comments on Hell, and some of his disagreements with Steve on the topic, about parables, everlasting, etc. [Mark 4, Matthew 14, Isaiah 66:24, Luke 10:31, Luke 16:19-31].
2021-03-23 Confusing the Advents of Christ by Amillennialists: Why do Amillennialists confuse the first advent with His second advent in Matthew? [Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:34, Matthew 23:30, Isaiah 19:1, Matthew 24:2-3, Matthew 16:28, Acts 1:7].
2021-03-15 Millennial Kingdom: How can one interpret this verse in Isaiah, if it is not referring to the millennium? [Isaiah 65:17-20].
2021-03-12 Restore Israel a Second Time: What did God mean when He said He would restore Israel to their land a second time? [Isaiah 11:11-16]
2021-03-12 Physical or Spiritual Healing: Are we to all be healed physically, or just spiritually? [Galatians 4:14, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Isaiah 53:4, 2 Timothy 4:20].
2021-03-10 Who is Satan: Who is this guy, Satan? [John 8:44, I John 3:8, Proverbs 16:4, Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:7-10, Ezekiel 14:12, John 12:31, Proverbs 16:4].
2021-03-04 Old Testament Prophecy Quoted in New Testament: Would you shed some light on Old Testament prophecy that is quoted in the New Testament and why it is not exactly in the same context, etc., as in the ones about "the cry in the wilderness" and it being John the Baptist? [Matthew 3:3, Isaiah 40:3, Isaiah 11:16, Isaiah 19:23, Isaiah 35:8, Isaiah 34, Isaiah 5:7, Isaiah 32:13-15].
2021-02-24 The God of This World-Jesus: Could it be that Jesus was the "God of this world"? [2 Corinthians 4:4, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13, Mark 4, Romans 11, Revelation 20:9, James].
2021-02-17 Various Views of Hell: How does one deal with the verse about "the worm does not die" in regard to the various views of hell? [Mark 9:48, Isaiah 66:24].
Hell & the Devil: Does accepting one of the alternate views of hell get the devil off the hook? [Revelation 20:10].
2021-02-03 Israel & the Fruitless Tree: Is the parable about letting the fruitless tree have one more year before cutting it down about God, in His mercy, giving people one more chance? [Isaiah 5:7, Luke 13:1-9, Matthew 21:43].
2021-02-02 Supernatural Alteration to Scripture: Has the Bible been supernaturally altered, changing verses in the King James Version to say something different than it had before. Do you think it has to do with the strong delusion? [Isaiah 11:6, Matthew 24:41, Luke 17:35, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12].
2021-02-01 God's Wrath Poured Onto Jesus: Can you help me sort out the idea that God poured out His wrath for sin onto Jesus? [Isaiah 53:6, Psalms 22:1, 2 Corinthians 5:21, I Peter 2:34, I Thessalonians 5:9].
2021-01-19 Bearing Fruit: When scripture indicates that we are to "bear fruit", is it really talking about justice, righteousness and mercy? [Isaiah 5:7, Genesis 1:28, Matthew 7:19, Galatians].
2021-01-14 Literal Prophecy Fulfilled at Second Coming: If hundreds of prophecies were literally fulfilled when Jesus first came, why would some doubt the literal fulfillment of prophecy about His second coming? [Matthew 2, Isaiah 9, Hosea 11:1, Isaiah 66:7-8, Daniel 12, Revelation 12, Ephesians 2:15].
2021-01-06 The Pre-incarnate Christ: Could you comment on the pre-incarnate Son? [I Corinthians 13:12, John 3:16, Philippians 2, I John 1:,1, Isaiah 9:6, Acts 13:33, Psalm 2:7, Luke 1:34-35].
2021-01-05 Resurrection in the Old Testament: Are these Old Testament verses referring to the resurrection? [Job 19:25-27, Isaiah 26:19].
2020-12-23 Will We Remember Our Past & Loved Ones in Heaven: When we get to heaven, will we remember our past loved ones? [Isaiah 65:17, Jeremiah 3:16].
2020-12-22 Isaiah's Prophecy of the Messiah: Could you help me understand the beginning of Isaiah 9, particularly verse 5? [Isaiah 9:1-9, Zechariah 9:1-9, John 8:31-32].
2020-12-22 Virgin Birth Isn't the virgin birth in Isaiah? [Isaiah 7:14].
2020-12-16 Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24) & A.D.70: Could you help me understand how some of the verses in Matthew 24 fit into the A.D. 70 scenario instead of end times? [Matthew 24:29-34, Matthew 24:3, Isaiah 19:1].
2020-12-10 Giving Up Our Rights to Speak Against Evil: What do you think about a pastor who says we should be willing to give up our own right to speak against some of the evil things that are happening in our culture? [Luke 3, Micah 6:8, Acts 1:7, Isaiah 42:1-4, Matthew 12:18-21, Luke 19:1-13, Matthew 13:24-30].
2020-12-10 Valley of Hinnom, Gehenna & Hell: If Valley of Hinnom and Gehenna mean hell, then what Jesus meant when he used the term Gehenna in Matthew 10:28? [Matthew 10:27-28, Jeremiah 19:2, Jeremiah 31:40, Isaiah 10:18].
2020-12-07 Jesus May Not be God Himself: Based on these scriptures, is it possible that Jesus might not actually be God, but could be acting on God's behalf instead of actually being God Himself? [Exodus 7, Revelation 1, John 1, Isaiah, 2 Corinthians 5].
2020-12-07 The Seven Mountains in Revelation: Regarding to the seven mountains, are they referring to Rome or around Jerusalem? [Revelation 17:9, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 14, Isaiah 1].
2020-12-07 Pagan Christmas and Christmas Trees: Is Christmas pagan and scripture referring to Christmas trees in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 10:1-5, Isaiah 44:15-17, Isaiah 46:6].
2020-11-25 View of Hell-Universal Reconciliation: Could you review the arguments for and against the view of Hell called "Universal Reconciliation"? [Mark 3:29, Luke 15:24, Romans 2:7, Romans 6:23, I Timothy 6:16, I John 5:11-12, I Timothy 2:4, Romans 5:18, Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 1:16-20, Philippians 2:10, Isaiah 45:23].
2020-11-16 Secondary or Double Fulfillment of Prophecy: What do you think about secondary or double fulfillment of prophecy? [Daniel 12:4, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:16, Isaiah 8, I Corinthians 10:1-6, I Corinthians 5:7].
2020-11-16 Evil in Lucifer in a Evil-less Heaven: How did evil arise in Lucifer if there was no evil in heaven? [Ezekiel 28:15].
2020-11-09 Grace & Obedience for Salvation: You drew a comparison and difference between "inheriting" and "entering" the kingdom in scripture, can you speak to this relative to "free grace" (Hyper-grace)? [Luke 18:18, Matthew 19:29, Romans 10:9, Isaiah 28:13, Matthew 15:8, Luke 23:42].
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