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Topic: Isaiah (Book)

Showing 351 to 400 of 516.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-11-05 Millennium Will Be in the Future: Doesn't the Lord's prayer affirm that the millennial reign will come in the future? [Isaiah 9:6-7, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 20]
Devil Let Loose on the Descendants: Doesn't the Bible say that the Devil will be let loose on the descendants at the end? [2 Thessalonians 2:8].
Line of Cain & Serpent Seed Doctrine: Do you reject the "Line of Cain" (Serpent Seed) doctrine? [John 8:44, John 8:37].
2020-11-05 Studying the Manuscripts: Caller recommends the book, "Encountering the Manuscripts" by Philip Comfort for studying the scriptures.
Old Testament Metaphors for Evangelism: Can you find any flaw in Christians seeing metaphors of Christ in any of the Old Testament and then sharing that with unbelievers? [John 5:46, Isaiah 53].
Greg Boyd: What do you think about and Greg Boyd?
2020-11-04 Minister's Doubt when He Doesn't Hear From God: What would you say to someone who is in ministry, who is struggling with their faith, to the point of disbelieving, because he is not hearing from God? [Isaiah 50:10, Job 13:15].
2020-10-27 God Hiding From Us: Why does God hide from us? Is it to humble us? [Isaiah 50:10].
2020-10-20 Correcting Others: How do we offer correction correctly when we see so many people going the wrong way? [Isaiah 26:9-10, Leviticus 19:17].
2020-10-15 Righteousness as Filthy Rags: Should we be using the verse about our "righteousness is filthy rags" when evangelism? [Isaiah 64:6, Acts 10:4, Isaiah 29:13, Isaiah 1:14, Proverbs, Jeremiah 13:23, Jeremiah 17:9, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 21:27].
2020-10-14 America Discussed in Jeremiah: Is America being discussed in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 50:12, Revelation 11:8, Isaiah 1, Jeremiah 50-51].
2020-10-14 Servant in Isaiah: Who is being referred to in Isaiah 49:6? [Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 53, Acts 13].
2020-09-30 Homosexuality, Addiction, Abuse: Caller is attempting to come out of a lifestyle of homosexuality and addiction, having suffered abuse is looking for counsel.[Ephesians 6:12, I Peter 5:8-9, Matthew 16:24-26].
Lying Lips in Isaiah: Can you help me understand the application about "being of unclean lips" in Isaiah? [Isaiah 6:5].
2020-09-30 Homosexuality, Addiction, Abuse: Caller is attempting to come out of a lifestyle of homosexuality and addiction, having suffered abuse is looking for counsel.[Ephesians 6:12, I Peter 5:8-9, Matthew 16:24-26].
Lying Lips in Isaiah: Can you help me understand the application about "being of unclean lips" in Isaiah? [Isaiah 6:5].
2020-09-29 Age of Accountability: Could you help me understand the "age of accountability", especially in light of the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah and the children that must've perished? [Isaiah 7:16].
2020-09-29 Homosexuality & Addiction: Could you advise someone who struggles with addiction and homosexuality? (Steve did not have time to answer him).
Isaiah Verse Connected to Satan: Could you help me with this verse and its connection to Satan? [Isaiah 21:7].
2020-09-28 Hardened Hearts: Could you help me with my struggle in understanding when the Bible says God hardened people's hearts? [Isaiah 64:6].
Good Works as Filthy Rags & The Ones Who Don't Know Him: If we all deserve hell, and our works are as filthy rags, how does it work for those that have never really had any breaks or opportunity to know Christ? [Isaiah 64:6, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 21:27, Titus 2:14, Acts 10:34, I Timothy 2:4, 2 Chronicles 7:14, 2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11].
2020-09-25 Isaiah, Tyre & The Prostitute: Would you help me understand what happened in Isaiah 23 when it says "she prostitutes herself" and so on? [Isaiah 23:17-18].
2020-09-24 Isaiah's Son: What ever happened to the son born to Isaiah? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8, Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 37:22, Revelation 12].
2020-09-23 Year of Jubilee: Would you describe the "Year of Jubilee" and if there is application to us today? [Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:2, 2 Timothy 2, Hebrews 2:15].
2020-09-17 King of Babylon & King of Tyre: Who is the King of Babylon and the King of Tyre? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
2020-09-14 God Reaching Out His Hand to Israel: When are the first and second times that God "reaches out His hand" referring to Israels captivity? [Isaiah 11:11-15].
Israel in 1948: Does this verse about the captives returning have anything to do with Israel becoming a nation in 1948? [Isaiah 14:2].
2020-09-14 God Reaching Out His Hand to Israel: When are the first and second times that God "reaches out His hand" referring to Israels captivity? [Isaiah 11:11-15].
Israel in 1948: Does this verse about the captives returning have anything to do with Israel becoming a nation in 1948? [Isaiah 14:2].
2020-09-10 Satan-An Angel That Fell: Was Satan an angel that fell? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 26-31, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12, I Timothy 3:6, John 8:44, I John 3:8].
2020-09-09 Why Jesus Didn't Want People to Understand His Parables: Could you clarify why Jesus indicated that he didn't want people to understand His parables, if He wants everyone saved? [Mark 4:12, Mark 4:34, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13].
2020-09-04 Occult, Clairvoyants, and Fortune Telling: Is it ever acceptable to seek guidance from clairvoyants and fortune tellers? [Deuteronomy 18:9-13, Isaiah 8:19, Galatians 5].
2020-09-04 Calvinism's Effectually Called: Is the Calvinistic idea we are chosen without free will, as in "the calling from eternity past" defended in scripture? [I Corinthians 1:24-25, Isaiah 65, Matthew 22:14, Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34, Romans 8:28, 2 Peter 3:9].
2020-09-03 Controlling One's Temper: Could you give me advise on how to control my temper better?
When Anger is Not Sin: If I used my anger in a positive way, then is it no longer sinful? [Isaiah 53:7, Ephesians 4:26-30].
2020-09-02 Atoning Death of Jesus: Was Jesus' death what atoned for our sins, or what there more to it? [Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:24, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Revelation 14:10].
2020-08-27 God Knows Past, Present & Future: If God knows all things, the beginning and the end, then, how can He regret the choices people make? [Isaiah 46:10, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9, Genesis 18:16-33, Genesis 22:12].
God's Preordaining Everything: Does God not knowing some things throw a monkey wrench into the concept of God preordaining everything (Calvinism)?
Making a Donation: Do you have a phone number to make donations to? How do you spell Temecula?
2020-08-27 Isaiah Talking about Modern or Ancient Times: How can these verses in Isaiah be about ancient times? [Isaiah 66:23-24, Joel 2:28, Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 3:6, Mark 9:48, Isaiah 60-66, Isaiah 40:3-6].
Double Fulfillment in Joel 2: Do you think that the verbage in Joel 2 indicates a double fulfillment? [Isaiah 66:23-24, Joel 2:28].
2020-08-27 Isaiah Talking about Modern or Ancient Times: How can these verses in Isaiah be about ancient times? [Isaiah 66:23-24, Joel 2:28, Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 3:6, Mark 9:48, Isaiah 60-66, Isaiah 40:3-6].
Double Fulfillment in Joel 2: Do you think that the verbage in Joel 2 indicates a double fulfillment? [Isaiah 66:23-24, Joel 2:28].
2020-08-19 Identifying the Kings in Isaiah & Revelation: Who are the kings referred to in these scriptures in Isaiah and Revelation? [Isaiah 60:3, Revelation 21:24, Malachi 4:1, Luke 1:78-79, Matthew 4:12-14, Isaiah 9:1-2, Luke 2:29-32, Isaiah 52:15, Romans 15:21].
2020-08-17 Did Satan fall from heaven: Did Satan fall from heaven to become the devil? [Genesis 6, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
Giants in Genesis: Who were the giants or Nephilim in Genesis? [Genesis 6].
2020-08-17 Satan Was Not a Created Being: Caller disagrees with Steve saying the Satan was a fallen angel and not a created being. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12:7-9].
2020-08-13 Demons Inhabiting Houses: Since the Bible doesn't discuss houses or objects having demons, what is the reason we think that they do, and we can cast them out? [Isaiah 13:21, Isaiah 34:14, Matthew 12:43-45, Revelation 18:2].
2020-08-13 Waiting on the Lord: What does "waiting on the Lord" actually entail? [Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14, Psalm 31:24].
Running and Not Growing Weary: Is the verse about mounting up on the wings of eagles, running and not growing weary, actually hyperbole? [Isaiah 40:29-31].
2020-08-13 Waiting on the Lord: What does "waiting on the Lord" actually entail? [Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14, Psalm 31:24].
Running and Not Growing Weary: Is the verse about mounting up on the wings of eagles, running and not growing weary, actually hyperbole? [Isaiah 40:29-31].
2020-08-10 God Created Evil: What do you say about the verse about God creating evil? [Isaiah 45:7].
You are gods: How do you explain the verse where Jesus says, "you are gods"? [Ezekiel 28:2, John 10:34].
2020-08-05 Paul to Britain: Did Paul go to Britian? [Acts 29, 2 Timothy, Titus].
Identifying the antichrist in Daniel 9: Why is the "he" in Daniel often identified as the antichrist, rather than Christ and who first came up with that view? [Daniel 9:27].
Future Millennium: Who was the first to believe in a future 1000 year millennium? [Revelation 20, Isaiah 65-66, John 5:28-29, Matthew 25:31].
2020-08-03 Openness Theology - God's Foreknowledge: Would you discuss Openness Theology and God's Foreknowledge (knowing the future)? [Isaiah 40-49].
2020-08-03 Serpent on the Cross Symbolic of Jesus: Would you help me sort out that strangeness of the symbol of the serpent on the pole, its symbolism & relation to Christ's crucifixion? [Numbers 21:8-9, I Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:6, 2 Corinthians 5:21].
2020-07-31 Culture-Lies & Fantasy: Is our culture training us to be liars and are parents teaching their children to lie? [John 8:44, Isaiah 7, Judges 9].
2020-07-30 Heaven & Hell in the Bible: Could you help me sort out all the various references and meanings of the biblical use of the words "heaven" and "hell"? [2 Corinthians 12:2, Revelation 4, 2 Peter 2:4, James 3:6, Isaiah 30:33].
2020-07-23 By His Stripes We Are Healed: You indicate in your lectures that the verse in Isaiah about "by stripes we are healed" was really about the spiritually sick Israel, yet in Matthew, it is a physical healing. Can you reconcile that for me? [Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 53:4, I Peter 2:24, Matthew 12:28, Romans 5:1, Luke 11:20].
Jesus' Ability to Do Miracles After the the Spirit Fell Upon Him: Was Jesus able to do miracles before the Holy Spirit fell upon Him? [John 2, I Corinthians 12:7, Romans 12, I Peter 4:10-11, I Peter 4:10-11, Ephesians 4:11-13].
2020-07-15 Christology Hermeneutic for Psalms: Is it a proper hermeneutic to assign Christology to all of the Psalms? [Psalms, Isaiah 51].
2020-07-10 Parable of the Mustard Seed: Is the parable of the mustard seed not what it first appears, but about something bad developing in the church? [Luke 13:18-20, Ezekiel 17:22, Ezekiel 31:6, Daniel 4:1-18, Luke 8:5, Revelation 2:28, Revelation 22:16, Isaiah 14:12].
2020-07-06 Tribes of Israel: Would you talk about the tribes of Israel? [Genesis 49:13, Ezekiel 48, Isaiah 9:1-2].
2020-06-09 Regathering of Israel in End Times: Regarding scripture about the regathering of Israel in Isaiah, how can anyone not apply those to future end times? [Isaiah 66].
2020-06-04 Amillennial vs Postmillennial: What do you think about the Postmillennial view relative to the conversion of the world? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Matthew 13:24-30, Isaiah 11:9, Habbakuk 2:14].
2020-06-02 Violence, Rioting & Looting: What should the Christian response be to the violence, riots and looting taking place? [Psalm 42, Isaiah 42].
2020-05-22 All Israel Will be Saved-Defining Israel: Could you talk about "all Israel will be saved"? [Romans 11:17-26, Romans 9:6, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9-11, Jeremiah 11].
2020-05-22 Jesus as the Son in the Old Testament: Could you clarify your position about Jesus identified as The Son in the Old Testament, in light of these verses? [Psalm 2:7, Isaiah 9:6, 2 Samuel 7:14, Proverbs 30:3-4, Acts 13:33].
2020-05-20 Jesus, the Eternal Son: Do you think that Jesus was the eternal son? It seems that Jesus was the word, not the son, in eternity past? [John 1:1, Acts 13:33, Psalm 2:7, Revelation 1:5, Colossians 1:18, Isaiah 9:6, Luke 1:34-35].
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