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Topic: Isaiah (Book)

Showing 401 to 450 of 516.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-05-19 Seeing the Second Coming Through Telescopes: Do you think that it would be possible that people could see Jesus returning via telescopes before most of us would see it? [I Thessalonians 5:2, 1 Corinthians 15:52].
Someone Who Won't listen to Steve Gregg: How would you respond to someone that won't listen to you, Steve Gregg, because of his conviction that you are not obedient to scripture according to Isaiah? [Isaiah 8:20].
2020-05-08 Jesus Humor: I can think of only one verse that might refer to Jesus having a sense of humor. [John 21:25]
Numerology & the Bible: After Isaiah chapter 40, there appears more alignment with the New Testament message, & there may also be a relationship between the 39 chapters of Isaiah to the 39 books of the Old Testament. Do you think that numerology has anything to do with this? [Lamentations, Psalm 119].
2020-05-07 Seared Conscience: When scripture speaks of people who are seared, are they believers? [I Timothy 4:2].
Quenching and Grieving the Holy Spirit: Would you talk about the meaning of quenching and grieving the spirit?[Ephesians 4:30, I Thessalonians 5:19, Isaiah 63:10]
2020-05-05 Defining the meaning of "Last Days" by Scripture: Can you help me how the scriptures be understood differently than relative to the end times? [Isaiah 2:2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 42, Isaiah 54, Micah 4:1-4, Ezekiel 39, Joel 2:28, Hebrews l:1, I John 2:18, James 5:3, I Peter 1:20, Hebrews 12:22, I Corinthians 10:11].
2020-04-28 Jesus as The Everlasting Father: When Jesus is called various titles in Isaiah, they make sense, until one gets to "the Everlasting Father". Can you clarify? [Isaiah 6, 9:6].
2020-01-30 Prophesy in Isaiah: What do you make of the prophesy in Isaiah 17 [Isaiah 17:1].
2020-01-06 Translation Variance; God or Satan-in Isaiah: Why such a monumental translation variation of Isaiah 59-one implies it is referring to God, one to Satan? [Isaiah 59:19]
2020-01-06 Looking at Old Testament Prophecy: How should we be looking at Old Testament prophecies and their link to New Testament? [John 2, Psalm 2, Psalm 40:6-8, Psalm 110, Psalm 59:9, Isaiah 7, Isaiah 8, Luke 24:45, 2 Corinthians 3:15-18].
2020-01-03 Hyperbole: Is the word for "all" in Luke 2, hyperbole, or does it really mean "all"? [Luke 2].
Isaiah 59 - God or Enemy: In Isaiah 59, is "He" referring to God or the enemy? [Isaiah 59:19].
2019-12-04 Prophecy about Damascus: Do you think what is happening today relates to the prophecy about Damascus in Isaiah? [Isaiah 17:1, 8, Isaiah Chapters, 13-23].
2019-10-30 Isaiah 53-Jesus & Healing: Is Isaiah 53 a prophesy talking about Jesus, or the Jews, and also healing today? [Isaiah 53, I Peter 2:24-25].
2019-07-25 Communion (Eucharist): Do Catholics think they are actually at the foot of the cross when they are taking communion?
Assyriah's Judgment: Did God direct Assyriah to Israel, to levy judgment on them, and then also punished Assyriah for that? [Isaiah 10:5-16, Habakkuk].
God's Punishment: Is God using capital punishment and other things against us now, using pagan people? [Romans 13, 1 Peter 2:13-17]
2019-04-02 Sheep Gone Astray: In the Servant's Song, the words "our" and "we", in the phrase "all we like sheep have gone astray", was He talking about all mankind or just Jews? [Isa 53:4-6]
2019-01-09 Lion & the Lamb: Will "the lion will laying down with the lamb" apply to a future millennium or heaven? [Isaiah 11].
2018-10-23 John the Baptist & Humility: Is this is talking about John the Baptist & having humility? [Isaiah 40:4]
2018-08-24 Son of the Morning: Son of the Morning, who is that? [Isaiah 14:12]
2018-05-29 Dead Sea Scrolls: Do the Dead Sea Scrolls help better translate the Bible as we know it, especially the Book of Isaiah?
2018-05-10 "A Place of Broad Rivers & Streams": Can you give me a little insight on this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 33:17-22]
2018-05-08 The Book of Isaiah: In Isaiah 9 seems to be bouncing around a little bit, bouncing from one thought to another, especially starting in verse 6 of Isaiah 9. Why did they write like that, where it seems to go all over the place? [Isaiah 9]
bart ehrman & James White Debate: I enjoyed watching the debate between Bart Ehrman & James White, & I think James White won, about Textual Criticism of the Bible.
2018-02-05 7 women taking hold of one man: What does 7 women taking hold of one man mean? [Isaiah 4:1]
New Jerusalem: Is New Jerusalem a spiritual way of talking about the present kingdom?
2018-01-05 Book of Isaiah-Multiple Authors: Was the Book of Isaiah written by 3 different authors?
2018-01-04 By His Stripes we are Healed: People seem to use the verse in Isaiah about "by His stripes we are healed", but isn't that a misuse of the Scripture? [Isaiah 53]
2017-12-21 A Case of Plagiarism in the Bible: 2 chapters of the Bible say the exact same thing, so is this a case of plagiarism? [2 Kings 19, Isaiah 37]
2017-12-15 King Cyrus Predicted: How come the Bible isn't considered inspired by more unbelievers that it is since Isaiah so accurately predicted about King Cyrus 150 years before he was born? [Isaiah 44:28-45:1]
Authorship of Isaiah: Do the Dead Sea Scrolls support the Isaiah authorship?
2017-11-28 Nation of Israel or Jesus: Is the Servant of YHWH Israel or Jesus? [Isaiah 53:11]
2017-09-18 Church being Us: The Church or the Mansions are us!
Drinking Urine & Eating Dung: Where does it say that in Isaiah that if you add or subtract one word in the Bible, you'll drink your own urine & eat your dung? [Isaiah 36:12, Revelation 22:18-19]
2017-09-01 Isaiah 53: Jesus is the fulfillment of Isaiah 53, but the Jews think it's talking about Israel, Jacob, so how do we counter this? [Isaiah 53]
2017-07-31 Flat Earth Conspiracy: Flat earth conspiracy inquiry [Isaiah 40:22]
2017-06-26 Lucifer turning into the Devil: Lucifer turning into Satan & the King of Babylon & King of Tyre.
2017-06-07 God Creating Evil: Why did God create evil? It seems to say that in Isaiah. [Isaiah 45:7]
2017-03-29 Worshipping & Sacrifice during the Millennium & Keeping of Sabbaths: Worship & sacrifice during the millennium & the keeping Sabbaths & festivals in the future. [Jeremiah 14, Isaiah 66]
2017-03-15 Praying directly to Jesus or the Father: Should we be praying to Jesus or the Father?
Healing for Us Today: Is the verse in Isaiah "He took on our infirmities" saying that our sicknesses will be healed? [Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:17].
2017-01-20 Sun & Son: Questions about the Son & Sun? Isaiah 19:4-10, Revelation 16] (Very weird call)
2017-01-11 Law still Binding: Is the law still applicable because I just got done reading Isaiah 2:1-4, & it is a prophetic passage & says, "out of Zion shall go forth the law", & it's talking about the future, so doesn't the law continue? [Isaiah 2:1-4]
2017-01-11 The 7 Spirits: What are the 7 Spirits of God that are in the throne in Revelation? [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:5, Revelation 5:6, Isaiah 11:2]
2017-01-10 Lion lying down with the Lamb: The lion lying down w/ the lamb, was the King James Bible supernaturally changed because it doesn't say that anymore! [Isaiah 11:8, Isaiah 65:25]
2017-01-06 Kings of Isaiah 14 & Ezekiel 28: I heard you talking about Satan & the kings in Ezekiel 28 & Isaiah 14 the other day, I missed one of the kings you mentioned. Will you talk about them again?
2017-01-03 Highway out of Egypt: Has Isaiah 19:23-25 been fulfilled or is it still future regarding a highway out of Egypt? [Isaiah 19:23-25]
2016-12-28 Israel created in one day: Nothing in the Bible about Israel being created in one day, but someone mentioned Isaiah. [Isaiah 66L8].
2016-10-21 An Adulteress Ruling a Nation: Have you ever heard of an adulterous ruling over a nation (referring to Hillary Clinton)? [Jeremiah 31:22, Isaiah 3:12]
2016-10-04 The Mighty God: The definite "the": “The mighty God”, why does “the” get added when being quoted by Pastors though it does not appear in the original text? [Isaiah 9:6] (Caller not a Trinitarian.)
2016-10-04 Key of David: What is the "Key of David" in Revelation 3? [Revelation 3:7, Isaiah 22:22]
2016-09-12 Charging for Leadership Classes: What does Steve think of people charging for leadership courses just to teach the Bible?
Identifying Speaker in Isaiah: It says in the Isaiah that the "...Lord GOD, and His Spirit, hath sent Me.", who is the me?/Me? Is this referring to Jesus? Is it in relation to the Godhead/Trinity? [Isaiah 48:16b]
2016-08-31 The Grass Whithering In Isaiah: Can you talk about how the grass withers & the flowers fading is Isaiah? [Isaiah 40:1-6]
2016-07-21 Meaning of a Passage in Isaiah: Can you please give some insight into this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 8:18-20]
2016-07-08 Alliance Against Israel: In studying Isaiah 7, the king of Syria & the king israel wanted to persuade the king of judah to create an alliance against Syria & do you have a verse that bears this out? [Isaiah 7, 2 Kings]
2016-05-25 Isaiah 66:17: I was wondering if you could explain this verse in Isaiah 66? [Isaiah 66:17]
2016-05-25 Unclean Food & 70 AD: Why does he raise the issue of unclean foods at all if this is applying to 70 AD after everything has been declared clean? [Isaiah 66:17] (Caller who called earlier in the show, clarifying his question.)
2016-05-09 Waking up God: Caller is concerned about man's attitude towards God, telling Him to wake up, [Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 52:1, Psalm 121:4, Matthew 8:23-27]
2016-02-24 Powers of the Age to Come-New Heaven & Earth: In the Dispensational view, the coming of new heavens and new earth, is this during the new covenant order happening or is it talking about the Millennium in Revelation 20? New Testament writers always seemed to apply Isaiah’s poetry to their own current church age, poetic language, God’s people will have eternal life. [Isaiah 65:18-25, Revelation 20]
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