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Topic: Doctrine

Showing 1 to 50 of 144.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-22 Fellowship-The Tipping Point: Where would you, personally, draw the line in limiting Christian fellowship to maintain unity (the non-negotiables)? [Matthew 22:36-40, Acts 11:26].
2024-04-15 Differences & Division (Salvational or Theological): Could you clarify what you mean by division or differences sometimes being "salvation" or sometimes "just theological?" [Genesis 15:6].
2024-03-06 Unity Among Believers: How would you align this Romans 16 verse about avoiding division with your lecture "Strategy for Unity"? [Romans 16:17, 2 Peter 3:16-17].
2024-02-07 "Unity" Over "Doctrinal Agreement": What do you think about "unity" over "doctrine"? [Proverbs 6:16-19].
2023-09-25 Teaching Sound Doctrine vs. Legalism: How does the church teach sound doctrine and avoid legalism? [Titus 1, 1 Timothy 1, Matthew 28:20, James 2:8].
2023-08-14 False Doctrines Developed Outside of the Bible: Could you survey significant false doctrines that have developed that are not really in the Bible?
2023-06-22 Qualities of a Good Church: Could you further explain the qualities of a good church? How do you assess doctrine over love, and vice versa? [Matthew 28:20, 1 Timothy 1:9-10, Titus 1:1ff].
2023-06-08 Disagreement of Doctrines (Essentials of the Faith): How important is it for my wife and I to have the same doctrines, in particular, Calvinism's "limited atonement?"
Apostle's Creed & New Earth: Do you believe in the Apostle's Creed and the fact that we are coming back to the earth?
2023-06-06 Apostle's Creed: Where did the "Apostle's Creed" come from?
2023-03-13 Testing Veracity of Biblical Concepts: How do you sort out when biblical concepts are actually drawn from scripture and when they go beyond scripture? [Matthew 18:18-20].
2023-03-03 "Book of J" or "Documentary Hypothesis": What is the argument for the Mosaic earlier date regarding the Pentateuch as opposed to the "Documentary Hypothesis" (origins and authorship of the Pentateuch)? Rec: Verse-by-verse lecture series, 3rd lecture under Genesis, "Introduction to the Pentateuch."
2023-02-21 Disagreement or Unity in Doctrine: Is there any scripture that suggests that there can be disagreements about some of our doctrines? [1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4:13].
Calvinism is Evil: Do you think that Calvinism is evil because it distorts the character of God having come from Gnosticism, such as James White saying that rape is from God?
2023-02-10 One Overall Theolgy: Is there one overall theology for the entire Bible?
"Q Source" (Resource Document): Would there have to be a source document such as "Q Source" (Quelle) or could the New Testament writers just recorded independently by inspiration?
2023-02-10 One Overall Theolgy: Is there one overall theology for the entire Bible?
"Q Source" (Resource Document): Would there have to be a source document such as "Q Source" (Quelle) or could the New Testament writers just recorded independently by inspiration?
2023-01-10 The Correct Doctrine: How does one know what the correct doctrine really is? Though I trust your views, there are other famous pastors who have alternate opinions? [1 Thessalonians 5:21, 2 Timothy 2:15, Acts 17:11].
Knowing Good or False Teachers: Do you think the Holy Spirit will alert us to bad teachers?
2022-12-30 God Seeing the Hearts: Do you think that God sees the hearts of some of the mistaken groups & cults, like the Jehovah Witnesses, rather than their erroneous theology?
2022-12-29 Faith-Living the Christian Life: Where do you live your faith-between being a theologian and living with a child-like faith? [2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:13].
2022-12-05 Faith or Sound Doctrine: Is it more important for a church to have more faith or sound doctrine? [Luke 12:23, John 13:35, Revelation 2:4].
2022-11-03 Greek Orthodox & Catholics: Did you express that just because some are caught up in some mistaken ritual behaviors, like Greek Orthodox and Catholics, it doesn't mean they cannot be sincere and genuinely saved?
2022-10-19 Word of Faith-Demons or Greed?: Is a church that advocates such silly things as having to "bop something with a hammer" being motivated by a "doctine of demons" or of "greed"? [I Timothy 4:1, Romans 4:17-18].
2022-09-19 The "Correct View" of Scripture: If you were wrong in the past about the meaning of some passages of scripture, how do we know you are now teaching the right thing? What will happen to those that were taught the wrong thing? [ I John 2:27, Proverbs 25:2, Acts 17:11, Psalm 19:10].
2022-09-06 Seven Commands of Jesus: Have you heard of the "Seven Commands of Jesus" and the necessity of obedience?
The Gospel: Would the "Seven Commands of Jesus" be the gospel?
Steve Gregg Teaching Certain Doctrines: Caller comments that he appreciates the way Steve doesn't teach specific doctrines . Steve corrects and clarifies his position about denominational doctrines, etc. [TItus 2:1, I Timothy 1:9].
2022-06-24 What Have You Learned Recently?: What is something you have recently learned?
Extreme Discipline in the Old Testament: Is not the punishment for an rebellious child a little extreme in the Old Testament? How would you explain this passage to an atheist? [Deuteronomy 21:18-21].
2022-06-03 Jesus Co-Equal with God: Could you comment on Jesus being a different person, but co-equal with God? [John 5:26-27, John 5:17, John 5:37].
Understanding Doctrine (including The Trinity): How important is it to understand various doctrines, including the Trinity? [Matthew 11:25].
2022-05-31 Stricter Judgment of Teachers & Crown in Heaven: Could you talk about the rewards of crowns and the stricter judgment of teachers? [James 3:1, Daniel 12:3, Matthew 28:19-20].
2022-05-05 "Deeper Things:" Could you expound on the "deeper things" discussesd in Hebrews 6? [Hebrews 6:2-3, Hebrews 5, I Corinthians 2-3, I Corinthians 2:9, Ephesians 3:3, Ephesians 1:9, Colossians 1:26-27].
2022-02-22 False Teachers: What do you think of those teachers that focus on other ministries that they think are in error and are false teachers? [Galatians 6:1, 2 Timothy 2:24-26].
2022-02-21 Twelve-Step Programs: Do you think that the "Twelve-step" program is biblical? [John 8:31-32, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 16:24-26].
Knowing Every Doctrinal Position before Salvation: Why do some think you have to know every little doctrinal position correctly to be saved? [I Corinthians 13:9, John 8:31, Matthew 11:29, Hebrews 11:6].
2022-02-16 King James Only: What do you think of Peter Ruckman (King James Only)?
Pauline Doctrine: What is Pauline doctrine? Recommends chart, "Jesus & Paul", found at [Galatians 5:6, James 2:26, Ephesians 2:8-9].
2022-02-10 Eastern Orthodoxy vs Protestantism and Church Fathers: Are Protestants inconsistent to say they only go by the Bible when church tradition is what gave them the canon of scripture?
Trusting the Church Fathers for the Books & the Doctrines: Is it inconsistent to accept the church father's view of authorship of the books, while rejecting the church father's theological interpretations and doctrines such as, transubstantiation, etc.?
2021-12-31 Dispensationalism as Heresy: Where would you place Dispensationalism on the scale of heretical doctrines? [Luke 17:20-21, Matthew 12:28, Colossians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 11:4].
2021-12-07 Trinity Doctrine: When God said "us" and "we" (used plural pronouns) in Scripture, was He referring to the Trinity? [Genesis 1-3].
2021-11-17 The "Trinity" Doctrine: Caller shares why he thinks the "Trinity" doctrine is so important? [John 1:14, 2 Corinthians 5:19].
2021-09-22 Catholic Believer with Wrong Doctrines: If someone is a sincere believer who loves Jesus, but is Catholic and has a lot of doctrines wrong, how much grace will God give? [Ephesians 1:7].
Getting One's Sins Forgiven: What is the process for getting one's sins forgiven?
2021-08-25 Nestorius & Hyposstatic Union (Jesus' Humanity): Could you talk about Nestorius (hypostatic union)?
Debate Over Essentials: Caller posits: Protestants can't even agree on what is essential in order to debate, therefore "Sola Scriptura" (scripture alone) is impossible.
2021-08-25 Lack of Unity in the Church: Caller shares her experience with many different religions, but now is a Pentecostal and encourage unity.
2021-08-17 Steve Gregg's Denomination: With what denomination do you identify and why? [I Corinthians 1:10-12, I Corinthians 3:3-4].
2021-07-15 Love the Brethren: How do you envision the directive, "Love the Brethren"? [Matthew 7:12].
Love for Truth: How does one truly seek the truth?
2021-06-29 Ignorance Before God: What is a person's stance before God if they have not been taught properly, but are sincere in their faith, as far as they know and understand it. [James 3:1, Luke 12:49, Acts 17:11, John 16:13].
2021-05-28 Discussing Opposing Doctrinal Views: If someone gets too caught up in discussing doctrinal issues, such as Calvinism vs Arminianism, can it be sinful and compromise your Christian walk? [John 6:44].
2021-03-29 Catholic Theology Saves: Do you think if one adheres to Catholic theology all their lives, one can go to heaven when they die? [John 8:32]
2021-03-17 Judging Doctrine: What is meant by "judging a doctrine by its fruit", particularly in light of Gay-affirming churches?
2021-03-16 Samaritans as a Rejected People: Since the Jewish race was never really pure, why were the Samaritans so disrespected because of the lack of their pureness? [John 4].
Communion-Refraining from Participating: Regarding "open" or "closed" communion, If one knows that some are in serious doctrinal error, should they continue to take communion with them?
2021-02-25 Calvinism: Isn't it counterintuitive to be a Calvinist and also be an evangelist?
2021-02-25 Oneness & Trinity Doctrines: Can you help me understand the differences in the "Oneness" vs the "Trinity" Doctrines? [John 1:1].
2021-01-06 Revelation-Four Views: Caller remarks that Steve's book on Revelation has now caused him to rethink his comfortable position.
2020-12-16 Enormity of God's Forgiveness & Universal Reconciliation: Caller comments on the enormity of some people's ability to forgive, thus, it supports the idea of God's love and Universal Reconciliation.
From the Devil or the Flesh: How does one tell what is actually of the devil, rather than one's own selfishness or flesh? [John 8:44, I Peter 5:8].
2020-10-29 Jesus is God: If someone believes that Jesus is the son of God, but fails to see that He was God, are they lost?
2020-09-15 Bible Manuscripts; Received or Majority Texts: Could share your view about the controversy between the Received and the Majority Texts? [Mark 16:9-20, John 8:1-11, I John 5:8]
2020-09-11 Leaving Dispensationalism & Finding Fellowship: Can you offer some direction for fellowship for those of us who were only presented with Dispensationalism, and have since moved away from it?
Church at Home with Steve Gregg: Is my wife and I listening to your lectures at home the same as "church"?
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