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Topic: Gospel (The Good News)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-27 Defining the Kingdom of God: Could you explain what the "Kingdom of God" is? Rec: Steve's books "Empire of the Risen Son ( Vol 1 & 2), or free audiobooks and lectures on the topic at the website. [Mark 1:14, Luke 17:20-21, Colossians 1:13, Daniel 2:44, Revelation 5:9, Matthew 28:20].
2024-06-18 Preaching the Gospel: Is the Gospel just about the idea that Jesus wants to have a relationship with you?
2024-06-13 Defining "The Gospel": How does the Bible define "The Gospel?" [1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 1 Corinthians 2:2, Mark 1:1, Acts 17:7, Luke 2:17, Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 10:12-13, Matthew 28:18-20, Titus 2:14].
Disciples Preaching the Gospel: How do you think the disciples understood the gospel they were preaching? [Mark 1:15, Matthew 3:2].
2024-06-13 Defining "The Gospel": How does the Bible define "The Gospel?" [1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 1 Corinthians 2:2, Mark 1:1, Acts 17:7, Luke 2:17, Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 10:12-13, Matthew 28:18-20, Titus 2:14].
Disciples Preaching the Gospel: How do you think the disciples understood the gospel they were preaching? [Mark 1:15, Matthew 3:2].
2024-06-03 Obeying the Gospel: Do you think "obeying the Gospel" means being baptized? [2 Thessalonians 1:8, Romans 10, Romans 6:17, 1 Corinthians 15:4, 1 Corinthians 2:1, Acts 17:7].
2024-05-24 Gospel as "Good News": How is the gospel "Good News" to a culture that doesn't even acknowledge sin and bad behavior, nor is it even looking for anything else? [Luke 2:10-11, Colossians 1:13].
2024-05-20 Steve's Book "Empire of the Risen Son": Caller commends Steve for his important book as one of the most complete Christian book on the faith. "Empire of the Risen Son," Vol 1 & 2.
Churches Failing to Preach "Lordship": Why doesn't the modern church preach the "Lordship" of Christ?
2024-05-10 Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: What happens to those who have never heard of Jesus or the Gospel? [Matthew 16: 27, Matthew 25:31-46, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:12, James 2:14-26, Galatians 5:6, James 4:6, Proverbs 3:34, Luke 18:14, 1 Corinthians 4:5]
The Gospel Heard by Everyone - Before the Last Day: Can the “End Times” not happen until everyone has heard the gospel? [Matthew 24:14].
2024-04-03 Kingdom of God: Why doesn't evangelical Christianity teach the importance of the "Kingdom of God" instead of so many other lesser things?
2024-03-20 Our Responsibility to Believe: Is not the creation and the Word (of God) enough to make us responsible to believe? [Romans 1:20-21, Romans 10:17, Romans 1:16]
2024-02-09 Former Hindu; Regarding Evangelism: A former Hindu Christian shares his appreciation of Steve's ministry and asks, how should a believer focus on "The Great Commission," the Gospel, and evangelism? [Romans 10:14-15, Ezekiel 33:9, Matthew 1:21, John 9:25, 1 Peter 3:15].
2023-12-14 Parable of the Wedding Feast: What is the parable of the Wedding Feast depicting? Does it symbolize the Jew's rejection of Jesus, the spreading of the gospel, and the destruction in 70 A.D. in judgment? [Matthew 22:1-14].
Parable of the Wedding Feast: Could this parable be depicting the need and directive to evangelize the world with the gospel?
2023-11-02 The Good News & the Gospel): Is he talking about the gospel or the Jubilee, and is the "good news" always the gospel? [Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1-2, Isaiah 52:7, Romans 15:4-13, John 8:36, Matthew 1:21].
2023-09-08 Gospel of the Kingdom: In what way is God's rule (or Kingship) different now that Jesus has come as King? [1 Samuel 8:7, Jeremiah 31:33, Isaiah 5:7].
Jesus Doesn't Currently "Appear" to be King on Earth: If Jesus is now already King and ruling, how do you respond to the observation that with so much turmoil, it does not appear to be a society that has Jesus as Lord and King? [John 16:33, Galatians 5:22-23].
2023-09-08 Gospel of the Kingdom: In what way is God's rule (or Kingship) different now that Jesus has come as King? [1 Samuel 8:7, Jeremiah 31:33, Isaiah 5:7].
Jesus Doesn't Currently "Appear" to be King on Earth: If Jesus is now already King and ruling, how do you respond to the observation that with so much turmoil, it does not appear to be a society that has Jesus as Lord and King? [John 16:33, Galatians 5:22-23].
2023-09-01 Summary of "The Gospel": Would you give an accurate summary of "The Gospel?"
2023-07-26 "Kingdom of God" & "The Gospel": Caller remarks about how important it is to note the emphasis Jesus put on "The Kingdom of God" rather than just going to heaven. What threat would it pose today to teach about the Kingdom? [Acts 17:7, Matthew 16:24, Luke 14:33, John 3:16].
2023-07-24 Evangelism & the Gospel: Could you talk about "the gospel" and a better overview of the "Kingdom of God: when evangelizing? Rec: Empire of the Risen Son (Vol 1 & 2). [Mark 1:14-15, Luke 17:20, Matthew 12:28, Exodus 19:5-6, 1 Samuel 8:7, Romans 4:13, Matthew 5:3-11, Matthew 16:24-26, Acts 5:30, Romans 10:9, Colossians 1:13, 1 Peter 2, Philippians 3:20, Psalm 2:7-12, Isaiah 42:4, 2 Corinthians 5:20, 1 Peter 2:11].
2023-07-07 Repentance: Why do churches not emphasize repentance more, instead of just promoting God's forgiveness?
2023-06-01 Jesus' Words Most important: Do you think that the words of Jesus are the most important in scripture? [John 13:20].
2023-04-21 Kingdom Passages & Prophetic Fulfillments: When Peter referred to the "restoration of all things, spoken of by all the prophets" how does this apply to the church age? [Acts 3:19-21, Matthew 13:31-32, Luke 21:20. Isaiah 2:2, Hebrews 12:23, 2 Peter 3:7-13, 1 Corinthians 15:25].
Postmillennialism, Gospel & Watch for His Return: Doesn't Postmillennialism diminish the importance of the coming of the Lord and compromise the message of the gospel? [Revelation 14, Matthew 24:46, 2 Peter 3:12, Revelation 16:15, Matthew 26:40-45].
2023-03-30 The "Sinner's Prayer": What is an alternative to "The Sinner's Prayer" when leading someone to Christ when there is a limited amount of time. [Luke 18:13].
Evangelizing about Messiah: When evangelizing in scripture, was the main emphasis about getting people to understand that Jesus was the Messiah? Rec: A free tract at website under the "Comic" tab. [Acts 2:36, Acts 17:7].
2023-03-16 Dispensationalism: Isn't Dispensationalism preaching a different gospel? Are they defining the gospel differently?
2023-03-15 Waiting for Jesus: Are we waiting for Jesus...or is He waiting for us? [2 Peter 3:2, Matthew 24:14, Colossians 1:6].
2023-01-18 Evangelizing in the New Testament: Did Paul and the disciples ever tell converts that they should go out and evangelize? [Ephesians 4:11, John 11:51, Romans 12:5-8, 1 Peter 3:1, Acts 2:41-43, Acts 4:33].
2023-01-09 The Gospel Heard by All Before the End: Will eveyone have a chance to hear the gospel before the end comes? [Matthew 24:14, Colossians 1:23, Colossians 1:6, Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Peter 3:9].
"Every Eye Will See Him": Does the verse in Revelation about "every eye shall see Him" about the end of the world? [Revelation 1:7, Zechariah 12:10].
2022-11-23 R.C. Sproul's Calvinism: Caller shares Sproul's story of switching to Calvinism and felt he needed to repent and was saved when he did. therefore the caller questions' Steve's view of free will and asks; What do you call yourself?
"The Gospel" for Unbelievers: Why don't you direct those seeking to be assured of their salvation to I Corinthians 15, wherein is the most succint description of the gospel? [I Corinthians 15:3-5, I Corinthians 2:2].
2022-10-26 The Gospel (Before the New Testament): What was the gospel that was preached, when there was no Bible (New Testament)? [Isaiah 52:7, Mark 1:14, Luke 11:20, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 24:14, Revelation 3:21, Daniel 7:13, Colossians 1:13].
2022-09-15 Judgment-Price Was Paid: Caller shares that Jesus has paid for all your sin, past, present and future.
"Mid-Acts Dispensationalism": What do you say to a "Mid-Acts Dispensationalist" (Gospel of Grace) when you do not agree with their position? Recommends notes: Paul Charts. [Galatians 1:8, Acts 20:24-25, Matthew 20:21, Matthew 28:31, Mark 1:14-15].
2022-09-14 Evangelism's Urgency-Hell is Pending Is it practical to speak the gospel to everyone we meet-especially when they may end up in hell if we do not? Recommends Steve's book; "Hell-Three Christian Views" or the topical lectures; "Three Views of Hell." [Matthew 11:29, Isaiah 50:4].
2022-09-06 Seven Commands of Jesus: Have you heard of the "Seven Commands of Jesus" and the necessity of obedience?
The Gospel: Would the "Seven Commands of Jesus" be the gospel?
Steve Gregg Teaching Certain Doctrines: Caller comments that he appreciates the way Steve doesn't teach specific doctrines . Steve corrects and clarifies his position about denominational doctrines, etc. [TItus 2:1, I Timothy 1:9].
2022-08-26 Paul Taught Different Gospels & Obedience to the Commandments in Matthew: How would your address someone suggesting that Matthew and Paul preach different Gospels and why we are not obeying all the commandments in Matthew to be saved? [Acts 20:24-25, I Timothy 6:3, Acts 28:30-31, John 8:31, Romans 10:9, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 6:41, Matthew 7:21].
2022-08-24 Laying Out the Gospel: What do you think about laying out the gospel in written form in a slightly softer way to some who have not been receptive before?
2022-07-28 Defining the Gospel: Could you define what the "gospel" is? (carries over the half-hour break). Steve's book, "Empire of the Risen Son"-vol 1 & 2.
2022-07-15 Gospel of the "Kingdom" or "Heaven & Hell": When did the gospel change from the "gospel of the Kingdom" and toward the "gospel of heaven and hell"? [Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 9:6-7, Romans 10:9, Titus 2:14].
2022-06-15 Jesus Enthroned at the Right Hand of God: Why is it significant that the New Testament repeats that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God and that all is subject to Him? [I Peter 3:22, Psalm 110:1, I Corinthians 15:25, Matthew 28:18, Philippians 2:9-12, Daniel 7:13-14, Colossians 1:13].
2022-06-01 Kingdom of God: How do we get Christians to start talking more about the "Kingdom of God"? Recommendation; Empire of the Risen Son (Vol 1 & Vol 2). Free audiobooks at the website, and the topical lectures.
Strong Delusion of Dispensationalism: Do you think that Dispensationalism could be the strong delusion? [2 Thessalonians 2:11].
2022-05-26 Nicodemus & Born Again: How was it that Nicodemus should have understood the phrase "born again"? [John 3:1-12, Ezekiel 36:25-27, Zechariah 14:8, Isaiah 32:15-16, Isaiah 5:2].
Nocdemus and Entering the Kingdom: How is the story of Nicodemus and being born again relate to the idea of seeing and entering the Kingdom?[John 3:1-10, Acts 1:6].
2022-05-23 Without Excuse: Do you think that people are already without excuse, if Jesus would return now? [Romans 1:20-21, 2 Peter 3:5].
2022-05-18 What Must I Do to be Saved?: What must I do to be saved? Recommends "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol.1; "There is Another King" & Volume 2;" All the King's Men." [John 5:23, I Corinthians 6:19, Romans 10:9].
2022-05-03 Scripture for Memorial Services: Do you have recommended verses for a"Celebration of Life" service? [Colossians 1:13, I Peter 1:8, Philippians 1:20-24, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
The Kingdom of God: Could you suggest how to tie an explanation of the Kingdom of God into my husband's memorial service? Recommendation: "Kingdom of God-Vol 1 & 2" books, audio avaialbe at the website:
2022-04-11 Two Different Gospels: Where can I get your chart showing the similarities between Jesus' and Paul's teachings, because someone I know thinks they were teaching two different gospels? Chart found at
Grace in the New Testament: Do you think that when too much attention is put on the Old Testament Law it undermines the grace revealed in the New Testament? [Galatians 4:10-11, Matthew 5:18, Acts 21:20].
2022-03-16 Evangelism's Alternate to the "Sinner's Prayer": What do you suggest, rather than using the "Sinner's Prayer" as an alternate when evangelizing? [Romans 10:9, Ephesians 1:13, Matthew 7:21].
2022-03-11 Unworthy to be Saved: What do you say to someone who thinks they are so unworthy that they do not deserve to be saved? [Galatians 2:21, I Corinthians 1:26-27].
2022-01-13 Free Will Choice: Do we choose God or does He choose us? [Acts 2].
2021-12-31 Dispensationalism as Heresy: Where would you place Dispensationalism on the scale of heretical doctrines? [Luke 17:20-21, Matthew 12:28, Colossians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 11:4].
2021-12-10 The Great Commission-Evangelism or Discipling: In fulfilling the "great commission," should we be evangelizing or teaching believers to make them disciples? [Matthew 28:20].
2021-12-06 Gospel Coming in Word & Power: What is meant by the gospel coming "not only in word, but in power"? [I Thessalonians 1:5].
2021-11-24 Different Ways to Preach the Gospel: Could you talk about this passage of scripture that seems to describe two different ways of preaching the gospel? [Philippians 1:12-18].
2021-11-18 Misunderstood About Christianity: What is the most misunderstood thing about the Christian faith today, particularly in contrast to joining a religious group that practices Christian traditions?
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