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Topic: Disciple(s)

Showing 1 to 50 of 123.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-25 Old Testament Saints vs Today's Christians: Were the Old Testament saints Christians (as Luther said)? [Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, 1 Peter 4:16, Hebrews 11, Hebrews 11:40, Hebrews 8:6].
2024-05-31 Disciples: What is our responsibility regarding "making disciples?" Do you consider yourself a "disciple-maker?"
2024-05-24 Apostles vs Disciples' Authority: Since you indicate that the apostles were authoritative writers of the New Testament, even if they were not inspired, how do you see Mark, James, and Jude when they were not apostles?
2024-04-30 Apostles vs Disciples: Could you clarify the difference between "apostles" and "disciples?" [1 Corinthians 15:5].
Steve's Debate with Atheist Max: Could you comment on your debate with the atheist Max and the odd focus on attention from the audience?
2024-01-31 The Disciples' Limited Understanding that Jesus was God in the Flesh: Do you think that Jesus' disciples understood that Jesus was God in the flesh? [John 1:41, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 7:14:8-9, John 16:12, John 20:28, Romans 10:9-11, 1 John 1:13, 1 John 2:22].
Believing in the Trinity: Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be saved?
2024-01-23 Application to the Disciples Specifically: Why can't Jesus be only talking to the disciples in Ephesians 1, rather than everyone? [Ephesians 1:1-12, 1 John 1:3].
2024-01-02 Differing Directions to the Disciples about Taking Provisions" What do you make of the differences in the instructions given the disciples where they have been told to take provisions and also told not to take provisions in Mark and Matthew? [Matthew 10:9, Luke 22:36, Luke 6:26, Mark 6:8, Matthew 6:33].
Differences in Gospel Accounts: How do we rule out collusion in the accounts of the gospels?
2023-12-13 The Great Commission: Are the instructions to the disciples for the Great Commission for everyone, or just to those who "are sent?"
2023-11-27 Disciples Keeping the Law: When Jesus was on earth, did His disciples keep the Law? Did the disciples continue to debate over which laws to keep? [Matthew 5:18, Galatians 5:4, 1 Corinthians 9:21].
2023-10-06 The Lives of the Twelve Apostles: Beyond Acts, is there additional reliable information about the lives of the rest of the apostles and what happened to them? Rec: "The Search for the Twelve Apostles" by William Steuart McBirnie
Thomas & Nathanael (Bartholomew): Do you think that Thomas and Nathanael (Bartholomew) went to India? [Galatians 2:9, 1 Peter 1:1].
2023-10-06 The Lives of the Twelve Apostles: Beyond Acts, is there additional reliable information about the lives of the rest of the apostles and what happened to them? Rec: "The Search for the Twelve Apostles" by William Steuart McBirnie
Thomas & Nathanael (Bartholomew): Do you think that Thomas and Nathanael (Bartholomew) went to India? [Galatians 2:9, 1 Peter 1:1].
2023-09-27 Who are "My Brothers?": Is Jesus talking about "mankind" or "fellow believers" when He says brothers in Matthew 25? [Matthew 25:40, Mark 3:31, James 2:5-8].
2023-09-20 Wayne Grudem (Christian Book): Do you think that Wayne Grudem's book "Systematic Theology" is a good way to study?
Rebaptism: Should I be rebaptized if I feel as though I have been legitimately baptized in the Catholic church? [Acts 18:8, Acts 16:33, Acts 19:1-7].
Apostle's Baptism: Am I correct in thinking that there is no biblical record of the apostles being baptized after the baptism of John? [John 4:1-2].
2023-08-25 Atheist Caller: Why Jesus? Why Christianity?: An atheist caller asks: Why Jesus? Why Christianity? What is the methodology that you use to support or verify your faith as true?
Witnesses to Christ & His Life: Why do you think the New Testament writers and His disciples are reliable witnesses?
2023-05-11 Imitation of Christ: What do you think about the verse where scripture directs us to follow Christ (quite literally) as His servants? [John 12:26].
2023-05-08 Origen's View of Hell: I disagree with the way you present Origen’s view of Hell: Universal Reconciliation. [Philippians 2:11].
Jesus Praying for the Disciples: Is Jesus' prayer still applicable to us the way it was for the disciples in John 17? [John 17:6-19].
2023-04-19 Disciples & the Priests: Is there evidence that the twelve disciples may represent or parallel the twelve tribes? Does scripture indicate that they were they all from Israel?
2023-04-19 The Resurrected Jesus Not Recognized: What do you think about the fact that Jesus was not recognized by Mary and the disciples? [John 21:1-14, Luke 24:16, John 20:14].
2023-03-31 Female Disciple: Is there a feminine form of the word, "disciple?"
Household Will be Saved: Does the verse about the "household will be saved," predict that our whole family will be eventually saved? [Acts 16:31].
2023-03-28 "In Christ": Since you have to be "in Christ" to be saved, then how do you get to be "in Christ?" [John 15, Galatians 5:6, Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 2:14, John 14:15, 1 Corinthians 12:13, 1 John 3:24].
2023-03-15 Waiting for Jesus: Are we waiting for Jesus...or is He waiting for us? [2 Peter 3:2, Matthew 24:14, Colossians 1:6].
2023-02-17 Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Have you heard of the book "The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved" that suggests Lazarus as being the "the one Jesus loved" rather than John? [John 11:3-5, John 13:23, John 13:1, John 21:7, John 21:23-25].
2023-02-10 Disciples & Apostles Knowledge of Jesus' Deity: Did the disciples and apostles understand that Jesus was deity or God? [Matthew 16:16, John 14:8-18, John 16:12-16, Matthew 8:27].
2023-01-06 Disciple-of Jesus or Paul?: Is it inconsistent to call some of the disciples "disciple of Paul" when the disciples were always disciples of Jesus? [Matthew 23:8, 1 Corinthians 11:3].
2022-12-15 The Twelve & the Great Commission: Wasn't Jesus talking to the twelve, rather than us, when he commanded them to go teach everything He commanded? [Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Timothy 6, 1 Corinthians 15, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 4, Matthew 15:24, John 10:16, Romans 10:12, John 14-16, Matthew 19:28].
2022-11-22 Paranormal Chastening: What would be meant by "paranormal chastening" mean? [Hebrews 12:11].
2022-08-12 Keith Green: Was Keith Green as intense as he appeared?
Take Up Your Cross & Deny Yourself: Could you expand on the verse "take up your cross & deny yourself?" [Luke 9:23]. [Editor's Note: After the break, Steve corrects
2022-08-09 Divorce Indicative of Apostasy: I disagree with how you describe the ramifications of divorce and the connection between sin, disobedience, and apostasy. Are you misleading others in misrepresenting saving grace of God? [Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 6:16, Titus 1:16, Eccelesiastes 5:5, Romans 5:8, John 8:31, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24].
2022-08-02 Parables-Not Understood: Why would Jesus tell parables if He knew that the average listener would not understand? [Mark 4:34].
2022-07-22 "Believer" vs "Disciple": Is there a difference to being a "believer" and a "disciple" (or follower of Christ)? [Acts 11:26, John 8:31].
2022-06-15 Atheist-Following Jesus & Hearing His Disciples: Atheist-Why are not the teaching of Jesus alone enough for us to follow Him, instead of all the writings of the disciples? [I Corinthians 7].
Atheist-Sermon on the Mount: Atheist-Would not the Sermon on the Mount alone be enough to follow Christ?
Atheist -God's Word: Atheist-Are you saying that the words of God are not sufficient?
2022-03-22 Disciples of God or Satan: Since scripture says if we continue in His word, we become His disciples, do we then become Satan's disciples if we continue in lies? [John 8:12, John 8:31, John 8:44, 2 Peter 1:4].
Jesus Not Born: What do you think of a pastor who teaches that Jesus was never born, but was always God who came directly to earth?
2022-03-16 Paul-The Apostles: Was Paul an apostle in the same sense as was the twelve disciples/ apostles? [Galatians 2:9, I Thessalonians 1:1, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
The Apostle Paul: What do you think of those that seem to doubt or disrespect the authority of the Apostle Paul? [2 Corinthians 12:12].
2022-01-20 Jesus No Praying with His Disciples: Do you think that the reason Jesus didn't pray with the disciples, was because they couldn't get any closer to God than being with Him.
2022-01-20 Not Losing Rewards: Could you expound on the verse about giving the least of these and one would not lose their reward? [Matthew 10:42, Matthew 25:31f, Galatians 6:10, Matthew 25:40-45].
2022-01-12 God Face-to-Face: Has anyone ever seen God face-to-face? [Genesis 18:1. Genesis 17:3, Genesis 32:30].
The Disciples on the New Earth: What do you think will be the role of the disciples after the resurrection on the new earth?
2021-12-10 The Great Commission-Evangelism or Discipling: In fulfilling the "great commission," should we be evangelizing or teaching believers to make them disciples? [Matthew 28:20].
2021-11-30 Wordless Book: Have you heard of the "Wordless Book" for evangelism?
The "Sinner's Prayer": Is it wrong to lead a person in the "Sinner's Prayer"? [Acts 11:26, Luke 18:13, Romans 10:9].
2021-11-18 Pursuit of Buddhism & Self Awareness: Buddhist caller shares his conviction to measure things according to his heart and to assess by self.
2021-10-13 Identifying The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved (The Beloved Disciple): Are you inconsistent with your position disregarding scripture as the only way to prove one's point, particularly as to who the unnamed disciple is identified (the disciple whom Jesus loved)? [Acts 4:13, Mark 16:14, John 13:23].
2021-10-11 What Must Be Done to be Saved: What must I do to be saved? Is it forever? [John 15:16, John 6:37].
2021-08-05 Sealed with the Holy Spirit: How does "Eternal Security" work? Are you sealed instantly, or does it take place over time?
Sanctification & Maturation: Will we reach a point in our growth and maturity that we will be eventually be eternally secure-as in sanctification? [2 Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2021-07-21 Pregnancy & the Vaccine: Caller shares her insight into pregnant woman taking the COVID vaccine.
Leaving Jesus: Have you heard much about the Catholic church and many evangelicals leaving their devotion to Jesus? [Galatians 1:10].
What Must I Do to be Saved: What must one do to be saved? [Matthew 1:21, Romans 10:9, Luke 17:10, I Corinthians 10, I Peter 3, John 8:31].
2021-05-26 Babes or Mature in Christ (Basic Principles): Could you help me with this passage in Hebrews, particularly in its reference to being "perfect"? [Hebrews 6:1-2, Hebrews 5:12-14, 2 Peter 3:18].
2021-04-05 Disciples (Peter, John, Paul) Discussion of the Second Coming: Regarding the second coming of Christ, did the disciples (Paul, Peter, John) ever discuss that prophecy? [2 Peter 3:16-20, Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10, John 16:3, Ephesians].
2021-03-15 Cults & Religion: What sets Christianity apart from other religions and cults? What is the evidence?
Two Disciples Were Martyrs: Aren't there only two disciples that died as martyrs? [2 Peter 2].
2021-03-15 Cults & Religion: What sets Christianity apart from other religions and cults? What is the evidence?
Two Disciples Were Martyrs: Aren't there only two disciples that died as martyrs? [2 Peter 2].
2021-02-11 Learning From the Disciples in Heaven: When we go to heaven, so you think that we will still be learning from Paul, Peter, and James?
Authorship of Hebrews & Paul's Humility: Do you think that Paul wrote Hebrews? Why do you think he was so humble? [2 Corinthians 12:7-10].
Book on Dispensationalism: Have you considered writing a book about Dispensationalism?
2020-12-18 The Kingdom of God: What is the Kingdom of God (or Heaven)? [Mark 4:30, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 11:17].
2020-12-17 Jesus' Age: What was Jesus's age? [John 8:57].
The Age of the Disciples: Were the disciples very young and is that why Jesus called them "little children"?
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