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Topic: Resurrection (Physical)

Showing 1 to 50 of 340.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-10 1 Thessalonians 4 (Eschatology): Would you comment on 1 Thessalonians 4? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15].
2024-07-03 The "First" Resurrection: What was "the first resurrection" of Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:5-6, John 11:25-26, John 5:24-29, Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, Matthew 25:31].
2024-07-02 Jesus' Glorified Body Bearing Scars: If Jesus had His glorified body when he rose from the dead, then why did He still have his scars? [Revelation 5:6].
2024-05-28 The Rapture in the Book of Revelatioin: What do you think about "the rapture" in Revelation? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, John 6:39, John 6:40, John 6:44, John 6:54].
2024-05-17 Stoicism & Epicurians: Who were the Greek Stoic and Epicurean philosophers? [Acts 17:18, Acts 17:21].
2024-05-16 Resurrection of the Dead: When Christ dies and the veil is torn, Matthew 27 says the dead were raised. When do you think this took place? What do Full Preterists think about this passage? [Matthew 27:51-52, 1 Corinthians 15:23].
2024-04-23 "Heaven" in the Scriptures: Caller disagrees regarding the lack of emphasis on "heaven" in the Bible. Instead, he thinks there is significant emphasis. [Philippians 3:20-21, 2 Corinthians 5:8-10, Exodus 20:12, John 3:16].
2024-04-16 Destroying Death: How does God destroy death? [1 Corinthians 15:21].
2024-04-15 Eternal Security & the First Resurrection: Because "the second death has no effect," does that support "eternal security" and Calvinism? [1 Corinthians 15:23, Revelation 20:6].
Souls of the Martyrs in Revelation: How does your view explain the souls that John saw in heaven in Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:4].
2024-04-04 The Others Raised at the Resurrection: Do we know have more information about what happened when the other bodies were raised at the time of Jesus' resurrection? [Matthew 27:51-54].
Jesus While Entombed: What do we know about what happened while Jesus was in the tomb? Do we know where He was?
2024-03-29 Heaven & Our Physical State: In heaven, will we be the age we were when we died and will we wear clothes? [1 Corinthians 15:43].
2024-03-29 Jehovah's Witness Challenge: When Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus did not bodily raise from the dead, how do you respond? [1 Corinthians 15:50, Luke 24:39].
2024-03-14 Fitting Everyone on the New Earth: How will billions of resurrected bodies exist in proximity to one another on the new earth?
2024-02-20 Resurrected Bodies: Do you think that our resurrected bodies are going to be like our highest peak level of condition here?
Adam & Eve's Bodies: Do you think that the bodies of Adam & Eve changed when they sinned?
2024-02-16 Lazarus' Resurrection & Soul Sleep: At the time of Lazarus' resurrection, what did they understand about the resurrection? Did people sleep until then? [John 11:24].
The Rapture on the Last Day: Is the rapture on the last day also? [1 Thessalonians 4:16].
2024-01-31 Immediately after Death (for Christians): What happens immediately upon death? Do I stay in the ground or go to heaven? [2 Corinthians 5:8-9].
2023-12-27 The First Resurrection: When we "come to life" in John 5:24, is that the first resurrection? [1 Corinthians 15, John 5:24-25, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:5-6].
2023-12-19 The Differing Resurrection Accounts: Can you help me reconcile the notable differences in the resurrection accounts in John when compared with the other gospels?
2023-12-14 Best Accurate Translation: What is the best and most accurate translation of the Bible? (NASB-New American Standard Bibe, NKJ-New King James, ESV-English Standard, CSV-Christian Standard, Interlinears).
Pre, Mid, or Post Tribulation Rapture: What is your position on pre, mid, or post tribulation rapture and why? [1 Corinthians 15:51f, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Psalm 2:8, John 6:39].
2023-11-24 The Resurrection in the Old Testament: If in the Old Testament, they didn't really understand the resurrection, would I be using the verse in Job about "in my flesh, I will see God" out of context to use it on my tombstone? [Job 19:25-27, Daniel 12:2].
Resurrection Not a Focus in Old Testament: Isn't it so different for us to value our future resurrection in contrast to what they may have understood in the Old Testament, with no real knowledge of an afterlife?
2023-11-24 The Resurrection in the Old Testament: If in the Old Testament, they didn't really understand the resurrection, would I be using the verse in Job about "in my flesh, I will see God" out of context to use it on my tombstone? [Job 19:25-27, Daniel 12:2].
Resurrection Not a Focus in Old Testament: Isn't it so different for us to value our future resurrection in contrast to what they may have understood in the Old Testament, with no real knowledge of an afterlife?
2023-10-11 Pets in Heaven: Since there will be animals in heaven, will our own pets be there? [Isaiah 11:6-8, Isaiah 65:25, Isaiah 11:10, Romans 15:12, Job 1:10].
Dead Will Rise First: What does it mean when scripture says, "the dead will rise first?" Are not the dead believers already in heaven? [2 Corinthians 5:8].
2023-10-02 Predestination: What is your position on "predestination" and why do you hold it? [Romans 8:29, Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:21-23, 1 John 3:2, Philippians 3:21].
2023-09-15 Challenging the Secret Pre-trib Rapture: How can Dispensationalists believe there is a secret rapture (pre-trib) of believers, when we are raised on the last day? [Revelation 20:5-6, Matthew 25:31, John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, John 6, John 12:48].
2023-09-01 Jesus' Post-resurrection Body: Would you elaborate on the post-resurrection body of Jesus in relationship to when He told Mary not to touch Him and yet He had Doubting Thomas touch His side? [John 20:17, John 20:27, Luke 24:39, Matthew 28:9].
Not Forgiving Others: Because Steve did not have time to talk about the dangers of not forgiving someone, he directs the caller to where one is able to look up the topic "Forgiveness." There will be many calls on the topic answered there.
2023-08-31 Sin in the New Earth: Will there be sin in the new earth? [2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 22:2-3].
2023-08-25 "Can't Die Anymore": What is meant by "neither can they die anymore?" [Luke 20:36].
2023-07-26 Afterlife and Glorified Bodies: When do we get our glorified bodies? [1 John 3:2, John 5:28-29, 1 Corinthians 15:43, Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8, Philippians 3:21].
2023-06-15 Old Testament View of Resurrection & Afterlife: If all you had was the Old Testament, how would you view the resurrection and the afterlife? [Ezekiel 37, Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 26:21, Job 19:26, John 5:24, Ephesians 2:5].
The Afterlife in Scripture: Why doesn't the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, say more about the afterlife? [Psalm 23:6, 2 Timothy 1:10].
Sadducees: Did the Sadducees believe everything just ends at death - with no afterlife?
2023-06-14 "Eternal Torment" vs "Another Chance" in Hell: Could you comment on this challenge to there being another chance after we die and when we are resurrected? [Philippians 3:11, 1 Timothy 6:16].
Books Not in the Canon: What do you think about the extrabiblical/ Apocryphal book, "The Acts of Paul and Thecla" and the Eastern Orthodox positive view of it?
2023-06-08 "The Hour is Coming & Now Is": Could you explain "the hour is coming and now is?" [John 5:25, John 5:28].
2023-05-31 Quickened: Do you know of anyone who has been quickened? [Ephesians 2:1-10, John 5:21].
2023-04-18 Sex in Heaven: Will there be sex in heaven? [Malachi 2:15].
2023-04-17 Baptism for the Dead: Would you talk about the "baptism for the dead" passage? [1 Corinthians 15:29]. (Caller's audio is very poor.)
2023-04-07 Jesus' Ascension: When did Jesus ascend to His Father? [John 20:17].
2023-03-28 Resurrection of the Dead: Did the idea of the "resurrection of the dead" come up in the Old Testament or the intertestamental period? [Acts 2:25-31, Acts 13:30-35, Psalm 2:7, Psalm 16:10, Matthew 12:38-42, Luke 24:45, Daniel 12:2, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Isaiah 26:21].
2023-03-22 Attaining the Resurrection: Was Paul intentionally using Jesus' words when he spoke about attaingin the resurrection? [Philippians 3:11, John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, Luke 8:13, 1 Corinthians 9:26-27, 1 Peter 6:7, Luke 18:8, 1 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 24:13, Luke 20:35-36, James 2:14-26].
Physical or Spiritual Resurrection: Is Revelation 20 talking about a spiritual or physical resurrection? [Luke 2:34, Revelation 20:5-6].
2023-03-22 Attaining the Resurrection: Was Paul intentionally using Jesus' words when he spoke about attaingin the resurrection? [Philippians 3:11, John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, Luke 8:13, 1 Corinthians 9:26-27, 1 Peter 6:7, Luke 18:8, 1 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 24:13, Luke 20:35-36, James 2:14-26].
Physical or Spiritual Resurrection: Is Revelation 20 talking about a spiritual or physical resurrection? [Luke 2:34, Revelation 20:5-6].
2023-03-14 Lent (Easter): Would you educate me on the traditions of Lent? [Romans 14:5-6].
2023-03-10 Restoration of Christ's Glory: Was Jesus' prayer for restored glory, what He has now achieved? [John 17:5].
2023-03-02 "Spirit in the Sky": Are you familiar with the song from the 70s, "The Spirit in the Sky"?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": Is the movie "Jesus Revolution" a re-release or is it a new one?
Resurrection & Reincarnation: Was resurrection and reincarnation considered at the church council's about whether to keep it as foundational doctrine? [2 Corinthians 5:10, Hebrews 9:27].
2023-02-22 Rapture & Resurrection: Could you talk about the rapture and resurrection and how the Dispensationalists see it? Do they see two resurrections? [1 Corinthians 15:53, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:5-6, John 5:24, Ephesians].
2023-02-17 Upon Death: Which is true; when I die and am absent from the body, will I be present with the Lord, or will I be raised at the sound of the trumpet? [1 Thessalonians 4:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, John 5:28-29, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2023-02-07 Believer's Fear of Death: How would you encourage a believer with scripture continuing fear of death and doubt of afterlife? [1 Corinthians 15, Romans 10:9].
2023-02-01 Soul Sleep: Does 1 Corinthians 15 confirm that there cannot be "soul sleep?" [1 Corinthians 15:19].
2023-01-23 Losing One's Salvation: Does the "sealing" of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians mean that one cannot leave Christ or lose their salvation? [Ephesians 4:30, 1 John 4:13, Luke 15:24, 1 Peter 2:5, John 15:7].
Day of Redemption: Is the "Day of Redemption" referring to the corporate body at the resurrection? [Romans 8:23].
2023-01-04 Great White Throne Judgment: Are there two different jugments-"Great White Throne Judgment" and the "Bema Seat" held at different times? [John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, Revelation 20:5-6, Revelation 20:13, John 5:24, Ephesians 2:2, Colossians 2:13, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, 2 Timothy 4:1].
2022-12-19 Rising "Again:" Can you explain the implication of the word "again" in the verse about Jesus' resurrection in Mark 10? [Mark 10:34].
2022-12-13 Zombies in Scripture: Could the Bible be referring to "zombies" in Zechariah? [Zechariah 14:12, Matthew 27:52].
2022-11-17 Author of Hebrews: What if the transcribers altered the style or tone when writing Hebrews, and that would explain why the New Testament authors are not always consistent in style? [Romans 16:22]
Those Who Arose with Jesus: When the graves were opened at Jesus' crucifixion, what did the others that rose from the dead do for the two days that Jesus was still in the grave? [Matthew 27:51-53].
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