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Topic: Animals (Pets, Dogs)

Showing 1 to 50 of 118.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-19 Animals in the Afterlife: Will animals be in the afterlife (heaven or on the new earth)? [Isaiah 11:6-9, Isaiah 65:25, Ephesians 2:14-18, Romans 8, Revelation 21:22].
2024-04-10 Winged Dragons in Scripture: Caller comments that dragons have wings in the Bible.
2024-03-20 Talking Donkey: How do you explain the talking donkey in Numbers? [Numbers 22:28-30].
2024-03-20 Evolution (Old or New Earth): Do you think that God created a mature (aged) earth, as he did with creating a mature Adam and Eve?
Comment on Evolution: Caller shares thoughts on lack of evidence of evolution in the wild.
2024-02-08 Eating Animals (Diet, Vegetarianism): Is it acceptable to eat animals (meat)? How aware are they? [Genesis 1:29, Genesis 9:2, Proverbs 12:10].
2023-11-17 "Sent Only to the Lost Sheep of Israel": Could you explain the story of the Canaanite woman who comes to Jesus and He doesn't immediately help her and demon-possessed daughter, saying that He was sent to the lost sheep of Israel and harshly says He shouldn't give their bread to the dogs? [Matthew 15:22-27, Matthew 8:10, John 10:16].
2023-10-13 Talking with Animals: Do you think that Adam spoke with animals in Eden, and is there a possibility we will be able to speak to animals in heaven?
2023-10-11 Pets in Heaven: Since there will be animals in heaven, will our own pets be there? [Isaiah 11:6-8, Isaiah 65:25, Isaiah 11:10, Romans 15:12, Job 1:10].
Dead Will Rise First: What does it mean when scripture says, "the dead will rise first?" Are not the dead believers already in heaven? [2 Corinthians 5:8].
2023-06-21 Pets in Heaven: Are our beloved pets going to be in heaven?
2023-06-21 Grace, Works & Obedience: How does "works" and "obedience" relate to "grace?" How would this apply to the thief on the cross? [Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 2:11-12, Luke 18:10-14, 1 Timothy 6:3-4, Matthew 7:21-23].
2023-04-10 Eating Meat: Could you help me sort when the eating of meat entered the diet of humans, why did they keep livestock, and what cause distinction between clean and unclean animals? [Genesis 1-3, Genesis 9].
2023-04-06 Suffering: Why does everyone and everything in this world have to suffer, including animals?
2023-02-13 Pets in Heaven: Do you think that our pets will go to heaven?
2023-02-09 Animals in Heaven: Do you think there will be animals in heaven? If so, who will take care of all the poop? [Isaiah 11:6-9, Isaiah 65].
2023-01-10 Animals in the Rapture: When the rapture comes, will the animals stay here or will they come with us?
Animal Souls: Do animals have souls (nephesh)?
Animals Talking: Could animals talk when they were first created-before the fall?
2023-01-10 Animals in the Rapture: When the rapture comes, will the animals stay here or will they come with us?
Animal Souls: Do animals have souls (nephesh)?
Animals Talking: Could animals talk when they were first created-before the fall?
2023-01-10 Animals in the Rapture: When the rapture comes, will the animals stay here or will they come with us?
Animal Souls: Do animals have souls (nephesh)?
Animals Talking: Could animals talk when they were first created-before the fall?
2022-08-11 Amazing Creation: How amazing are bugs, ants and termites that reflect the creator?
2022-07-20 Animals After We are "Caught-up:" What will happen to our pets (animals) when we are "caught up" or raptured?
2022-07-19 Global Warming: Caller comments on "global warming" as a result of hearing a previous call about it.
Animals Talking: Do you think that all the animals talked before the fall in Eden (like when Eve spoke with the serpent)?
Animal Sacrifices: Did God eat the animal sacrifices?
2022-07-15 Human & Animal Procreation: Do you think that Adam & Eve and the animals were able to reproduce before they sinned? [Genesis 4].
2022-06-28 Death of Animals Before Adam's Sin: Does the "young earth" view require that there was no death before Adam's disobedience-even of animals? [I Corinthians 15:21, Romans 5:12].
2022-06-22 Dinosaurs: Were dinosaurs part of the original creation and did Adam name all the animals, even T-Rex? How could humans live along side dinosaurs? [Genesis 1:1-2].
2022-05-30 Animal Souls & Heaven: Caller makes a case that animals have souls and will be in heaven. [Joel 1:20, Job 38:41, Revelation 16:3, Ecclesiastes 12:14-14]
2022-05-19 Dogs Have Souls: Do dogs have souls and possibly eternal life? [Genesis 2:7].
2022-02-15 Animals in Heaven: Since there are horses coming down from heaven in Revelation, does that mean that there will be animals there?
2021-12-29 Animals Described Like They are People: Could you talk the description of ants and badgers being like people? [Proverbs 30:24-28, Joel 2:2]
2021-05-27 Animals & Free Will: Why do you think that animals don't have free will and don't make choices?
2021-05-19 Animals Killed for Adam & Eve: When God gave animal skins to Adam & Eve, does that actually mean, animals were killed, or could it just mean the clothes made from their hair without killing them? [Genesis 3:21]
2021-05-06 Theme Song for The Narrow Path: Would you tell me about your theme song ("Like Arrows" Do by Jon Marr-available at the website)?
Animals in Heaven: Will there be animals in heaven? [Isaiah 11:6, Isaiah 65:25].
2021-04-29 Animals in Heaven: What do you think about animals in heaven?
2021-04-13 Animals Had to Die as Substitute: Do you think that the animals took a substitutionary role when Adam and Eve sinned? [Exodus 24:14].
2021-04-12 Animals & Pets After the Rapture: What will happen to animals after the rapture? Do they have souls? [I Timothy 6:16].
Animal Souls: Do animals or pets have souls? [John 3:16].
2021-04-12 Animals & Pets After the Rapture: What will happen to animals after the rapture? Do they have souls? [I Timothy 6:16].
Animal Souls: Do animals or pets have souls? [John 3:16].
2021-03-29 Healthy Diet Spiritually Beneficial: Have you looked at the correlation between scripture and eating a good diet, specifically not eating meat? [Proverbs 12:10, Genesis 9:3, Matthew 15:11].
2021-03-08 DNA Alteration Ramifications: If your DNA can be altered by vaccines, then at what point could we become irredeemable? Did not Jesus die for human, not animals?
Soul & Spirits of Humans & Animals: Isn't the spirit what separates us from the animals? [Ecclesiastes 3:21].
2020-12-04 Pets with Everlasting Life: What happens to our pets when they die? [Eccesiastes 3:21, Genesis 1:30, I Timothy 6:16, Ephesians 1:10].
2020-08-27 Giving to Animal Care Rather Than a Church: Am I wrong to give money to organizations that care for pets rather than to the church? [2 Peter 3:9].
2020-08-12 Animals Created from Dust of the Earth: Is it possible that God created the animals in the same way that Adam was created - out of the dust of the earth? [Genesis 2:18, Genesis 3].
2020-07-28 Animals in Heaven: If it is true that God found great pleasure in every living thing, do animals go to heaven?
2020-07-10 Animals & Plants Eternal Lives: Would plants and animals have lived forever as Adam and Eve would have, if they had not sinned? [John 3:16].
2020-06-26 Guilt and Past Sin: Caller comments for the sake of those struggling with guilt over past sin.
Animals Vegetarian Initially: Do you think that Genesis indicates that initially animals did not eat one another? [Genesis 1:30].
2020-06-11 Animals & Pets in Heaven: Will our pets be in heaven be there with us?
2020-05-20 Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves: Would you clarify the directive to be wise (or cunning) as a serpent, but gentle as doves? It seems that characteristic is bad in the serpent. [Genesis 3, Matthew 10:16].
When the Serpent was Created: Was the serpent created as the same time as the rest of the animals in Genesis?
2020-05-05 Unicorns in the Bible: Could you tell me what the Hebrew word translated as unicorn for the animal is that is being referred to in the Bible as a unicorn?
King James Only Response: What would you suggest as being the best source for responding to the King James Only group?
2020-04-16 Noah's Ark: Is it conceivable that the animals on Noah's ark were just babies, and not really full grown?
7th Day Adventists: Would you tell me about the 7th Day Adventists and if they are Christians? [Romans 14].
2020-04-02 Animal Souls & Heaven: What does the Bible say about animal's souls, and is there a possibility they will be in heaven? [I Timothy 6:16].
2020-01-07 Animals & Pets in Heaven: Caller shares her encouraging story of her pet.
2019-10-16 Animal Spirits: Does scripture indicate that animals also have spirits? [I Corinthians 15].
2019-08-30 Mosquitoes? Ticks? Why?: Why would God create things like mosquitoes and ticks ... and dinosaurs? Was it because of the fall?
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