
Showing 1 - 50 of 63

Revelation Prophecy Being Fulfilled Now

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What do you think about the claim that fallen angels are chained under the Euphrates River will be released when the river dries up, and will thus fulfill Revelation prophecy? [Revelation 16:12, Revelation 9:13, Zechariah 4:3].

Nephilim (Giants)

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Could you talk about the Nephilim and if they were after the great flood and if they, as well as alien sightings, are just distractions? How does this all relate to "End Times" prophecy? [Genesis 6:4, Matthew 24:37-39, Numbers 13:33, Luke 17:26].

Atheist; Why Does Steve Gregg Think He's Right

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Athesist Inquiry: Where do you get off claiming you have the right information about what is Christianity, especially since the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches seem to have more authority? why is the Catholic "Apocrypha" not included in the Protestant Bible?


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Is the Apocrypha inspired Scripture since they were in the Septuagint?

Gospel of Thomas

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I just came across the gospel of Thomas, have you ever read of it & if you have, what did you think of it?