Caller has been studying eastern orthodoxy as result of Hank Hanegraaff's conversion to it, & he's disturbed by some of the things he's learned, such as communicating w/ dead saints & related issues.
Hank Hanegraaff, he recently converted to Eastern Orthodoxy, & to do so, you has to give up a lot of his formally held beliefs, like for example, Sola Scriptura.
What do you know about the Eastern Orthodox church? My family & I have started attending one, & Hank Hanegraafff switching over has influenced our decision.
What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff switching over to eastern orthodox church? How can he possibly still be a legitimate host of The Bible Answer Man?
Can you clarify apostolic succession, and Peter as the Rock or foundation? [Matthew 16:18, I Peter 2:5, Isaiah 28:16, Ephesians 2:20, I Corinthians 12:28, Acts 7:54-60].
Can you share your thoughts about the Eastern Orthodox Church's view of "Theosis" (doctrine of becoming divine or deified)? [Psalm 82:6, John 10:33f, I John 5:4, Romans 8:12-17].