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Topic: Trinity (Triune, Trinitarian)

Showing 1 to 50 of 361.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-11 Jesus Not God: Do you think someone can be saved if they don't think that Jesus was God, but do believe that Jesus was God's Son? [John 14:8-9].
2024-06-07 Indwelling of the Spirit: Does the Holy Spirit actually replace our own spirit? [Romans 8:15-16, Galatians 4:6, 1 John 5:7-8].
Trinity Indwelling Us: Does the whole Trinity come to dwell within us when we are filled with the Holy Spirit? [John 14:23].
2024-06-03 Person of the Holy Spirit in Old vs New Testament: Before the coming of Christ, what idea did the Jewish people have of the Holy Spirit? [Genesis 1:2].
2024-05-23 The Trinity's Distinct Parts: Is the Holy Spirit of God, or of Christ, or is it separate? [1 Peter 1:11, Romans 8:9].
Listeners to The Narrow Path: How many listeners and stations do you have?
2024-04-11 God's Allowing Temptation and Testing: Would you talk about why God would allow testing and temptation when He knew Job and Jesus would not fail? How does The Trinity tempting each other fit in here? [James 1:13, Hebrews 4:15, 1 Timothy 2:5, 1 Timothy 3:16, John 1:51, John 14:6].
2024-03-13 Contradiction Regarding the Trinity: How does it work if the Bible says that Jesus and the Father are one, but there are two different wills indicated when Jesus says, "Not my will, but thine?" [John 10:30, Luke 22:42, John 14:9, John 8:17-19]
2024-03-05 "Oneness" Doctrine (or Modalism): How do the "Oneness" Pentecostals deny the Trinity (Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit as all the same being)? Rec: Topical lectures series "Knowing God" lectures about the "Trinity" and "Jesus' Deity." [John 14:26, John 15:26, Matthew 3:17].
2024-02-29 Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses: Do you think that Mormons, Jehovah's, Seventh-Day Adventists, and other cultic groups might still be saved?
What We Must Understand: What must we understand to be saved?
2024-02-13 The Narrow Path: How is your ministry on "the narrow path" when you agree with 90% of the world's religions about the Trinity? How is that a narrow path?
2024-02-07 Horns of the Altar: What was the significance of the horns of the altar? [1 Kings 1:51, 1 Kings 2:28, Exodus 21:14].
The Resurrection of Christ: By whose power was Jesus raised from the dead? [Galatians 1:1, John 2:19, Romans 8:11, 1 Peter 3:18].
2024-01-31 The Disciples' Limited Understanding that Jesus was God in the Flesh: Do you think that Jesus' disciples understood that Jesus was God in the flesh? [John 1:41, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 7:14:8-9, John 16:12, John 20:28, Romans 10:9-11, 1 John 1:13, 1 John 2:22].
Believing in the Trinity: Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be saved?
2024-01-31 The Disciples' Limited Understanding that Jesus was God in the Flesh: Do you think that Jesus' disciples understood that Jesus was God in the flesh? [John 1:41, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 7:14:8-9, John 16:12, John 20:28, Romans 10:9-11, 1 John 1:13, 1 John 2:22].
Believing in the Trinity: Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be saved?
2024-01-26 Unitarianism-As Opposed to Trinitarianism: Do you think that Unitarianism (God is one, rather than three, as is in the Trinitarian view) is a heresy?
Trinitarian or Unitarian: What do you make of John 17:3 (God and Jesus mentioned as separate) in light of the Trinity debate? [John 17:3].
2024-01-26 Unitarianism-As Opposed to Trinitarianism: Do you think that Unitarianism (God is one, rather than three, as is in the Trinitarian view) is a heresy?
Trinitarian or Unitarian: What do you make of John 17:3 (God and Jesus mentioned as separate) in light of the Trinity debate? [John 17:3].
2024-01-18 Explaining the Trinity: Can you explain to my husband (a Jehovah’s Witness) how to understand the “Trinty?” Topical lecture, "Knowing God" series, lecture on “The Trinity.”
2024-01-11 Constantine (Council of Nicaea): Did Constantine preside over the council of Nicaea?
The Trinity (Four instead of Three): Why didn't they have four persons instead of three (making the Trinity) since there was The Word, also?
2024-01-09 Jehovah's Witnesses (Deity of Christ): How do you counter the Jehovah's Witness' rejection of the deity of Christ based on 1 Corinthians 16? [1 Corinthians 16:24, 1 Corinthians 16:28, Philippians 2:6-7].
2024-01-05 Jesus Anointed with the Holy Spirit: Is Jesus anointed with the Holy Spirit in Acts 10, therefore is Jesus and the Holy Spirit synonymous? [Acts 10:34-48, Matthew 18:20].
2024-01-04 Jehovah's Witnesses: Could you tell me more about the Jehovah's Witnesses? [2 Corinthians 3:17].
2024-01-04 Jesus - Created or Eternal: What difference does it make whether we believe that God created Jesus, or that Jesus was eternal in His existence?
2024-01-03 Dropping the Holy Spirit out of the Trinity: Is my salvation in danger if I am considering dropping the Holy Spirit out of my understanding of The Trinity? [1 Peter 1:10-12, Acts 28:25, Acts 5:3],
2024-01-02 The Trinity: Are these verses referring to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (The Trinity), with one verse referring specifically to the Holy Spirit? [John 1:1-5].
The Devil, Creativity, & Music: Is the Devil also creative and also able to make music, or did God make everything? [John 1:3].
2023-12-29 Jesus & God's Relationship: Can you help me understand the relationship between Jesus and the Father, particularly when Jesus indicates that He can do "only what He sees His Father do?" [John 5:19, Hebrews 1:3, John 14:8-12].
2023-11-27 Creator God or Creator Jesus: Is the Creator God, the Father, or Jesus, the Son? [Psalms 33:6, John 1:1].
2023-11-27 Trinity: Are you a Trinitarian? If so, why? Rec: Topical Lectures, "Knowing God", "The Trinity."
2023-11-02 Jews Rejected from the Land: Caller comments on the fact that scripture says that the Jews were ejected from the land in Luke. [Luke 13:34-35].
The Trinity Doctrine Disagreement: Caller disagrees with Steve about the Trinity and bases his postulate on Acts 17. [Acts 17:22-31].
2023-10-25 Subservient God: Atheist caller: Is God subservient to anyone? How is it that Jesus, fully God and fully human, could do anything apart from God or have a different will? [1 Corinthians 11:3, Colossians 2:9, John 14:28].
Jesus Feeling Guilt or Remorse: Atheist caller: Do you think that Jesus ever felt guilt or remorse?
2023-10-24 Contradictions about the Trinity: If there is one God and Jesus prayed to God, and Jesus is His Son, how can this be? How can God have died on the cross, if God can't die? [James 1, James 2:19, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 1 Timothy 3:16, Philippians 2:6].
2023-10-24 Modalist, Oneness, Trinitarian Views of God: What is the differences between the different views of God-Modalist, Oneness, and Trinity? [John 14:23].
2023-10-13 Old & New Testaments & Good & Bad God: How do I deal with the seemingly two different Gods in the Bible-The wrathful God of the Old versus the Jesus of the New Testament? [Genesis 6:5-22, James 1:19-20, Genesis 14:13-16, Psalm 103:8-11
Understanding the Trinity: How am I to understand "the trinity," and when does it enter the Bible? [Psalm 33:6, Genesis 1:1, John 1:1].
2023-10-03 Verses Missing from Oldest Manuscripts: How do I teach the verses in 1 John that were not in some of the older manuscripts? [1 John 5:6-8, Romans 8:16-19, John 12:28-36, John 19:33-34, John 3:5].
2023-10-02 Jehovah's Witness & the Trinity: How can I respond to the Jehovah's Witnesses' use of verses making Jesus a created being, in contrast to my trinitarian view? [John 1:1, 1 Corinthians 8:5-6].
2023-09-21 Hindu Triune God: Callers states that the Hindu god is also triune, as with Christianity.
God's Name: What is Christianity's triune God's name?
2023-09-07 God as "One" vs. "Three in One": Why is it essential that God is "One?"
2023-09-05 The Trinity: Would you give me specific verses that distinguish between the three persons of the Trinity, specifically the Holy Spirit? [John 14:16-17, John 14:23, 1 John 2, John 14:11, John 14:28].
2023-09-05 Trying to Explain the Trinity: Caller shares his thoughts about trying to explain the Trinity. [1 Corinthians 1:10, James 17].
2023-08-31 The Trinity & Trichotomy: Have you ever heard of the Trinity being paralleled to Jesus as Flesh, Spirit as Spirit, and God as the Soul?
God as the Beginning or the First: Could scripture be referring to God as the first of all the Gods to come, rather than the only or first in importance? [Isaiah 43:10]
City of Refuge & Death of High Priest: Could you explain the concept of the "city of refuge" and its correspondence to the death of the high priest?
2023-08-23 The Virgin Birth & The Trinity: Can I argue that if we believe in the virgin birth, we can believe in the Trinity? Rec: Topical lecture series; "Knowing God"-"The Trinity."
2023-08-08 Let "us" in Genesis: Who is speaking in Genesis 1, when it is said, "Let us ...?" [Genesis 1:26, Genesis 1:2-3, Psalm 33:6].
Raul Riess: What about Raul Riess of Calvary Chapel? Why didn't you mention him when you were talking about the movie "The Jesus Revolution?" Rec: movie; "Fury to Freedom."
2023-07-20 The Trinity: Having studied with Jehovah's Witnesses, could you convince me of the "Trinity?" Rec: Topical lecture Series; "Knowing God," "The Trinity." [Galatians 1:1, John 14:18].
2023-05-23 One God & Jesus as God: Could you point out some scriptures that clearly say that there is one God and that Jesus is God? [Deuteronomy 6:4, Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 43:10, 1 Corinthians 8:4, I Corinthians 8:6, John 17:3, John 1:14].
2023-05-09 Oneness & Trinitarians: Don't both Oneness and Trinitarian Pentecostals believe in the filling of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues?
2023-04-19 Trinity: What is the Jewish take on "The Trinity?"
2023-04-04 God as Savior: Caller is questioning "The Trinity" and asks; Am I wrong to think of God as my Savior? [Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 43:25, Isaiah 61:1-3, Zechariah 12:10].
Oneness Theology: Am I wrong to believe in "Oneness Theology?" [John 1:14, John 8:18, John 14:23, John 14:16].
2023-04-04 God as Savior: Caller is questioning "The Trinity" and asks; Am I wrong to think of God as my Savior? [Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 43:25, Isaiah 61:1-3, Zechariah 12:10].
Oneness Theology: Am I wrong to believe in "Oneness Theology?" [John 1:14, John 8:18, John 14:23, John 14:16].
2023-03-31 Baptism in the Name of Jesus: What is your take on the disagreement on whether you have to be baptism in the name of Jesus, only, or in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? [Colossians 2:9, Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19].
2023-03-15 Jesus in the Old Testament: I disagree with you that God appeared on earth in the form of Jesus in the Old Testamen. [Genesis 18:1, John 17:5].
2023-03-14 LORD in the Old Testament: Who is the LORD in Exodus 17:6? [Exodus 17:6].
Jesus Stepping on the Mount of Olives: Is Yaweh or Jesus going to step on the Mount of Olives? [Zechariah 14:4, John 14, Genesis 18:1, 1 Timothy 3:16, Ezekiel 11:23].
2023-03-09 Assurance of the Holy Spirit: How do you know that you have the Holy Spirit? [2 Corinthians 3:18, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 8:9-10].
"The Trinity" in John 14: Would you comment on "The Trinity" found in John 14? [John 14, Romans 8:9-10].
2023-03-09 Assurance of the Holy Spirit: How do you know that you have the Holy Spirit? [2 Corinthians 3:18, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 8:9-10].
"The Trinity" in John 14: Would you comment on "The Trinity" found in John 14? [John 14, Romans 8:9-10].
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