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Topic: Trinity (Triune, Trinitarian)

Showing 301 to 350 of 361.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-11-04 Trinity: My friend doesn't believe in the Trinity because it can't be found in the Bible the word itself also. [John 1] (the audio skips a little bit seems to be only limited to this Q, & the previous)
Jesus being fully God & Man: One problem He has is Jesus being 100% human/man, & 100% God. How can that be possible? [Philippians 2:5-8]
2015-10-07 Yahweh, the Father, the Son, & the Trinity: Discussion about the Name Yahweh for God.
KJV Translators & Colossians: Why did the KJV translators translate Colossians 1:16 incorrectly?
2015-10-07 One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism: Being baptized in just Jesus' name or being baptized in the Father, Son & Holy Ghost is acceptable? [Ephesians 4:5-6, Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38]
2015-10-06 Trinity: Can you expound on the Trinity, & the Son of God being talked about in the OT? [Isaiah 9:6]
2015-10-05 A Muslim Friend: Caller is trying to explain Christianity to a Muslim co-worker, & would like some advice on what to share to him, especially about the Trinity.
Pre-incarnate Christ: What about when Nebuchadnezzar thought he was seeing the Son of God in the fiery furnace? {Daniel 3:25]
2015-09-29 Baptism: Baptize in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit or Baptize in the name of Jesus only? [Matthew 28:19,Acts 2:38]
2015-08-20 "Us" in Gensis (Trinity): Is the "Us" when God talk in possessive plura;, is it referring to the Trinity? [Genesis 1:26, 3:22]
Gays & Sex: Paul spoke on the subject of Homosexual sex, but the words he used in greek were ambiguous, so some gay sex was okay, homosexuals rationalize.
Creation Story in all Religions: The Creation story is in all the religions, so Genesis is not the first or original creation account (implying, so is it genuine?)
2015-08-11 Trinity: Can Steve please explain the Trinity? [John 1]
2015-08-06 Sprinkling for Baptism: Where did this idea of Sprinkling for Baptism originate? [Ezekiel 36:25, Joel 2:29-29]
Equality w/ God - Trinity: (followup from day before) "Isn't Equality w/ God talking about the Trinity? Steve never mentioned about the Trinity, she says.
2015-07-23 Steve & the Holy Spirit: Does Steve think of himself as in the Holy Spirit? How are we born-again?
Trinity: Does Steve understand the Trinity? The Father loves the Son, & the Son loves the Father, so the Love IS the Holy Spirit.
Virgin Mary & her Son Jesus Christ: Does Steve understand Mary & her Son Jesus? Who is the closest to Jesus that is our mother? Who was the most obedient, who was there every step of the way but His mother? He was brought in by her because she was the most faithful. She is full of grace!
2015-07-14 The Trinity in relation to the Mormon/LDS church: The caller wants Steve to extrapolate the Trinity when it comes to the Mormon/LDS church. [Matthew 3:16]
2015-07-01 God the Father (Trinity): Are the places where it talks about God, is it always referring to God the Father, or, is it sometimes one of the other 2, Jesus or the Holy Spirit or all 3?
2015-06-11 "Sons of God": In Genesis 6 it says "Sons of God" plural, but there's only One Jesus, so why plural? [Genesis 6:1-2]
2015-04-27 Trinity: The caller's daughter's boyfriend doesn't believe in the Trinity, is this a form of blaspheming the Holy Spirit? [Matthew 12:31]
2015-04-24 Trinity: How important is it for Salvation that we believe in the Trinity?
2015-04-06 Trinity: (follow up to first call) Jesus' exegesists His own meaning of He & the Father are one. [John 10:30, 17:22, Colossians 2:9]
2015-03-30 Baptism: What is the difference between being baptized in only Jesus' name & being baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost?
2015-03-27 Baptism: Being baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit vs just being baptized in the only the name of Jesus.
2015-02-20 Seven Spirits in Revelation: Who are the 7 Spirits in Revelation? [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:4, Revelation 5:6]
2014-09-18 Mary the Mother & Trinity: You had a call about the Pope making the Mother of Mary as part of the Trinity. I did some research on that, & he does say that indirectly.
2014-08-12 Analogy of the Trinity: Caller gives an analogy of the Trinity & is wondering what Steve's thoughts are on it. The caller's conclusion is that Jesus in the only Person of the Godhead because He is the only real physical Person.
2014-07-21 Apostolic Church & the Trinity: So what does the Apostolic Church believe about the Trinity, & how would you share the Trinity w/ them? [1 John 5:7]
2014-07-01 Divinity of Jesus & 2nd Godhead of Trinity: Don't you believe in the Divinity of Jesus & that He's the 2nd part of the Godhead?
Self-interpretation of the Bible: Isn't it sort've scary to have self-interpretation of the Bible since you can be learning about the wrong Jesus? Isn't the Church a pillar of the truth? [2 Peter 1:20]
Being anathematized & not using Study Bibles: Martin Luther was anathematized because he left the church, & you say we shouldn't be using Study Guide Bibles.
2014-06-24 Let Us make man in Our image: What is the "us" when God said, "Let us make man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26]
2014-06-11 Trinity: Do we need to understand the Trinity or does it matter?
Immaculate Conception - Original Sin: So you think everyone is Immaculate Conceived (like Mary was) from Adam's original sin?
2014-06-02 Unpardonable Sin: Why is the Holy Spirit singled out when it comes to the unpardonable sin? Why isn't God the Father or Jesus also included about speaking against? [Matthew 12:32]
2014-06-02 Oneness Pentecostals: So if you don't believe in the correct Trinity like the Oneness Pentecostal people don't, you aren't a Christian?
2014-05-19 JWs & the Trinity: Are you telling me Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in the Trinity?
4 Blood Moons: Do you know anything about the 4 Blood Moons?
2014-05-13 The Terms of the Trinity: Is it wrong to use the titles of, "God the Father", "God the Son" & "God the Holy Spirit"?
2014-05-01 Holy Spirit: I was wondering if were allowed to just say, "Holy Spirit", or if we had to say, "The Holy Spirit"? I was told that if I just say, "Holy Spirit", that it was a Mormon thing.
2014-04-08 John Calvin & Michael Servetus: Why did John Calvin have Michael Servetus burned at the stake? What is for his baptism views or the Trinity?
2014-04-02 Trinity: What if a group disagrees about the Trinity of another group they want to rent a church building from?
2014-02-28 Trinity: I don't believe in Trinity, but i'm not heretical for not believing that, am I?
2014-02-18 JW's & the Trinity: Do you have any good Scripture I can share with Jehovah's Witnesses about the Trinity? [John 1:1, Revelation 1:8,11,17-18]
False Prophecies: What about showing Jehovah's Witnesses false prophecies they have made, would that be beneficial?
2014-01-13 Searching for Perfect Church & 2 by 2's: My son & daughter in law have come across a group called, "Two by twos", who strongly believe in home church, & just wondering if you have any thoughts on this group?
2013-12-23 Oneness Pentecostal & Trinity: Can you say how the Trinity came into being in the Christian church? Is Steve a Trinitarian?
Speaking in Tongues: We'll be Speaking in Tongues, won't we, if we are really baptized in the Holy Spirit? [John 3:5]
Mandatory Baptism: Are we required to be baptized?
2013-11-14 Trinity Always Existed: Has the Trinity always existed even before the Bible?
Jesus' Form before His Incarnation: What type of form was Jesus in before His incarnation? [John 1:1-5]
2013-10-28 Oneness Pentecostal: Are Oneness Pentecostals Christians because they don't believe in the Trinity?
2013-10-25 Love of the World is Emnity: There seems to be a lot of ministries/ministers in love the world, let alone people individually. [1 John 5:2, James 4:4]
Trinitarianism: Did the Apostles believe & teach the Trinity? [1 John 5:7]
2013-10-25 Holy Spirit Origins: Has the Holy Spirit always been or when was He created?
Angels Created: When were the Angels Created?
Lucifer & Fallen Angels: So you don't think Lucifer was a Fallen Angel? Where did he come from then?
2013-10-02 Understanding the Trinity 101: Can I give an easy way to explain what the Trinity is?
2013-10-01 Jesus being Michael Archangel: Was Jesus Michael the Archangel? Jehovah's Witnesses & SDAs say so.
Trinity: Can you explain the Trinity? Jehovah's Witnesses don't think it's exists, that you are claiming 3 Gods.
2013-09-09 God the Father, Son & Holy Ghost in Genesis: Wasn't the Trinity in the creation account? [Genesis 1-3]
Endorsing a Book He is Writing: Caller wants to endorse a book he's writng about the Trinity from the perspective of the book of Genesis.
2013-09-05 Trinity & Being a Christian or not: Caller said that the reason people don't think he's a Christian is because he doesn't believe in the Trinity. Can he still be a Christian even though he doesn't believe Jesus is God but only the Son of God?
2013-08-22 Baptizing in Jesus' Name: Shouldn't we only be baptizing in Jesus' name? [Acts 2:38, Acts 19:5, Matthew 28:18-20]
2013-08-16 Personal Experience: Caller shared a personal experience where he went to a party & just started crying, & wanted out of there, & it turned out that virtually everyone there died of AIDS.
Vision & Dreams: Does God give you Visions & Dreams? [Acts 2:17]
The Trinity: How does the Trinity come together in the Bible?
2013-05-20 "Eternal Father" & The Trinity: Why do people have problems with the title of "Eternal Father" for Jesus relative to the Trinity? [Isaiah 9:6, John 10:30].
Praying to "Jesus" Rather than "God": Regarding praying to "Jesus" rather than "God", don't you think that His sitting at "the right hand of the Father" as indication of authority rather than literal?
2013-04-25 Discipline of a Parent: How would one bring church discipline against a parent according to Matthew 18? [Matthew 18].
Jesus as God: Is Jesus God? If so, what is the connection between Him and God? Was He praying to Himself? [Genesis 1:1].
2013-04-02 The Holy Spirit vs Our Spirit: Is the word for "Spirit of God" distinct than the "spirit of man"? [I Corinthians 2:10, Romans 8:16, John 14:16].
Deity of the Holy Spirit: Is the Deity of the Holy Spirit clear in scripture? Is He distinct from God and Jesus? [2 Corinthians 3:17, Romans 8:9, John 14:15-31, Acts 5:3, Isaiah 63:10, Ephesians 4:30].
Holy Spirit & Man's Spirit: When the Holy Spirit comes into one's heart, does He make the person's heart come alive?
2013-04-02 The Holy Spirit vs Our Spirit: Is the word for "Spirit of God" distinct than the "spirit of man"? [I Corinthians 2:10, Romans 8:16, John 14:16].
Deity of the Holy Spirit: Is the Deity of the Holy Spirit clear in scripture? Is He distinct from God and Jesus? [2 Corinthians 3:17, Romans 8:9, John 14:15-31, Acts 5:3, Isaiah 63:10, Ephesians 4:30].
Holy Spirit & Man's Spirit: When the Holy Spirit comes into one's heart, does He make the person's heart come alive?
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