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Topic: Trinity (Triune, Trinitarian)

Showing 201 to 250 of 361.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-02-18 Queen of the South: Who is the queen of the south? [Matthew 12:42]
Triune God: Where does Paul talk about a Triune God?
2019-02-15 Trinity: Why does a person believe in a Trinity when 1), it's not in the Bible, 2) God never commanded us to refer to Him as that, 3) there's only one literal Holy Spirit & 4) it wasn't even part of the early church's dogma? (Argumentative call) Discussion about the Rapture comes up.
2019-02-13 Spirit, Water & Blood: What does this verse mean, calling the Trinity Spirit, Water & Blood? [1 John 5:6-8]
Covenant being Ratified by Death A covenant/testament is not enforced until the testator dies, is that true? [Hebrews 9:16]
2019-02-13 Paul & His Gospel: Why does Paul say, "my gospel"? [Galatians 1:8-9]
"Set apart for the Gospel of God": What does it mean to be "set apart for gospel of God....or Christ"? Does this in anyway help defend the Trinity? [Romans 1:1]
2019-02-06 Trinity: How would you explain the Trinity so a child could understand it?
2019-02-04 Holy Spirit: Is it true that God forgives & Jesus forgives, but the Holy Spirit doesn't, is that right? [Matthew 12:31-35]
2019-01-31 Council of Nicaea & Trinity (Follow-up): Council of Nicaea and the Trinity Doctrine. Caller thinks the Trinity was based on one verse in 1 John. [1 John 5:7]
2019-01-22 Jesus-Incarnate God: How is Jesus both human and God? [John 1:1,14].
2019-01-17 Manuscripts Regarding Trinitarian Views: What manuscripts were used after some were destroyed at the Nicene Counsel, and its relavance to view of the trinity? [I John 5:7].
2019-01-17 Doubting the Doctrine of the Trinity: I have 50 reasons as to Why I think that the doctrine of the trinity can be doubted.
2019-01-15 Trinity: Were the church fathers destroying manuscripts that might possibly compromise of our idea of the Trinity? [1 John 5:7].
2018-12-18 Manuscript of the Bible & Trinity Doctrine: Manuscripts of the bible & caller thinks the trinity doctrine is dependent on 1 John 5. [1 John 5:7]
2018-12-07 Trinity: Involving the Trinity, is God an individual Being or 3 Beings that make one God? [John 20:17]
2018-12-06 Holy Spirit - Trinity: When Jesus breathed on them, did He breathe His own essence or another Person? [John 20:22]
2018-11-29 LORD Lord: Distinction between the name "Lord", "LORD", disagreeing about trinitarianism.
2018-11-27 Jehovah's Witnesses & the Trinity: I don't agree w/ the JWs theologically, but they sure make a good point against the Trinity
2018-11-26 Disagrees about the Trinity: I disagree about the Trinitarian doctrine (she was very articulate, organized in her thoughts). [Mark 12:28-34]
2018-11-12 Trinity & Tree of Knowledge being feminine: Something about Tree of Knowledge being feminine, spirit of wisdom, feminine entity. I actually have no idea what he's saying, just like the last time he called. [Proverbs 3:18]
2018-10-29 Trinity in the Scripture: So 1 John 5:7 not being in the original text that seems to clearly support the Trinity idea, is that true? [1 John 5:7]
2018-10-17 Trinity: Trinity, disagrees about the "One", wasn't Jesus begotten prior to the Incarnation?
2018-09-26 Describing Trinitarianism: Caller trying to figure out different versions of the Trinity.
2018-09-25 Refuting Arianism & Gnosticism: Refuting Arianism & Gnosticism, was Jesus God? (trinity doctrine confusion)
2018-09-14 Trinity: Trinity, Word & Spirit, & energy & heat
2018-09-06 Faith: Is faith a feeling, we just feel it?
Trinity: How does the Trinity work?
2018-08-30 Hebrew Roots Movement & the Trinity: Trinitarian vs Non-Trinitarian in the Hebrew Roots Movement, can you explain why they are saying Jesus only existed since Mary's Immaculate Conception? Have you heard of this before?
2018-08-22 Angels Groaning: Where does it talk about the angels groaning? [Romans 8:15]
"Our Image": "Let us create man in our own image", why is it Plural? Trinity? [Genesis 1:26]
2018-08-21 "Our Image": "Let us create man in our own image", why is it Plural? Trinity? [Genesis 1:26]
2018-08-20 Trinity: Tying to understand the Trinity. "My God, My God, why hast thou forsake Me?" Why did Jesus have to say that to God? Why would Jesus be giving the Kingdom over to God the Father? [1 Corinthians 15:24, John 14, Psalm 22, Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34]
2018-08-20 Trinity followup & Resurrection: Was Jesus somehow living IN the resurrection when He was here? [John 11]
Faith & Belief: We didn't have enough time last time I called about clarifying the difference between belief & faith.
2018-08-13 Trinity: How do you put the Trinity doctrine together? [John 1:1] (audio cuts in & out very badly)
2018-08-02 Unitarianism & the Trinity: A very convoluted discussion about why the caller think Unitarianism is more plausible than the Trinity. [Hebrews 1-2]
2018-07-23 The Trinity in John 1: In the beginning was the Word, is this about the trinity? questioning the repetition of the first two verses. [John 1:1-2]
2018-07-20 Trinity: If you deny the Trinity, you can't be saved, is that true? It is a heresy not to believe that, people tell me. How can I refute that?
2018-05-29 Triquetra on the Bible: I was wondering what you thought about the Triquetra being on a Bible. I did some research on it, & it is associated with the Wiccans.
2018-05-10 A Christian converting to Jehovah's Witnesses: I just had a discussion w/ a recently converted Christian who is becoming JW. What can I do to win him back over? [Genesis 1, John 1, John 5, Colossians 1:15-16]
2018-04-30 Unitarian vs Trinitarian: Does Father equal Holy Spirit? Why is it important to believe that Jesus was actually the Son of God Incarnate? The Old Testament people didn't know that! Why isn't the Holy Spirit the Father since it was He overshadowing Mary instead of the Father?
JWs, Mormons & the Trinity: You just explained that Christians believe the Trinity differently, but yet the JWs & Mormons are called a cult because they believe it differently. Why?
2018-04-30 Unitarian vs Trinitarian: Does Father equal Holy Spirit? Why is it important to believe that Jesus was actually the Son of God Incarnate? The Old Testament people didn't know that! Why isn't the Holy Spirit the Father since it was He overshadowing Mary instead of the Father?
JWs, Mormons & the Trinity: You just explained that Christians believe the Trinity differently, but yet the JWs & Mormons are called a cult because they believe it differently. Why?
2018-04-25 Trinity: Is the Holy Spirit God's errand Boy? Can you please just address the Trinity?
2018-04-25 Trinity in the OT: Who are the 3 people that Abraham saw in Geesis? is the Trinity found there? What about the word Elohim in Deuteronomy? [Genesis 18:1, Deuteronomy 6:4]
2018-04-23 Olivet Discourse: How much of matt 24 has been fulfilled & how much is yet to come?
Modalism: Caller comments a few things about Modalism.
2018-04-20 God a Person: Is God a Person or a Spirit? [John 10:30, John 14:9, John 4]
2018-04-02 Modalism vs Trinity: Modalism as opposed to the Trinity, is it a salvation issue? Are you a Modalist?
2018-01-23 Baptized in only Jesus' name I have church members telling me that we should only get baptized in Jesus' name. Is that true? [Acts 2:38]
2018-01-23 United Pentecostal: Are United Pentecostals a cult? They don't embrace the Trinity, so is that heretical? being saved by faith, rather than having the correct doctrine
2018-01-10 Trinity: The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible, but you say the concept is there. Can you please lay it out for me? [John 1:1]
2018-01-08 "Let US": "Let Us" do this or that in the opening book of the Bible, in Genesis. Is this referring to the Trinity? [Genesis 1:26]
2017-12-27 Sinner's Prayer: Is the sinner's prayer found in the bible? [Romans 10:9]
Trinity, Modalism & Fundamentalism Do you have to believe in Trinity? Modalism & clarifying fundamentalism.
Women Pastors: Women Pastors.
2017-11-10 Trinity Found in the Bible: Is Trinity in the Bible?
Attending a Church to be a Christian: Do you have to go to a church in order to be a Christian? [Hebrews 10:25]
2017-11-02 Oneness Pentecostalism & the Trinity: Why are Oneness Pentecostals so against the Trinity?
2017-10-11 Holy Spirit the Spirit of the Father: Is the Holy Spirit of the Spirit of the Father....and the Son?
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