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Topic: Trinity (Triune, Trinitarian)

Showing 101 to 150 of 361.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-08-06 Praying: Should I pray to all three persons of the Godhead (Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit)? [Philippians 4:6, John 16:26].
2021-08-02 Trinity & Contradictory Scripture: How can we reconcile scripture that seems to contradictory to the trinitarian doctrine, particularly, the Father and the Son are not the same, and yet they are? [2 Corinthians 3:17, John 10:30, John 1:1].
2021-07-22 Trinity & Marriage: Could you go over the parallel between marriage and the Godhead (Trinity)?
2021-07-14 Analogy for the Trinity: What is your favorite analogy or metaphor for the Trinity (egg, H2O, or triangle)?
2021-07-13 Heretical Beliefs about the Trinity: Could you sort out the heretical errors doubting the trinity; Sebellianism, Monarchianism, Oneness, and Modalism? [John 10:30].
2021-07-05 Jesus as a Created Being, and Not God: As a former Jehovah Witness, we are still at odds about Jesus being God, based on their Bible translation (New World Translation). Recommended topical lecture: "Knowing God series". [John 10:34, Colossians 1:15, John 1:3].
You were "gods:" Could you sort the quote, "I said you were gods?" [Psalm 82:6, John 10:34, Isaiah 9:6].
2021-07-01 Sorting the Trinity: Could you help me understand whether is God three persons in one, or three manifestations (or modes) of one God? [John 14:21].
2021-06-28 "You have Seen the Father": What did Jesus mean when he said that when he was seen, one "has seen the father", and the works "speak of me" [Matthew 12:28, Acts 1;2, Philippians 2:7, John 14:8-10, John 10:25, John 5:19]
2021-06-25 "The Lord Said to My Lord": Could you clarify the significance of these verses inrelative to the addressing of "Lord to my Lord"? [Psalm 110:1, Isaiah 48:16, Mark 16:19].
2021-06-18 Case Against the Trinity: Caller attempts to make a case against "The Trinity." [John 14:6, John 14:22-24, Galatians 4:6, John 14:16-18, Romans 8:9].
2021-06-16 Jesus Not God: Could you help me counter the argument that Jesus is not God? Recommended Topical lecture; "Knowing God".
Jesus as the Begotten: Would not Jesus' birth be God "begetting" Him? [Philippians 2:6, Luke 1:35].
2021-06-01 The Word, Eternally Existing: Could you clarify your position on the trinity, specifically, Jesus, as "The Word", eternally existing.
2021-05-28 Jesus Always the Son?: Did Jesus become Himself only once He was born the son, or was he always in eternity past, as the "Word"? [Luke 2:11, Philippians 2, John 1:1, Micah 5:2, 2 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Corinthians 12:3, Luke 1:35, 2 Corinthians 5:19].
2021-05-27 "Jesus" is God Not in the Bible: Could you help me understand what you meant when you said that the Bible does not say that "Jesus is God"?
Unsaved Adult Children: What can I do to help my adult children become saved?
2021-05-26 Simon (the Pharisee & the Leper): Is Simon the Pharisee the same as Simon the Leper? [Luke 7:36-49, Matthew 26:6].
Jesus as God, Praying to God: How does one answer the question, "If Jesus is God, then how does God pray to God?" [I Timothy 3:16, Genesis 18:1, Hebrew 7:3, John 14:9, John 10:30, I John 4:2, I Timothy 2:5].
2021-05-14 God Manifested Himself and Became Flesh: Where is the verse about God being made flesh and how He was made Manifest? Recommended lecture; Knowing God. [John 1:14, I Timothy 3:15, John 14:9, John 10:30]. (This is a continuation from the previous call....had to add it as another call.)
2021-05-12 Jesus Manifesting Himself: How did Judas (not Iscariot) grasp the way Jesus was going to manifest Himself after the crucifixion? [John 14:15-24, John 15:1-10, Romans 8:9-10, I Corinthians 2:9-16].
2021-05-12 "Seeing the Light": What does it mean when someone says, "I have seen the light"?
Let "Us" Create Man in "Our" image: What does the word "us" mean in the statement; "Let us create man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26].
2021-05-10 Jehovah Witnesses: Could you help me sort through some of the things that Jehovah Witnesses believe? Recommended lectures on the Trinity and on Hell.
2021-04-19 Jesus Became God When Filled with the Holy Spirit: Could you talk a little about the controversary of the Eastern Church and the understanding that Jesus became God's son when He was filled with the Holy Spirit? [John 1:14, Luke 2:11-14].
2021-04-16 Michael Heizer & the Divine Council: Do you think that Michael Heizer may be leading folks to polytheism with his understanding of the verse in Genesis about the word "us" in the creation story referring to the "Divine Council"? [Genesis 1:26, Daniel 10:13-20].
2021-04-12 Disagreed That Christians Believe in the Trinity: I disagree that Christians all believe in The Trinity:
Trinity Doctrine Raises Icons in the Church: Don't you think that icons and images arose, and people began to worship them, because of the Trinity Doctrine? Recommended Lecture: "Knowing God - Trinity".
2021-04-12 Disagreed That Christians Believe in the Trinity: I disagree that Christians all believe in The Trinity:
Trinity Doctrine Raises Icons in the Church: Don't you think that icons and images arose, and people began to worship them, because of the Trinity Doctrine? Recommended Lecture: "Knowing God - Trinity".
2021-04-01 How to be Saved: What does one do to be saved? [I John 5:11-12, Romans 10:9].
Understanding God & Jesus: How do I understand the various labels for Jesus, God, and in the Trinity (Messiah, Son of God, etc.) and who should I be praying to, or addressing? [Matthew 11:29-30, Ephesians 3:14, John 14:6].
2021-03-26 Holy Spirit as Person: Why do we describe the Holy Spirit as a person, when He is a spirit? [John 14:16].
2021-03-04 "God of all Gods" Contradiction: Is there not a contradiction about God's singularity in these verses in Psalms? [Psalm 136:2, Psalm 95:3, I Corinthians 10:20, I Corinthians 8:4].
Conflict of God & Jesus' Will: Isn't there a conflict when Jesus says, "Not my will, but thine", indicating that God and Jesus did not have the same mind and will? [Luke 22:42].
2021-02-25 Oneness & Trinity Doctrines: Can you help me understand the differences in the "Oneness" vs the "Trinity" Doctrines? [John 1:1].
2021-02-24 Jesus 100% Human or Not: Was Jesus 100% human, or was He half God? [John 14].
2021-02-11 The "Trinity" in Scripture: Why didn't Jesus mention the "Trinity" in scripture?
2021-02-03 "Oneness" vs "Trinitarian": Would you talk about the "Oneness" vs. the "Trinitarian" doctrines. [John 1:1].
2021-01-26 The "Person" of the Holy Spirit: What are the verses that support the Holy Spirit being a person, rather than a power? [John 14, Genesis 1, Romans 8, Acts 15:28, John 1:1, John 1:18, I Thessalonians 5:19].
2021-01-14 Yahweh & Elohim: What is the difference between Yahweh and Elohim? [Genesis 1:1].
2020-12-29 The Son, Incarnate, of the Trinity: Could you help me grasp the idea of the son of the trinity, the incarnate God (Lecture series recommended; Knowing God)?
2020-12-21 Trinity and Oneness: Is the trinity doctrine less accurate than the "Oneness" doctrine? [Colossians 2:9, Luke 11:20].
2020-12-15 Praying with Those that Disagree: Is it wrong for a Christian to pray with those of Eastern Orthodoxy, who don't think they should pray with you?
The Trinity Option: Are there scriptures that substantiate that belief in the trinity is not necessary to follow Jesus and be saved? [Luke 10:20, John 5:24, John 14:9, John 16:3, I John 2:22, Romans 10:9].
2020-12-07 Jesus May Not be God Himself: Based on these scriptures, is it possible that Jesus might not actually be God, but could be acting on God's behalf instead of actually being God Himself? [Exodus 7, Revelation 1, John 1, Isaiah, 2 Corinthians 5].
2020-11-19 Jesus Not God (Questioning the Trinity & Oneness Doctrines): What about those that don't think Jesus is actually God, so they are neither Oneness or Trinitarian? Lecture recommended; Knowing God. [I Timothy 3:16, John 1:1, I John 2:22, I John 4:3, John 14:9, John 1:14, Philippians 2:6, Acts 17:28, John 14:9, ohs 14:28].
2020-10-29 Jesus is God: If someone believes that Jesus is the son of God, but fails to see that He was God, are they lost?
2020-10-27 Trinitarian Views: Do you agree that all we have to do is look at all of the various trinitarian and unitarian views to get a good idea of what it actually is?
Jesus as God or Just Worthy to be Worshipped: Is the essence of the Christian faith more about Jesus being worthy to be worshipped to the glory of God, rather than that He is God Himself?
2020-10-27 The Trinity: Does my view of The Trinity as a board of directors, adequately represent it? [John 17:21, I Corinthians 11:3].
"Godhead" for "The Trinity": What do you think of the word, "Godhead" in describing the trinity and the relative implied authority? [Colossians 2:9, Matthew 28:18].
2020-10-27 The Trinity: Does my view of The Trinity as a board of directors, adequately represent it? [John 17:21, I Corinthians 11:3].
"Godhead" for "The Trinity": What do you think of the word, "Godhead" in describing the trinity and the relative implied authority? [Colossians 2:9, Matthew 28:18].
2020-10-22 Human or God-man Jesus: Was there no human man that was Jesus, but only a God man that became Jesus, as William Lane Craig stated?
Jesus or God Tempted: If Jesus was God how could He have been tempted, if God cannot be tempted? [Matthew 4:1-11, Hebrew 4:15].
2020-10-08 God & Jesus as Coequals: Is there a verse that says that one must believe that the son and father are coequals? [Matthew 11:29-30, John 16:12].
2020-09-09 Steve Gregg - a Trinitarian: Are you a Trinitarian? Why or why not?
Saved if One Doesn't Believe Jesus is God?: Can someone be saved if they don't believe that Jesus is God, but still believe in Christ? [John 16:12-13, John 14:9, Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13].
2020-09-09 Steve Gregg - a Trinitarian: Are you a Trinitarian? Why or why not?
Saved if One Doesn't Believe Jesus is God?: Can someone be saved if they don't believe that Jesus is God, but still believe in Christ? [John 16:12-13, John 14:9, Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13].
2020-09-03 Illustration of The Trinity: Comment on the clarity of the illustration for "the trinity", as "God as sun, Jesus as the light, and the Holy Spirit as the heat."
2020-09-03 The Trinity Illustration of the Sun: Caller shares his use of the same illustration of the trinity as the son, and compares the Word to thoughts. [Psalm 19:1].
2020-08-31 Heirarchy or Co-equal Persons in Trinity: Is God, the Father, at a higher position than Jesus and the Holy Spirit, even though the "Trinity" is typically considered co-equal? [Philippians 2:5-11, John 14:8, Romans 15:6].
2020-07-23 Jehovah's Witnesses' View of Jesus: Jehovah Witnesses use Hebrews 1 & 2, to claim that Jesus is Satan's brother and He is not deity. Can you give me a response? [Hebrew 1:8-10, Psalms 45:6, John 20:17, Psalm 102:25-27, Luke 11:20].
2020-07-16 God Singular to Multiple: If God was singular initially, why did He then create the multiplicity (as in, trinity) in the universe? [Genesis].
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