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Topic: Church (The Modern or Contemporary)

Showing 1 to 50 of 303.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-03 Eschatology & My Church: How should I handle doctrinal differences over eschatology with the leadership of my Christian Missionary Alliance Church if they have strongly suggested my compliance and submission? [Mark 10:44, Matthew 20:26].
2024-05-20 Steve's Book "Empire of the Risen Son": Caller commends Steve for his important book as one of the most complete Christian book on the faith. "Empire of the Risen Son," Vol 1 & 2.
Churches Failing to Preach "Lordship": Why doesn't the modern church preach the "Lordship" of Christ?
2024-05-15 Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church: Why have I not heard you recommend churches that promote the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Ref: "Empire of the Risen Son" by Steve Gregg.
2024-05-14 Applause at Church: What do you think about applause after worship music at church?
2024-05-13 Struggling Sitting in Church: What do I do if I can't stand sitting in church and can't wait to get out of there, even when the pastor isn't doing anything wrong?
2024-04-22 MacArthur/Calvin Theology: What should I do if I have just discovered that the church I am attending strongly supports MacArthur and is Calvinist?
"Meticulous Providence" & "Predestination" (Calvinism): If the Calvinist theology of "meticulous providence" were true, then why would one bother? Wouldn't there be no point? Isn't the idea of "predestination" dangerous?
2024-04-18 Attending Church: Do you think that not attending a church is a sin? If so, can you point me to the scripture that suggests this?
2024-04-17 Going to Church: Can you be a good Christian and not go to church? [Hebrews 10:25].
2024-04-16 Wine: Was it wine in the Bible or was it just grape juice? [1 Corinthians 11:20-22].
Belonging to a Church: How important is it to belong to a church? [Hebrews 10:25, Matthew 18:19-20].
2024-02-19 Trajectory Application of Scripture: What do you think about the trajectory method and application of Biblical teaching? [Galatians 3:28, Matthew 20:26-28].
2024-02-08 "Disposed to" & Election: Caller comments about the context of Acts 13, and its relationship to "disposed to election."
Finding Fellowship: How do we, as homeschoolers, find fellowship and how flexible should we be on denominational differences like Dispensationalism and Calvinism?
2024-01-30 Going to Chapel vs Church: If my daughter goes to chapel every day (at school), is that the same as going to church? What is a church? Rec: Topical lectures series, "Some Assembly Required." [1 Corinthians 11:17, Hebrews 10:25, 1 Corinthians 16:15-18].
2024-01-29 Submission to Government Authority: Does Romans 13 (about submitting to government authorities) apply to us? [Romans 13:1-7, Daniel 2:21].
What to do about Dispensationalism: Did I hear you say that Dispensationalism is beginning to wane a little? Because it is getting harder to feel free to voice one's opinion in a Dispensational church, what can, or should, we do?
2024-01-29 Dispensational Theology: I have been attending a Calvary Chapel for some years, and I hope to teach one day, but as a non-dispensationalist, I can't teach what they do. What should I do?
2023-12-27 Homosexual Unions in Church: What justification do churches use to support homosexual unions? [Luke 5:30-32, Matthew 15:18-19, Matthew 18:15-18, 1 Corinthians 6:9].
2023-12-19 Getting Started as a New Believer: As a new believer, where do I start? How do I find the right church? Rec:
2023-11-29 Mega vs Small churches: Is it better to be in a small church, rather than a mega-church?
2023-11-16 Pastor's Salaries: What do you think about going to a church where the pastor is paid a salary? [Matthew 10:8, Galatians 1:10].
2023-11-14 Portland Area Church: Do you have any recommendations for churches in the Portland area?
Doctrines or Qualities of a Good Church: What should we be looking for in a church in order to find a healthy church? [John 13:34-35].
Steve Gregg Debates: How do you determine what to debate, and what does it take to get you to do a debate?
2023-11-14 Portland Area Church: Do you have any recommendations for churches in the Portland area?
Doctrines or Qualities of a Good Church: What should we be looking for in a church in order to find a healthy church? [John 13:34-35].
Steve Gregg Debates: How do you determine what to debate, and what does it take to get you to do a debate?
2023-10-25 Disappointment in Churches: Having been terribly disappointed in organized churches, how does one find a good church? Rec: Fellowship Groups at
2023-09-26 Church Today and the Tabernacle & Temple Tithe: Could you discuss the parallels between the customs of the church today and the obligations (tithes) that took place in the Tabernacle, Temple, and synagogue previously? [1 Peter 2:5].
2023-08-25 Calvinism's "Total Depravity": How do we refute Romans 1 and the claim that minds are depraved when speaking with Calvinists? [Romans 1, Romans 1:17].
Attending a Calvinist Church: Should I join a Calvinist church if they don't seem to hammer their Calvinism?
2023-08-01 Church Membership & Accountability: Would you talk about church membership and accountability? [1 Corinthians 12:13, 2 Corinthians 4:2].
2023-07-07 Bible Being Disregarded in Contemporary Churches: Caller shares his observation that many churches have decided to disregard the Bible. Rec: Books; "The Strange Silence of the Bible in the Church: A Study in Hermeneutics" by James D. Smart and "Battle for the Bible" by Harold Lindsell.
2023-07-06 Attending a Calvinist Church: What do you think about attending a Calvinist church?
2023-03-06 Unity Among the Churches: Have you seen local churches get together for activities for the sake of unity? Doesn't it seeme like we should be doing more of that in this anti-Christian climate?
2023-02-08 Church Departures: How should I approach someone if I want to know why he left our church?
2023-02-03 Finding a Good Church: What does one do if they are struggling to find a good and uncompromised church for fellowship? [Malachi 3:16].
2022-12-15 Church Stage & Altar When did we establish the church traditions with the stage and altar?
2022-11-04 Employee of a Church: What do you think of becoming an employee of a church?
2022-11-01 Church Membership: What do you think of a pastor who says that people have to become members of a church, and that the early church was not really all the Christians in one town? [Ephesians 4:1-4].
2022-10-31 Doing Good vs Wrong Theology: How do you sort out whether the good a particular church is doing versus the possibly dangerous theology they may be teaching? [I Corinthians 27-28].
2022-10-24 Black History Month: Should institutional churches be celebrating "Black History Month" or is this getting caught up with the "wokism" (woke-ism) of the day?
2022-10-24 "Group Repentance" at Church: What do you think about our church having a service that represented group repentance with some dramatic gestures, like each dropping a stone for symbolic purposes? [I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
2022-09-27 Home Church: What qualifies as a "home church?" Is just my wife and I enough for a home church? [Mathew 18:19-20].
2022-09-06 Joining a Church: Is it biblical to formally join a church?
2022-08-24 Not Keeping Company With Some: How does the verse about not keeping company with those that are not living right play out in real life? [2 Thessalonians 3:6, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15].
Church Discipline & Correction of Fellow Believers: Have you ever seen correction as directed in Matthew 18 ever really work? [Matthew 18:15-20].
Parachurches: Caller comments that many of the traditional churches are the subnormal churches and ministries like The Narrow Path are the real church.
2022-07-20 Sin in the Modern Church (Church Discipline): Are there any modern churches practising church discipline in response to the rampant sin in our churches today? [I Corinthians 5:11, Matthew 18, 2 Timothy 2:3].
2022-07-20 Modern Churches Welcoming the Sinners: Shouldn't our churches be more like physicians welcoming the sick into them, rather than a place of condemnation?
2022-07-15 Progressive vs Conservative Churches: Could you talk about the "woke" ideology seeping into the modern church? [Matthew 28:20].
2022-07-13 Early Church Compared to Modern Church: Could you clarify what you meant by your critique of modern day church and pastors in contrast to the early church?
2022-07-12 Changing Churches: What kind of loyalty should one exhibit when considering changing churches?
2022-06-28 Others Resurrected When Jesus Did: Did other people literally resurrect from the dead when Jesus did? [Matthew 27:52-53].
Steve's Reason for Attending Home Church: How did you make the decision to go to a home church instead of a traditional church?
2022-06-27 Any Other "Steve Greggs"?: Is there anyone else like you out there?
Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Do you go attend a local church?
Guns: Should Christians own guns?
2022-06-14 Apostles & Church Leadership: What is the appropriate role for leadership and descision making in the church? Is the apostle in the church the final descision maker? Recommended topical lecture; "Some Assembly Required"-"Who Will Lead Us?" [Ephesians 4:11-12, I Thessalonians 1:1, I Thessalonians 26:, John 13:20, Acts 14:23, Acts 20:28, James 5:14, I Peter 5:1, I Corithians 12:29, 2 Corinthains 8:23].
2022-06-02 Finding Alternate Fellowship-Other than the Mega-Church: What does one do if they really find the mega-church experience (entertainment) is leaving one wanting? How do you find fellowship in a good church?
Professional Clergy & Institutional Church: Is the structure in the modern church model, with paid clergy, really what it should be? Recommended topical lecture; "Some Assembly Required."
2022-06-02 Finding Alternate Fellowship-Other than the Mega-Church: What does one do if they really find the mega-church experience (entertainment) is leaving one wanting? How do you find fellowship in a good church?
Professional Clergy & Institutional Church: Is the structure in the modern church model, with paid clergy, really what it should be? Recommended topical lecture; "Some Assembly Required."
2022-05-27 No Longer Attending a Church Fellowship: Can a good Christian not attend an organized church?
2022-05-27 Pray to Find a Church Fellowship: Comment regarding an earlier caller and Steve's suggestion that he pray about finding a church.
"Only Begotten" vs "Unique" Son: When considering Jesus as the "only begotten" or "first begotten"-is this referring to our spiritual rebirth (being born again)? [John 3:16, Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:18, Revelation 1:5, Psalm 2:7, Acts 13:33, I Peter 1:3, Hebrews 6:5].
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