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Topic: Church (The Modern or Contemporary)

Showing 51 to 100 of 303.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-05-19 Church Membership: Could you share your thoughts on church membership and some of the expectations, like tithing, that come with that? [I Corinthians 1:12].
2022-05-13 Must You Be "Born Again"?: Do you agree with R.C. Sproul that in order to be a Christian, you must be "born again?" [Acts 11:26].
2022-04-27 "No Name Church": What do you know about the "No Name Church" or the "2 x 2s" (The Truth, The Way?
2022-04-15 When to Leave a Church: What signs might God be giving that it is time to leave a particular church group?
2022-03-31 Modern Leadership Failures: Where would you put modern Christian leadership relative to bad motives and legalism discussed in Philippians? [Philippians 1:18, Philippians 3:2].
2022-03-30 Women in Ministry: Does the Bible support the idea of woman becoming pastors or elders? [I Corinthians 12, Romans 12, I Corinthians 14:1, I Peter 5:2-4, Acts 20:28].
Women in Authority Over Men: Should women be put in authority over men? [Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44, Matthew 20:26].
2022-03-28 The Immature Church Delays Christ's Return: Are we somewhat responsible for the delayed return of Christ because of our sin and immaturity in the church? [2 Peter 3:12].
2022-03-18 Untrustworthiness in the Church: Could you advise us regarding our concern over the trustworthiness of some in charge of church affairs?
2022-03-16 Deconstruction (of the Church): Could you explain the word "deconstruction" as applied to the church?
Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): Do you believe in "Once Saved, Always Saved"? [Romans 11:22].
2022-03-15 Churches & Fellowship Groups on The fellowship/ church list at has a new area listed for Vancouver, Washington.
Inerrancy & Inspiration of Scripture: Would you talk about the inerrancy or infallibility of the Bible and the inspiration of scripture?
2022-03-10 Danger in Questioning Dispensationalism: Why is the questioning of Dispensationalism so difficult and contentious? What is at stake?
2022-03-09 Churches Should be More Political: What is your opinion of Charlie Kirk and his view that the church should become more political? [Colossians 3:17].
2022-02-17 Environmental Concerns of the Church: What do you think about a church who doesn't believe in evangelism, but environmentalism, instead?
2022-02-08 Benefits to Institutional Churches Today: Isn't their a lot of benefits from the larger institutional churches today? [Romans 14:3-5].
The Persecuted Church: Does persecution cure the problem of disunity?
Infighting in the Church: What do we tend to fight over within the church? [Ephesians 4:3-6].
2022-02-08 Benefits to Institutional Churches Today: Isn't their a lot of benefits from the larger institutional churches today? [Romans 14:3-5].
The Persecuted Church: Does persecution cure the problem of disunity?
Infighting in the Church: What do we tend to fight over within the church? [Ephesians 4:3-6].
2022-02-04 Background Checks in Church: Caller shares his experience with this church requiring a background check.
2022-02-04 Purpose of the Contemporary Church: Exactly what is the purpose of the modern day church, and why has the church left the early church model and tends not to use the gifts? [Acts 2].
2022-02-03 Church Requiring Background Check: Could you counsel me regarding my church requiring a background check?
2022-01-21 We Have a Better Altar: Could you help me understand the implication of Hebrews 13:10 about we have a better altar? [Hebrews 13:10, Hebrews 8:13].
Altars in Churches: Is having an altar in our churches biblical?
2022-01-18 Dead Church: What do you think about a dead church? Should I leave my church or stay there and pray for it? [Revelation 3:1, Zechariah 2:4].
2022-01-11 Elders & Deacons: Do all churches need to have elders and deacons? [Acts 20:28, I Peter 5:1-4].
2022-01-10 Teaching Pastors & Elders: If there are plenty of elders in the church, is it acceptable to hire a younger man to be the teaching pastor, since he is technically not an elder? [I Timothy 4:12].
2022-01-07 Symbolism of the book of Revelation: Is all of the book of Revelation symbolic, or just some of it? [Revelation].
"Jezebel Spirit": Is it correct to say that a woman has a "Jezebel spirit"? [Revelation 2:20].
Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Are you part of a church group that meets regularly?
2021-12-30 Worshipping & Gathering in Contemporary Church: Could you talk about worship in the modern church and what "worshipping" is and if we need to go to church to worship? [Romans 12:1, Romans 6:13, Galatians 6:2, Hebrews 13:15].
2021-12-08 The Message Bible: What do you think about "The Message" Bible?
Pastor Completely Controlling the Church: Is the pastor supposed to be in complete control over the church? [Matthew 20:25-26, I Corinthians 11:3, James 5:14, Acts 14:23, Acts 20:28, I Peter 5:1-4, 3 John 1:9, Acts 20:28, Titus 1:5].
2021-12-06 Bob Mumford, Pastoring and Elders: Caller shares his positive experience of Bob Mumford and his agreement regarding elderships and pastoring.
2021-11-19 Joseph of Arimathea's Church in Scotland: Have you ever heard about a church in Glasgow, Scotland that claims that Joseph of Arimathea brought Jesus to their early church?
2021-11-18 Misunderstood About Christianity: What is the most misunderstood thing about the Christian faith today, particularly in contrast to joining a religious group that practices Christian traditions?
2021-11-05 Recommend a Church: Can you recommend a church up in the Bellingham WA? Recommended website; (church list).
2021-11-01 Early Church & Church Membership: What do you think of the numbers mentioned in scripture about how many were converting being evidence that they had a formal membership in the early church? [Acts 2, I Corinthians 3:4].
2021-10-27 Church Mandates Vaccine: What do you think about my church not allowing me to attend unless I get the vaccine? [Matthew 16:25, Luke 17:33].
2021-10-26 "Pharmakia" (Pharmaceuticals) in Scripture: Don't you think that the verse about the potions mentioned in Revelation could be relative to the word "pharmakia" and the vaccine? [Galatians 5:20, Revelation 9:21, Revelation 18:23, Ephesians 5:18].
Church with Images of Jesus: Do you think that churches should have pictures of Jesus? [Romans 1].
2021-10-13 Why Not Abandon Faith and Pursue One's Own Happiness: How should a young person respond to contemporay culture's encouragement to abandon one's faith and pursue happiness?
Pursuing God Over Earthly Pleasure: How does one convince others that pursuing God is more fulfilling than earthly pleasures? [Luke 9:23, Psalm 16].
Challenges for the Young Today: What do you think this younger generation is facing that is greater than ever before?
2021-09-17 The "Body & Blood" for Eternal Life: Do you need to receive the "body and blood" of Christ in order to receive eternal life?
Church Attendance Required: Do you have to attend church? [Hebrews 10:25]
Eucharist (Communion) Symbolism: What is the symbolism of the body and blood of the Eucharist (Communion)?
2021-09-08 Rock Music in Church Service: What do you think that using popular rock music, like "Bohemian Rhapsody", in a church service?
2021-09-03 Gay Flags Flying High Above Church Buildings: How can churches flaunt Gay Pride Flags on their buildings?
2021-09-01 Regular Church Attendance: What are your views on regular church attendance? [Hebrews 10:25]
2021-08-30 Good Churches Hard to Find: Caller laments not finding good, New Testament churches today. How does one find one? Recommended topical lecture; "Some Assembly Required".
2021-08-24 Problem with Leaving the Church: Do you have any teaching about a pastor who ignores you in public if you have left your church?
2021-08-19 COVID Mask Mandate: Could you help me sort out our church mess over the COVID mask Mandate? [Romans 14:5].
2021-08-04 Southern California Bible Study Fellowship: Caller offers and opportunity for others to join a Bible Study fellowship in Oakland Hills CA, with Steve Gregg lecture homework.
Supporting Steve Gregg financially: Caller encourages listeners to give financial gifts to support Steve Gregg personally.
2021-07-28 Money Paid to Pastors: As someone who has converted from Islam to Christian, I am confused by the amount of money pastor's are paid for what they do and where I should put my money. [Matthew 18:6].
2021-07-22 Los Angeles Church of Christ (Boston Church of Christ): Do you have any insight into the Los Angeles Church of Christ (affiliated with Boston)?
2021-07-16 Church Attendance: Can I leave church after the fellowship, and before the pastor's sermon?
2021-07-16 Connecting in Fellowship for a Shut-in: As a shut-in, I could really use prayer and a prayer partner. How can I make a connection for fellowship?
2021-07-05 Sinful to Vote Contrary to the Pastor's Wishes: What would you say to a pastor who thinks voting contrary to his vote to change the church constitution would be sinful? [3 John 1:9, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44].
2021-07-02 The Bride of Christ: What do you think of the concept of the "Bride of Christ" coming out of the church, rather than being, itself, the church? [Ephesians 5:31-32].
2021-06-30 Men & Women in the Same Bible Study: Is there any reason that men and women should not be in the same Bible study?
Unions & Groups that Support Abortion: What is a good Bible reference for directing someone away from a political group and union that supports abortion? [I Corinthians 6:14].
2021-06-30 Pastors Control the Church: Does the pastor have complete control of the church? Recommended Lecture; "Some Assembly Required." [Matthew 20:26, Mark 9:35].
2021-06-29 Modern Worship & Performance: Am I just being an old fogey, because of my disappointment with some of the modern worship music and the performance emphasis?
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