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Topic: Church (The Modern or Contemporary)

Showing 251 to 300 of 303.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-03-10 Bible Forum on the Narrow Path Website: Caller joined the forum on Steve's website, & couldn't believe some of the posts he saw there.
Steve Starting a Church: Would you ever consider start a church?
2016-02-25 Retreat Supports Abortion & Homosexuality: My church goes to a retreat that is pro-abortion & pro-gay, so should I participate?
2016-02-25 Church Wants Its Members to Comply with New Theology: my church was arminianism for over 35 yrs but have switched over to a more Calvinistic approach & they are passing out membership cards you have to sign that says you will submit to how the elders interpret the Bible
2016-02-16 Church Being an Apprenticeship Program: Shouldn't the church basically be of an apprenticeship program mindset? If I go to a church & encourage elders to do this, should I wait on the Lord for that or what?
2016-01-04 Differences in Belief in Church I Attend: How do I deal with teachings in my church that I disagree with but don't want to switch churches because of those differences?
2015-12-10 Law of Double-fulfillment: You as a partial preterist think that most prophecies have been fulfilled, but what about double-fulfillment prophecies?
Satan being bound, Jesus plundering his house: Isn't Satan doing the same thing to the church what Jesus is supposed to be doing to Satan, plundering it, destroying it, creating havoc?
2015-11-11 Acts 2 Church & SG's background: Can you please tell me your background, especially about the Acts 2 churches?
Church Community: Do you belong to a church community like that?
Modern Day Pastors: The caller's pastor friends don't like the idea of just being a member verses preaching in the pulpit every week the way it happens in modern times.
2015-11-11 Acts 2 Church & SG's background: Can you please tell me your background, especially about the Acts 2 churches?
Church Community: Do you belong to a church community like that?
Modern Day Pastors: The caller's pastor friends don't like the idea of just being a member verses preaching in the pulpit every week the way it happens in modern times.
2015-11-09 Looking for a church: What kind've church would you look for?
Modern Day Pastors: Was there pastors in the early church like there are today?
Deacon, Overseer, & Pastors: So would pastors, overseer & deacon be the same synonym? [Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5]
2015-11-03 The Institutionalized Church: What would it mean to speak of a church being institutionalized & what would a non-institutionalized church mean?
The "office" of a Bishop: What about the verse of someone desiring the office of a bishop, that they are desiring a good thing? [1 Timothy 3:1]
2015-10-28 Discipleship: What is a good way to encourage discipleship in the church? [Matthew 28:20]
Church Community: The typical church service is all about the service, not connecting w/ one another, & people need to be taught how to go about doing life together.
2015-08-31 The Bible Study Fellowship: Caller thinks the best church to go to when people ask about where is the best church to go to is, The Bible Study Fellowship.
2015-08-27 Day of a Christian in the Early Church: What were the daily concerns of the body of Christ at that time? What would be the daily life of a Christian during the Apostolic times be?
2015-07-15 Religion vs Being Spiritual: We need to leave the Church religion & just have a relationship w/ Jesus, & if you were to believe the correct Gospel Message, you wouldn't be in any institutional church. What does Steve think of that idea?
2015-06-30 Women Keeping Slient: Is the reason there's even a controversy is because of bad punctuation? [1 Corinthians 14:34-35]
2015-06-25 The Rapture: Caller wants to explain HIS theory about the Rapture, that the Church is going OUT (in the Wilderness) & not UP, 2 groups, 10 Virgins, & Wood, Hay & Stubble & Silver & precious stones, [Matthew 25, 1 Corinthians 3:9-15]
2015-05-28 Blessing & Cursing Israel: Does not the Bible says that those who "bless Israel will be blessed & those who curse Israel will be cursed"! [Genesis 12:3]
We Are the Temple of God: Regarding "Temple of the Holy Spirit", why didn't Steve also go to 1 Corinthians 6:19? [1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19]
2015-05-28 The Church of Firstborn: Has Steve ever heard of the church called, "The Church of the Firstborn"?
Paul's War Against the Flesh: Is Romans 7 referring to Paul's struggle with sin before or after his conversion? [Romans 7:14-18]
2015-05-27 Church Building Project Followup: What do you think about the new building project her church wants to do when people are being told they are not following the Spirit of God for not pledging to help? [Acts 2:46]
2015-05-21 Reimagining Church by Frank Viola: This book suggests no Pastors/Elders in the Church, but completely led by the Holy Spirit? It's a solid, NT church, it says. Does Steve think that is a LITTLE extreme? [1 Corinthians 14:26]
2015-05-13 Church Growth in Dark Ages: How was the church growing in the Dark Ages during the monopoly the Catholic Church had on the Bible, on the Truth? [Matthew 13:31-32]
Materialism: Western Society seems to have lost their way, the husband & the wife both working, undermining the family by being taught by schools & daycares, ignoring Christianity.
2015-04-30 Apostolic or Church Authority: Caller wants to talk about Apostolic or Church Authority.
2015-04-30 Role of Church at the End of the Age: What is the role of the church at the End of the Age?
2015-04-16 Salvation from the Bible: Taking our Salvation only from the Bible, Tom the Catholic disagrees. Baptism saves. [Matthew 19:25, 10:22, 24:13, Mark 16:16, John 6:50]
Church is built on Apostles: Church is gone, invisible!
2015-03-25 Left Church because of LGBT: What are Steve's thoughts about LGBT? If Scripture is the foundation of what we believe, we need to do something about it w/ love.
2015-03-20 Government & Church Sovereignty: Does the church have to obey the government?
2015-03-02 Local Church in Portland that teaches Amillennialism: Does Steve know any churches in the Portland area that teach Amillennialism?
2015-02-06 Expanding Church Building Project: Our church is thinking about expanding the physical church by purchasing more property, but wondering if that's a good idea since are many needy people.
2015-01-14 No Bibles Available in Church: Caller forgot Bible one time & asked if she could borrow one & the church didn't have one.
Prayer in Church: How much prayer should be happening in church?
2015-01-14 No Bibles Available in Church: Caller forgot Bible one time & asked if she could borrow one & the church didn't have one.
Prayer in Church: How much prayer should be happening in church?
2015-01-06 Grace/Legalism: There seems to be a lot of legalism in our churches nowadays.
2014-12-02 Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola & George Barna: In a book called, "Pagan Christianity", which is about what's gone wrong in the Institutional church, it talks about the Pastoral Leadership mentality, which is more like tradition of man than biblical thing. What are your thoughts?
2014-09-03 Institutional Churches Caller believes isolation is one Satan's greatest tools, so leaving the Institutional church might not be a good idea. [Hebrews 10:25]
2014-07-31 Calvinism: Caller thinks Calvinism is getting stronger & stronger in churches, & we need to be aware of it.
2014-06-26 Ananias & Sapphira: Regarding hell "scaring people into Salvation", isn't that sort've what happened during the incident of Ananias & Sapphira & throwing fear into the church? [Acts 5:1-11]
United Reformed Church: Do you do you know anything about the United Reformed Church?
R C Sprouls & the Reformed Church: I was wondering what the United Reformed Church was being "reformed" from?
2014-06-11 Apologetics: Should Apologetics be taught in Church?
Presence of Jesus: What does Jesus mean that He'll be in the presence of us? [Matthew 18:20]
2014-05-22 Church Tax-Exempt Status - 501c3: Why does the church desire to be under a tax-exempt status when Jesus said that we have to pay taxes? [Matthew 22:15-22]
2013-12-02 Best Bible Version: What is the best Bible version or translation?
Catholic Doctrines; Infallibility of the Pope & Praying to Mary: What to you think about the Catholic Church's doctrines of the "infallibiltiy of the pope" and praying to Mary?
Best Church to attend: What is the best denomination or church in which to find fellowship?
2013-10-08 Healing Rooms: Caller is concerned about a book she's reading at a Bible Study called, "Prophecy & Wisdom" by Graham Cooke & Randy Clark, which talks aboaut healing rooms & stuff that happens at Bethany. What does Steve think?
Heidi Baker: Have you ever heard of Heidi Baker?
Fellowshipping at churches that Disagree: Is there any churches I can go to that won't mind me being a partial preterist & not agree with them? Are there any churches that agree with the Partial Preterism paradigm?
2013-08-26 Institutional Church: So should we leave the "institutional church"?
2013-07-26 Church Membership: Is Church Membership-being forced to sign a piece of paper-biblical? [1 Corinthians 1]
2013-06-26 Evolution being taught in my Church: Why would someone start teaching the theory of evolution in my church?
2013-06-19 Local Church Blessed by God: How do you know if your local church is blessed by God?
2013-06-17 Churches Not Evangelizing: Caller is concerned that churches aren't leading people to Jesus like they should.
2013-04-30 Church in the Last Days: Do we need to be in church in the last days? [Hebrews 10:25, Matthew 18:20, I John 5:1].
Offering Sacrifices to God Now: How do we offer sacrifices to God today? [ I Peter 2:5, Hebrews 13:15, Philippians 4:12-23, Romans 12:1].
2013-04-24 Church Libraries: Do churches often have a lot of libraries?
Education (College & University) by the Church: Should not the church be taking over the higher education (college and university) system? [I Corinthians 9].
2013-03-29 Attending Institutional Church: Are you discouraging people from going to a local church?
Finding Pastors & Teachers: If one does not attend a local church, where else might one find pastors and teachers?
Gifts of the Spirit Still Viable: Do you believe that the gifts of the Spirit are still viable today?
2013-03-21 The "Emergent Church": What is the "Emergent Church"? Is it negative or positive?
Muslim Idiom Translation: What do you think about the Muslim idiom translation, where biological words are changed to be less offensive to that group?
2013-03-13 Secular Books to Train Leaders in Church: What do you think about using a secular books to train leaders in the church? [Romans 12, Matthew 20:25].
2013-02-04 Women Having Authority over a Man: What do you think about women having authority over men? [1 Timothy 2:12]
Women Silent in Church: What does it mean when scripture says women shouldn't talk at church? [1 Corinthians 14:34-35].
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