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Topic: Church (The Modern or Contemporary)

Showing 201 to 250 of 303.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-11-27 Persecution of Christians: Why are Christians suffering violence? What is happening in the churches in America?
2017-11-16 Pastor & Church Issues: The size of the church has been shrinking, & they are going to beam in another pastor's sermon virtually. Is that a good idea?
2017-11-16 Betrothed or the Bride of Christ: Is the Body of Christ, the church, a betrothal or the actual bride of Christ right now? [Matthew 26:29]
2017-11-01 Institutional Church & the Early Churches: Modern institutional churches is in complete contrast to the apostolic or early church of the 1st century. [Hebrews 10:25]
Grounds for Divorce & Remarriage Discussion: God's view of marriage & faithfulness, but you can get a divorce if there's any impurity, like if your spouse is or becomes an alcoholic.
2017-10-19 Closed Communion: Hos is closed communion in churches that you visit even biblical?
2017-10-17 Full Maturity of the Church: What do you think it will look like when the church matures? [Ephesians 4:11-13]
Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses: Why do Mormons/LDS & JWs consider themselves Christians yet want to be apart from other believers & in fact only believe they are Christians?
2017-10-12 Church Authority: Who has the final word of what is truth? Is the pastor the "dictator" of the church?
2017-10-09 Test for a Good Church: What is the perfect test of what makes a good church?
Church of the Nazarene: What do you think of the Nazarene church?
2017-09-20 Leaving Your Church for Disagreements: Did you say that you shouldn't leave your church if you disagree?
2017-09-18 Gates of Hell not Prevail against the Church What did Jesus mean by "the gates of hell" will not prevail against it? [Matthew 16:18]
2017-09-12 44,001 Denominations: If the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, why are there 44,000 different denominations, no unity in the Christian church?
2017-09-05 First lady or Mother Title: Caller doesn't feel comfortable calling pastors wife first lady or mother, & don't want to celebrate the pastor's anniversary
2017-08-29 Institutional Church: Caller would like to weigh in on why Christians are leaving the Institutional churches in droves lately.
2017-08-23 Prophecy & Tongues: Is prophecy & tongues for the believer or for the unbeliever & if for the believer, is church for the unbeliever too? [1 Corinthians 14:23-25]
2017-08-23 Bad Religion by Ross Douthat: Have you heard of a book by the name of "Bad Religion" by a Ross Doulthat?
Church Flourishing: From after World War 2 to 1960, was the church flourishing?
2017-08-21 Church Discipline Needs to be Implemented: Church discipline needs happen because of appropriate behavior by a pastor, but they are wondering what to do?
2017-08-15 Hiding & Financing Illegal Immigrants: What do you think about churches hiding & financing illegal aliens?
2017-08-15 Setting up a Legitimate Home Church: What are the requirements to starting a home church & how should we be doing church?
2017-08-04 Bill Hybels: I'm wondering what you think of Bill Hybels, his philosophy of making the church as big as you can?
2017-08-02 Prideful in Church Attendance: Being prideful in church attendance, is it okay to have that kind of pride? [Matthew 7:1-2, Hebrews 10:25]
2017-07-28 Denominations: Are denominations just possibly being an immaturity of people who choose to be divided in certain things. Is there examples of that happening the early church?
2017-07-26 Not Needing a Teacher: You don't need a teacher, is this what does that means? [1 John 2:27]
Spiritual Adultery: Have you ever heard of the term "spiritual adultery", where churches get annoyed that you are fellowshipping with another group even though you "belong" to them?
2017-06-05 Church Fracturing over Homosexuality: Our church is splitting because of people's view of sin, homosexuality, to accept them or not accept them.
2017-05-03 New Covenant: Who was the new covenant made for, the church or the individual Christian?
Seventh Day Adventists & the Sabbath: Adventists keep the Sabbath, but do they keep it the strict ways the Mosiac Law required it to be kept?
2017-04-26 Body of Christ, Bride of Christ being the Church: The "Body of Christ", the "Bride of Christ" & all these other metaphors you hear in the Bible, can you talk about all these metaphors in the Bible? [Ephesians 5:31-32, Genesis 2:24]
2017-04-13 Easter Lilies Prohibition at Church: Why would my church prohibit Easter lilies?
2017-04-10 Bumper Sticker Controversy: I was asked not to park in the church parking lot because of bumper stickers on my car, they are not offensive.
2017-04-05 Visiting a Catholic Church: Even though I'm not one, what do you think about me visiting a Catholic church once in awhile?
2017-04-04 Upkeep of the Church: So what about the upkeeping of the church when you pay tithe?
2017-03-21 Future Coming together of the Church: What is the future of the church as far as coming together? emergent church
2017-02-27 Not Liking Your Pastor: Aren't there places in scripture where it says to support your pastor instead of making a scene? Can't someone go somewhere else if they don't like him? there are so many options nowadays if they don't like him
2017-02-15 Using Church as an Evangelistic Tool: What should a church be more focused on, for the unbeliever or the believer? Who should you MAINLY preach the gospel to?
2017-01-26 Resurrection of Jesus evidenced by Growth of Church: Is a good argument for proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ the rapid growth of the church?
2016-12-19 Seeker-friendly churches: Churches that play loud, rock & roll type music it would seem would lose a whole bunch of older people, so counterproductive.
2016-11-21 Church Hunting: Wondering about the Nazarene Church.
2016-10-07 Mega-churches: If I have reservations about our church, but my wife and kids are enjoying it (worship is like going to a concert, using a paraphrased Bible), what do you suggest?
Bethel Church in Redding: About Bethel Church's view of the continuation of the office of apostles and prophets, what teaching can you suggest? Recommended: topical lecture "Charisma and Character."
2016-10-05 Institutional Church: There seems to a lack of unity & love in the traditional, institutional church.
2016-09-16 Arguing People into Truth: Can you debate/argue people into the faith? What about loving/fellowshipping with people who are not Christian but other religions?
Church, Ecclesia & English Definition: What is the English definition of "church"? Isn't it in contrast to the Ecclesia derfinition which means "assembly", "a gathering" of people?
2016-09-09 Churches an Incubator: Some of the Churches in America are just incubators for infant Christians but not really making Disciples of Christ.
Church as an Evangelistic Mission Tool: When did the Church become exclusively all about evangelism instead of church discipleship? Is it exclusively an American phenomenon or around the entire world?
2016-08-16 Divorced Pastor Starting a New Church: Divorced man started a church after an affair with a woman, but not having much to say about his adultery, but should the caller continue going even though he is sort've living in sin?
2016-07-21 Christian Church Established: When did the church begin> At Pentecost? [Matthew 16, Matthew 18, Acts 2]
2016-07-20 Baptism Symbolic: I thought Baptism was just symbolic? Yeah, we need to obey, but I thought it was just symbolic? Do I need to get baptized again?
Gates of Hell not Prevailing Against the Church: The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church, so the catholic church thinks this applies to them because they been around since the apostles time & the Protestant Church hasn't, they say. What do you think about this?
2016-06-17 Replacement Theology-Kingdom being Restored: This can't be the church because it has never fallen down [Acts 3:21 sic (Acts 1:6 actually), Acts 15:16, Amos 9]
2016-05-05 501c3 registered churches: What do you think about churches being registered as 501c3's?
2016-05-04 The Church & Invisible Church: Can you comment about the (institutional) church verses the invisible church, some saying the latter is heretical?
2016-04-29 Sunday-Best for Church: DOes it say anywhere in the Bible that we have to dress up for church?
2016-04-21 MEGA churches: Caller is concerned that her church that was relatively small at one point is just becoming a Megachurch, & is wondering the phenomenon of what's going on....just trying to bring in the people.
2016-04-20 The Institutional Church: The building up of a church, how is this not in some degree an "institutional" church?
2016-04-14 Hierarchy of the Pastor: what is the proper roles for congregation & pastor & vise versa, & is there a hierarchy?
2016-03-18 No Crosses Displayed: Every church I've visited, no crosses displayed outside or inside the building because they don't want to offend people. [Galatians 5:11]
Church's Music: What if i go to a specific church because of the form of a music they use make you feel good?
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