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Topic: Salvation (Saved)

Showing 451 to 500 of 854.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-05-29 Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): Would you talk about "once saved, always saved" (eternal security)? There are several arguments about being sealed, born and unborn, and bride of Christ or betrothed? [Ephesians 1:13, Revelation 7:3, Luke 15:11-32, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Romans 7, Revelation 19:6-9, John 15:6].
2020-05-29 Arminian & Calvinist Analogy: Could the contrasting views of Arminian & Calvinist be paralleled to the formation of diamonds and superstitious alchemy?
2020-05-28 Caller Attempting to Disprove Christianity: A non-believer presents his postulates about the necessity of proving ones' genealogy from David without such the fallacy of Christianity would be proven. An discussion ensues about what makes him hesitant to follow Jesus. [Matthew 1:1].
Comment on Coronavirus/ COVID-19; Non-believing caller comments on the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic:
2020-05-26 The Stigmata: Was Paul talking about the stigmata in the verse about bearing the wounds of Christ? What do you think about the stigmata? [Galatians 6:17].
Calvinists & The Thief on the Cross: How do the Calvinists explain the story of "the thief on the cross"?
2020-05-22 All Israel Will be Saved-Defining Israel: Could you talk about "all Israel will be saved"? [Romans 11:17-26, Romans 9:6, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9-11, Jeremiah 11].
2020-05-22 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): How do you counter these common proof texts for eternal security: 1. It is a free gift, 2. You are sealed with the Holy Spirit, 3. You are adopted. [Romans 11:29, Romans 8:9, Ephesians 1:13, I John 4:13, I John 5:11, John 15:6, Luke 15:11-32].
2020-05-22 What is "His Will": What is doing "His will", as stated in Matthew? [Matthew 7:21, Matthew 5-7, Matthew 6:46].
2020-05-19 Demonic Possessioin: Caller comments on his experience with deliverance.
Surrender for Salvation: Caller comments on the surrender required to experience salvation.
2020-05-13 Calvinism & Hyper-Calvinism: Would you talk a little bit about the various degrees of Calvinism and specifically, Hyper-Calvinism? [Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 30:19].
Calvinism & Lordship Salvation: Do Calvinists believe in Lordship and Lordship Salvation?
Dispensationalism Reviewed: Can you give a quick overview of what Dispensationalism is?
2020-05-13 Calvinism & Hyper-Calvinism: Would you talk a little bit about the various degrees of Calvinism and specifically, Hyper-Calvinism? [Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 30:19].
Calvinism & Lordship Salvation: Do Calvinists believe in Lordship and Lordship Salvation?
Dispensationalism Reviewed: Can you give a quick overview of what Dispensationalism is?
2020-05-12 Born Again & Sinlessness: I don't seem to understand what it means to be born again, because the Bible says you won't sin. Can you help me know how to accomplish this? [I John 3:9].
Confessing Your Sins to One Another: Every time we sin we are supposed to confess to our brother, so so I have to go do that all that time? [James 5:16].
Christ in Me Should not Allow Sin in Me: If I have Christ in me, how can I still sin? Am I not to overcome the devil? It is really hard! [Galatians 5:17, Philippians 3, I John 1:9, Ephesians 1:7, Matthew 23, Matthew 11:29, Matthew 26:41].
2020-05-11 The Chosen of God, the Elect: Why do you believe that we are not chosen as the elect by the Holy Spirit?
A Sovereign God That Allows Evil in the World: If God is sovereign, why does He allow so much evil in the world?
2020-05-07 Propitiation is God Being Paid-off: If Jesus was the "propitiation", and propitiation means a pay-off, was requiring a God paid off? [I John 2:2].
Sin Already Forgiven: If our debt was paid by God, then are our sins forgiven past, present, and future, requiring no further repentance? [I John 5:12].
2020-05-06 Jesus' Murder as an Offering & Salvation: The idea that Jesus had to be murdered in order to make salvation a way for us, doesn't make sense. Can you defend that?
2020-05-04 Baptism Required: The book of Mark seems to suggest that believers must be baptized, so is it required for salvation? [Mark 46:9-20].
2020-04-29 Preterists & the Second Coming: What do Preterists believe about the future events surrounding the second coming?
Church of Christ; Full Preterism & Baptism: What do you think about those in the Church of Christ who believe in Full Preterism and that baptism being required for Salvation?
2020-04-22 Repentant Suicide & Forgiveness: Is there anything in the Bible that addresses the ramifications if someone asks for forgiveness just before they commit suicide? [Isaiah 29:13].
2020-04-22 No Choice to be Sinner, but Required Choice to be Saved: Why do I have no choice in being born a sinner, but I have to make a choice to be saved? [Romans 5:18-19, Isaiah 7:16, Mark 10:15, Luke 18:16].
2020-04-21 Old Testament Salvation: How could the people of the Old Testament be saved, since Jesus had not yet come as the mediator? [Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11].
Faithful Non-Christians, Who Just Don't Know: What happens with those that are the committed and faithful, but not a Christian, like the religious Jews?
2020-04-21 Old Testament Salvation: How could the people of the Old Testament be saved, since Jesus had not yet come as the mediator? [Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 11].
Faithful Non-Christians, Who Just Don't Know: What happens with those that are the committed and faithful, but not a Christian, like the religious Jews?
2020-04-15 Sinner's Prayer, Repentance & Obedience: Do you think that someone who says "the sinner's prayer" but doesn't really repent or change his behavior and dishonest business practices is really saved? [Luke 19:8, Matthew 1:21].
2020-04-14 Judgment Different for Jews & Gentile: Is there a different level of judgment for Jews and gentiles? [Matthew 10:15, 11:24, Romans 2:6].
Questioning the Description of Hell in Daniel: You indicated that this verse in Daniel 11 & 12, doesn't apply to hell, can you clarify your position? [Daniel 2, 9, 12:2, Ezekiel 37, John 5:28, Luke 2:34, Matthew 5:24, I Peter 1:10-12].
2020-04-14 Gift of Faith and Saving Faith: Is there a difference between the gift of faith and a saving faith? [I Corinthians 12, Ephesians 2:8-9].
2020-04-10 Giving Men for You: What does it mean to say He "will give men for you"? Does it mean some will be sacrificed for the salvation of others? [Isaiah 43:4].
People Sacrificed for Others: Is there any place in the Bible that indicates that some people will be sacrificed for another's salvation?
2020-04-10 Giving Men for You: What does it mean to say He "will give men for you"? Does it mean some will be sacrificed for the salvation of others? [Isaiah 43:4].
People Sacrificed for Others: Is there any place in the Bible that indicates that some people will be sacrificed for another's salvation?
2020-04-09 Who are the Nations That are Saved: Who are the "nations of those who are saved"? [Revelation 21:23-24].
Reign Over Whom?: Who will we reign over in the New Jerusalem/ new earth? [Revelation 21:24, 5:10, 2 Timothy 2:12}.
2020-04-08 Saved from What: What did Jesus come to save us from? Is He interested in us only while on earth? [Matthew 1:21].
Heaven Eternal: If heaven is eternal, then why would hell not be eternal?
2020-04-08 Saved from Our Sins: Didn't Jesus come not only to save us from our sins, but from the penalty of sin? You implied we can be sinless? [Matthew 1:21, I Corinthians 10:13, Romans 6, I John 3:10].
2020-04-03 Blot Name Out of the Book of Life: What does it mean regarding the overcomers and the threat - "blot his name out of the book of life"? [Revelation 12:11,13:8, 17:8, John 16:33].
Sowing Seed on the Various Soil Parable: Would you explain the parable about the seed on the different soils?
Cut-off of the Olive Tree: When one is cut-off, after being grafted into the olive tree, does that mean one is longer longer a child? [Romans 11:24].
2020-04-03 Blot Name Out of the Book of Life: What does it mean regarding the overcomers and the threat - "blot his name out of the book of life"? [Revelation 12:11,13:8, 17:8, John 16:33].
Sowing Seed on the Various Soil Parable: Would you explain the parable about the seed on the different soils?
Cut-off of the Olive Tree: When one is cut-off, after being grafted into the olive tree, does that mean one is longer longer a child? [Romans 11:24].
2020-04-01 Baptism Requirements: Would you comment on a church that requires re-baptism in their own church with their stipulations on how to do so? [Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19-31, I Peter 3:20].
2020-04-01 Test & Temptation in the Lord's Prayer: Is the word used in the Lord's Prayer for "temptation" the same as "test"? [Matthew 6:9-13].
Lord's Prayer -Thy Kingdom Come: What does it mean in the Lord's Prayer, "thy kingdom come"? [Matthew 6:9-13, 12:28, 16:24-26, Exodus 19:6, Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Luke 17:21, 9:23, Colossians 1:13].
2020-04-01 Saved Without the Holy Spirit: Is it possible to be saved without the Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18 ].
Laying on of Hands: Is it necessary to have hands laid on you in order to have the Holy Spirit? Acts 8, 10, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18].
No Feeling of the Holy Spirit's Presence: Sometimes I have strong feelings that I suspect is evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, other times, not so much, am I doing something wrong?
2020-03-31 The Age for Christian Commitment: At what age do you think kids are able to actually make a serious decision for the Lord and be baptized?
2020-03-31 Lord and Savior - or Not: What do you think about the idea that someone can ask for Jesus to be your savior and later you can become a disciple? [Luke 14:26, 33, Acts 11:26, Romans 10:9, Luke 2:11].
2020-03-30 Church Leaders - Not Exhibiting Love: What do you think about a worship leader in our church who indicates he just doesn't like some people and avoids them? [I John 4:7-8, John 13:34, Romans 8:9, I Corinthians 13].
Mean Christians Sharpen Us: Could it be that unloving or mean people are there to sharpen us, like the scripture says? [Proverbs 27:17].
2020-03-30 Best Evidence for Christianity: What is the best reason to be a Christian and follow Jesus?
2020-03-27 How Many Are Truly Saved Today: What kind of percentage of people today do you think are truly committed, or true disciples of Christ? [Matthew 7:22].
2020-03-24 Angels & Heirs of Salvation: Does Hebrews indicate that people, referred to as the "heirs of salvation",receive the ministering of angels even before they are saved? [Hebrews 1:14, Romans 8:17].
Angel Identity and Tasks: Does Hebrews 1:14 shed any light on how to understand Daniel 11:1 and the task and identity of angels? [Daniel 1, Hebrews 1:14].
2020-03-23 Jews the Only Worshippers of God: Why were the Jews the only ones to have a relationship with God? [Hebrews 11].
2020-03-20 Coronavirus: What do you think about the Coronavirus and its ramifications?
Can One Lose Their Salvation: Do you think someone can lose their salvation? [2 Thessalonians 2, Hebrews 3:1, 12, I John 5:11, Luke 15].
2020-03-19 Repentance & Salvation: How important is repentance for one's salvation? [Luke 15:11-32, 18:13, Mark 1:15, Acts 2:38].
2020-03-16 Son of Abraham & Salvation: Why Jesus would say that salvation had come because one was a child of Abraham, when we understand salvation to be of faith? [Galatians 3:7, John 1, 8].
2020-03-13 Amillennial vs Premillennial: Would you clarify how the Amillennial view would not cause fewer people to be saved? [I Peter 1:18, Galatians 1:4, Matthew 1:21].
2020-03-11 Christianity Not a Religion: As an unbeliever, I find that the argument that Christianity isn't a religion, annoying, can you tell me more about how that is defended?
2020-03-10 Not Really Saved (I Never Knew You): How could people prophesy and do miracles in Jesus name and yet they might not have really been saved? [Matthew 7:22, I Corinthians 13].
2020-03-09 Jesus as the only Way: Can we absolutely prove that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven amidst all the world religions that are out there?
2020-03-09 No Longer a Slave to Sin & Walking in the Spirit: If we have the capability of not being a "slave to sin" does that mean that we have the power, by grace, to not sin? What if we stumble?[Romans 6:6, 7:14, 24-25, 8:1, 4, Galatians 5:16, Luke 15:11-32, James 3:2].
2020-03-03 Choosing Salvation for our Children: Is this verse saying that the children of Christians will be saved, if we choose life for them? [Deuteronomy 30:19]
Blue Ribbons, Fringe, & Black Israelites: As a particular religious sect suggests, do we still have to wear Blue Ribbons and fringe, since scripture says, "from generation to generation"? [Numbers 15:38].
2020-02-28 Defining "The Gospel" & "The Kingdom of God": What is the gospel, and why is it "the power of God unto salvation"? [Romans 1:16, Mark 1:14-15, Exodus 19:5-6, Acts 1:6, 17:7, Colossians 1:13, Matthew 28:18, 13:31-33, John 8:31, Hebrews 4:12].
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