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Topic: Salvation (Saved)

Showing 751 to 800 of 854.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-03-18 Personal Prophecy: 2 Pastors told the caller that her family will be saved, but she doesn't feel that.
2015-03-17 Lordship Salvation: What is Lordship salvation & why is it considered a heresy?
2015-02-27 Angels long to look at our Salvation: What was so fascinating about our salvation that angels would be looking on at it, & why would God permit suffering & death? [1 Peter 1:10-12]
2015-02-18 Having Assurance of Faith: Some of the things Jesus says is pretty difficult & caller is wondering if she's living up to what He wants. [John 6:37 Ephesians 5:5]
2015-02-13 Pastor's Family: Should the entire family (wife, children) of the Pastor be saved, or can they be reckless, just as long as he's saved? [1 Timothy 3:1-7]
2015-02-12 Calvinism - Repenting: If someone has the power to repent & another doesn't, doesn't that mean you are a better person than them or taking glory in your repentance?
2015-02-10 Baptism: Is it necessary to be baptized in order to go to heaven?
2015-02-06 God's Plan of Salvation: Someone can't take someone else's place for their crime, but Jesus was able to?
2015-02-02 Eternal Security: Caller wants to point out that passages about Eternal Security stand out by themselves, "proving" it, that you don't need other scripture to prove it.
2015-01-27 Continually Repenting: Some say you don't have to repent from sins, but from unbelief & that we don't have to keep repenting once you are saved.
2015-01-13 People Never hearing the Gospel: Caller wanted to followup on if people are saved who had never heard the gospel & wants to cite a passage of Scripture in Romans. [Romans 2:11-15]
2015-01-13 Children going to Heaven: Do children go to Heaven if they die?
2015-01-12 Never Hearing the Gospel: Will people go to hell who have never heard the gospel?
2015-01-12 Once Saved Always Saved: Caller trying to figure out what is right, once saved always saved or not, especially in light of a passage of scripture in Matthew. [Matthew 7:21-23].
2014-12-31 Discipleship, Salvation & Sanctification: How do you forsake everything? [Mark 10:17-31, Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 18:18-30, Luke 14]
Baptism regarded as not important: Isn't the importance of Baptism sort've watered down nowadays?
2014-12-17 Unequally Yoked: What does the word "sanctified" mean in the famous unequally yoked verse? That the spouse & children of a spouse that is saved are automatically saved? [1 Corinthians 7:13=16]
2014-12-08 Rewards - Prizes: Most people think that the rewards you receive is your faithfulness while we were down here on earth. Do you agree with that? [1 Corinthians 9:4, Philippians 3:7-11]
Eternal Security: God won't leave you once you belong to Him, isn't that right?
2014-12-08 Salvation Transaction: To some people Salvation is like a Transaction, that once you cash in, you are set for life, for eternal life.
Salvation via other Religions: There's a lot of Religions that seem to have the same idea/experiences as what happens in Christianity, so is it possible that God just uses them to get people to come to Him?
2014-12-08 Salvation Transaction: To some people Salvation is like a Transaction, that once you cash in, you are set for life, for eternal life.
Salvation via other Religions: There's a lot of Religions that seem to have the same idea/experiences as what happens in Christianity, so is it possible that God just uses them to get people to come to Him?
2014-12-03 Radio Programs & the Narrow Path: There are some radio shows that just seems to disagree with your teachings.
Date of the Book of Revelation: Wife & I debating the dating of the book of Revelation, my wife thinks way after 70 AD, i think before 70 AD.
Baptism: Is water baptism necessary for salvation?
2014-11-25 Assurance of Salvation: I keep having a besetting then that I keep falling into, & so wonder if i'm saved or not.
2014-11-25 Feeling Saved: You don't always feel saved, you have ups & downs, but you still might be saved!
3 Views of Hell: What is your view of Hell, Traditional, Annihilationism, & Universal Reconciliationism?
2014-11-24 Saved by Faith & Not Works: We are saved by faith, but not works, but I've always struggled w/ that because then a person thinks they can live a life of sin, & just have faith. What do you say? [James 2:14-15]
Death-bed Conversion: So if we repent right before we die, no matter if it's a deathbed confession or not, we are saved. What about someone like Adolph Hitler?
2014-11-20 All Saved & Hardening of the Heart: There seems to be a contradiction that God wants everyone to be saved, but that He's also hardened people on purpose, such as Pharaoh. Why? Is this a contradiction?
2014-11-20 Sinners or Sins: Did Jesus die for our sins or did He die for us? [1 Corinthians 15:3]
2014-11-18 Jesus Christ the Only Way: Only people who have accepted Jesus Christ can make it into the New Jerusalem, isn't that right?
Tithing: Do we have to still tithe?
2014-10-31 Sozo Salvation: Sozo is all about Inner Healing, Soul ties, Generational Curses, just wanted to tell you that since you had a call about it yesterday.
2014-10-30 Sozo (Salvation): What does Steve know about Sozo classes?
2014-10-28 Sanctification & Salvation: What is the difference between Sanctification & Salvation?
Quitting Smoking: Should I quit smoking? Is it a sin?
2014-10-27 Calvinism & God's Sovereignty: What do Calvinists think of people who are saved who are not Calvinists?
2014-10-09 Redemption Draweth Nigh & False Christs: Are the verses 25 & after in Luke 21 talking about the actual physical coming of Christ or do you think it's still talking about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD? Don't believe in False Christs....He's going to come w/ power & great glory. [Luke 21]
Final Judgment, End of the World & Signs: Did Jesus ever speak of a the end of the world, a final judgment? Are there going to be any signs of His coming?
Times & Seasons & Restoring the Kingdom: Didn't Jesus say it wasn't for us to know the times or seasons or the restoration of the Kingdom of God? [Acts 1:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1]
2014-10-07 Book of Romans: You say that the first section of the book of Romans was specifically written to the Jews, & so that "Romans Road to Salvation" is not really applicable. [Romans 3:23, 3:10, 5:8,12, 6;23, 10:9-10]
2014-08-26 Sinners in the OT: How were people of the OT forgiven, like Adam, Eve or even Cain, if he was? Are they in heaven right now?
2014-08-11 Emphasizing Healing: What do you think about emphasizing the need for healing over Salvation? Could people w/ problems such as blindness, deafness, being mute, have to do w/ demon-possessed, & so they need to be delivered before Salvation can happen?
2014-07-29 Trinity & Sound Doctrine: Believing Sound Doctrine is important such as the Trinity, but it isn't dependent upon salvation. [2 Peter 3:15-16]
Perseverance of the saints: Caller believes once-saved-always-saved, eternal security, once we belong to Christ, otherwise he thinks it's a salvation by works.
Intercessory Prayer: Doesn't it say somewhere like in Romans that Jesus is always making intercessory prayer for us so we are always abiding in Him? [Romans 8:26-27]
2014-07-25 Salvation is of the Jews: What did Jesus mean when He told the Samaritan woman that "Salvation is of the Jews"? [John 4:22]
2014-07-14 Baptism necessary for Salvation: Would you say it's not necessary to get baptized for Salvation?
2014-06-02 Oneness Pentecostals: So if you don't believe in the correct Trinity like the Oneness Pentecostal people don't, you aren't a Christian?
2014-05-22 Lacking in my Salvation: How can I know I am a true Christian? [Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 9:23-24]
2014-05-21 All Israel shall be Saved: Can you tell me what this passage of Scripture means about all of Israel shall be saved? [Romans 11:25-29]
2014-05-20 Calvinism & Arminianism: Even though a fellow Christian brother believes in one point of the Calvinism, but not the rest, that does not necessitate that he is a Calvinsit. Is that possible?
Assurance of Salvation: How do you KNOW that you are saved? [James 2:19]
2014-05-19 Former Atheist: Caller likes Steve's knowledge of Christianity & being able to defend it. [1 Peter 3:15]
5 or 6 year old accepting Jesus: How can children of a very young age understand the plan of Salvation & be able to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour?
2014-05-13 Inner Witness & Being Saved & Calvinism: Sometimes I wonder if i'm saved or not because I seem to be lacking an "inner witness", & sometimes I think Calvinism is right, that only a select few, the elect, are going to be saved, & not me. Can you comment on that? [Romans 8:16]
2014-05-13 Word of Encouragement: Caller wanted to encourage the 2nd to last caller about having anxiety over being saved w/ a story about her sister & the late Bill Bright.
2014-05-07 God won't send good people to hell: My son asked me, "If this guy on the radio is right, then why do we need to send missionaries, if good people are going to heaven anyway, because people who reject it, they are going to go to hell, but if they don't hear it, then they are okay". What do you think about that? [Hosea 4:6, James 4:17]
Healing is reality of Future Heaven: So if we pray for healing & God heals or doesn't heal us, all we are really doing is participating in the reality that will happen when we get to Heaven since we will all be healed then. What do you think of that idea?
2014-05-06 Good people not in Heaven: How come good people who just don't happen to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior won't be saved? [John 3:16, Romans 10:13]
2014-04-24 Different Perceptions of God: Why can't everyone be right with their own version of what truth is?
2014-04-16 Salvation of the Jews: Are the Jews Saved? What is your take on this verse? [Ephesians 3:6]
2014-04-03 Discipleship & Obedience: We need to become a Disciple of Christ when we become Christians, is that not right, but some just want to make sure they stay out of hell, but shouldn't we be craving to learn about Jesus as much as can, & do anything He asks? Isn't a major part of Discipleship making more disciples of Christ? Why such a minority of people wanting to do that?
Extravagancy: What if we are living way more luxurious than we should, instead of giving to missions? [Romans 14:4]
2014-04-02 Future Salvation of Israel: Some of the Church Fathers taught a future salvation for Israel almost like Dispensationalists teach. [Romans 11]
Concerning the Election: What then is your view about Romans 11:28 where Paul seems to make a distinction between ethical Israel & this supposed spiritual Israel that you say Romans 11 is talking about? [Romans 11:28, Galatians 3:28]
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