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Topic: Salvation (Saved)

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Episode Topic Audio
2020-02-26 A True Disciple of Christ: After listening to your lecture, "Toward a Radically Christian Counterculture", I am feeling convicted about whether I am a real Christian-a true disciple of Christ-and am wondering that if my previous walk has been weak and compromised, where does that leave me? [Titus 2:10].
2020-02-25 Catholics-Saved or Unsaved: Can Catholics be true Christians and saved?
Infant Baptism & Salvation: If someone was baptized as an infant, as in Catholicism, could they still be saved without being re-baptized as an adult?
2020-02-25 Only for the "Lost Sheep of Israel": Why did Jesus say he only came for the "lost sheep of Israel" in scripture? Didn't He come for everyone? [John 10:37, Matthew 15:21-28, 8:5-13, Romans 1:16, Acts 10-11].
2020-02-17 Unequally Yoked in Church to Unbelievers: How does "unequally yoked" work if we are asked to bring unsaved people to church? [I Corinthians 14, 2 Corinthians 6:14].
The Kingdom of God: I love your lecture "Beholding the Glory", I wish everyone could hear it! Do you think you will write about "The Kingdom of God"?
2020-02-12 Unsaved, Unmarried Couple Commit to Christ: An Unmarried couple who lived together (mentioned on February 6, 2020) committed to Christ and want to get married.
Salvation, Repentance, Good Works: How is the difference between "change of mind" vs "change of action or behavior" relative to repentance, salvation, and doing good works? [Galatians 5:17-18].
2020-02-12 Unsaved, Unmarried Couple Commit to Christ: An Unmarried couple who lived together (mentioned on February 6, 2020) committed to Christ and want to get married.
Salvation, Repentance, Good Works: How is the difference between "change of mind" vs "change of action or behavior" relative to repentance, salvation, and doing good works? [Galatians 5:17-18].
2020-02-12 Gnosticism, Calvin & Election: If Paul is correcting Gnostic teaching about election to include everyone for salvation, then how can Calvinists not also be corrected? [I Timothy 2:1-6].
2020-02-07 Judgment for What: If our sins are forgiven when we are saved, why do we need to judged later? [I Corinthians 3:10, 5:10, Titus 3:14, Romans 2:6f, 14:10, I Peter 1:17, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 16, 25:31].
Separate Judgments for Saved and Unsaved: Are there two separate judgments? One for the saved, and one for the unsaved? [Matthew 25:31].
2020-02-07 Judgment for What: If our sins are forgiven when we are saved, why do we need to judged later? [I Corinthians 3:10, 5:10, Titus 3:14, Romans 2:6f, 14:10, I Peter 1:17, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 16, 25:31].
Separate Judgments for Saved and Unsaved: Are there two separate judgments? One for the saved, and one for the unsaved? [Matthew 25:31].
2020-02-06 No Man Comes to the Father Except Through Christ: Scripture plainly indicates that people are saved only through Christ, so what about those who have not heard of Christ? [John 14, 2 Peter 3:18, TItus 2:14].
2020-02-06 Christian Suicide: How should we council and think about Christians who are contemplating suicide? [Galatians 5:16, 6:2, I Corinthians 12:21].
2020-01-22 Saved in Christ: Is there a distinction between being saved as a Jew versus a gentile? [Revelation 19:7-9, Psalm 2:8, I John 5:12, Romans 22:8-9].
2020-01-13 Assurance of Salvation: How can anyone be assured of their own salvation in light of what Jesus said in Matthew 7? [Matthew 7:21-23, 12:50, I John 4:1, Acts 19, Deuteronomy 13, 2 Thessalonians 2, Luke 6:46, Exodus 34:6-7, Psalm 103:10, John 8].
2020-01-09 No Sacrifice for Sin: Were the Jews being warned not to continue in sin and rely on the sacrificial system in Hebrews 10? [Hebrews 10:18, 26, 6:4].
Impossible to Renew to Repentance: Does Hebrews 6:4-6 actually mean that you can go too far, and be unable to return to Christ? [Hebrews 5:12f, 6:4-6, James 5:19, Luke 1:37].
2020-01-08 Proselytes: Why was Peter unaware of the acceptance of proselytes when dealing with Cornelius?
Salvation Coming to the Gentiles: Why did Paul say, that salvation came to the gentiles, because the Jews rejected Him? [Romans 11:30].
2019-12-19 Altar Call Salvation: Will an altar call save you?
2019-12-10 Saved by Faith or by Works: Are we saved by works or faith? Salvation [Galatians 5:6,16, Titus 2:14, I Corinthians 6, James 2:14-26, 3:2, Luke 10:27, Romans 8:16, John 5:10].
2019-12-10 Salvation in Old Testament: Was there any salvation in the Old Testament? [Hebrews 11, 10:6, Jeremiah 31:33, Romans 4, Psalm 32].
2019-11-20 Rich Man Saved by Grace: Does the story of the rich man seeking eternal life illustrate that it is actually by grace that we are saved? [Matthew 19:20f].
2019-11-15 Saved in Childbirth: When Paul says that women will be saved in childbirth, what does he mean? [1 Timothy 2:15, 3:1, 1 Corinthians 7].
2019-11-11 Salvation in Old Testament & without Knowing Jesus: How were the Old Testament saints saved and justified without knowing Jesus? And can people still be saved, if they don't know about Jesus? [John 8:56, 2 Corinthians 11:4].
2019-11-04 What Does it Mean to be Saved?: What happens when I die? Caller seems to not be clear on what it means to be a follower of Christ.
2019-10-31 Losing One's Salvation: Does one lose their salvation when they sin?
2019-10-30 Bare Minimum to be Saved: What is the bare minimum one needs to do to be saved? [Luke 14:33, I John 5:12, Proverbs 24:16].
2019-10-22 Hierarchy on the New Earth: Are there two levels of Christians on the new earth?
Kingdom of God: Is entering the Kingdom of God the same as being saved?
2019-10-11 Salvation in the Old Testament: How were people saved in the Old Testament? [Genesis 15, Romans 4, Hebrews 11].
2019-10-03 Trinity: If someone doesn't believe in the trinity, are they not really Christians?
Tongues: Must one speak in tongues to be saved?
2019-09-17 Saved - What Does it Mean?: What does it mean to be saved? And what are we being saved from ... hell? sin? suffering? [Matthew 1:21, Titus 2:14, Galatians 1:4, I Peter].
2019-09-17 Faith, Salvation, Grace: If faith, grace, and salvation are gifts, that doesn't support the Calvinist position, right? [Ephesians 2:8].
2019-09-16 Impossible to Renew to Repentance: Would you talk about Christians falling away and whether than can be restored to faith? [Hebrews 6:1-6, 3:12, Matthew 19:24, James 5:20].
2019-08-26 Nothing Can Separate us From Christ: What does Romans 8:38 mean? Does it mean that you can sin, and still be in Christ? [Romans 8:38, 11:22].
2019-08-26 Calvinism: How can a Calvinist be a good Christian if they believe that some people cannot be saved? [I Corinthians 13:9-12, Matthew 16:27, Romans 2:6-10, 2 Corinthians 5:10, I Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:12-13].
2019-08-23 Satan's Redemption: Is there any chance that Satan could be saved, or redeemed, at the last minute? [Origen, Anton LaVey].
2019-08-12 Salvation vs Judgement: If one is already saved, then why would there be a judgment to follow? Or if unsaved, what would the judgment be about? [Luke 12:47-48, Matthew 5:16, 16:27, Titus 2:14, I Peter 1:17].
2019-08-08 Simply Believing: Are there other examples of people being saved just by a simple belief, without the evidence of their works and what followed?
2019-07-30 Once Saved, Always Saved: Can you give me a little background to when the idea of "Once Saved, Always Saved" first came into mainstream Christianity?
2019-07-26 Saved Again: Does scripture teach that once you are saved, but have fallen away, you cannot ever be saved again? [Hebrews 6:4-6, James 5:19-20, Luke 15:11-32, Hebrews 2:5, Matthew 19:20, Luke 1:37].
2019-07-22 Salvation without Bible Knowledge: Can a person be saved without knowing anything from the Bible? [John 3:16].
2019-07-05 Church replacing Israel: If the church was to replace Israel, why is it not mentioned in the Old Testament (old vs new covenants? [Jeremiah 11:16, Galatians 3: 14-16].
Old Testament Saved by Works: In the Old Testament, were the faithful saved by works rather than grace? [Hebrews 11, Micah 6:6-8, Psalm 51:17, Psalm 40:6-8].
2019-07-02 The Law Reveals Sin: Does The Law of Moses identify and reveal what sin is?
Confessing Jesus: Is it necessary to confess Jesus as Lord to be saved? [Romans 10:9 & 13]
The Subconscious Mind: Does the subconscious mind and dreams dictate what you do?
2019-07-02 Impossible to Renew: What does it mean that "it is impossible to renew them"? [Hebrews 6:4-8, Luke 1:37].
No More Sacrifice: Isn’t Jesus the final sacrifice, so people should not be reinstituting sacrifices? [Hebrew 10:26].
2019-06-28 Unconditional Election (Calvinism): Are we unconditionally chosen or elected to be saved? If so, how then, could God be upset if we didn't make the choice? [Ephesians 1:4, Acts 17:30].
2019-06-17 The Narrow Path Few & Saved Multitudes Contradiction: Is there a contradiction between the scriptures about "the narrow path" and the "few who find it", and the multitudes that come to Christ described in Revelation? [Matthew 7:13, Revelation 7:9].
2019-06-07 Parenting, Communion, Baptism: Concerned that his kids may just going through the motions of baptism but not really meaning it, and wondering if they shouldn't take communion until they are baptized.
2019-06-06 Do Christians Need to Ask for Forgiveness: Does this verse actually apply to non-Christians, particularly since this seems to be written to unbelievers? Do we need to continue to ask for forgiveness of sins, once we have been saved? [I John 1:8, 9, 2:1, 18, Matthew 6:9-13].
2019-06-03 Authentic Salvation: Are the people described in these scriptures authentic Christians? [Matthew 7:21-23, John 11:49-50, II Thessalonians 2].
2019-05-22 The Law: Would someone have to go to court in The Law? [Romans 10:4].
Assurance of Salvation: How can one know if they are a true believer?
Repentance: What about repentance?
2019-05-20 Salvation & Filling of the Holy Spirit: What is the distinction between receiving the Holy Spirit upon salvation and being filled with the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 5:18, Acts 2:4-5, Acts 1:5, Acts 19:6, Acts 8:17].
2019-05-16 Esau's Birthright & Salvation: Did Esau lose his salvation because he sold his birthright? [Hebrews 12:16, Deuteronomy 21].
2019-05-14 Salvation: What is required to be saved? [Acts 11:26, Acts 2:38].
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