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Topic: Salvation (Saved)

Showing 551 to 600 of 854.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-05-13 Essentials of Salvation: What are the essentials of salvation?
2019-05-02 Salvation: Since I think that you said that just belief in Jesus, is insufficient for salvation, do you believe that confessing belief in Jesus enough?
2019-04-26 Salvation: When Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do", doesn't that indicate that all will be saved? The parable of the prodigal son [Luke 15:11-32, 23:34]
2019-04-25 Believing in Jesus: Is believing that Jesus is the son of God enough to be saved? What is high Christology? [Romans 10:9]
2019-04-22 Assurance of salvation: Gramma was saved recently, and is in the hospital, what can I do to make sure she is saved?
2019-04-18 Arminius, Arminianism: Can man save himself? Did you say that Paul didn't know that he was saved? Doesn't God initiate man's salvation? The use of the word used for “disposed” (“appointed”) Should we consider Arminius a heretic? [I Corinthians 16:15, Act 13:48, Romans 7:14-15].
2019-04-16 Salvation by Confession: Can you explain this passage [Romans 10:9-15]? If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, are you saved? [Isaiah 29:13] What does it mean to be saved?
Relics: Are some of the relics (sliver of the cross) authentic? Catholic traditions and superstitions (indulgences, etc.).
2019-04-09 Salvation: Am I really saved? I am still struggling with sin in my life. If I am truly converted, why am I still having to do continue to struggle?
2019-04-02 Once Saved, Always Saved: How does one lose one's salvation? How are you able to leave Jesus Christ?
2019-03-28 Reprobate Mind: Can those with a reprobate mind, still be saved [Romans 1:28, 2 Corinthians 13, 1 Corinthians 9]?
2019-03-25 Salvation: What do we have to do to show God that we have enough faith to be saved? What is the evidence?
2019-03-22 All Things to All Men: What does it mean to become all things for all men [I Corinthians 9:22]?
Ten Commandments: Are we required to obey the Ten Commandments? Is it part of salvation? Should we be under the law? How did Jesus fulfill the Law? [Matthew 5:17-20]. 22 1 2 99
2019-03-14 Baptism: Should I be re-baptized, if I was baptized before?
Holy Spirit: How do I become baptized with the Holy Spirit?
Salvation: How do I know if I am saved?
2019-03-06 Once Saved, Always Saved: Can we lose our Salvation? Is there not eternal security? [John 17:12, John 6].
2019-03-06 Signs of Salvation: What are the necessary signs of salvation? Do you have to be baptized or speak in tongues in order to be saved? What does being saved actually mean?
2019-03-06 Once Saved, Always Saved: Is it dangerous to stay in a church that believes the extremes of either position; one cannot lose their salvation vs one can never lose their salvation?
2019-03-05 Once Saved, Always Saved?: Are we born sinners? Once saved, always saved? What is the significance to remaining attached to the vine? [Hebrews 3:12, John 15:6, Romans 11:22, Luke 8:13].
2019-02-27 Salvation: Some people argue that if you have to do more than accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Saviour, you're working for your salvation
2019-02-18 Salvation through the Gospel of John: Can an unbeliever become a believer by just reading the book of John?
2019-02-15 Deathbed conversion as opposed to long-term Christians losing their faith: What about a good person who was a Christian most of their life who ends up going to hell & a person who was evil most of their life who repents and becomes saved?
2019-02-15 Born Again: What does it mean for a person to be saved?
2019-02-14 Working out your own Salvation: What does it mean to "work out your own salvation"? [Phillipians 2:12]
2019-02-14 Losing your Faith: Asking if Steve agrees about a statement she says about losing our salvation (inspired from a previous caller).
2019-02-13 Prayer: Is it biblical to pray for my enemies, but pray against their evil deeds?
2019-02-04 Must Hear the Gospel: In a book by John Piper called,"Jesus: The Only Way to God", he says that people must hear the Gospel in order to be saved or they can not be saved. Is this true?
2019-01-23 Call of God for Only the Elect: Is the calling to come to God only come to certain people, or to all? [John 12:32, John 1:9, Psalm 19].
2019-01-18 Knowing That You Are Saved: What is a Biblical affirmation of one being "saved"? How does one know for sure? [I John 5:11-12, 24, Romans 10:9
2019-01-14 Too Many Sins: Can one commit one too many sins, resulting in no more forgiveness? [Hebrews 12].
2019-01-11 Redemption for Murder: Is there redemption if you kill someone?
2018-12-31 Not Making your needs known: What do you mean by not availing, disclosing what your burdens are, to the body of Christ? [Galatians 6:2, Romans 12:15]
Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, elected to being saved before someone asking God in their heart, I heard you saying is what Calvinists believe.
2018-12-31 Holy Spirit: (followup from many previous calls she has made) Does everyone have the Holy Spirit in them or not? am I saved or not?
2018-12-28 An Unbeliever, an Apostate & a Reprobate: Is there a difference between an unbeliever, an apostate and a reprobate?
A Self-Deceived Person: What about a self-deceived person?
One Thinks they are Saved: What about thinking you are saved, & they really aren’t?
2018-12-26 Saved w/ out Knowledge of Jesus: People who were never Christians, who have never heard of Christ, can be saved despite this verse? [Acts 17:30]
2018-12-05 Eternal Security: Can you lose your salvation?
Giving to the Narrow Path Ministry: Can I give to your ministry instead of my church?
2018-11-26 Predestined for Salvation: Calvinism suggests a preselected number of saved, & that since they are saved, they can sin & be saved no matter what.
2018-11-16 Continuing in Sin: When sin seems to keep winning when does God finally give up on you?
2018-11-16 "He Cannot Sin": Practicing sin or continuing to sin without the fight against it, His seed being in us so we can't sin. [1 John 3:9, 1 John 2:1, Romans 6]
2018-11-16 John the Baptist baptizing & getting Baptized: John the Baptist baptizing Jesus, & John getting baptized, & people in heaven, people in earth (I frankly have to idea what the caller is getting at.)
2018-11-06 Degrees of sin & Salvation: Is it possible to inherit the kingdom of God no matter how badly they have sinned as long as they have repented?
2018-11-01 Heaven & Hell in the OT: Heaven & Hell in the Bible, different words & meanings for those terms? Sheol
Salvation for people in OT: How did people get saved in the OT, just obeying the law?
2018-10-29 Pornography: I've been struggling with fear & purity because I keep continuing with the temptation of pornography
2018-10-18 Salvation in the Old Testament & Samson: How were people saved in OT times? was samson saved? Is Jesus on the white horse or do we meet Him in the air?
Jesus Second Coming: Is Jesus on the white horse or do we meet Him in the air?
2018-10-18 Eating, Drinking, & being Merry: Why would God allow so many people to not be saved? Only a few people are going to be taking the Narrow Path, why does satan's way seem more appealing?
2018-10-15 Assurance of Salvation: How do I know I'm saved?
2018-10-15 Lamb's Book of Life: How can someone know they are saved?
God Speaking: God spoke to Samuel.
2018-09-27 Getting Germans to understand the Gospel: How do we get Germans to get going on the right path?
2018-09-25 Salvation without Works....but Works: How does salvation w/ out works coincide with the required works?
2018-09-19 Calvinism: If calvinists believe in once saved always saved, or they are predestined to be saved, what is the point in evangelizing?
Appreciation Comment: Caller just wanted to say Thank you for Steve Gregg & his radio show.
2018-09-19 Losing Faith: Caller feels like he's lost his faith, finding it hard to go to church or read the Bible, looking for encouragement & motivation
2018-09-19 Salvation: Can someone who has never heard of Christ be saved? Can satan be saved?
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