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Topic: Dispensationalism

Showing 451 to 500 of 537.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-11-12 Dispensationalism: According to what Dispensationalists believe, what is supposed to happen to the Jews between the coming of Christ & the Rapture of the Church because don't they think the Jews will be hardened? [2 Corinthians 3:13]
2014-11-04 Heaping Coals on their Head: What does that phrase mean, "heaping coals on their head"? [Romans 12:20, Proverbs 25:22]
Dispensationalism: Caller thinks Dispensationalism is unfolding to the letter right before her eyes.
2014-10-13 Downplaying a Centralized Place to Worship: When Jesus was talking to the Samaritan Woman, He was telling her that there soon wouldn't be a central temple to worship God, so why would Dispensationalists think there needs to be a 3rd temple in the Millennium? [John 4:20-24]
2014-10-10 Historic Premillennialism & Dispensationalism: Can you tell me the difference between Historic Premillennialism & Dispensationalism?
2014-10-10 Remnant Gathering: A lengthy discussion of if Israel gathered back together as prophesied over 2,000 years ago or if it was supposed to happened again, 2,000 years later.
2014-10-08 Modern Israel: Modern Israel is a fulfillment & a sign of Prophecy that Jesus is about to come back soon.
Amillennialism & Anti-Semitism : A lot Dispensationalist attribute a lot anti-Semitism movements to the Amillennial position. What do you think about that? Martin Luther was anti-Semitic.
2014-10-06 Dispensationalism: What would it take for you to acknowledge that your original belief system of Dispensationalism was correct? What could occur in the end time that would make you think twice & look at its accuracy again? [Matthew 24, Revelation, Ezekiel 6:3-5, 37:1-10]
2014-09-23 Studying Prophetic Scriptures: Did you say there is no value in studying Prophetic Scripture? What if the futurist paradigm was correct, would there be value in studying them? Why isn't there any value in what the Church Fathers believed about a future antichrist, a future temple.
2014-09-09 Eternal Security & Dispensationalism: Where do you get the idea that all Dispensationalists believe in "once saved, always saved"?
License to Sin: No one in any denomination really says that you have a license to sin as much as you want even though they believe in once saved always saved.
Once Saved, Always Saved & Calvinism: Is once saved, always saved a Calvinist position or is it a doctrine unto itself? Is it an actual doctrinal position of church creeds?
2014-09-03 Jesus' Feet touching the Mt. of Olives: We were having a discussion in out Bible Study about whether Jesus' feet actually touched the Mount of Olives or not. Can you shed some light on this? [Zachariah 14, Ezekiel 11:23]
2014-08-19 Revelation: People are going through trials right now, & the world is upside down! So caller thinks Revelation is being fulfilled right now.
2014-08-12 Hyper-Dispensationalists & Rebuilding of the Temple: Isn't it blasphemous to think Dispensationalists need to build another temple?
2014-08-12 Old Testament Prophetic Promises: Can we take OT prophetic promises at face value without spiritualizing them?
2014-08-12 Israelite Zionists: The Jews in Israel love that the Christian Zionists push Dispensationalism, don't they?
2014-08-12 Dispensationalism: Can you explain Dispensationalism? What is Premillennialism?
2014-08-12 Holy Spirit Leaving the Earth: Does it say somewhere in the Bible that the Holy Spirit will leave the earth sometime in the future? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-17]
2014-08-08 Nightmares have ceased: Followup about a caller having nightmares, & they just wanted to say that they are no longer having the nightmares.
Secret Rapture: Caller can't find the "Secret Rapture" in the Bible.
2014-08-04 Partial Preterist & a Futurist (Dispensationalist): Can you explain to me Partial Presterism & a Futurism (Dispensationalism)? You think most prophecies have been fulfilled that I've always thought still had yet to be fulfilled?
2014-07-16 (1) Jesus Crucifying Animals in the Millennium: There won't be future animal sacrifices like Dispensationalists purport, right? [Ezekiel 25:22, Ezekiel 40-48]
(2) Jesus as Lord & God (His dual nature): So what do you think about Paul & Thomas calling Jesus Lord & God?
(3) Replacement Theology & (4) The Body of Christ (Church): (3) We are to have nothing to do w/ the Old Covenant, isn't that right? (4) Do you think of the Body of Christ - His Church - going to ultimately prosper?
2014-07-14 Dispensationalists: What do Dispensationalists believe?
Adding or taking from the prophecy of this book: Would Dispensationalists be guilty of the curse at the end of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 22:18-19]
Mormons & JWs: Would you say Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of adding & subtracting Scripture? [Revelation 22:18-19]
2014-07-14 Dispensationalists: What do Dispensationalists believe?
Adding or taking from the prophecy of this book: Would Dispensationalists be guilty of the curse at the end of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 22:18-19]
Mormons & JWs: Would you say Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of adding & subtracting Scripture? [Revelation 22:18-19]
2014-07-11 Calvinism & Dispensationalism: What is the difference between Calvinism & Dispensationalism? You used to be a Calvinist or a Dispensationalist but not anymore? [Editor's Note: I think she obviously meant Calvinism & Arminianism.]
Cyrus rebuilding the temple: 400 year gap, so the temple was still standing during King Herod's time?
2014-07-09 Dispensationalism: Is this a fair definition of Dispensationalism: Is their belief that when the Lord of glory returns, He's going to rule for 1000 years out of Jerusalem, & there's going to be a rebuilt temple & animal sacrifices?
2014-07-07 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Jesus wasn't talking about His church when He was talking to His Apostles, & quite a lengthy discussion on why he's a dispensationalist. [Matthew 10:5, Ephesians 2:11-12, Acts 2, Acts 9, Romans 9-11, Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 16:25]
2014-07-07 Pre-tribulation Rapture & a Great Deception: Caller disagrees w/ a Secret Rapture, & discloses w/ his ideas.
2014-07-07 Pre-tribulation Rapture: We shouldn't divide over eschatological differences, but it's the love of Christ that is the really important, essential thing!
Open Theism: Did God dispense w/ SOME of His omniscience so He could truly give people Free Will?
2014-07-03 Future Temple: Is there a Future Temple to be built? [Ezekiel 40-48]
2014-07-01 Amillennialism & End time events: As an Partial Preterist, 5Amillennialist, do you know of any signs that are to happen right before Christ comes back?
The state of Israel being formed in 1948: What do you say about the miraculous events of Israel being able to become a country again?
Unbelievers & the Bema & White Throne Judgment: What happens to unbelievers at the end? What is the difference between the Bema & White Throne Judgment?
2014-06-03 Dispensationalism (last call): Dispensationalism seems to go against Scripture so much. Isn't there a danger to doing that?
Tithing: Is there ANYWHERE in the NT that says we MUST tithe? [Matthew 23:23]
Steve's Ministry: Your ministry, especially your website, is very informative, has a vast amount of knowledge on it.
2014-05-28 Hebrew English Interlinear Bibles: Caller is looking for a Hebrew English Bible that has the word "Lucifer" instead of "Shining/Morning Star". Is there such a source?
1000 years in Revelation: So ifSatan has been bound up for 1,000 years, is this the millennial reign we're talking about, & is he currently bound right now? [Revelation 20:2]
2014-05-12 John Calvin & Michael Servetus: Follow up to John Calvin having Michael Servetus burned at the stake, caller having varying information as to why he did it.
Dispensationalism & Futurism: Dispensationalists have to be a Futurist, but does the other way necessarily ring true, does a Futurist have to be a Dispensationalist?
2014-05-02 First Fruits of the Resurrection: So you think at the Resurrection they are all raised at the same time, both the wicked & the righteous, this class & that class, but what about the firstfruit? Isn't there an order of people that are called? [1 Corinthians 15:23, 14, Revelation 14:4, Janme 1:18, 2:1]
Reigning w/ Christ during the 1000 years: The rest of the dead did not reign until after the 1000 yrs, so how does a resurrection at the same time make sense? [Revelation 20:4-6]
2014-04-30 Dispensationalism: In your lectures do you have a SPECIFIC place you learn about Dispensationalism? Do they teach more than just eschatology? Is once saved always saved pretty much Dispensational?
2014-04-22 Dispensationalism: Can you explain to me about Dispensationalism?
Old Covenant & New Covenant: Would you say in Dispensationalism there's a separation between the Old Covenant into the New Covenant or is it going back to the old?
Majoring in the Minors: Would you say that Dispensationalism is just majoring in the minors, or is it something major?
2014-04-22 Dispensationalism: Can you explain to me about Dispensationalism?
Old Covenant & New Covenant: Would you say in Dispensationalism there's a separation between the Old Covenant into the New Covenant or is it going back to the old?
Majoring in the Minors: Would you say that Dispensationalism is just majoring in the minors, or is it something major?
2014-04-02 Future Salvation of Israel: Some of the Church Fathers taught a future salvation for Israel almost like Dispensationalists teach. [Romans 11]
Concerning the Election: What then is your view about Romans 11:28 where Paul seems to make a distinction between ethical Israel & this supposed spiritual Israel that you say Romans 11 is talking about? [Romans 11:28, Galatians 3:28]
2014-04-02 Dispensationalism: How are people going to believe in Jesus w/ out the Holy Spirit? Is it possible to be a Dispensationalist & to believe that the Holy Spirit is going to come back after the Rapture after He's supposedly taken away?
2014-03-31 Tribes of Israel: Dispensationalist calls & discusses it w/ Steve Gregg, the Lost of Tribes of Israel. [Romans 9-11, Hosea]
2014-03-13 Transition between Jesus' death & 70 AD: If we are saying the temple system became kaput & obsolete when Jesus died & rose again, & therefore there's no use for it in the future, premillennialists will say, "well, if that's true, there was no use for it between the time Jesus died & the time it was destroyed in 70 AD then either". [1 Corinthians 9:19-22]
Abomination of Desolation: So what was the Abomination of Desolation? [Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21:20]
2014-03-12 Dispensationalism & Calvinism: Is there a connection between Dispensationalism & Calvinism? Is there any danger in believing in Dispensationalism?
2014-03-11 Pharisees: They believe 2 laws, the written Law of Moses & Oracles of God, so it's more than just being legalistic.
Dispensationalism: Discussion about why Dispensationalism is being talked about in Romans 11. [Romans 11:7,25-27]
2014-03-10 Age of the Earth by the Speed of Light: Determining the Age of the Earth by the Speed of Light thoughts.
Romans: Dealing in Romans 11:25-26, would you deal w/ the meaning of these verses as different since the gospel hadn't been preached yet in all Israel, even though it had after we have read it?
Israel being saved: Why hasn't Israel been saved, according to Dispensationalists?
2014-03-07 Dispensationalism: Is there anything wrong w/ listening to preachers who believe in Dispensationalism?
Christian Music: There's a lot of good Christian music out there.
2014-02-19 The Tribulation & Dispensationalism: With all these completely opposing views about eschatology, doesn't this prove that no one REALLY knows what's going to take place? is it for certainty that a tribulation period will happen & that a rapture will happen?
2014-02-17 Dispensationalism & Premillennialism: I enjoyed your book about the 4 views of Revelation as I was making my transition to Partial Preterism.
Views of Hell, Traditional View, Eternal Torment: I want to talk about your views of hell now. What would you call Hell if you didn't call it the "traditional view"?
Bible stories resembling Babylonian Mythology: People have said that Christianity & the Bible have just copied stories from Babylonian Mythology. Do you have thoughts about this, especially regarding the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 19:19-31]
2014-01-06 70 Weeks in Daniel: I would like you to explain the 70 weeks in Daniel & the 3 & half yrs in Revelation. [Daniel 9, Revelation 12:14]
Dispensations dispensing w/ Historical Fact: You said that Dispensationalists dispelled w/ Historical Fact regarding the 70th week, so what do YOU think about the 70th week?
2013-12-13 Sermon on the Mount & Teachings of Jesus: What do we say about teachers who say Jesus' teachings like the Sermon on the Mount is not applicable for us today, teachers such as Paul Washer?
Teachers having a Stricter Judgment: It's scary that there are teachers teaching stuff that are completely wrong because they are going to have a stricter judgement. [James 3:1]
2013-12-11 Monk who introduced Futurist View of Revelation: Who was the monk who first introduced the futurist view of the book of Revelation?
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: Caller wants to recommend a movement called, "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement", Steve likes the syllabus, & approves of the program.
2013-12-11 Pre-Wrath (pre-tribulation) Rapture: Can you talk about the pre-wrath (Pre-tribulation), rapture of the saints? [John 6]
2013-12-10 Determining Who the "He" is-Daniel 9: How can we know for sure who the "he" is in Daniel 9:27? [Daniel 9:25-27].
The Mustard Seed & the Leaven-Good or Bad: The "Mustard Seed" or "Leave" can be either good or bad. People need to use common sense to interpret them in context.[Matthew 13:31-33]
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