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Topic: Dispensationalism

Showing 301 to 350 of 537.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-12-19 Steve's Gregg & his Beliefs: Can you delve on your journey again of how you came to what you believe? How you went from Dispensationalism to Amillennialism?
2018-12-14 Ezekiel Is the Temple that is described in Ezekiel which hasn't been built still going to be built? [Ezekiel 40:5-24]
Professing Christianity but not: What do you tell someone who claims Christianity but is anything but?
Gap Between the 69th & 70th Week: Gap between the 69th & 70th week [1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, Daniel 9:24-27]
2018-12-11 Fellowshipping with Dispensationalists: Since I disagree w/ dispensationalism, should I stay clear of them or can I still fellowship w/ them?
2018-12-10 Man of Sin: Man of Sin, how do you understand that as a preterist, an amillenniast or a non-Dispensationalist?
2018-12-06 Sugar-Coating the Gospel: (Caller tries to be funny) Are you diabetic? You don't sugar-coat the gospel.
Secret Rapture: Do you believe in the (Secret) Rapture?
2018-12-05 Steve Gregg's & Dispensationalism: What changed your mind from being a Dispensationalist?
2018-12-03 4 Hebrews in Book of Daniel: Shouldn't the 4 Hbrews of Daniel go by their Hebrews name instead of their Babylonian names?
Former Dispensationalist because of Narrow Path: I'm no longer Dispensationalism as a result of listening to your work. I appreciate it.
Refuse to be Offended Lectures: Can't seem to burn CD's of your lecture of, "Refuse to be Offended". Why can't I?
2018-11-30 Apologetics: What does apologetics mean?
Dispensationalism: What does Dispensationalism mean?
Second Earth Age: What does Arnold Murray mean by the second earth age?
2018-11-28 Dispensationalism: Dispensationalist wants to discuss his & hal lindey's view of eschatology
2018-10-30 David Hunt: is David Hunt a reliable Bible teacher?
Harlot in Revelation: Is the harlot the Catholic church? [Revelation 17]
2018-10-19 Dispensationalists: Dispensationalists trying to pull scripture to support the millennial sacrificial system
Mllennium: Did you say some church fathers also were premillennial?
2018-10-18 Dispensationalism: Can you please explain Dispensationalism?
2018-08-22 Accurate Theology: I'm frustrated that people aren't willing to look at possibly more accurate theology or at least discuss it, especially Dispensationalists.
2018-08-02 After the Rapture: After the rapture will there just be moral people? Or will there be immoral ones too?
2018-07-26 Last Day Events: What is the next major event to happen?
Anti-Christ from Syria: Do you think the anti-Christ is going to rise out of Syria?
2018-07-25 Pre-Pribulation Rapture: The Pre-Tribulation doctrine will make people not ready, catching them off guard.
2018-07-24 Dispensationalism & Amillennialism: I've heard you talking about Dispensationalism & Amillennialism, what are these?
2018-07-19 Dispensationalism: Dispensationalism has legalism within the group that is causing division, that if you don't believe their paradigm your salvation is in question. What is Darby's primary point that the whole system is constructed on, & how can you refute that point?
2018-07-16 Pre-Tribulation: Caller thinks Steve needs to go the Pre-tribulation Research Center Website. He thinks that he needs to read a paper from Arnold Fruchtenbaum that explain the Millennium. There will never cease to be a Levitical Priesthood, the caller thinks. [Jeremiah 33:16-18]
2018-07-09 2 Sticks in Ezekiel: Ezekiel holding 2 sticks & putting them together, what did that mean, & what do Christian Zionists do w/ this? [Ezekiel 37]
2018-07-05 Irvin Baxter: Do you ever listen to Irvin Baxter, End of the Age? How does your view align with his?
2018-07-02 Cessation of the Gifts & Dispensationalism: In a previous show you were talking to someone about a Church that don't believe the Gifts of the Spirit are for today, but that the Calvary chapel does. but to be weary of dispensationalism, so what is Dispensationalism?
2018-06-15 Dispensationalism: What can you please tell me what Dispensationalism is?
2018-06-13 Dispensationalists' Credibility: Doesn't a person who believes Dispensationalism & it's proven wrong, make them lose their credibility?
Focusing on End Time Events: Doesn't beeing caught up in eschatology too much make your lose your sight of the Lord?
2018-06-11 Animals Sacrifices in Millennium: Will there be Animal Sacrifices in the Millennium?
2018-05-25 David Hocking What is the difference between you & David Hocking?
2018-05-25 The Book of Revelation: DO you think most of the things in Revelation has been fulfilled or not fulfilled, is it symbolic or literal?
2018-05-24 Replacement Theology Video: Did you ever debate w/ anyone from Cavalry Chapel, or did anyone ever accept your invitation to debate?
Videos on Website: Do you not have any videos on your website besides Youtube?
2018-05-07 Pretrib Rapture: Where does the Pre-Tribulation Rapture idea come from?
2018-05-07 Enoch, Elijah & Jesus Raptured: A pastor gave examples of people being translated, such as Enoch & Elijah, so doesn't that testify to a pre-trib rapture?
2018-05-03 24 Elders: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation? [Revelation 4, Revelation 5:8-10]?
24 Elders from the Calvary Chapel Viewpoint: Caller thinks Steve should take the pre-trib rapture from the Calvary's Chapel's Viewpoint, that he thinks it makes way more sense than an amillennialism.
2018-05-01 False Prophets: What about so-called prophets that are wrong, do we need to give credence to them anymore? Even Chuck Smith said that Jesus was going to come back at a specific time. [Deuteronomy 18:22]
2018-04-17 A 3rd Temple being Rebuilt: Another temple being built doesn't make sense because there's no priest to cleanse a house infected w/ Leprosy, or Shiloh would remain desolate. [Leviticus 14, Jeremiah 26]
The Kingdom is taken from you: Where does the Dispensationalist go to show that the Kingdom would be taken from the Jews but given back to them at a later date? [Matthew 21:43]
2018-04-17 Olivet Discourse to the Jews: Wasn't Jesus warning the Jews about the upcoming tribulation in the Olivet Discourse?
2018-03-27 Partial Preterist verse Dispensationalism: Those who believe in a pre-trib rapture, the Dispensationalists, seem to be a little more complacent that partial preterists. Do you find that to be true?
2018-03-19 Eschatology (Last Days) Timeline: Tell me if I got these right: rapture first, anti Christ, tribulation, Armageddon, & then the return of Christ?
2018-03-08 Dispensationalism & Steve Gregg: What made you change your views about the pre-trib rapture?
Witnessing to Mormons: How do you convert Mormons, make them see the truth? 8, 1, 2, 83
2018-03-07 Rapture in Relation to the Tribulation: When does the rapture fit into the 3 views of the tribulation? (Pre trib, mid-trib, post-trib)
2018-02-22 Pathway to Victory, Robert Jefferess: What do you think about Pathway to Victory and Robert Jeffress?
2018-02-15 Mass Conversion of Jews: What is your opinion of a mass conversion of Jews? [Acts 1:6]
2018-02-02 Dispensationalism & Gospel of Grace: Caller believes anti-dispensational theology causes people to try to earn their salvation. Steve discusses the Gospel of grace. [Acts 20:4]
2018-01-16 Pre-Tribulation Rapture My son is a strong pre-tribulation Rapture guy, but I align myself more w/ your beliefs, but could you give me some Scripture to give him to show that Dispensationalism is wrong? [Revelation 4, John 6:39-40, 44, 54, 12:48, Matthew 25:31, I Thessalonians 4]
2017-12-19 Partial Preterism Debate: Caller challenges Steve partial-preterist view on end times prophesy, Israel, & unconditional covenants. (cont after break)
2017-12-01 Dispensationalism proned to making war happen: Does the dispensational view responsible for creating war?
2017-11-30 Dispensationalism: Why do you disagree with Dispensationalism?
2017-11-27 Current Events Changing Steve's View on Eschatology: Considering your view of the rapture, have you changed your view, particularly relative to current events and the supernatural?
2017-11-07 70 Weeks: Is there no gap in the 70 weeks but a continuous timeline?
Dispensationalism: Why the strength in dispensationalism?
Churches that aren't Dispensational or Calvinistic: Are there any churches that aren't dispensational or Calvinist?
2017-11-07 70 Weeks: Is there no gap in the 70 weeks but a continuous timeline?
Dispensationalism: Why the strength in dispensationalism?
Churches that aren't Dispensational or Calvinistic: Are there any churches that aren't dispensational or Calvinist?
2017-11-06 Jesus Physical Coming when He stand on Mt. of Olives: "His feet standing on the mount of Olives", dispensationalist challenges Steve as why Zechariah is talking about Jesus' physical return. [Zechariah 14:4-5]
2017-10-23 Dispensationalism: What are your thoughts about Dispensationalism because they seem to be making sense?
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