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Topic: Dispensationalism

Showing 401 to 450 of 537.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-01-26 Lordship Salvation: Why do Dispensationalists consider "Lordship Salvation" a heresy?
2016-01-12 Dispensationalism Fallout: If a premillennialist begins to see Revelation 20 in the light of the Amillennialist view more than theirs, wouldn't they have to give up all the rest of their Dispensationalist views?
2016-01-05 Allegorizing or Spiritualizing Scripture: Why do Dispensationalists think you need to "allegorize" Scripture involving prophecy? What is the difference between allegorizing & spiritualizing Scripture?
2015-12-15 Rapture (& Resurrection): Is there any Scripture support for the Rapture? [John 6:39, 40, 44, 54, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-16]
2015-12-14 Dispensationalism - David's throne: Can't Jesus be on the throne of David & be in the throne of God? Are these all anthropomisms? [Revelation 3:21, Revelation 3 & 4]
2015-12-03 Dispensationalism & the Secret Rapture: So if the pre-tribulation rapture is true, & if there's an exact 7 years from then, then people would know when Jesus was coming because He said no one knows the day & hour, so how can the secret rapture be true? [Mark 13:32]
2015-12-01 Dispensationalism & Temples: Dispensationalists believe a 3rd temple will be built again before Christ comes back, but do they think that will be the same one that will be in the millennium?
Ezekiel's Temple: Is the temple that is talked about in Ezekiel 43-48 referring to the church?
2015-11-24 Dispensationalism & the Throne of David: Can you explain the Dispensationalist view of Jesus or David reigning on the Throne of David during the Millennium? Can you explain the actual term, "Throne of David"? [Acts 13:36, 2 Samuel 7:12]
2015-11-10 1st & 2nd Resurrection: Listening to your audio on Revelation, could you clarify the 1st resurrection & no mention of a 2nd resurrection, the 2nd death but no 1st death. Can you explain that? [Revelation 20, John 5:24, Ephesians 2. Colossians 2:12-13]
Dispensationalists: Where does the construct of Revelation not follow the chronological order like Dispensationalists think it does? [Revelation 11, Revelation 12, Revelation 6]
2015-11-09 Battle of Armageddon Statistics: Do you remember the call about the person who called in about the Battle of Armageddon, 200 million tanks?
Dispensationalism vs Preterism: Can you say what each camp DOES say about the 200 million army, both of Dispensationalism & Preterism? [Revelation 9:15-18]
2015-11-05 Jack Hibbs Video: No fellowshipping in the Calgary Chapel if you don't agree w/ Dispensationalism. What is a hyper-dispensationalist compared to a garden variety Dispensationalist, & what would be the danger of going that direction?
Hanegraaff - Hitchcock Debate: They discuss the debate Hank Hanegraaff & Mark Hitchcock had about the dating of the book of Revelation, or actually, Dispensationalism verses Preterism.
Chuck Smith: What about Chuck Smith, would he have ever debated preterists?
2015-11-05 Hyper-Dispensationalism: Caller calls to balance comment re: a previous caller's conversation about Hyper-Dispensationalism.
2015-10-19 Rapture: When Christ returns, the UNgodly will be taken out, Godly will be left, but all the evil will just be taken out, & the earth will be dissolved. What do you think about this? [Luke 17:34, Matthew 24:40]
2015-10-19 Matthew Henry & the Nation of Israel: Matthew Henry believed that Israel would come back to God as a country even before Dispensationalists started teaching it, going by [Romans 11:25-27]
2015-10-16 7 Dispensations of Time: Can you please talk about the "7 Dispensations of Time" that the Dispensationalists believe in?
2015-10-12 Previous Eschatological Views: When you believed your former positions in Eschatology, did you actually teach them or just believe them at that point?
Full Preterism: Do you consider Full Preterism to be heretical?
Dispensationalism: If Dispensationalism is false, doesn't that give people false hope for a 2nd chance where there is none?
2015-10-09 Premillennialism & the anti Christ: So if you think everything has been fulfilled except for the actual coming of Jesus, in your paradigm when does the Millennium & the anti-Christ come? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 2]
2015-09-25 Women Preachers: At the end of the program yesterday, a caller had asked about women preachers, but Steve never had a chance to answer it, & another caller was interested in it herself. [1 Timothy 2:12-14]
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship): What does Steve think of that group? Would they be Dispensationalists?
Dispensationalism: Can Steve please give a brief summary of Dispensationalism.
2015-09-25 Women Preachers: At the end of the program yesterday, a caller had asked about women preachers, but Steve never had a chance to answer it, & another caller was interested in it herself. [1 Timothy 2:12-14]
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship): What does Steve think of that group? Would they be Dispensationalists?
Dispensationalism: Can Steve please give a brief summary of Dispensationalism.
2015-09-24 Partial preterist & Full Preterism: What are the differences between Partial Preterism & Full Preterism?
Dispensationalism/Premillennialism & Historical Premillennialism: What is the difference between Dispensationalism & HISTORICAL Premillennialism?
2015-09-21 Amillennialism: Caller thinks that the reason people USED to believe in Amillennialism is because they couldn't see Revelation being fulfilled like it is 1,800 yrs later, but thinks Dispensationalism is unfolding before her eyes.
2015-09-17 The Nation of Israel: Isn't it a miracle the nation of Israel forming into a country in 1948?
2015-09-11 Teaching Steve's book on the 4 views of Revelation: Caller is about to teach a class using Steve's book & wants some pointers on how to do it, Revelation, Dispensationalism, Replacement theology, Supersessionism.
2015-09-10 Premillennialism vs Amillennialism: Can you please educate me on the difference between Premillennialism & Amillennialism?
Davidic Covenant How does Israel's rejection of Jesus affect the Davidic Covenant, whether you're a Premillennialist or an Amillennialist? [2 Samuel 7:12]
2015-09-02 Dispensationalism vs Partial Preterism: Why is there such a newfound interest in partial preterism nowadays? Couldn't there be a balance of Dispensationalism & Partial Preterism, a middle ground?
2015-08-28 Hebrew Roots Movement: Doesn't Dispensationalism feed into the Hebrew Roots Movement?
New Testament Books Written after 70 AD: Were ANY books of the Bible written after 70 AD?
Old Testament Prophets: Steve believes that all the OT prophets wrote in a prophetic/symbolic/poetic language, but which ones wrote in the LEAST amount of poetic language?
2015-08-28 Millennium & 2nd Coming: Isn't the Millennium Literal? How come Steve doesn't believe a passage in Zechariah is talking about the 2nd Coming of Christ? [Zechariah 12-14]
2015-08-28 Dispensational Views: What would it take for Steve to change his mind that he's wrong about Dispensationalism? Like seeing the Man of Sin in a 3rd temple?
2015-08-24 Dispensationalism: Dispensationalists seem to "hijack" Scripture from the OT....claiming they are for the future, especially Israel claiming their land in 1948. Can Steve please comment on [Isaiah 11:11] as being a perfect example of this?
2015-08-14 Dispensationalism: How would a Dispensationalist feel like Jesus is going to sit on David's literal throne, but yet that would be violating the prophecy of him sleeping w/ his fathers when it is established, who would they answer that? [2 Samuel 7:12]
Preterism: What about the 2 verses that indicate Jesus will return & sit on His throne of His glory & judge the nations? How does Preterism deal w/ THAT though? [Matthew 25:31, 19:28]
2015-08-05 One Resurrection For All: How do Dispensationalists get the idea that there's going to be 2 resurrections, separated by 1,000 years? [John 5:28-29]
2015-07-24 Dispensationalism: How many variations are there of Dispensationalism?
2015-07-06 Dispensationalism & the Budding of the Fig Tree: Why does Dispensationalism use the Fig Tree as the Budding of the Nation of Israel in 1948? [Matthew 24:32-35]
2015-06-02 Dispensationalism, Amillennialism & the Date of Revelation: If Revelation was written in 96 AD, how could it be talking about 70 AD?
2015-06-01 Scripture Referring to 70 AD or Second Coming: Is this passage of Scripture referring to 70 AD & the Destruction of Jerusalem, or the Second Coming? [Matthew 16:21-22,27, John 21:21-23]
70 AD as part of 1st Coming: Is His coming in 70 AD the same thing as part of His 1st coming, sort've like a phase 2 of it?
Verses That Apply To 2nd Coming & leaving Dispensationalism: Do you have listed all the verses that talk about the actual 2nd coming? Did you get a lot of flak for leaving Dispensationalism?
2015-05-13 Rebuilding of the Temple: Is it true that they are in the process of rebuilding the Temple like everyone is predicting?
2015-05-08 Promises to the Jews fulfilled: Did you say that all the Promises of God to the Jews have been fulfilled? What about the 7 year period right before He comes back?
2015-04-29 The Rapture & Tribulation: Caller would like to know what Steve thinks of the Rapture & the Tribulation.
2015-04-15 Dispensationalism: The supposed gap between the 69th & 70th week. [Daniel 9]
2015-03-26 The Brethren in Christ: Wondering if Steve knew what the Brethren in Christ stands for & wants denominations that are Arminianists, but continualists, but not dispensationalists.
2015-03-18 4th Kingdom of Daniel 7: What does the 4th Kingdom in Daniel 7 actually represent? Is the caller doing a disservice by only exposing her children to Dispensationalism? [Daniel 7]
2015-03-05 Dispensationalism: So John Darby's main thing was to convince people that the church & Israel were 2 separate things, is that right?
Steve's view of Eschatology: So is Steve's view of the last days (eschatology) a mixture of several view points, & what verses does he use?
2015-02-24 Rapture: Steve believes there's only one Rapture, but what about the people being pulled off the earth, & what about Heaven coming down here?
2015-02-12 Tribulation & Rapture: Are Christians going to go through the Tribulation or part of it before the Rapture happens?
2015-02-06 70 Years & 70 Weeks: Is the 70 years in Jeremiah 25 the same as the 70 years in Daniel 9? So what does this have to do the Dispensationalists view about the 70th week? [Jeremiah 25, Daniel 9]
2015-02-03 Dispensationalism - Ethnic Israel: Is it true people don't have a true understanding of what or who Israel is, that that's why Dispensationalism is flourishing so much?
2015-01-08 Daniel (70th week): Jesus can't come yet because the 70th week hasn't happened yet. What does Steve say about that?
2014-12-17 Heretical Groups & Cults: Are Heretical groups & cults by any chance a judgment of God to weed out the Wheat & the chaff?
Dispensationalism: Was Dispensationalism invented by Satan?
2014-12-05 Dispensationalism & the 144,000: After the Rapture, David Jeremiah suggested that the 144,000 would be a future group, 12,000 people from each tribe, & they'll evangelize the entire world of the people are "left behind". What do you think?
Date of the Book of Revelation: Was the book of Revelation written after 70 AD, or before?
2014-11-26 Rapture & the Second Coming: Can you please explain the Second Coming of Jesus & the Rapture?
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