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Topic: Dispensationalism

Showing 351 to 400 of 537.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-10-16 Secret Rapture: Is the rapture going to be pre-trib, mid trib or post trib?
2017-09-27 Exchanging Testimonies with Mormons: Mormon sharing their testimonies or sharing your testimony.
Correct Revelation Model of Interpretation: Caller doesn't think it needs to be either-or of a certain model of Revelation to believe.
2017-09-08 7 Year Tribulation: What are your views about what happens in the last days? a 7 year lead up to the 2nd coming?
2017-09-07 Eschatological Views so a kid could understand it: Have you ever done a study on end time (eschatological) events so kids could comprehend it?
2017-08-30 Paul's Writing Above all other's Writings: Have you ever heard that Paul's writings are elevated above anyone else's, including Jesus' own words?
2017-08-11 Steve's Changing Belief Systems: Besides dispensationalism, have you ever changed your mind on anything?
Beast Overcoming the Saints: The beast that "makes war w/ the saints & overcomes them", are they going to overcome all of them? [Revelation 13:7]
2017-08-09 Heritage of the Jews: Isn't it pretty much impossible to see the heritage of Jews, so how can Jews prove they're of the ethic race & how would dispensationalism make sense?
2017-07-17 Jewish Calendar for Prophetic Reckoning: David Hawkins thinks the Jewish Calendar has to be used when calculating Prophecies in Daniel.
Anti-Christ being in the 3rd Temple: Rebuilding the 3rd temple, the anti-Christ is going to be IN the temple, so how can he be in the temple if it doesn't exist?
2017-06-23 2 Ways of Salvation: Only one way of salvation, but some say 2 different ways, saved by grace according to Paul or the kingdom of God. [Acts 15:11]
2017-06-06 Newspaper Eschatology: People studying end times by using "newspaper eschatology" or "newspaper exegesis", such as, Israel becoming a Nation in 1948. 2nd fulfillment in prophecies
Multiple Fulfillment of Prophecy: Are there times prophecy can be fulfilled more than once?
2017-05-25 Angel of the Lord: who was the first person to such that "Angel of the Lord" was actually the pre-incarnate Jesus? Only one rapture, OT examples
More than one Rapture: Caller thinks there's a possibility of more than one Rapture because Enoch was raptured right before the Flood, Elijah was raptured & other examples in the Old Testamant.
2017-04-28 Steve's Eschatology & Dispensationalism: will you clarify your eschatological views, & where do dispensationalists get their view?
2017-03-08 The Jesus Story Book Bible: Caller recommends a kids' Bible called, The Jesus Story Book Bible to the previous caller.
Typological Applications to the Bible: How come Dispensationalists are not consistent in applying prophecy to the Bible like they do to the Old Testament?
2017-03-03 Kingdom is Yet to Come - Part II: Disagreement about eschatological events about the immediacy of them.[Matthew 16:28, Acts 9] (Last call of previous show)
2017-03-03 Forever Not Meaning Forever: the word forever not being "forever" & the land of israel, conditional promises, Jerusalem no longer the center of the world/worship
2017-03-02 Not Seeing Death Til These Things Happen: This generation not seeing death until He came back, what did Jesus mean here? [Matthew 16:28]
One Taken, One Left: One taken & one left scenario, what did He mean here? [Matthew 24:40-42]
2017-03-02 Dispensationalists Before 1948: What did Dispensationalists do with themselves before Israel officially became a nation in 1948?
Speaking in Tongues: Speaking in Tongues (carries on after the break).
2017-03-02 Kingdom is Yet to Come: Disagreement w/ answer to caller #2 re: dispensationalist [Matthew 16:28, Acts 9]
2017-03-01 Spirit of Elijah being Fulfilled in John the Baptist: The spirit of Elijah coming, being fulfilled by john the Baptist, but dispensationalists don't REALLY believe it was fulfilled. [Malachi 4]
2017-02-22 Pre-tribulation Rapture: What do you think of the pretribulation rapture?
2017-02-17 Jews Sudden Conversion: In the dispensationalism model of eschatology, how come the Jews during the 7 year tribulation period will all of a sudden come to Christ because of this anti-Christ that was going to rise during that time & compel them to go to Jesus?
2017-02-15 Battle of major Bloodshed prophecy: When did that bloodshed take place? [Revelation 9:16, Revelation 14:20]
Building a 3rd Temple: Could a 3rd temple be built & animal sacrificial system start again?
Microchip: And even if we have to end up getting a chip in our hand or forehead, that's not really the Mark of the Beast, is it?
2017-02-09 Amillennialism & Dispensationalism: Isn't there going to be a major Tribulation right before Jesus comes back & how to identify literal interpretation of scripture
2017-01-30 Hitchcock/Hanegraaff Dating of the Book of Revelation Debate: Caller thinks Steve should really listen to Mark Hitchcock during the Debate he had with Hank Hanegraaff about Dating of the Book of Revelation. (I'm guessing because he had an internet issue because he now has a bit of a delay in hearing the caller.)
2017-01-25 Capital of Israel being Relocated: Does moving the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem have anything to do w/ fulfillment of dispensationalism?
2017-01-20 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: short discussion about the tribulation (pre, mid & post rapture)
2017-01-16 Israel becoming a Nation in 1948: Dispensationalists predicted israel becoming a Nation in the end times, so aren't they right?
2017-01-09 12 Week Program on Dispensationalism: My church is putting on a 12-week study on end times, especially the pre-trib rapture, & I'm wondering if i should attend?
2017-01-03 Israel coming back to God in the Last Day: The Holy Spirit & God saving Israel, etc (talk about the video that was just taken of YouTube re: jack hibbs) [Ezekiel 36-37]
2016-11-16 Dispensationalism: What is Dispensationalism?
2016-11-07 Unsound Doctrine (of Pre-Rapture): Is the Pre-Tribulation rapture a Sound Doctrine?
2016-10-07 Various Eschatologies-Dispensationalism: For someone that holds a different eschatology than some of their friends and finds it causing friction, how should I handle this?
2016-09-28 The 4 Different Views of Eschatology: What are all the views of end times, besides amillennialism & partial preterism?
2016-09-02 Dispensationalism & Amillennialism & the 2 sticks: Amillennianism & Dispensationalism, wondering about the metaphor about the 2 sticks being rubbed together [Isaiah 11:12, John 11:52, Ezekiel 34, Ezekiel 37:15-17]
2016-09-01 7 Years of Tribulation: Where do the Dispensationalists get the idea about a 7-year tribulation?
Cremation: What are your thoughts on cremation?
2016-08-17 Christian Zionists believing in 2 Covenants: Christian Zionists believe in 2 covenants? Isn't doing the animal sacrifices again a slap in the face of Jesus' sacrifice?
2016-08-16 Double Fulfillment for Dispensationalists: Dispensationalists rely heavily on double fulfillment. Can Steve comment on that?
2016-08-04 Dispensationalism & Prosperity Doctrine: Are Dispensationalism & the Prosperity doctrine in any way connected to or responsible for the other?
2016-07-29 Lecture Series on Dispensationalism: Do you have any lecture series on Dispensationalism?
2016-06-23 The Rapture: Differing views about the Rapture? (first caller from nebraska)
2016-06-14 Nation of Israel & the Christian Church: How do you interpret Israel in this text? Dispensationalists say there is a distinction between the church & Israel, so can it be interpreted that way? [Romans 11:26]
2016-05-26 45 Days in Daniel: What is your thought on what the 45 days are in Daniel? [Daniel 12:1]
2016-05-12 Evangelicals & Dispensationalists & the Nation of Israel: Caller doesn't like this idea of being distracted by the ethnic nation of Israel & a 3rd Temple being built. We need to focus on Christ.
2016-05-09 Christian Zionism: Isn't Christian Zionism wrong? Should Christians even be calling themselves that?
2016-05-04 Split between 69th & 70th Week: Where do dispensationalists think the 69th & 70th week in the Bible is split by over 2,000 years? [Daniel 9:24-27]
2016-02-24 Powers of the Age to Come-New Heaven & Earth: In the Dispensational view, the coming of new heavens and new earth, is this during the new covenant order happening or is it talking about the Millennium in Revelation 20? New Testament writers always seemed to apply Isaiah’s poetry to their own current church age, poetic language, God’s people will have eternal life. [Isaiah 65:18-25, Revelation 20]
2016-02-23 Birds Eating Carcasses: The birds coming to eat the carcasses in Luke, is it related to Revelation 19? [Luke 17:37, Luke 24, Revelation 19, 1 Thessalonians 1:9]
"Blessed is He that cometh": How would you as a Partial Preterist & how would a Dispensationalist interpret Matthew 23:37-38? [Matthew 23:3-39]
2016-02-23 24 Elders in Revelation: The Dispensationalist view is that the 24 elders represents the church, & if the 12 disciples are part of these, wouldn't John be including himself in them? Can you comment on this? [Revelation 4:4]
2016-02-16 Steve's Wrong about Preterism: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about preterism, & the 7 churches are Dispensations of time in light of read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. [2 Timothy 3:1-7]
2016-02-12 Hyper-Grace & Dispensationalism: Have you found it to be true that hyper grace SEEMS to run along the beliefs people who believe in dispensationalism? Do you find this to be true?
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