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Topic: Holy Spirit

Showing 451 to 500 of 581.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-07-29 Listening to the Holy Spirit: How come Steve doesn't listen to the Holy Spirit as to when to end a conversation w/ a caller?
Referring to the Holy Sprit: How come he doesn't refer to Him when people call w/ their problems, or what Bible to use, or what church to go to?
2015-07-29 Holy Spirit: Can Steve please explain Romans 8:1-4? Walking in the Spirit, that'd be different than walking according to the requirements of the law, so what did Paul mean by the righteousness of the law?
2015-07-29 Not Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rebuttal): Caller wanted to comment how Steve Gregg IS led by the Holy Spirit as he answers questions.
2015-07-29 Holy Spirit: Take things w/ a Grain of Salt what people say to you when they say they are being led by the Holy Spirit.
2015-07-23 Steve & the Holy Spirit: Does Steve think of himself as in the Holy Spirit? How are we born-again?
Trinity: Does Steve understand the Trinity? The Father loves the Son, & the Son loves the Father, so the Love IS the Holy Spirit.
Virgin Mary & her Son Jesus Christ: Does Steve understand Mary & her Son Jesus? Who is the closest to Jesus that is our mother? Who was the most obedient, who was there every step of the way but His mother? He was brought in by her because she was the most faithful. She is full of grace!
2015-07-13 Most Perfect Mate: We won't be married in Heaven, but we'll have the Most Perfect Mate, according to the caller by the Holy Spirit.
2015-07-10 Foundations: How do we get a Foundation that resists against the storms of life? [1 Corinthians 3:11]
Renewing our Minds: What does it mean to renew our minds? [Romans 12:1-2]
2015-07-01 God the Father (Trinity): Are the places where it talks about God, is it always referring to God the Father, or, is it sometimes one of the other 2, Jesus or the Holy Spirit or all 3?
2015-06-01 Presence of God & Assembly of People: How do we know when it's a real genuine presence of God, & the Holy Spirit at work in an Assembly of People or if it's just people being emotional, trying to contrive something?
2015-05-28 Blessing & Cursing Israel: Does not the Bible says that those who "bless Israel will be blessed & those who curse Israel will be cursed"! [Genesis 12:3]
We Are the Temple of God: Regarding "Temple of the Holy Spirit", why didn't Steve also go to 1 Corinthians 6:19? [1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19]
2015-05-27 Church Building Project Followup: What do you think about the new building project her church wants to do when people are being told they are not following the Spirit of God for not pledging to help? [Acts 2:46]
2015-05-21 Reimagining Church by Frank Viola: This book suggests no Pastors/Elders in the Church, but completely led by the Holy Spirit? It's a solid, NT church, it says. Does Steve think that is a LITTLE extreme? [1 Corinthians 14:26]
2015-04-24 NIV Translation: Why are some verses missing in the NIV of the Bible?
4 different kinds of Baptisms: There are only 4 kinds of Baptisms in the Bible, is that right? Being immersed in Water, in the Holy Spirit, in Fire, & in the baptism of Suffering?
2015-04-24 Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit didn't indwell the people of the OT, only upon certain people? [Psalm 51, 1 Peter 1:10-11]
2015-04-09 Muslim not believing Jesus is God: Caller has a friend who is a Muslim. They don't believe Jesus is God, but believe that he is the Son of God, & don't believe in the Holy Spirit. He also doesn't believe in 6 literal days because no light for 3 days before the Sun.
2015-04-03 Sealed by God: What does it mean to be sealed by God? [Ephesians 1:13, 4:30, Revelation 7]
2015-03-26 Bible interpretation in James: "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5 What does it mean? [James 4:5]
2015-03-24 Speaking in Tongues as Evidence: Speaking in Tongues is the only evidence you can know you have the Holy Spirit, is this true?
2015-03-18 Jesus being filled with Holy Spirit: Can please decipher these 2 verses about Jesus & the Holy Spirit? [Luke 4:1, 4:14]
2015-02-20 Seven Spirits in Revelation: Who are the 7 Spirits in Revelation? [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:4, Revelation 5:6]
2015-02-18 People Worshipping Themselves: It almost seems like people have made idols/images of themselves when they lose sight of God. [Acts 17:29, Romans 1:21-23]
Holy Spirit-Interpreting Scripture: Holy Spirit is somewhat subjective, but God Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, but some don't show evidence. [Romans 8:16]
2015-02-11 Holy Spirit & Differing Interpretation of Bible: How can there be SO many interpretations of certain Scripture verses, & them all claiming to have the same Holy Spirit in them?
2015-02-05 Taking the Bible out of context & taking your Thoughts Captive: Caller thinks a lot of verses are taken out of context, & wants to talk about a few examples. [2 Corinthians 10:4-5]
I'm in the midst of 2 or 3: That's not necessarily saying God is going to be there in prayer because there are more people, but it's in reference to church discipline. [Matthew 18:20]
2015-01-22 Power of God: How can or does a person rely on the Power of God?
2015-01-05 Holy Spirit in the OT: Was the Holy Spirit not active in people's lives before the cross? What about David, when he said, "Take not the Holy Spirit from me?" [Psalm 51:11]
2015-01-05 Without excuse: The Bible says people are without excuse because of nature/creation itself, so what about people before Jesus?
2015-01-05 Free Will & Eternal Security: Aren't we sealed by the Holy Spirit, so how can we lose our salvation?
2014-12-24 The Wind Blows Where it Wishes: Do Calvinists like this verse? What are your thoughts about this verse? [John 3:8]
2014-12-24 Holy Spirit in OT & NT: What is the difference between the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament & the New Testament?
2014-12-22 NLT of the Bible: I personally like the NLT of the Bible. What do you think about that version?
In Whom I'm Well Pleased: Perhaps it was a future instance where God would be pleased w/ the people who believed in His Son later on? [Luke 2:14]
Jesus' Baptism & Resurrection When Jesus received the Holy Spirit in His baptism, is that when was able to perform miracles? Did He have to have the Holy Spirit in order to perform miracles? And then after His Resurrection, He even had more power?
2014-12-15 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: When someone gets indwelt with the Holy Spirit, does that ever make them haughty?
2014-11-24 Feeling God's Presence: What does the Bible say about "feeling good" at a church service, like a tingling, goosebumps type feeling?
Anointing of God: What does the Bible say about the Anointing, that you have to pay price to receive an anointing?
2014-11-24 Feeling God's Presence: What does the Bible say about "feeling good" at a church service, like a tingling, goosebumps type feeling?
Anointing of God: What does the Bible say about the Anointing, that you have to pay price to receive an anointing?
2014-11-19 Teaching by the Anointing: We don't need man to teach us, but to rely on the Holy Spirit for discernment, although we might be helped by a good teacher. What do you think? [1 John 26-27, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Romans 12:6-8}
2014-11-11 Ananias & Sapphira: Why were Ananias & Sapphira struck down dead so suddenly? Was it because they lied to the Holy Spirit, which translates into blaspheming the Holy Spirit? [Acts 5:1-11]
2014-11-11 Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit: Is there a difference between the terms, Holy Ghost & Holy Spirit?
2014-10-31 Holy Spirit: You have to ask for the Holy Spirit, even after you are born-again, is that right? [Luke 11:13]
2014-10-31 crowns: Tbe 24 crowns of the elders, & explains a Crowns.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Why do you use the term, "baptize" when referring to the Holy Spirit entering somebody?
2014-10-29 Jesus having the Holy Spirit: Did Jesus really need to get baptized to receive the Holy Spirit because wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that He had the Holy Spirit in Him all the time, especially since it says John the Baptist had the Holy Spirit in him from birth? [Luke 1:15, Matthew 3:16]
2014-10-10 Impeccability of Jesus: God the Father couldn't have sinned, but could Jesus have?
Holy Spirit & the Spiritual Man: So then if the spiritual nature has the Holy Spirit & is close to God, he also won't sin, isn't that right? (a little bit convoluted question.)
2014-10-02 Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Is what you were just talking about to the previous caller, would you call that Replacement Theology? What would be the opposite of that then, Dispensationalism? How would John Hagee deal w/ the verse in Hebrews you were just talking about? [Hebrews 8:6-13]
Go & Sin No more: How is it possible to sin no more like Jesus told the woman caught in adultery? [John 5:14, 8:11]
Fire from the Holy Spirit: How can I re-ignite the fire from the Holy Spirit like I used to have?
2014-09-15 Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost: What was Jesus saying in Luke when He said people who Blasphemed the Holy Spirit could not be forgiven? [Luke 12:10]
2014-08-12 Holy Spirit Leaving the Earth: Does it say somewhere in the Bible that the Holy Spirit will leave the earth sometime in the future? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-17]
2014-08-05 The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, is that still be fulfilled, or was it fulfilled at Pentecost? Can it STILL happen yet in the future though? [Joel 2:28, Acts 2:14-21]
2014-07-23 Spirit & Truth: What if you are listening to good, sound teachers that don't have ALL the truth? [John 4:24]
2014-07-23 Holy Spirit: When does the Holy Spirit come to live inside you? [1 John 4:13, Romans 8:9]
2014-07-21 Letters of Paul: How did the early Christians receive the instruction from Paul before the New Testament was put into the Bible & grow from it before it was?
Wrath of God revealed from Heaven: How can we make the leap from Paul addressing people in the 1st century church to it applying to us now? [Romans 1]
2014-07-18 Gift of Discernment: Caller would like to know about the Gift of Discernment.
Praying to Jesus or the Holy Spirit: Can we pray directly to Jesus or the Holy Spirit instead of just God the Father?
2014-07-16 Becoming Active in the church (LDS): Caller was wondering how to become more involved in his church, which is the Mormon/LDS church.
2014-06-11 Apologetics: Should Apologetics be taught in Church?
Presence of Jesus: What does Jesus mean that He'll be in the presence of us? [Matthew 18:20]
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