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Topic: Holy Spirit

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Episode Topic Audio
2020-04-13 Preparing a Place & Mansions: Could you talk about the "preparing of a place for you" and how it relates to the mansions in John 14? [John 14:2-3, I Corinthians 12].
2020-04-10 Old Testament Believers Witnessing: In what way was the Old Testament believer to witness? [Matthew 5:16, Psalm 96:3, I Peter 3:15, 2:12 Isaiah].
2020-04-08 Unpardonable Sin: Would you talk about the unpardonable sin and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? [Matthew 12:31, Luke 12:10].
2020-04-08 Disciples Receiving the Holy Spirt: Could you help me understand exactly when the disciples received the Holy Spirit, as the accounts seem to differ? [John 20:22, 14:16, 16:7, 7:39, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 5:18].
2020-04-01 Saved Without the Holy Spirit: Is it possible to be saved without the Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18 ].
Laying on of Hands: Is it necessary to have hands laid on you in order to have the Holy Spirit? Acts 8, 10, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18].
No Feeling of the Holy Spirit's Presence: Sometimes I have strong feelings that I suspect is evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, other times, not so much, am I doing something wrong?
2020-04-01 Saved Without the Holy Spirit: Is it possible to be saved without the Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18 ].
Laying on of Hands: Is it necessary to have hands laid on you in order to have the Holy Spirit? Acts 8, 10, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18].
No Feeling of the Holy Spirit's Presence: Sometimes I have strong feelings that I suspect is evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, other times, not so much, am I doing something wrong?
2020-04-01 Saved Without the Holy Spirit: Is it possible to be saved without the Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18 ].
Laying on of Hands: Is it necessary to have hands laid on you in order to have the Holy Spirit? Acts 8, 10, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18].
No Feeling of the Holy Spirit's Presence: Sometimes I have strong feelings that I suspect is evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, other times, not so much, am I doing something wrong?
2020-03-24 Peter & The Holy Spirit: Peter could not have possessed the Holy Spirit at the time of his denying of Christ, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come at Pentacost, right? [John 7:39].
Identity of the Rich Young Ruler: Do you think that "the rich young ruler" was Saul (Paul)?
2020-03-19 Speaking in Tongues Evidence of Holy Spirit's Filling: Is speaking in tongues the only evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit? [Acts 2:4, Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5:22f].
2020-03-16 Holy Spirit Brings Unity: Is it the job of the Holy Spirit to bring us into unity?
One Scriptural Interpretation Allowed: How would you assess the claim that the Holy Spirit would only allow for one interpretation of scripture, because the Holy Spirit would not allow for less than unity? [Romans. 14]
2020-03-16 Holy Spirit Brings Unity: Is it the job of the Holy Spirit to bring us into unity?
One Scriptural Interpretation Allowed: How would you assess the claim that the Holy Spirit would only allow for one interpretation of scripture, because the Holy Spirit would not allow for less than unity? [Romans. 14]
2020-03-13 Clarity from God for Guidance: Will scripture, or the Holy Spirit, always teach and lead you? Or are there times when it will be unclear? [Acts 16:6-7, Proverbs 3:6].
2020-03-13 LDS View-Unbroken Chain: How do you respond to the very important LDS view that one must have someone lay hands on them from an unbroken chain in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit, or baptize others?
Qualifications for Church Leadership: What do you think the scriptural qualifications are for starting or leading a church? [I Timothy 3, Titus 1].
2020-03-12 Trinitarian Personhood of the Holy Spirit: Is there evidence in scripture for the actual personhood of the Holy Spirit, particularly in light of having no name, and that we not been directed to pray to Him? [I Corinthians 1:3, Galatians 1:1, John 14:16, Acts 6:11-13].
2020-03-11 Many Mansions: Could you talk about the "many mansions" in John? [John 14:2, 23].
2020-03-09 Worship Service in Church: What form of worship should take place in church, when worshipping in Spirit & Truth? What should it look like on a Sunday morning as far as the raising of hands, singing, and so on? [John 4:19-24, 5:42, Isaiah 29:13].
2020-03-09 No Longer a Slave to Sin & Walking in the Spirit: If we have the capability of not being a "slave to sin" does that mean that we have the power, by grace, to not sin? What if we stumble?[Romans 6:6, 7:14, 24-25, 8:1, 4, Galatians 5:16, Luke 15:11-32, James 3:2].
2020-02-21 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Where is the scriptures that support the idea of "Baptism of the Holy Spirit". Is it the same as being filled? [Acts 1:5, 8, 2:4].
2020-02-05 Trinity: Is it not easy to believe that the Holy Spirit is actually just the spirit of God rather than a separate person? [John 14].
Preincarnate Jesus-The Word: Isn't the Eternal Word not really the Son until He was born in Bethleham? [John 1:1].
2020-02-05 Trinity: Is it not easy to believe that the Holy Spirit is actually just the spirit of God rather than a separate person? [John 14].
Preincarnate Jesus-The Word: Isn't the Eternal Word not really the Son until He was born in Bethleham? [John 1:1].
2020-02-05 Trinity Doctrine Mistaken: Isn't the spirit of truth, simply the spirit of Jesus, rather than another person? [John 14:6, 15-18, 15:1-10, 7:17, Colossians 1:27, I John 2:1].
2020-02-04 Baptized with the Holy Spirit: When a believer is baptized with the Holy Spirit, is it a different spirit, or is it simply getting in touch with the Holy Spirit one already has inside? [Romans 8:16, John 7:37-39, Acts 1:8, 2:4].
2020-02-04 The Holy Spirit as Third Person: Is it not more reasonable to think that the Holy Spirit is simply the spirit of Jesus in the believer, rather than thinking of it as some magical event that is a separate event with a third being? [John 10:18, 14:15,19, 20:22, Galatians 1, 4:6, Genesis 2;7, I Peter 3, Romans 8:9f, 2 Corinthians 3:17].
2019-12-19 Conviction of the Holy Spirit: What is the "conviction of the Holy Spirit"?
2019-12-05 Holy Spirit-Old & New Testament: How does one resolve the seeming conflict about David praying that God not take the spirit from him, and yet, Jesus indicated that unless He would go away, the Holy Spirit could not come? [Luke 11:13, Psalm 51:11, John 1:32, 7:39, 14:6, 16:7, Matthew 10, Luke 10, Ezekiel 36].
2019-11-20 Medication Withdrawal: Is it possible that I am encountering the Holy Spirit because I have withdrawn all my medications and am doing great? [Acts 2:17-21].
2019-11-08 First Intuition: Is the guidance that one's first instinct is correct, a reliable one?
2019-10-30 Holy Spirit in, on, or with us: Can you clarify this passage? [John 14, 20:22, Acts 1:8, 2:4].
2019-09-30 Calvinist View of Holy Spirit & Conviction of Sin: What do you think about when Calvinists use this passage to support the idea that after one is saved, the Holy Spirit no longer needs to convict one of sin, and that it only is speaking of non-believers? [John 16:8-10, I John 1:9].
2019-09-06 Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Tongues: What is your view of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues? [Acts 2:4, Acts 10 & 11).
Holy Spirit Seals Us: Doesn't all believers have the Holy Spirit and he seals you? [Ephesians 5:18].
Born Again: How do you know when you are born again? [I John].
2019-09-04 Jesus & Holy Spirit Living in the Believer: Is both Jesus and the Holy Spirit living in the believer? [Galatians 2:20, John 14:23, John 15, Romans 8:9-10].
2019-08-30 Before the Holy Spirit: What was the nature of the spiritual lives in the Old Testament, before they had the Holy Spirit? How did people have the strength to remain faithful? [Luke 1, 2 Peter 2, Galatians 5].
2019-08-28 Where Two or More are Gathered: When Jesus said where two are more are gathered, He is there, what does that mean? Is He not there anyway? [Matthew 18:15-20, I Corinthians 5 ].
2019-08-21 Jesus Came in the Flesh: Since some Word of Faith seem to suggest that Jesus was God, do they fall in the category of deny Jesus' incarnation? [I John 4:2, Luke 2:52, Philippians 2:6-7, Acts 1:2].
2019-08-13 Blaspheming the Holy Spirit: Can you help me understand the scripture indicating that speaking against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin? [Matthew 12:31, Acts 13, I John 1:7, 9].
Unforgivable Sin: If I denied God and Christ to save myself from getting my head cut-off while in Iran, can I be pardoned? [Matthew 16:25, 10:32-33].
2019-08-13 The Holy Spirit: Can you clarify the receiving and the gifts of the Spirit? Is the gift The Holy Spirit, Himself, or the gifts that The Holy Spirit gives believers? [Joel 2:28, I John 3:24, 4:13, Romans 8, John 20:22, Acts 1:5-8, 2:4, 38, Matthew 7:11, Ephesians 1:13, 5:18, Acts 19].
Pouring Out of the Spirit: Is the "pouring out of the Spirit on all flesh" something to happen in the future, or has it already happened? [Joel 2:28].
2019-08-13 The Holy Spirit: Can you clarify the receiving and the gifts of the Spirit? Is the gift The Holy Spirit, Himself, or the gifts that The Holy Spirit gives believers? [Joel 2:28, I John 3:24, 4:13, Romans 8, John 20:22, Acts 1:5-8, 2:4, 38, Matthew 7:11, Ephesians 1:13, 5:18, Acts 19].
Pouring Out of the Spirit: Is the "pouring out of the Spirit on all flesh" something to happen in the future, or has it already happened? [Joel 2:28].
2019-08-07 Paul as an Apostle: Was Paul an apostle? [Acts 14:14].
Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Wondering about Steve's view of how one receives the Holy Spirit and baptism of the Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9, Acts 2, 4, 18, 19].
2019-08-05 Jesus Subordinate to God Eternally: Do you think that The Son is eternally subordinate to The Father, as do John Piper and Wayne Grudem? And where then would The Holy Spirit be? [I Corinthians 11:3, 15:24].
2019-07-30 Bible Study: Does the Holy Spirit help direct the study of the Bible in various ways-whether you are reading it for the familiarity and information, or if you are meditating on it to know the mind of God.
Guidance of the Holy Spirit: Should we rely only on the Holy Spirit for guidance in studying and understanding the Bible?
2019-07-30 Bible Study: Does the Holy Spirit help direct the study of the Bible in various ways-whether you are reading it for the familiarity and information, or if you are meditating on it to know the mind of God.
Guidance of the Holy Spirit: Should we rely only on the Holy Spirit for guidance in studying and understanding the Bible?
2019-07-26 Evidence of the Holy Spirit: How do you know if you have received The Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9,16, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 5:18-21, Ephesians 1:13, 5:18, Romans 12:6-8, I Corinthians 12:4-11, 2 Corinthians 3:18]. (Editor's Note: Even though Steve Gregg seems to conclude the call before the break, he continues making comments about it AFTER the break, so don't miss that.)
2019-07-24 Holy Spirit Convicting of Righteousness: I don't understand this passage about the Holy Spirit and how He will convict the world of righteousness and judgment? [John 16:8-11, Acts 24:25].
2019-07-11 Disciples Taking Notes: Do you think that the disciples took notes while Jesus was speaking?
Holy Spirit Teaching Truth: Why do people seem to disagree on some points of scripture even though the Holy Spirit is intended to bring us into all truth? [I Corinthians 13:9, John 16:13].
2019-07-11 Filled with The Holy Spirit: How does one know if they are filled with The Holy Spirit? [James 4:2-3, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:13, Galatians 5:22-23].
Can The Holy Spirit Leave: Can The Holy Spirit leave me, or become less in me, because of sin, or some other reason? [Ephesians 5:18].
2019-07-11 Filled with The Holy Spirit: How does one know if they are filled with The Holy Spirit? [James 4:2-3, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:13, Galatians 5:22-23].
Can The Holy Spirit Leave: Can The Holy Spirit leave me, or become less in me, because of sin, or some other reason? [Ephesians 5:18].
2019-06-24 Speaking in Tongues: Is speaking in tongues always automatic or is it sometimes generated?
2019-06-19 Filled with the Spirit: Doesn't the filling of the Holy Spirit need to be a daily and ongoing event? [Ephesians 5:18].
Sinning Daily: Some say we sin every day - is that correct? [ James 3:2-11, Galatians 5:16].
2019-06-18 Day of Pentecost (Filling of the Spirit): What happened on the day of Pentecost? Would you encourage people to pray to receive the spirit like they did on that day? [Isaiah, Joel 2, Ezekiel 36:26, Acts 2 & 4].
2019-06-17 Holy Spirit: How we forgotten how alive the Holy Spirit is today? [I Corinthians 12, Galatians 5].
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