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Topic: Holy Spirit

Showing 251 to 300 of 581.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-05-21 Demon Possession of Christians: Why do you think Christians can be possessed? Possession vs. Oppression? [2 Corinthians 12:7].
Partial-Preterism: What is Partial-Preterism? [Revelation 20:9-end].
2019-05-20 Salvation & Filling of the Holy Spirit: What is the distinction between receiving the Holy Spirit upon salvation and being filled with the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 5:18, Acts 2:4-5, Acts 1:5, Acts 19:6, Acts 8:17].
2019-05-17 Demon Possession: How could a Christian have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, and also have a demon, too? [Galatians 5:17, Matthew 8:28-34, 9:32].
2019-05-03 Forsaken Jesus: The forsaking of Jesus while he was on the cross, could it simply be about having the departing of the Holy Spirit from that earthly body? [Psalm 22, Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:3-3, 2 Corinthians 2].
2019-05-01 Holy Spirit: How do you know when you are listening to and obeying the Holy Spirit?
2019-04-22 Holy Spirit: Where does it say that we have the Holy Spirit if we are a believer, or are 'born again'? Is it acceptable to ask God for the Holy Spirit? [Luke 11:13, John 3:3, Romans 8:9-10, 16],
2019-04-08 Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: What is meant by "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" [Matt 12:32]?
Repentance: Is there scripture to support post-mortem forgiveness? Many scriptures noted in Steve's book on Hell.
2019-03-28 Trinity: What convinces you that the Holy Spirit is indeed part of the Godhead? How can He be a "Person"?
2019-03-27 Walking in the Spirit: What does it mean to "walk in the Spirit"?
Ten Virgins Parable: What does the parable of the 10 virgins mean? And the oil?
2019-03-14 Baptism: Should I be re-baptized, if I was baptized before?
Holy Spirit: How do I become baptized with the Holy Spirit?
Salvation: How do I know if I am saved?
2019-03-12 Strange Behaviors in Church: What do you think about all the strange behaviors taking place in the church in some circles (speakers that were “stoned with the Holy Spirit”, acting drunken, “tokin’ the ghost”, or giving “healing hugs”).
2019-03-01 Old Testament-Holy Spirit: How could God expect people to obey Him in the Old Testament if they did not have the Holy Spirit and were not regenerated?
2019-02-28 Church Discipline, Judging, Rebuking: Church discipline, if I see my brother sinning, should I just ignore it or what? [Matthew 18]
2019-02-27 Trinity: I'm struggling with the idea of the Trinity, & the Holy Spirit, if the Holy Spirit is an entity to Itself or not. What verses would tell me that the Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity?
2019-02-21 Reincarnation: What does the Bible say about reincarnation?
God Speaking to us: Does God speak to us through other people?
2019-02-18 Guide us into all Truth: How should we interpret that? The Holy Spirit leading us into all truth? Why do we have so many disagreements on what is true?
2019-02-14 Sealed by the Holy Spirit: So if we are sealed w/ the Holy Spirit, we shouldn't be able to lose our salvation, should we? {Ephesians 4:30]
2019-02-13 Holy Spirit: If you don't receive the Holy Spirit are you automatically going to hell?
2019-02-04 Holy Spirit: Is it true that God forgives & Jesus forgives, but the Holy Spirit doesn't, is that right? [Matthew 12:31-35]
2019-01-30 Adam & Eve & the Holy Spirit: Were Adam & Eve filled with the Holy Spirit & did it leave them after they sinned? The Holy Spirit didn't come back then until Pentecost? [Acts 1:4-5]
2019-01-24 Receiving the Holy Spirit: I don't think I've received the Holy Spirit, & I've never spoken in tongues. What should I do?
2019-01-22 Adam-Breath of Life: Can we assume that when God breathed into Adam the breath of life, that he breathed His Holy Spirit into him, and withdrew it when he sinned? [Genesis 2:7, 3:7].
2019-01-22 Command Love-Fruit of the Spirit: Why would God direct us to love, if love is given in the gift of the Holy Spirit? [Romans 5:5, Galatians 5:22, Luke 6, Matthew 7:12, Hebrews 10:16].
2019-01-22 Holy Spirit Restored to Us Through Jesus: Would it be accurate to suggest that after Adam sinned and the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from him, that Jesus has since cleansed us, and made us eligible again? [Genesis 2:7].
2019-01-14 Soul, Spirit, Holy Spirit: Are spirit and soul separate? Could The Holy Spirit be our spirit?
2019-01-14 Gift of Speaking in Tongues: How would I know for sure I have received the gift of tongues?
2019-01-14 Once Saved, Always Saved: How can we can lose our salvation if we are sealed with the Holy Spirit?
2019-01-07 Holy Spirit's Presence: Why do we need the Holy Spirit if where two or three are gathered together, He is in the midst of them? [Matthew 18:19].
2019-01-04 Jesus' Departure & Return: Why did Jesus have to leave if He is going to come back again anyway?
Old Testament & the Holy Spirit: Didn't the people of the Old Testament have the Holy Spirit too?
Those That Never Hear the Gospel: How will God deal with people in remote places where they may never contacted to hear the gospel?
2019-01-03 Listening to the Holy Spirit: What do you think about this; The Holy Spirit told me to listen to David Hawking, because he knows the scripture?
2018-12-31 Vision from the Holy Spirit: What do you think of a vision that I had, do you think it's possibly from the Holy Spirit?
2018-12-31 Holy Spirit: (followup from many previous calls she has made) Does everyone have the Holy Spirit in them or not? am I saved or not?
2018-12-26 Holy Spirit: I haven't received the Spirit, or, I haven't been slain by the Spirit, so I don't think I'm saved
2018-12-18 Manuscript of the Bible & Trinity Doctrine: Manuscripts of the bible & caller thinks the trinity doctrine is dependent on 1 John 5. [1 John 5:7]
2018-12-18 Holy Spirit: You can pray for the Holy Spirit to come to into your life? [John 4:24, Romans 8:26-27]
2018-12-10 7 Spirits: The 7 Spirits of Revelation, how did we get to that number at the end of the Bible? [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Isaiah 11:2]
2018-12-07 Trinity: Involving the Trinity, is God an individual Being or 3 Beings that make one God? [John 20:17]
2018-12-07 Word of Faith: Commanding or asking God to give us stuff, do stuff for us, as if He is our own genie, just seems wrong. What does Steve think?
Understanding the Bible: Struggling to understand the Bible.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit: I can't quite wrap my head around the idea of being filled with the Spirit. Does He jump in & out of you?
2018-12-07 Word of Faith: Commanding or asking God to give us stuff, do stuff for us, as if He is our own genie, just seems wrong. What does Steve think?
Understanding the Bible: Struggling to understand the Bible.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit: I can't quite wrap my head around the idea of being filled with the Spirit. Does He jump in & out of you?
2018-12-06 Holy Spirit Saddened by today's Church: Do you think the Holy Spirit is saddened by the state that the church in North America is in today?
2018-12-06 Holy Spirit - Trinity: When Jesus breathed on them, did He breathe His own essence or another Person? [John 20:22]
2018-11-26 Holy Spirit: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit = Wisdom = Queen of Heaven? Human marriage reflective a God and His consort?
2018-11-15 Holy Spirit an Angel: Is the Holy Spirit is an angel?
2018-11-13 Jesus' actual Commandments: What are Jesus' actual commands?
2018-11-02 Limited Negative: How do we identify "limited negatives" in scripture? What does it mean to be "sealed" w/ the Holy Spirit?
Sealed with the Holy Spirit: What does it mean to be "sealed" w/ the Holy Spirit?
2018-10-29 Prejudice: I have prejudice against multi-racial relationships.
Filled with the Holy Spirit: Being filled w/ the Holy Spirit (conversion of the Spirit)
2018-10-22 Demon-Possessed People: Are demon-possessed people inherently lost? In other words, can Christians be demon-possessed, because I thought they were supposed to have the Holy Spirit?
Giving Someone a Glass of Water: What does this verse mean about giving someone a glass of water? [Matthew 10:42]
2018-10-19 Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: Blaspheming of the Holy Spirit, Mary's pregnancy. [1 Corinthians 14:33] (Editor's Note: I frankly have NO idea what the caller is talking about!)
2018-10-16 Receiving the Holy Spirit: The laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit, should this be pursued? Is there a difference between "having the Holy Spirit" & being "filled w/ the Holy Spirit?
2018-10-15 God Speaking: Does God speak to us in our thoughts?
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