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Topic: Holy Spirit

Showing 501 to 550 of 581.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-06-06 The Restrainer:: Who is the Restrainer of the Man of Sin from arising & really showing his evilness? [2 Thessalonians 2]
2014-06-02 Unpardonable Sin: Why is the Holy Spirit singled out when it comes to the unpardonable sin? Why isn't God the Father or Jesus also included about speaking against? [Matthew 12:32]
2014-05-21 "To another faith by the same Spirit": Surely this faith that is listed in the Spiritual Gifts can't be talking about the initial faith to be saved, can it? It's talking about another, deeper kind of faith, right? [1 Corinthians 12:9]
2014-05-13 Inner Witness & Being Saved & Calvinism: Sometimes I wonder if i'm saved or not because I seem to be lacking an "inner witness", & sometimes I think Calvinism is right, that only a select few, the elect, are going to be saved, & not me. Can you comment on that? [Romans 8:16]
2014-05-12 Holy Spirit: Even when a person is walking in the Spirit, is it still possible to inflict evil on another human being?
2014-05-08 3 Views of Hell: Caller is thankful for the lectures that Steve put together about the 3 view of Hell.
Holy Spirit leading to Truth: The Holy Spirit leads us to all truth.
2014-05-01 Holy Spirit: I was wondering if were allowed to just say, "Holy Spirit", or if we had to say, "The Holy Spirit"? I was told that if I just say, "Holy Spirit", that it was a Mormon thing.
2014-04-02 Predestination: Is our behavior predestinated? Are there any Scriptures that supports that?
Unction - Anointing: What does "unction" mean?
2014-04-02 Dispensationalism: How are people going to believe in Jesus w/ out the Holy Spirit? Is it possible to be a Dispensationalist & to believe that the Holy Spirit is going to come back after the Rapture after He's supposedly taken away?
2014-03-26 Worshipping the Holy Spirit: Is it wrong for us to worship the Holy Spirit?
2014-03-26 Praying in the Spirit: What if you are alone? There is no one there to interpret, so you are interpreting to yourself then? [1 Corinthians 14:14]
2014-03-24 Death: Immediately in the presence of God after death, the righteous are ushered, but what about the unsaved sinner, what happens to them, are they in limbo, are they judged immediately, what happens? [Luke 16:19-31]
The Spirit: We say the Spirit is in our heart, but where is it really?
2014-03-14 Praying for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Have you ever prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit over the phone?
Gifted Revivalists: Don't you think some people just have a better gift of making things happen, making God move, more than other people?
2014-03-14 Praying for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Have you ever prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit over the phone?
Gifted Revivalists: Don't you think some people just have a better gift of making things happen, making God move, more than other people?
2014-03-12 Jesus' Disciples Baptizing: What was the purpose of Jesus' Disciples' Baptism, or, how was it different than John the Baptist's disciples' baptisms? [John 3:22-24, John 4:1-4]
Church of Christ: The Church of Christ believes in instant baptism after conversion, that's one thing that's good about their belief system.
2014-02-21 Innocence Restored: Michael the Buddhist discusses about humanity going back to innocence/restoration after the Fall.
Bible Translated many Times: The Bible has been translated so many times it might've lost its accuracy, caller surmises.
Jesus' physical presence: It must've been wonderful being able to be around Jesus when He was here, but now all we have is the Bible to rely on, so it makes it a little hard to believe. [John 20:24-31]
2014-02-21 "Earthly things": "If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?", what does Jesus mean when He says "earthly things"? [John 3:12]
Being led by the Holy Spirit: Caller believes the Holy Spirit has been leading her to study things she then hears immediately on the radio show.
2014-02-05 Hell: What is your view of Hell? Don't you believe it's "eternal"? [Luke 16]
Regeneration: Is there any Scripture that teaches we are regenerated BEFORE we put our faith in Christ?
2014-02-04 Receiving the Holy Spirit before Baptism: Is this the only passage of Scripture where it says people received the Holy Spirit before Baptism? [Acts 10:44]
Cessation of the Gifts of the Spirit: Do the Spiritual Gifts still exist for today or not?
2014-01-16 Holy Spirit & Interpreting Scripture: How come if we all have the same Holy Spirit we see things so differently doctrinally?
2014-01-15 False Prophets: False Prophets just carrying out the will of God, but them not really prophesying anything, but in spite of.
Speaking in Tongues: Speaking in tongues as a sign that you are filled w/ the Holy Spirit, & does Paul contradict himself about speaking in tongues? [1 Corinthians 14:22-23]
Putting everything under Christ's feet: Did Christ put everything under His feet in the past or in the present? [1 Corinthians 15:22-28, Psalm 8]
2013-12-23 Sovereingty of God & Providences/Coincidences: Once we are under the sovereignty of God, there is no such thing as coincidences, are there?
Working Throught the Holy Spirit: Sometimes God can make you turn on the radio at times to hear a perfect song that really hits you at the time because of stuff you are going through.
"He which hath begun a Good Work": Once you submit yourself to God, He'll perform & do things in you that can only be attributed to God. [Philippians 1:6]
2013-12-23 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Having the Holy Spirit is not just having to speaking in tongues.
2013-12-11 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Is there a second phase of receiving the Holy Spirit after you become a Christian? Is being filled with the Holy Spirit a separate act? [Acts 19]
Water Baptism, in the name of the Holy Spirit: So being baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit is not enough to be "filled" with the Holy Spirit?
2013-11-27 NIV Translation: Can Steve please explain why he doesn't like a "dynamic equivelant" translation of the Bible such as the NIV?
People Discerning that you are Christian: Have you ever had people just walk up to you not knowing for sure you are a Christian & ask if you are a Christian?
2013-11-06 Steve's Testimony: Caller is interested in knowing where he can hear Steve's testimony. (you can now find Steve's testimony on YouTube)
God Speaking to Steve: How does God speak to Steve on a daily basis?
2013-10-25 Holy Spirit Origins: Has the Holy Spirit always been or when was He created?
Angels Created: When were the Angels Created?
Lucifer & Fallen Angels: So you don't think Lucifer was a Fallen Angel? Where did he come from then?
2013-10-10 Baptism in the Holy Spirit & Speaking in Tongues: Is it true that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit that you automatically have the ability to speak in Tongues? [Acts 2, Acts 8, Acts 9]
John MacArthur not Believing in Gifts: Isn't it strange that John MacArthur thinks the Gifts of the Spirit have ceased, because while it might seem to say something like that in 1 Corinthians 13, it also says knowledge will ceased! If anything it has increased! [1 Corinthians 13:8]
2013-10-10 Charismatics Sometimes Crazy: Sometimes the stuff that happens in Charismatic circles is genuine & sometimes it's nothing but crazy stuff going on, fakery, caller wanted to point out.
2013-09-25 Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Fire: What is the difference between being baptized with just the Holy Spirit & being baptized with the Holy Spirit & Fire? [Acts 1:5, Matthew 3:10-12, Acts 2]
2013-09-23 God's Spirit Striving: Did the Holy Spirit leave right before the Flood & then come back at Pentecost? [Genesis 6, Acts 2:1-4]
2013-09-17 No Need for Teachers: If the Believers have received an anointing of The Holy Spirit, does that mean there's no need for a Teacher? [1 John 2:7]
2013-09-11 Fruit of the Spirit & Filled with the Holy Spirit: How does one know when they are filled the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? What about Christians who have the Holy Spirit, but aren't baptized with it, don't they also have the fruits of the Spirit?
Ministers Being Filled with the Spirit: What about ministers who were raised Christians but might not be filled with the Holy Spirit? (Steve recommends the Lectures, Charisma & Character)
2013-09-09 ONE Baptism: Paul says there is only one Baptism, so how can there be another baptism of the filling of the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 4:5]
2013-09-05 Proclaiming the Gospel: Doesn't Paul say that we need to proclaim & confess Jesus to people besides just being a good example?
Churches lacking the Holy Spirit: There still seems to be a lack of the power of the Holy Spirit in churches to tell people about Jesus.
2013-09-04 God "Granting" Repentance: Can only God grant repentance?
Prevenient Grace: Can you talk about "prevenient grace"?
Willing your self into Heaven: Can someone "will" their way into heaven, to become saved?
2013-08-30 Filled with the Holy Spirit: Caller's sister thinks she can just really physically feel the Holy Spirit all around her.
2013-08-16 Speaking in Tongues when Holy Spirit Comes on You: Are we supposed to talk in tongues when filled with the Holy Spirit? Is it a language no one knows on earth? [1 Corinthians 14:10]
Holy Spirit before Water Baptism: Do you receive the Holy Spirit the very second you are converted or does it wait until after you are baptized?
2013-08-14 Filling of the Holy Spirit: Is it biblical to ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit after conversion, or is receiving it at that time enough?
2013-08-07 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Can you talk about the Filling of the Holy Spirit?
2013-07-30 "Spirit being given in Measure": What does Steve know about a verse in the Gospel of John where it says the Spirit will be given in measure, & who was even saying it, John the Baptist or Jesus? [John 3:34]
2013-07-29 Connecting with God: How do you "connect" with God?
2013-07-29 Worship God in Truth & Spirit: What does it mean to worship God in Truth and spirit? Bad call connection. [John 4:23-24]
2013-07-29 Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Speaking in Tongues: Are you supposed to be able to speak in Tongues as soon as you are filled with the Holy Spirit?
2013-07-24 Eternal Security & Holy Spirit Control: I thought we were controlled by the Holy Spirit once we were saved so how could we ever become lost again?
2013-07-23 Spirit of the Lord "Caught Away" Philip: What does "the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip" mean? Was he supernaturally moved or was he just led by the Spirit of God to walk somewhere else? [Acts 8:38-40]
Nephilim & Sex with Fallen Angels: What do you think of the Nephilim being created as a result of women having sex with fallen angels? [Genesis 6]
2013-07-23 Philip-Snatched Away: Do you know of any other sources that suggest that Philip was just snatched away, instead of just going somehere else in a hurry? [Acts 8:38-40]
2013-07-19 Holy Spirit Leads: We should know what God knows wants us to do because of the Holy Spirit?
2013-06-28 The Holy Spirit's Dwelling: Where else does the Holy Spirit dwell besides in our temples (our bodies)?
"Restrainer" Taken Out of the Way: What is the "restrainer" that is going to be taken out of the way? [2 Thessalonians 2:7]
2013-06-19 Holy Spirit & Holy Ghost: Is there a difference between the "Holy Spirit" & the "Holy Ghost"?
Demon-possessed Christian: Is it possible for a Christian to be Demon-possessed?
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