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Topic: God (General)

Showing 51 to 100 of 340.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-05-12 God Creates Evil: Could you help me understand scripture that indicates that God creates evil? [Isaiah 45:7, John 1:3].
2022-04-29 Who is Jesus?: Who is Jesus to you? Did you say that Jesus was a "type" of God? [I Corinthians, Romans 5:12, John 1:14].
Jesus as the Father: What do you think about the verse that says that "He shall be called Wonderful, the Everlasting Father"? Recommended topical lectures; "Knowing God-Trinity".[Isaiah 9:6, John 10:30].
2022-04-06 Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is True?: Why should we believe that the Bible is true? [Isaiah 41:21-23].
Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is God's Word: Atheist: Why should we believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
Atheist: Why "love" the Bible?: Atheist: Why should we love the Bible?
2022-04-05 God is Love: How is it that God is love? [I John 4:7-21].
Steve Gregg's Lecture on God's Love: Where is your extensive lecture about love and "God is love"? Topical Lecture series; "Charisma & Character".
2022-04-05 God is Love: How is it that God is love? [I John 4:7-21].
Steve Gregg's Lecture on God's Love: Where is your extensive lecture about love and "God is love"? Topical Lecture series; "Charisma & Character".
2022-03-31 God & Jesus Two or One in Heaven?: When we get to heaven, will se see God and Jesus as two separate people? [Revelation 4-5].
2022-03-29 Pronouciation of God's Name: Do you know how to properly prounce the name of God (Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH)?
2022-03-08 Heaven in the Old Testament: Where do we first see the promise of heaven in the Old Testament? [Daniel 12:2, 2 Samuel 12:23].
No Heaven or Hell: Would you still serve God without any promise of heaven or hell?
2022-02-17 Can Anyone See God?: How do you reconcile that the Bible says that no one can see God, but there are verses that indicate that some have? [Genesis 32:30, Genesis 18, Revelation 20:11].
2022-02-11 God Changes His Mind: Can God change His mind? [Proverbs 21:1, Genesis 18:21, Exodus 32:14].
2022-01-14 God's Plan: What is God up to? What is His overall plan? [Genesis 1:26, Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11].
Purpose of "The Law": What is the point of "The Law"? [Galatians 3:24-26].
2022-01-14 Genesis-Literal, Historical, or Symbolic: Would you trust someone who starts out saying that one doesn't need to take Genesis or historically? [Genesis 1].
Is God Blessed?: Is God blessed in Himself? [Genesis 6:6].
2022-01-13 God's America: Has God given up on America?
2022-01-12 God Face-to-Face: Has anyone ever seen God face-to-face? [Genesis 18:1. Genesis 17:3, Genesis 32:30].
The Disciples on the New Earth: What do you think will be the role of the disciples after the resurrection on the new earth?
2022-01-11 Who Created God?: Who created God?
2022-01-11 Evidence Against the Existence for God: What evidence would make you change your mind about God? Call from an atheist?
2022-01-05 Rules for Israel's Kings: Why would God give Israel detailed instructions about Kings if He didn't want them to have a human king? [Deuteronomy 17:14, I Samuel 8, Hosea 13:11].
2021-12-29 God is Not Doing a Good Job: If there is a God, then isn't He doing a lousy job?
2021-10-29 God of the Living and the Dead: If God is the "God of the Living", is there a "God of the Dead"? [Matthew 22:32].
2021-10-13 Why Not Abandon Faith and Pursue One's Own Happiness: How should a young person respond to contemporay culture's encouragement to abandon one's faith and pursue happiness?
Pursuing God Over Earthly Pleasure: How does one convince others that pursuing God is more fulfilling than earthly pleasures? [Luke 9:23, Psalm 16].
Challenges for the Young Today: What do you think this younger generation is facing that is greater than ever before?
2021-10-13 Why Not Abandon Faith and Pursue One's Own Happiness: How should a young person respond to contemporay culture's encouragement to abandon one's faith and pursue happiness?
Pursuing God Over Earthly Pleasure: How does one convince others that pursuing God is more fulfilling than earthly pleasures? [Luke 9:23, Psalm 16].
Challenges for the Young Today: What do you think this younger generation is facing that is greater than ever before?
2021-09-09 Ontological Aspects of Christian Theology: Would you discuss the ontological aspects of the Christian theology and if He is the source, then isn't all of God, as in Monism?
2021-08-12 Three Men in Genesis 18: Who are the three men and he who is addressed as Lord? [Genesis 18:22].
Three Men Visit Abraham: Would you comment on the three men who visited Abraham in Genesis 18? [Genesis 18].
2021-08-11 The Word for God & Jesus: Isn't the Word for God & Jesus the same in every language? So should we not be using the proper name?
2021-07-16 Experience vs Concept of the Divine: Is the Divine we experience different than what our concept of the Divine may be?
2021-07-09 Jesus 100% God and Man: How can Jesus be 100% God, but also 100% man?
2021-07-05 Jesus as a Created Being, and Not God: As a former Jehovah Witness, we are still at odds about Jesus being God, based on their Bible translation (New World Translation). Recommended topical lecture: "Knowing God series". [John 10:34, Colossians 1:15, John 1:3].
You were "gods:" Could you sort the quote, "I said you were gods?" [Psalm 82:6, John 10:34, Isaiah 9:6].
2021-07-02 The Unchanging Things of God: What are the two unchanging things mentioned in Hebrews 6? [Hebrews 6:18, Hebrews 6:13-14].
2021-07-01 Sorting the Trinity: Could you help me understand whether is God three persons in one, or three manifestations (or modes) of one God? [John 14:21].
2021-06-24 Similarity of I Peter and Ephesians: Are I Peter and Ephesians very similar?
Angels Seeing God's Plan Revealed on Earth: What does it mean that the "angels long to see" In I Peter 1? [I Peter 1:12, I Corinthians 2:6-9, Ephesians 3:10].
God's Universal Plan: Is God's plan for the whole universe, not just the earth?
2021-06-23 God's Glory & His Glorified Body: Could we say that God's glory is His image and is manifested in His glorified body? [I Corinthians 15:44, Hebrews 1:3, I John 3:2, Hebrews 2:10, Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 5:2, Colossians 1:27].
2021-06-14 God's Love=Mercy, Justice, Faithfulness: Could you direct me to your lecture where you talk about God's love being of mercy, justice, and faithfulness? Recommended Lecture: "Sermon on the Mount". [Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:12, John 15:13, Mark 12:30-31].
2021-05-14 God Manifested Himself and Became Flesh: Where is the verse about God being made flesh and how He was made Manifest? Recommended lecture; Knowing God. [John 1:14, I Timothy 3:15, John 14:9, John 10:30]. (This is a continuation from the previous call....had to add it as another call.)
2021-05-12 Humans Created to be Unable to Sin Could God have created us unable to sin, and yet still given free-will?
2021-05-04 Atheist's Position on Morals & Ethics: Atheist calls back about defending his position about how ethics and morality can exist and work without God?
2021-04-28 Why Didn't God Create us Better?: Why didn't God create us with stronger desires to do good and more self-control?
2021-04-22 Why God Gave Free Choice to Adam & Eve: Why didn't God create Adam & Eve with more self control and more of a desire to obey Him, so they would have a more pleasant walk with Him?
2021-04-16 God as Absolute Authority in Contrast to a Friendship with Him: How do you abide in Him, in a close and loving way, when you know that you are dealing with your king and He has absolute authority over you? [John 15, Romans 8:1, Psalms 145:8, I Corinthians 13:4-8].
2021-04-09 God Created a Flawed World: If God is all powerful and wise, why did He create such a flawed creation, and create beings that did not have the self-control to do the right thing? [Deuteronomy 30:11].
God's Foreknowledge: If God has foreknowledge, why would He bother testing us, if He already knows the outcome?
2021-04-09 God Created a Flawed World: If God is all powerful and wise, why did He create such a flawed creation, and create beings that did not have the self-control to do the right thing? [Deuteronomy 30:11].
God's Foreknowledge: If God has foreknowledge, why would He bother testing us, if He already knows the outcome?
2021-04-09 "Classical Theism": Have you ever covered "Classical Theism" in your lectures?
2021-04-01 How to be Saved: What does one do to be saved? [I John 5:11-12, Romans 10:9].
Understanding God & Jesus: How do I understand the various labels for Jesus, God, and in the Trinity (Messiah, Son of God, etc.) and who should I be praying to, or addressing? [Matthew 11:29-30, Ephesians 3:14, John 14:6].
2021-03-31 Disagree that God has the Right to Our Lives: I disagree with your position that because God created us, He can do whatever He wants with us?
God Torturing Us: If God can't go against His character, than can He torture us?
God's Right to Tell Us What to Do, or Suffer Consequences: Does God have the right to make people do whatever He wants them to do, or make them suffer consequences?
2021-03-30 Various Insights or Levels of Interest in God: Is what you wrote in your book about drawing near to God in various degrees a correlarry to the thoughts in Matthew 13 [Matthew 13:12].
2021-03-26 The God of the Old Testament contrasted to the God of the New Testament: Could you help me sort out the idea that the God of the Old Testament is not the same God who was the father of Jesus, because I don't think that the Pentateuch (1st five books of the Old Testament) was written by Moses and the Nag Hammadi Texts? Rec: Lecture; Intro to the Old Testament. [John 5:37, John 8:54].
2021-03-26 Holy Spirit as Person: Why do we describe the Holy Spirit as a person, when He is a spirit? [John 14:16].
2021-03-24 Secret Things: What about the "secret things" only God knows, and the revealed things, are they for everyone? [Deuteronomy 29:29, Acts 1:6, Luke 24:45].
2021-03-22 Chosen People Makes God a Racist: Is God a racist because He favor His chosen people? [I Peter 2:9].
2021-03-17 Not Doing Enough for God: As a relatively new believer, I am struggling with self-condemnation regarding how much I am doing as a Christian. What do you advise? [John 3:17, I John 3:21].
2021-03-04 "God of all Gods" Contradiction: Is there not a contradiction about God's singularity in these verses in Psalms? [Psalm 136:2, Psalm 95:3, I Corinthians 10:20, I Corinthians 8:4].
Conflict of God & Jesus' Will: Isn't there a conflict when Jesus says, "Not my will, but thine", indicating that God and Jesus did not have the same mind and will? [Luke 22:42].
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