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Topic: God (General)

Showing 151 to 200 of 340.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-06-26 God is Not a Racist - Insufficient: Isn't saying that "God is not a racist", an insufficient response to clarifying why God doesn't choose any racial group for carrying out His will? [Romans 2:5-10].
Calvinism-We Are Not Robots: Is it not insufficient to say that "we are not robots" in your argument regarding Calvinism and the matter of free-will and predestination?
2020-06-26 God is Not a Racist - Insufficient: Isn't saying that "God is not a racist", an insufficient response to clarifying why God doesn't choose any racial group for carrying out His will? [Romans 2:5-10].
Calvinism-We Are Not Robots: Is it not insufficient to say that "we are not robots" in your argument regarding Calvinism and the matter of free-will and predestination?
2020-06-22 Believing in God-Without Doubt: Should we not know that God is real with every fiber of our being, rather than related to the saying, "I would rather live as if there is a God and be wrong ..."?
The Value of the Church Fathers: Why are the church fathers important to us, since we are all fallible?
2020-06-22 Hearing and Audible Voice of God: Did the Old Testament characters (Joshua, Gideon, Abraham, etc.) audibly hear God?
Melchizedek Isn't Melchizadek actually God?
2020-06-22 Hearing and Audible Voice of God: Did the Old Testament characters (Joshua, Gideon, Abraham, etc.) audibly hear God?
Melchizedek Isn't Melchizadek actually God?
2020-06-17 God Limited by Lack of Faith: Is God's ability and power limited by lack of faith? [Mark 6:5-6, James 4:2-3].
2020-06-15 Book of Job: Could you help me with the implications of the story of Job? Does God have to give permission to Satan to inflict us? [Job, Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11-12, Romans 8:28, I Peter 1:7].
2020-06-11 God Loves Unconditionally: Dennis Prager says that God cannot love unconditionally? What do you say to that?
God Who Punishes, but Loves Unconditionally: In light of the idea that God loves unconditionally, but chooses to punish the sinful, doesn't make sense to me. We seem to unnecessarily ascribe human characteristics to Him. Can you clarify?
2020-06-11 God Loves Unconditionally: Dennis Prager says that God cannot love unconditionally? What do you say to that?
God Who Punishes, but Loves Unconditionally: In light of the idea that God loves unconditionally, but chooses to punish the sinful, doesn't make sense to me. We seem to unnecessarily ascribe human characteristics to Him. Can you clarify?
2020-05-13 God Authored Evil: I understood that John MacArthur said that God is the author of evil, can you comment?
2020-05-13 Who Do You Worship: Who do you pray to, and who do you worship? [Ephesians 3:14, Matthew 6:9-13].
God's Name-Jehovah: Is it important that we know that God's name is Jehovah?
2020-05-13 Trinity Doctrine Defines Christianity: I thought that believing in the Trinitarian doctrine is what made someone a Christian? [Acts 11:26, John 14:8, John 16:12-13, Matthew 8:27, Mark 4:41, 2 Peter 3:18].
2020-05-11 The Chosen of God, the Elect: Why do you believe that we are not chosen as the elect by the Holy Spirit?
A Sovereign God That Allows Evil in the World: If God is sovereign, why does He allow so much evil in the world?
2020-05-07 God Seems Evil in the Old Testament: Some Old Testament passages make God sound really evil, particularly when he has people massacred or annihilated. How come God just doesn't do it himself?
God Not Good All the Time: Is it legitimate to say that "God is good all the time" in light of all the terrible judgments in the Old Testament? [I Samuel 15].
God Sends Evil Spirit: When the Bible says that God sent an evil spirit, how do you understand that and harmonize that with a good God? [I Kings 22:22, Job 1, I Samuel 16, Judges 6-9, Judges 9:23].
2020-05-07 God Seems Evil in the Old Testament: Some Old Testament passages make God sound really evil, particularly when he has people massacred or annihilated. How come God just doesn't do it himself?
God Not Good All the Time: Is it legitimate to say that "God is good all the time" in light of all the terrible judgments in the Old Testament? [I Samuel 15].
God Sends Evil Spirit: When the Bible says that God sent an evil spirit, how do you understand that and harmonize that with a good God? [I Kings 22:22, Job 1, I Samuel 16, Judges 6-9, Judges 9:23].
2020-04-20 In the Love of God: What does it mean in the book of Jude to "keep yourselves in the love of God"? [Jude 1:21, 2 Peter 3:9, Luke 15:11-32].
2020-04-16 The Trinity: Can you help me understand the "Trinity" in light of scripture that seems to indicate only one God? [John 17:3, 8:58, 1:1, Revelation 1:8, 22:13, I Timothy 3].
2020-04-15 God's Comfort & Being With Us: Could you clarify how God will be with us, and what the comfort of God is? [2 Corinthians 1:3-5].
2020-04-10 Separated from the Love of Christ: Could it be that Paul is really referring to us being separated from the love of Christ in us, rather than for us from without (His love for us}? [Romans 8:35-39, 11:22].
2020-04-10 Proclamation: Caller shares a proclamation about the glory of God.
Identifying The Called: The words for used for "called" in Romans 8, are two different Greek words, so does that identify a particular and exclusive group of people as "the called"?[Romans 8:28-30, Isaiah 66:4, Hosea 11:4, Revelation 17:14].
Husband/ Wife vs Bride/ Bridegroom: Is there any distinction between the husband/ wife in the Old Testament and the bride/ bridegroom in the New Testament? [Isaiah 43:4, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 19:7-9].
2020-04-06 God Withdrawing From Hezekiah: Could the event of God withdrawing from Hezekiah be applied to us and related to the tests we go through? [2 Chronicles 32:31].
2020-03-27 Angry with God: When a believer is disappointed or angry with God, Is it always sinful, or does God actually welcome our feelings? [Job 13:15].
Psalms, Prayer & the Human Heart: Do you think that God put the Psalms in scripture to just give an example of the human heart?
2020-03-18 Trinity, Oneness, or What? How would you define my view of the trinity or the oneness doctrines? [John 14, Revelation].
2020-03-11 Eliphaz & Job: Could you help me understand what point Eliphaz was making in this verse in Job 4? [Job 4:17].
2020-02-28 Proof of God's Existence: How do I know that God exists?
Homosexuality: How do your resolve God's love for the Homosexual and His view of the sin of practicing homosexual acts as an abomination?
Life on Other Planets: Don't you think it impossible that there is life on other planets, because their redemption would require that Jesus die again, and scripture says He died once for all?
2020-02-21 God's Initiating Genocide: Why would God want a genocide orchestrated against an alternate pagan people, when they are just minding their own business? [Ecclesiastes 8:11, Romans 6:23].
2020-02-20 God's Harsh Punishment in Old Testament: What do you say regarding the harshness of God's punishment on his people in the Old Testament? [2 Chronicles 15:12-13].
2020-02-03 God a Spirit: Is God a spirit? [John 4:24].
2020-01-13 Jesus Equal to God Proof: What are the best verses for proving the deity of Jesus to a Muslim? [Genesis 18, John 14, 16:12-13, Revelation 1:8, 11, 17-18, Colossians 1:15, John 8:58, Philippians 2:5-11].
2019-11-25 The First Relationships with God: Where did relationships with God begin? [Hebrews 11, Romans 8:14].
Roots of Relationships with God: Where did Christianity and relationships with God actually begin? [Hebrews 11].
2019-10-31 Life of Jesus: Can you talk about the missing years of Jesus [Luke 2, Matthew 13:55, John 19:26].
Jesus in Hell: Would you talk about where Jesus went, or what happened to Him, when he was dead for 3 days? [I Peter 1:10-12, 3:19].
God's Appearance: Does God actually look like a human being.
2019-09-04 God's Time vs Our Time: Does God have a different time schedule than we do? Is God outside of time? [Jeremiah 1:5, 2 Peter 3:9-12, Revelation 13:8].
2019-09-04 Questioning God: Is it wrong to question God?
2019-08-23 Do We Owe God: Do we owe anything to God? [I Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthains 5:14-15, Romans 13:8].
What is Judged at the Judgment: What is to be judged at the judgment - if our names are in the Book of Life or our works, or what? [Matthew 16:28, 28:20, Revelation 20:12-13, I Peters 1:17, John 5:45-47, 12:48, 8:31].
2019-07-30 Answers to Prayer: How do we recognize when and how God is answering our prayers? [Philippians 2:13, I Peter 5:7].
2019-07-29 Nature(s) of God: Do the various views of the nature of God-whether unified, or separate (re: hypostatic union) make one idea or another heretical?
2019-07-24 Bearing Our Cross: Do we have to bear the cross of God turning his back on us, like He did with Jesus? [Joshua 1, Hebrews 13:5].
2019-07-16 God's test for Job: Can you explain the conversation and test in the book of Job between God and the devil? [Job 2:3].
2019-07-09 Loving God: What does it mean when it says love your God with all your heart? [Like 10:27, John 14:15, Matthew 7:12, I John 3:18, Colossians 3:17]
2019-05-03 Foreknowledge & Freewill: If God knows everything we will do, how is that freewill? Open theism discussed.
Two Witnesses (Revelation): Did Jesus know everything? Can we know absolutely who the two witnesses were in Revelation?
2019-04-23 Savior: Is God the Father my savior, or is He my Creator, & Jesus my Savior?
2019-04-22 Origin of God: How did God come into existence? When did He begin? Who created God? How is God outside of time? The creation relative to the Law of Thermodynamics.
Earth's age: How old is the planet earth?
2019-03-15 God as 2 Persons: Does scripture seem to indicate that there are two different entities; the King of Israel & His Redeemer, the first & the last [Isaiah 43:1, 44:6]?
2019-03-08 Is God in Control?: Is God really in control, or has He given control to man? Is He protecting His people? [Psalm 91:11, Psalm 34:7].
2019-03-08 God's Omnipresence: Is God is present at every moment of time? Are there any other dimensions mentioned in the Bible?
2019-02-04 Holy Spirit: Is it true that God forgives & Jesus forgives, but the Holy Spirit doesn't, is that right? [Matthew 12:31-35]
2019-01-21 God Wants to Kill Moses: Why does God want to kill Moses? [Exodus 4:24].
"The Blessing" in the Old Testament: Why was "the blessing" so important in the Old Testament?
2019-01-18 All Sin Equal in the Site of God: Is all sin equal to God? [Matthew 10:15, 11:24, 26:41, James 3:2]
2019-01-10 Does God Hate: Are there certain people that God hates?
2019-01-07 Guidance from God: How do we seek and recognize guidance from God?
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