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Topic: God (General)

Showing 201 to 250 of 340.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-01-02 Seeking the Kingdom of God: How do people seek the Kingdom of God? [Colossians 1:13, Matthew 5:16].
Loving God: How do we love God with all our hearts, soul, and mind? [James 1:17, I John 4:19].
2018-12-21 God Trusting People: Does God trust people?
2018-12-21 The Doctrine of the Moral Government of God: What is the "moral government doctrine of God" & do you agree w/ it?
2018-12-11 God referred to as a Female: Genders of God.
2018-12-07 Trinity: Involving the Trinity, is God an individual Being or 3 Beings that make one God? [John 20:17]
2018-12-04 The Priesthood: Does it say that the priesthood is not transferrable? [Hebrews 7:24]
God not always God in Eternity: God has not been there all eternity.
2018-11-28 Seeing God the Father in the New Earth: Jesus was fully human & fully God? Are God and the Lamb the light of the new city? Will we be w/ God the Father on earth? [Revelation 22:5]
2018-11-09 God before Creation: What was God doing before creation? What's it going to be like in heaven? Resurrection in a different mode?
2018-10-15 God Ordaining: I know you don't believe God doesn't ordain all things, but what about Exodus 11 & 12 & the first born, where He ordained all the first born to be killed.
God having 2 different Wills: Does God have 2 different wills? Because God says not to murder, but then He sanctions Jesus to be killed.
2018-10-15 Jesus Being God: I'm trying to figure out how God can become God in the Flesh, like the Jehovah's Witnesses don't think they do. [Revelation 4, Philippians 2:6]
2018-09-17 The Voice of God: How do we discern the Voice of God?
2018-09-13 Seeing God in Heaven: Will we see God the Father & the Holy Spirit or only Jesus? Will He have a Spirit body like us? [Matthew 18:10]
2018-09-04 God the Father: Is God the actual Father of Jesus or is it just figurative?
2018-08-15 Existing in the First Place: If God knows we won't live for Him or if He knows everything we are going to do, then why would we exist at all?
2018-08-08 The God of Muslims & Christianity: Is God the same God as Christianity & the Muslim?
2018-07-18 Good because God Says it is or Because it is Good: Is something good because God is the one that decides what is good, or does God call it good because it is Good?
2018-07-06 Privacy from God: Does God know everything that is going on in our private lives? Are we not allowed some privacy?
Exorcisms: What happens if someone wants you to do an exorcism? is it immediately effective or not?
2018-07-02 God Ordaining Ever Step: Does God ordain every step of our life?
2018-06-29 God Hates People: What does it mean that God hates evil doers? [Proverbs 6:16-19, Romans 9:13]
2018-06-25 Jesus Having a God: How can Jesus have a God? [John 20:17]
2018-04-30 Unitarian vs Trinitarian: Does Father equal Holy Spirit? Why is it important to believe that Jesus was actually the Son of God Incarnate? The Old Testament people didn't know that! Why isn't the Holy Spirit the Father since it was He overshadowing Mary instead of the Father?
JWs, Mormons & the Trinity: You just explained that Christians believe the Trinity differently, but yet the JWs & Mormons are called a cult because they believe it differently. Why?
2018-04-25 Trinity: Is the Holy Spirit God's errand Boy? Can you please just address the Trinity?
2018-04-20 God a Person: Is God a Person or a Spirit? [John 10:30, John 14:9, John 4]
2018-03-28 Light before Sun: where was the light coming from before the sun? [Genesis 1:3-5, Genesis 1:14-19]
God's Omnipresence: Is God everywhere?
Nephilim, Giants, Angels having sex w/ Women: Is that what Genesis 6 is saying, Angels having sex with women?
2018-03-23 God Preordaining everything & Prayer Changing it: Does God preordain everything? But does Prayer sometimes change it?
2018-03-12 Jacob Wrestling with God: How could Jacob wrestle w/ a Man for such a long time? How could he possibly win against God? [Genesis [32:24-30]
Seeing God: There seems to be a contradiction in Scripture here because it says that Jacob saw God face-to-face, yet when Moses encountered God, God told him no one can see Him & live. [Genesis 32:30, Exodus 33:20]
2018-01-10 Doubting God: James says not to doubt when you pray for something, that a person who doubts is like a person who is being tossed by the ocean, a double-minded person, but everyone has a crisis of faith once in awhile, questioning events and why God is allowing something, even John the Baptist did, so what exactly is James saying here? [James 1:5-7, Matthew 11:3, Ephesians 6:16]
2017-12-28 Human Pawns to God: Are we simply pawns being arranged by God? Are we being tested just to see if worthy opponents? Isn't that a little bit unfair? [Ephesians 2:6-7, Ephesians 3:10]
2017-11-09 The Size of God: How big is God & why does He care about something so small? Does moral character, moral laws apply to other worlds?
2017-11-08 God's Mercy & Forgiveness: God is infinite in forgiveness, but people still have to be held accountable who scorn Him.
2017-11-01 God in the Pillar of the Cloud: Wasn't God already in the pillar of cloud, the tabernacle, etc?
2017-10-12 Studying the Scriptures: So you won't be approved of God if you don't study the Bible? [2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Peter 3:15}
2017-10-09 God Creating Us: Why did God create us? why are we here?
Lucifer Becoming Satan: Jesus said He saw Satan fall down from heaven like lightening. [Luke 10:18]
2017-09-27 God Not being able to be Tempted: Why does it say that God can't be tempted, but Jesus was tempted, can you clear up this conflict?
2017-09-22 Allah: Who is Allah? Is he/He the same God?
2017-08-18 Praying to Jesus or the Father: Should we pray to Jesus or to God the Father?
2017-08-17 A Different Take on the Trinity: Is the reason Jesus couldn't do anything apart from the Father & the Father can't do anything apart from the Jesus, & the Holy Spirit?
2017-08-14 God Allowing Suffering: Why does God allow suffering for His children?
2017-07-28 God being a Male & Female: Someone I know thinks God is male & female. Can you tell me about these verses related to that? [Psalm 19:5, Galatians 4:26]
2017-07-11 Jews coming out of Egypt: When the Israelites came out of Egypt, isn't that sort've representative of spiritual Israel now where we have are struggling for obedience to God? [1 Corinthians 10:1-11]
God's Jealousy in His Glory: God being a jealous God in His glory. [Exodus 33:18]
2017-07-03 God Creating Humans: Why did God create us?
Satan's Origins: Why & when was Satan created?
2017-06-07 God Creating Evil: Why did God create evil? It seems to say that in Isaiah. [Isaiah 45:7]
2017-06-02 First Begotten into the World: "First begotten into the world", angels worshipping Him, is it talking about the first coming or second coming or just Jesus being superior to angels? [Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:9]
Anointing with Gladness: Anointing Thee with gladness, what does this mean? [Hebrews 1:9]
Even Thy God, What does that mean? God calling Jesus God?
2017-04-12 Seeing God's Full Glory: People can't see the full glory of God until we are in our new bodies?
2017-01-09 Seeing God & Living to Tell about it: How come some people got to see God & live when it says that if you see Him die?
God "trying" to Kill Moses: Why did He "try" to kill Moses? [Exodus 4:24-26]
2017-01-09 Evidence of God: Can you give me some wisdom on what to do w/ doubt or lack of evidence of there being a God, etc.?
2017-01-03 Cain's Relationship with God: "I will be hidden from your presence", Cain said. So did Cain & God have a regular conversation with each other like God did with Adam & Eve? [Genesis 4:13-15]
Cain's Age when He slew Abel: So Cain & Abel were in their 100's when he killed Abel?
Seth: And how many children between Cain, Abel & Seth?
2016-10-04 Being made in God's Image: What does it mean to be made in God's image? [Genesis 1:26]
2016-09-22 Mark on Cain: If there was only 3 people on the planet after Abel was killed, who was Cain afraid of that would kill him? [Genesus 4:9:15]
Impossible Things for God: Could God do things that are impossible for Him to do, such as making a rock that is too heavy to move?
2016-09-19 God Creating Suffering: How can any thinking & compassionate person think God is good if He created a world full of suffering?
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