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Topic: God (General)

Showing 251 to 300 of 340.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-09-15 God the Father's Looks: What does God the Father look like? Moses got to see Him. [Exodus 33:18-34:35, John 4:24]
2016-08-15 Matt Chandler Have ever heard of Matt Chandler? Would you agree that God is for His own glory & ours life is to glorify Him?
2016-08-11 Jesus Equal with God & Broke the Sabbath: Jesus broke the Sabbath & claimed He was equal with God, but is there any ambiguity of what it is saying? [John 5:15-18]
2016-08-10 Roles of the 3 Person Godhead: Can Steve please talk about the different roles of the 3 Persons in the Godhead, is it okay to be worshipping the Holy Spirit?
2016-08-05 Antinatalism (No Procreation): Should parents have children if they can't guarantee that they won't suffer?
Children Going to Hell: What if you run the risk of children burning for eternity in hell?
God Irresponsible: Does it possibly make God irresponsible by letting children being born who are going to burn in hell for eternity?
2016-06-30 God & the Lord God: I was reading Genesis & it goes from "God" to the "Lord God". Is there any significance to that?
"Let us Make Man in our Image": "Let us make man in 'our' own image", who is the "us"? God and Jesus speaking as one? [Genesis 1:26-27, John 1]
2016-06-21 God Never Created: God was not created but the Creator, but how can that be?
2016-06-09 Pharisees & Scribes Knowing it was Jesus: How come the Pharisees & Scribes didn't keep track of & know who Jesus was since His birth since the Wise men had no trouble figuring out who He was at birth?
The Book, "Killing Jesus": What do you think about the book called, "Killing Jesus"?
God doing Everthing for His Glory: "I'm not doing this for you, but for Me!" God said [Ezekiel 36:22]
2016-06-02 God changing His Mind: God changed His mind, & what do Calvinists say about that? [Amos 7]
2016-05-09 Waking up God: Caller is concerned about man's attitude towards God, telling Him to wake up, [Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 52:1, Psalm 121:4, Matthew 8:23-27]
2016-05-09 God separating a slave from his Family: Why would God command a slave be separated from his family? [Exodus 21:4]
2016-03-30 "Let Us": Who is Jesus? Who is the "us" in Genesis? [Genesis 1:26]
Elohim: What about the name "Elohim"? Is it only a Jewish name they use for God? Why is it plural & singular at the same time? [Genesis 1:1]
Rabbis Rejecting Trinity: If what you said about "Elohim" is true, you'd think they wouldn't have had so much trouble in accepting Jesus.
2016-03-18 Communicating with the Father, Son or Holy Ghost: Is it okay to communicate to the Father, Son & Holy Spirit interchangeably?
2016-03-03 Catholics & Protestants Believe in Same God: Catholics & Protestants might get their information from different sources, but they believe in the same God. But the question is, if you say some books aren't part of the Bible, aren't you also following tradition?
2016-03-01 God Making Himself Known: Why doesn’t God reveal Himself in a way that can’t be refuted?
2015-12-23 Rap Music: Not all Rap Music is bad, according to the caller.
"...Make Man in OUR Image": Who is the "our" when God said, "Let us make man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26-27]
2015-12-03 God being a Spirit: Though God the Father is a spirit, does He have some type of spiritual body? [John 4:23-24, Matthew 18:10, Revelation 5:7]
2015-11-18 In the Father, In Christ & In the Spirit: What is the difference between being In the Father, In Christ or in the Spirit? [Romans 8:9, 14:17]
2015-11-13 Evil: Does God actually create evil? I thought God was a God of love & good? [Isaiah 45:7]
2015-11-04 Trinity: My friend doesn't believe in the Trinity because it can't be found in the Bible the word itself also. [John 1] (the audio skips a little bit seems to be only limited to this Q, & the previous)
Jesus being fully God & Man: One problem He has is Jesus being 100% human/man, & 100% God. How can that be possible? [Philippians 2:5-8]
2015-10-26 Character of God: Was wondering if you could sum of the Character of God?
2015-10-21 God Manifesting Himself: Why does God hide Himself & make it hard to know who He is? [Romans 1:19-20, 16:25-26]
2015-10-16 Prayer: Are we allowed to pray directly to Jesus or the Holy Spirit? [Luke 11:1-4]
2015-10-08 Praying directly to Jesus: Can we talk directly to Jesus when we pray? [1 John 5:14-15, Matthew 6:9-13, John 16:16]
2015-10-07 Yahweh, the Father, the Son, & the Trinity: Discussion about the Name Yahweh for God.
KJV Translators & Colossians: Why did the KJV translators translate Colossians 1:16 incorrectly?
2015-09-23 The Deity of Christ: A person said that Jesus did NOT have to depend on His Father because of His own Deity, that He had His own power of performing miracles, healing & resurrections, while He was here on earth, is that true? Jesus was a 100% God & 100% man at the same time, but didn't rely on His Father. [John 14:10, 5:19, Matthew 12:28, Acts 1:2]
Jesus' 2 Natures: So WAS Jesus 100% God & 100% Man like most people think?
2015-09-09 God Creating Us: How long was God waiting in Heaven before He created us?
2015-09-02 God Killing Innocent People: Caller has some friends who went from Christian to Atheist & want to know why did God kill innocent life when Israel came out of Egypt to take over the land of Canaan if He doesn't want people to go to hell?
2015-08-12 Believing Existence of God: Listener really wants to believe in God but needs more evidence, especially when a lack of answered prayer & miracles happen.
2015-07-30 God Hates People: God hates SIN, so why can't He also hate people? [Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:13]
2015-07-29 "Jacob Have I loved, but Esau have I Hated": If God can hate Esau, why can't we hate people? [Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:13]
Solomon: Why is Solomon in the Bible since he had so many concubines?
2015-07-01 God the Father (Trinity): Are the places where it talks about God, is it always referring to God the Father, or, is it sometimes one of the other 2, Jesus or the Holy Spirit or all 3?
2015-06-25 Creation of God: Who created God?
Cessationists: Who are Cessationists?
2015-06-11 "Sons of God": In Genesis 6 it says "Sons of God" plural, but there's only One Jesus, so why plural? [Genesis 6:1-2]
2015-06-11 Praying to 3 Persons: We see a person as one individual, but even though Jesus is one Person, it almost seems like we are talking to 3 People, does that make sense?
2015-05-19 "Esau Have I hated, but Jacob have I Loved": God loves EVERYONE, so why does it say in Romans that He hated Esau? [John 3:16, Romans 9:13
Animal Sacrifices: If the Jews don't believe that Jesus is Messiah then how come they no longer perform animal sacrifices?
2015-05-07 God of the OT in contrast w/ Jesus of the NT: People think there's a complete contrast between the God of the OT & the God of the NT, having character trait differences.
2015-04-28 God a Creature: Caller is having confusion w/ it says God is a creature, & He's not a creature! [Colossians 1:15, Colossians 2:15]
2015-04-20 Finding the True God: Even if one could prove that God existed how would we know we found the right one?
2015-04-09 Ishmael: God blessed Ishmael, but He said say he would be like a wild ass, being against every nation? What did He mean by that?
Purgatory: A comment about Purgatory.
David: David being a man after a God's own heart.
2015-04-01 Apologetics: The caller said that an atheist said that if God exists, He is a perverse since He's responsible for so much evil.
2015-03-30 Time: What do we know about time? God lives outside of time?
2015-03-16 The word "God": What does the name/ word "God" exactly entail?
Jesus the Son before Incarnation: So did Steve say Jesus was not the Son of God before the Incarnation in one of the lectures the caller heard?
2015-03-02 Michael the Buddhist: Michael the Buddhist is a popular fellow of late, people wondering about him (a call was about him last month also).
Size of the Universe: Why did God make the universe so big? Are there possibly other planets like ours, other "experiments" God has out there?
2015-02-12 God Creating Humans: So God took a gamble by creating us, not knowing if we were going to pass the test or not of eating the forbidden fruit?
2015-01-23 God being Cryptic: Why was God so cryptic in the Bible instead of just spelling it out?
2015-01-22 Power of God: How can or does a person rely on the Power of God?
2014-12-29 You shall surely die: What did God mean when He told Adam he would die? [Genesis 2:17]
Outside the Gate Liars: When Revelation talks about people outside the gate, especially liars, doesn't that mean an eternal state?
God so loved the world: Does God no longer love the people who are outside the gate? [John 3:16]
2014-11-25 Knowing God: How do you really get to know God?
2014-11-20 God's Love & Power: It's hard to see God's love when you see all this evil around you.
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