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Topic: Kingdom of God (Heaven)

Showing 51 to 100 of 338.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-11-02 "Not Peace, but a Sword": Why would there be this passage about not coming to bring peace, "but a sword", when it is so frightening? [Matthew 10:34-36, Micah 7:6].
The Bible's is Incomplete: Was there more that could have been included in the Bible that was not written? [John 21:25].
2022-10-28 Handing Over the Kingdom to Jesus & God: Could you talk about the scriptures that suggest that the Kingdom is handed over to Christ for management and also handed back to God? Recommendation; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1& 2) by Steve Gregg. [Matthew 11:27, I Corinthians 15:22-24, Judges 8:22-23, Matthew 28:18, Psalm 110:1].
2022-10-26 The Gospel (Before the New Testament): What was the gospel that was preached, when there was no Bible (New Testament)? [Isaiah 52:7, Mark 1:14, Luke 11:20, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 24:14, Revelation 3:21, Daniel 7:13, Colossians 1:13].
2022-10-07 Wedding Feast Parable: Could you help me sort out what the parable of the "Wedding Feast" is about, especially the part about the guest being thrown out? [Matthew 22:9-14, Colossians 1:13, John 3:5].
2022-09-26 Kingdom of God-Only for the Jews: Is the current "Kingdom of God" only for the Jews? [Matthew 28:18, Matthew 22:7, Revelation 5:9-10, 2 Timothy 2:15].
2022-09-21 Regeneration-New World or Rebirth: Did the "new world" begin in Matthew 19 with the twelve sitting on the thrones? [Matthew 19:27-28, Revelation 3:21, Revelation 20:4, Luke 22:28-30, Titus 3:5, Galations 2:7].
The Kingdom Now-Spiritual or Physical?: Do you think that the Kingdom of God is a spiritual thing now, but will be realized later at the inception of the New Earth? [Romans 14:17, Galatians 5, I John 3:2].
2022-09-15 Judgment-Price Was Paid: Caller shares that Jesus has paid for all your sin, past, present and future.
"Mid-Acts Dispensationalism": What do you say to a "Mid-Acts Dispensationalist" (Gospel of Grace) when you do not agree with their position? Recommends notes: Paul Charts. [Galatians 1:8, Acts 20:24-25, Matthew 20:21, Matthew 28:31, Mark 1:14-15].
2022-09-12 Christian's Involvement in Politics: Since Jesus indicated that we should not be involved in politics when He said "His Kingdom is not in this world", what do you think? [John 18:36, Matthew 28:18, Luke 12:48].
2022-08-26 Paul Taught Different Gospels & Obedience to the Commandments in Matthew: How would your address someone suggesting that Matthew and Paul preach different Gospels and why we are not obeying all the commandments in Matthew to be saved? [Acts 20:24-25, I Timothy 6:3, Acts 28:30-31, John 8:31, Romans 10:9, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 6:41, Matthew 7:21].
2022-08-16 Universal Reconciliation: If there is a possibity of universal reconciliation, then why does it say that some will not inherit the kingdom of God? [I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2022-08-16 Living in Continuous Sin: Caller comments on believers who think they can live in continuous disobedience and sin. [I John 3:6-7, Ezekiel 18:20-24].
Two Kingdoms: In light of current events, do you think we are living in two kingdoms? [2 Corinthians 5:20, I Peter 2:11].
2022-08-02 Parables-Not Understood: Why would Jesus tell parables if He knew that the average listener would not understand? [Mark 4:34].
2022-07-28 Defining the Gospel: Could you define what the "gospel" is? (carries over the half-hour break). Steve's book, "Empire of the Risen Son"-vol 1 & 2.
2022-07-27 Dipsensational Views in Early Church History: Is there any documentation about typical Dispensational views (millennium, pre-trib rapture, restored Israel), about eschatology held in the early church (before 1800s)?
Kingdom Passages Fulfilled Chart: Where can one find the chart you made showing the new testament writers indicating the Kingdom passages that were fulfilled?
First Appearance of the "Antichrist" in Church History: Didn't the first appearance of what we think about the "anitchrist" show up about the 1500s with Francisco Ribera?
2022-07-15 Gospel of the "Kingdom" or "Heaven & Hell": When did the gospel change from the "gospel of the Kingdom" and toward the "gospel of heaven and hell"? [Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 9:6-7, Romans 10:9, Titus 2:14].
2022-06-30 "Violent Men" Take the Kingdom "by Force": What is meant by the scripture that says that violent men will take the kingdom by force? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16].
2022-06-15 Jesus Enthroned at the Right Hand of God: Why is it significant that the New Testament repeats that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God and that all is subject to Him? [I Peter 3:22, Psalm 110:1, I Corinthians 15:25, Matthew 28:18, Philippians 2:9-12, Daniel 7:13-14, Colossians 1:13].
2022-06-01 Kingdom of God: How do we get Christians to start talking more about the "Kingdom of God"? Recommendation; Empire of the Risen Son (Vol 1 & Vol 2). Free audiobooks at the website, and the topical lectures.
Strong Delusion of Dispensationalism: Do you think that Dispensationalism could be the strong delusion? [2 Thessalonians 2:11].
2022-05-26 Nicodemus & Born Again: How was it that Nicodemus should have understood the phrase "born again"? [John 3:1-12, Ezekiel 36:25-27, Zechariah 14:8, Isaiah 32:15-16, Isaiah 5:2].
Nocdemus and Entering the Kingdom: How is the story of Nicodemus and being born again relate to the idea of seeing and entering the Kingdom?[John 3:1-10, Acts 1:6].
2022-05-20 "Occupy 'Till I Come": What does it mean to "Occupy 'till I come." [Luke 19:13, Colossians 3:17, Matthew 6:33].
2022-05-16 Fornicators "Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God": Is I Corinthians addressed to believers or unbelievers when he refers to the fornicators not inheriting the Kingdom of God? [I Corinthians 6:9-10, I Corinthians 5:11].
Addiction & Grace: What about believers who have an addiction and how does grace come into this? [Galatians 5:16, Romans 6:15, Titus 2:11, Matthew 1:21].
2022-05-05 "The Kingdom of God" vs Heaven: Could you more specifically define "The Kingdom of God" and the millennium? [Exodus 19:5, Mark 1:15, Colossians 1:13, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Matthew 25, Genesis 1:26].
"Entering" vs "Inheriting" the Kingdom: What is the difference between "entering" and "inheriting" the Kingdom, for the Christian?
2022-05-05 "The Kingdom of God" vs Heaven: Could you more specifically define "The Kingdom of God" and the millennium? [Exodus 19:5, Mark 1:15, Colossians 1:13, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Matthew 25, Genesis 1:26].
"Entering" vs "Inheriting" the Kingdom: What is the difference between "entering" and "inheriting" the Kingdom, for the Christian?
2022-05-03 Scripture for Memorial Services: Do you have recommended verses for a"Celebration of Life" service? [Colossians 1:13, I Peter 1:8, Philippians 1:20-24, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
The Kingdom of God: Could you suggest how to tie an explanation of the Kingdom of God into my husband's memorial service? Recommendation: "Kingdom of God-Vol 1 & 2" books, audio avaialbe at the website:
2022-05-03 Scripture for Memorial Services: Do you have recommended verses for a"Celebration of Life" service? [Colossians 1:13, I Peter 1:8, Philippians 1:20-24, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
The Kingdom of God: Could you suggest how to tie an explanation of the Kingdom of God into my husband's memorial service? Recommendation: "Kingdom of God-Vol 1 & 2" books, audio avaialbe at the website:
2022-05-02 The Word "Saved" in Scripture: What were the people in biblical days thinking when they heard the word, "saved"? [Matthew 24, Matthew 19::16-26, Joel 2:2, John 8:31-32, Matthew 1:21, Acts 2:21].
2022-04-08 "Kingdom of God" & "Kingdom of Heaven": Is "The Kingdom of God" and "The Kingdom of Heaven" the same thing? [Luke 6, Matthew 19:23-24].
2022-03-22 Free Audio Version of "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol 1: Steve announces a FREE audio version of his 2 books about the Kingdom of God; "Empire of the Risen Son". Book 1; 'There is Another King" NOW available at, under the tab; "Books."
2022-03-22 Moses' Source for Genesis: How did Moses know what to write in Genesis about the creation and the events in the Garden of Eden?
The Kingdom of God: How do I learn about "The Kingdom of God"? Recommended topical lecture, "The Kingdom of God" or download free book, "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 1", at the website.
2022-03-07 Scribes: Would you explain the passage about the scribes being trained for the Kingdom of Heaven? [Matthew 13:51:52].
2022-03-07 "Signs of the Times": Are we being warned to look for signs of the times relative to the Kingdom age, even though this passages is likely about 70 AD? [Luke 12:54-56].
2022-03-04 Missionaries Taking Children & Wives with Them: Where in church history did missionaries start taking their wives and children into dangerous areas? [I Corinthians 9:5, Matthew 19:29, Mark 10:29].
First Manifestation of the Kingdom of God: Where did the Kingdom of God first manifest on earth? [Act 1:6, Revelation 5:9-10, Exodus 19:5-6].
2022-03-02 "Kingdom of God" & "Eternal Life" Synonymous: Is the "Kingdom of God" and "Eternal Life" synonymous in scripture? [Mark 9:43-47, Mark 10:17].
2022-03-01 Premillennial Position on the Establishment of the Kingdom: What do the premillennialists say about the establishment of the Kingdom being in the time of the kings indicated in Daniel 2? [Daniel 2:44, Colossians 1:13]
Kingdom of God Already Here: What do you say to someone who wants their money back when they find that the Kingdom of God has already arrived?
2022-03-01 Premillennial Position on the Establishment of the Kingdom: What do the premillennialists say about the establishment of the Kingdom being in the time of the kings indicated in Daniel 2? [Daniel 2:44, Colossians 1:13]
Kingdom of God Already Here: What do you say to someone who wants their money back when they find that the Kingdom of God has already arrived?
2022-02-18 Why Am I Here?: How would you suggest approaching an adult child who is questioning "Why am I here?" and "What is the purpose of Life?"
Facts Over Feelings: Does there not seem to be many are looking for feelings rather than truth to substantiate their idea of faith.
2022-02-04 Kingdom of God "Within You": Could you comment on the "Kingdom of God" being "within you" and if it refers to being in a state of peace? [Luke 17:20-21].
2022-01-25 Defining the "Kingdom of God": Is it possible that the "Kingdom of God" (Kingdom of Heaven) is really referring to the whole universe, rather than just the church (body of Christ)? [Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:21, Romans 14:17, Luke 19:11-27].
2022-01-21 Amillennial View of the Coming of the Kingdom: How would the Amillennialist see the application of the Lord's Prayer, "Your Kingdom Come"...? {Matthew 6:10].
Amillennialist View of Entering the Kingdom: How does an Amillennialist view this passage about "entering", rather than "inheriting", the Kingdom of Heaven? [Matthew 7:21-27, John 6:66].
2022-01-21 Amillennial View of the Coming of the Kingdom: How would the Amillennialist see the application of the Lord's Prayer, "Your Kingdom Come"...? {Matthew 6:10].
Amillennialist View of Entering the Kingdom: How does an Amillennialist view this passage about "entering", rather than "inheriting", the Kingdom of Heaven? [Matthew 7:21-27, John 6:66].
2022-01-19 Preaching The Kingdom of God or Heaven & Hell: What is the difference between preaching the "Kingdom of God" and "heaven & hell? [Romans 10:9].
2022-01-17 Second Coming-Last Earthly Event: Is Jesus' return the last event on earth? [John 14, I Thessalonians 4:14-17, John 6].
Premillennialism & Millennium Reign: Where would one find support for the view that there will be a future kingdom on the earth just after Jesus returns? [Revelation 20, Colossians 1:13, Luke 17:21, Matthew 12:28].
2022-01-14 God's Plan: What is God up to? What is His overall plan? [Genesis 1:26, Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11].
Purpose of "The Law": What is the point of "The Law"? [Galatians 3:24-26].
2022-01-13 Take it By Violence: Could you talk about the passage indicating that the kingdom is suffering violence and taking it by violence? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16].
2022-01-04 Inheriting the Kingdom of God: Can someone be saved and not inherit "The Kingdom of God"? [Colossians 1:13].
Salvation vs Inheriting the Kingdom: Is there a difference between being saved and inheriting the kingdom? [Hebrews 6:1, Colossians 1:28, Philippians 3:14-15].
2021-12-31 Dispensationalism as Heresy: Where would you place Dispensationalism on the scale of heretical doctrines? [Luke 17:20-21, Matthew 12:28, Colossians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 11:4].
2021-12-10 "The Kingdom of God is Near You": What is the significance of the Jesus using the word, "near", when He said, "the Kingdom of God has come near you"? [Luke 10:9-21, Mark 1:15].
Only Believers Have Immortality: Is there scripture to support the idea that immortality is only given to believers, and not, as many teach, given to those unbelievers going to hell? [Romans 2:5-6, I Timothy 6:16, John 3:16, I John 5:11-12, I Corinthians 15:53].
Unbelievers Life After Death: Do you think that after death that there will be some life even for the unbelievers? [John 5:28-29].
2021-11-29 The Kingdom of Heaven: When exactly is "The Kingdom of Heaven" to come? [Matthew 5:19, Mark 1:15, Hebrews 8:13].
2021-11-22 Entering the Kingdom with Violence (or Force): What does it mean to "enter the kingdom with violence"? [Matthew 11:11-13, Luke 16:16, Acts 9:4].
2021-11-10 "Kingdom or God" or "Kingdom of Heaven": Can you clarify the difference between the "Kingdom of God" and the "Kingdom of Heaven"? [Matthew 19:23-24].
Kingdom of God Defined: What is meant by scripture describing of what the Kingdom of God consists-"righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit"? [Romans 14:17].
Old & New Covenants: How do the two covenants overlap? Recommended topical lecture; "Torah Observance."
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