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Topic: Kingdom of God (Heaven)

Showing 101 to 150 of 338.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-11-10 "Kingdom or God" or "Kingdom of Heaven": Can you clarify the difference between the "Kingdom of God" and the "Kingdom of Heaven"? [Matthew 19:23-24].
Kingdom of God Defined: What is meant by scripture describing of what the Kingdom of God consists-"righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit"? [Romans 14:17].
Old & New Covenants: How do the two covenants overlap? Recommended topical lecture; "Torah Observance."
2021-11-08 When is the "Kingdom of God"? When is the "Kingdom of God"? [John 14:15, John 14:21, Matthew 5:19, Mark 4:26-29].
2021-10-12 "Kingdom of God" vs the "Church": Caller thinks that the church and the The Kingdom of God are not the same thing. [Exodus 19:6, Matthew 3:2].
Peter & the Keys of the Kingdom: Is Jesus indicating that Peter is opening the door to the kingdom when he was given the keys? [Matthew 16:18, Acts 10, Colossians 1:13, Exodus 19:5-6, I Peter 2:9].
We Greater Than John the Baptist: Isn't scripture telling us that we actually have a greater position having the Holy Spirit, even than John the Baptist? [Hebrews 10:20, Hebrew 8:6].
2021-10-11 What Must Be Done to be Saved: What must I do to be saved? Is it forever? [John 15:16, John 6:37].
2021-09-27 Requirements to be Right with God: What was Jesus requiring for people to be right with God? [Matthew 22:40, 2 Corinthians 5:18, Psalms 51:16, Micah 6:8].
2021-09-27 Anointing Oil: Where in the Bible does it talk about anyone but the priest making the anointing oil would cause it to be cursed? [Exodus 30].
The "Roman's Road" to Salvation: What is the "Roman's Road" and do you believe that is the best way to evangelize? [Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9].
2021-09-24 Afraid of Hell & May Not be Saved: Caller shares that he is afraid that he may not be saved, and thinks he only tries to be a believer because of the fear of hell. Is there anything in the Bible that can help assure me? [I John 4:18].
Loving God More: How do you cultivate more love for God? [I John 4:19, I John 2:15, I John 4:8, Luke 10:27].
2021-08-23 Political Activism vs Revival: How involved in politics do I become in order to change the direction of the country, when I know that the only thing that work is a revival? [Revelation 11:15, Psalm 2:1-3, Luke 12:48].
2021-08-03 "Born Again" Defined: What is Jesus' definition of the new birth (or being "born again")? [John 3:14, I Peter 1:23, James 2:19, Romans 10:9].
2021-07-28 Carnal vs Spiritual Insight into the Bible: Is there a difference between a carnal and spiritual understanding of the Bible [2 Corinthians 13:5, Luke 17:21, Romans 8:9-10].
2021-07-12 Hyper-Dispensationalism: Could you talk about the "Hyper-Dispensational" movement (Bullingerites, Ultra, Hyper-Grace) and "multiple gospels"? [Galatians 1:8, Revelation 14:6, Titus 2:12, Galatians 5:6, I Timothy 6:3-4, Acts 20:24-25].
2021-07-02 The Cross vs the Resurrection: Why is there such focus on "the cross" instead of the resurrection? [Psalm 110:1, I Corinthians 15:25, Romans 4:25, Titus 2:14].
2021-06-15 "Tabernacle of David": Did David have the Holy Spirit and what of the "Tabernacle of David"? [Acts 15:8, Acts 15:16, Amos 9:11-12].
2021-06-08 Helpless Dependence: Could you help me to understand what you mean by "helpless dependence" in your book, "The Kingdom of God"? [I John 2:6, Psalm 127:1, Galatians 3:3].
Pre-Trib Rapture Evidence: How would you answer David Jeremiah when he indicates that because the church is not mentioned after Revelation 3, it is indicative of a pre-tribulation rapture? [Revelation 13:7, Revelation 19:6]
2021-05-27 Distractions of Social & Political Issues: How much should we be involved in political and social concerns as opposed to staying focused on those inside the church? [I Corinthians 5:12-13, James 1:27, I Peter 2:12, Titus 2:14, Titus 1:15, Titus 3:1, Titus 3:14].
2021-05-26 "The Kingdom Within You": Could you help me fully under the verse that says, "the kingdom of God is within you"? [Luke 17:20-21]
2021-05-18 Hyper-Dispensationalism (Mid-Acts): Could you talk about "Hyper-Dispensationalism" (also called "Mid-Acts")? Is anything at the website on this? [Acts 14:22, Acts 20:24-25, Acts 28:30-31, Colossians 1:13, Galatians 1:8-9, Mark 10:45, Matthew 20:28, Luke 18:13].
2021-05-14 Gluttony & Lack of Self-control: What do think of a pastor who says that gluttons will not inherit the "Kingdom of God"? [I Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:18-21, Matthew 15:11-20, Mark 7:15].
2021-04-26 Secular Roman Historical Records of the Resurrection: Who are the secular historians and figures to which we can point in order to support the resurrection records (Tacitus, Suetonius, Josephus)?
Steve Gregg's New Books: Would you talk more about your two new books, "Empire of the Risen Son", volume 1 &2?
2021-03-30 Steve Gregg's New Books on the Kingdom of God: Caller commends Steve on his new books on the Kingdom of God, book 1 (There is Another King), particularly, Chapter 19.
Dominion Theology: Are you gravitating toward "Dominion Theology" (Dominionism)?
2021-03-30 Steve Gregg's New Books on the Kingdom of God: Caller commends Steve on his new books on the Kingdom of God, book 1 (There is Another King), particularly, Chapter 19.
Dominion Theology: Are you gravitating toward "Dominion Theology" (Dominionism)?
2021-03-18 "Seeker Friendly" Churches: Are "seeker friendly" churches unbiblical?
Jesus Spoke in Parables: Why did Jesus speak to His crowds in parables, so they would not really understand? [Mark 4:34].
2021-03-18 Parable of the Sower: What is the application to us in the "Parable of the Sower"? [Luke 8:4-15, Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Mark 4:34, John 3:3, John 8:31].
2021-03-16 The Timing of the Coming of the Kingdom of God: Could you clarify your understanding of Luke 21 and the timing of the coming of the kingdom referred to there? [Luke 21:30-34].
The Sin That Leads Unto Death: What is the sin that leads "unto death"? [I John 5:16-17].
2021-03-01 Breaking the Least of the Commandments: Could you help me understand what is the "least of these" in regard to breaking the commandments? [Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 12:28, John 5:46].
Jesus' Law: Is it possible that Jesus meant that we are to fulfill His laws, rather than the law of the prophets? [Matthew 5:17-20].
2021-02-24 The Kingdom of God, Not of This World: How does "The Kingdom of God is not of this world" fit into your new book? [Matthew 12:28].
2021-01-28 Caller Asks for Direction for His Christian Growth: Caller shares personal testimony of his recent conversion and asks where he should next focus his attention to grow? Recommends lecture; "Biblical Counsel for a Change" and his new books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1-"There is Another King", & Vol 2-"All the King's Men").
2021-01-26 Water Baptism Required: Is water baptism required for entering the "Kingdom of God", and if it is, then why do so many evangelists not require it? [John 3:5, Acts 2:38, Acts 9:10-21, I Peter 3:20-21 ].
Born of Water & Spirit: What does it mean to be, "born of water and of the spirit"? [John 3:5-6].
2021-01-05 The Gospel Preached: Could you clarify if someone who is presenting the gospel with a good heart, even if they are mistaken about some of their doctrine and their understanding of the gospel, still produce good fruit?
2021-01-05 Visions in Daniel: What is the best argument against the idea of the vision in Daniel 2 & 7 is about the end times? [Daniel 2, Daniel 7].
The Little Horn: Can you identify who "the little horn" is in Daniel? [Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 9].
2020-12-18 The Kingdom of God: What is the Kingdom of God (or Heaven)? [Mark 4:30, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 11:17].
2020-12-18 The Good News from Jesus: What did Jesus tell people about His sacrifice, and what the good news was?
2020-12-16 Kingdom of God: Is it important to understand the Kingdom of God?
2020-12-10 Giving Up Our Rights to Speak Against Evil: What do you think about a pastor who says we should be willing to give up our own right to speak against some of the evil things that are happening in our culture? [Luke 3, Micah 6:8, Acts 1:7, Isaiah 42:1-4, Matthew 12:18-21, Luke 19:1-13, Matthew 13:24-30].
2020-12-08 Christian Book Choices: Which book should I read next, "Live Not By Lies" or your second volume on The Kingdom of God, "Empire of the Risen Son"?
2020-12-03 The Gospel: What is the gospel? [Luke 17:20, Colossians 1:14, Matthew 28:18-20].
2020-11-25 Tongues and Other Gifts of Steve Gregg: Do you, Steve Gregg, have any other gifts other than speaking in tongues?
The Stone in Daniel: If you know Josephus or Luther, what did the think of the stone in Daniel?
2020-11-23 God's Salvation Reaching Further Than Expected: Is God's salvation going to be extended far beyond what we may have been thinking because of genuine ignorance? Do we need to be evangelizing if everyone is made in the image of God? [John 1:9, John 3:20-21].
2020-11-17 Entering & Inheriting the Kingdom: Could you talk about "entering" and "inheriting", the kingdom, a throne, crown, and scepter? [Luke 19, Matthew 25].
2020-11-16 "Inherit", "Enter", or "Have" Eternal Life: Do you read anything into the different wording of "inheriting", "entering" and "having" eternal life and the kingdom? [Daniel 12:2, 2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 5:10, Matthew 25].
2020-11-10 Supersessionism, the Kingdom of God & Spiritual Family in Christ: Could you give me feedback on a brief statement regarding the spiritual family we have in Christ as the church, the Israel of God, the Kingdom of God, and Supersessionism?
2020-11-09 Grace & Obedience for Salvation: You drew a comparison and difference between "inheriting" and "entering" the kingdom in scripture, can you speak to this relative to "free grace" (Hyper-grace)? [Luke 18:18, Matthew 19:29, Romans 10:9, Isaiah 28:13, Matthew 15:8, Luke 23:42].
2020-11-03 Freedom Eroded-Confidence in God: To what degree does knowing about "the kingdom of God" console you when our liberties are being eroded at such an unprecedented pace?
2020-10-30 Steve Gregg's New Book: Steve talks about his two new books on "The Kingdom of God", the title being, "Empire of the Risen Son".
2020-10-27 Seeking "The Kingdom of God": Is seeking "the Kingdom of God" the most important thing we are to do? [Matthew 6:33, Matthew 24:14].
Seeking Success in a Career: If we are disciples of Christ, should we be seeking financial success in our career? [I Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Acts 3:6, Matthew 10:8, Matthew 19:23, Ephesians 4:28, 2 Thessalonians 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 4: 11, I Timothy 6:17, I Timothy 6:9, I Corinthians 12:31].
2020-10-22 I Never Knew You: How do you interpret it when Jesus said, "I never knew you."? [Matthew 7:21-22].
2020-10-20 What's Going on with Steve's New Book and Recent Travel: Caller just got Steve's new book, and requests that Steve talk about his recent travel.
2020-10-19 Repent: What does it mean to repent, when Jesus said, "Repent the Kingdom of God is at hand"? [Matthew 4:17, Matthew 28:18].
Does God Think: Does God think?
2020-10-13 The Gospel, The Good News, & The Kingdom of God: What is "the good news" and "the kingdom of God" that must be preached? [Mark 1:14-15, Matthew 24:14, Acts 20:25, Matthew 28:18].
2020-10-02 When Will You Restore the Kingdom?: What is your take on when the disciples asked about when Jesus would "restore the kingdom"? [Acts 1:6-7, John 16:12-13].
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