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Topic: Kingdom of God (Heaven)

Showing 251 to 300 of 338.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-03-03 Kingdom is Yet to Come - Part II: Disagreement about eschatological events about the immediacy of them.[Matthew 16:28, Acts 9] (Last call of previous show)
2017-03-02 Kingdom is Yet to Come: Disagreement w/ answer to caller #2 re: dispensationalist [Matthew 16:28, Acts 9]
2017-02-16 Pearl of Great Price Parable: Who sells all that he has, Jesus or us? How do we obtain the Kingdom of God?
2017-02-09 Having a Different Gospel: What are modern versions of this besides Mormonism/LDS, JWs, etc? what IS the gospel? [Galatians 1:6-9]
2016-12-12 The method of Sharing of Gospel: The caller is concerned about what we share as the gospel, a born again experience, the blood of Jesus, instead of the Kingdom of God.
Sabbath: What happens to the people who don't keep the Sabbath because we they had to work, & do we have to keep one at all?
2016-11-23 Myles Munroe & The Kingdom of God: The gospel is about the Kingdom of God, not just Jesus dying on the cross, being born again? [John 3]
2016-11-21 George Whitefield: & John Wesley: Caller would like Steve's thoughts on George Whitefield & John Wesley.
U.S. Constitution: U.S. Constitution being effective because of these Christians?
Kingdom of God & USA Patriot: Any thoughts on Patriotism?
2016-11-03 Kingdom of God: How can people in Western society relate to the Kingdom of God because don't know about Kings & Queens & royality?
2016-10-20 Kingdom of God to Personal Salvation: When did the kingdom of God transform into just being saved & going to heaven, personal salvation, instead of worried about promoting the kingdom of God?
2016-10-19 The Kingdom of God: Jesus was preaching the gospel about the Kingdom, not just about going to heaven. [Exodus 19:5-6. Acts 20:24].
2016-09-28 Lord's Prayer: Why did Jesus say, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven"? [Matthew 6:10, Daniel 2:35, Revelation 21:2]
Kingdom of God here & now: Is it right for us to imagine the Kingdom of God being on earth right now?
2016-09-20 Kingdom of God "at this time": "…at this time...", when did that mean? He didn't directly answer them, so it seems He didn't necessarily agree w/ what they were asking. [Acts 1:6]
2016-09-12 Kingdom of God is at Hand: At what point did or does the Kingdom of God come into existence? Because it says in places that it's near & in other places it says it's in our midst & yet in other places it says it's still to come. [Luke 17:21, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:34]
Denominationalism: Can carnally-natured people be true Christians? The very beginning of denominationalim seems to start right then. [1 Corinthians 3:1-4, Romans12:1-2]
2016-09-09 Kingdom of God Visible & not Visible: Steve says Matt 24 puts Luke 17 & 21 together, So if the Kingdom of God is w/ out observation & yet His Kingdom is supposed to be visible, so how do you put the 2 together? (caller is a full preterist)
2016-08-26 Kingdom of God: Kingdom of God, heaven? what changes between now and the future? What phases? When was it instituted? [Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 15:25-28]
2016-08-25 Kingdom of Priests: The Israelites would be a kingdom of priests, how could the average run of the mill Israelite be a priest? [Exodus 19:5-6]
Paul Disobeying Spirit-Filled People: Paul was told not to go to Jerusalem, did he disobey God since he was going against the spirit-filled men? [Acts 21:4]
2016-08-19 "This Generation Shall not Pass Away": Baffled by this, this generation shall not pass away until these things be fulfilled. [Matthew 16:28]
2016-08-04 Far Left, Far Right: Caller is concerned about the Christians worrying about being too far Liberal left or too far Conservative right labels & political systems.
2016-08-01 "Know we no man after the Flesh": When it says, “according to the flesh”, is that talking about their flesh or ours? [2 Corinthians 5:15-21]
"We are Ambassadors for Christ": And a related question, is Paul saying they as apostles are "ambassadors" or we all as Christians are ambassadors? [2 Corinthians 5:20]
"Reconciling the World": What about "reconciling the world"? Is this talking about the people of the world or the whole world itself? [2 Corinthians 5:19]
2016-07-14 The Kingdom of God: Caller likes your lecture about the kingdom of God.(Recommend a book called, "Emperor of a Risen Son", about the Kingdom of God.)
Jesus Speaking in Parables: Why would Jesus play what appears to be mind games w/ those listening speaking in parables?
2016-06-22 The Kingdom of God: The kingdom of heaven in this particular Scripture in Matthew the literal place we go after we die? And Steve explains they sometimes the phrase, "Kingdom of Heaven" is used.
2016-06-17 Replacement Theology-Kingdom being Restored: This can't be the church because it has never fallen down [Acts 3:21 sic (Acts 1:6 actually), Acts 15:16, Amos 9]
2016-06-06 The Government & Kingdom Of God Variance: It says in Isaiah that "the government shall be on His shoulders", so in light of that verse, how much are we supposed to pay attention the government & politics? [Isaiah 9:6-7]
2016-05-24 Kingdom of God in the OT: How was the Kingdom of God to be understood by Old TestamentT people? Do you suppose He hid it from them because of Satan?
2016-05-13 Motivated by Love for Christ: We shouldn't be motivated to be saved just to be either wanting euphoria in heaven for eternity or fear of burning in hell, but for the love of the Master Himself, right?
2016-04-21 Violent take it by Force: Can you please address this verse, where the "violoent take it by force"? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 13:24]
2016-03-25 Kingdom of God Now or Later: Is the Kingdom of God right now or not until the future yet? Didn't it officially come into being right before the death of Christ on the cross, because during the Lord's Supper He said He wasn't going to take it, & even rejected it once on the cross, but right before He died, He accepted it, so was that establishing the Kingdom right then? [Matthew 26:29, Matthew 27:34, Matthew 27:48, Luke 22:15-16]
2016-01-11 Heaven: What is heaven? Where is heaven? Who is going to heaven?
2016-01-11 Jesus Preparing Mansions: Jesus says He would go build many mansions, what does that mean? [John 14:1-4]
2016-01-05 Leaven: What does leaven mean in a parable Jesus gave? [Luke 13:20-21] (same phone call as above, but different caller)
2015-12-10 Sitting on the right hand of God: Is this literal or symbolic/anthropomorphic of something else, Christ sitting on right hand of God? [1 Peter 3:22, Acts 5:31, Acts 2:33, Hebrews 1:13, Luke 22:69, Hebrews 10:12, 1 Timothy 2:1-15]
Right hand of God: What is the significance of being on the "right hand of God"?
2015-12-08 Children going to heaven: Do children who die before the age of accountability go to heaven or hell?
2015-10-26 Jesus Setting up His Kingdom in Israel: Can you please explain Jesus coming back for the Jews? I thought the Jews didn't believe in Christ?
Tribulation & anti-Christ: Jews will be converted during the Tribulation?
2015-10-22 Death: What happens to you after you die, your soul & spirit? [Philippians 1:21-23]
Kingdom of Heaven: What does this verse mean, that the kingdom of Heaven has been suffering violence & they take it by force? [Matthew 11:12]
2015-08-21 New Heaven & New Earth: When Peter talks about a New Heaven & a New Earth in [2 Peter 3:13], is that literal in this case? "according to His promise we look for this", something in Isaiah?
2015-07-28 Garden of Eden 2: End of Time being like the Garden of Eden, is there a verse that says that? [Revelation 21 & 22]
Being Born-Again: The Bible doesn't really say anything about accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord. So how does a person become a member of the Kingdom of God, a Christian?
Kingdom of God: When was the Kingdom of God established? At time of John the Baptist or at Pentecost?
2015-06-26 Seek ye First the Kingdom of God: It says in the Bible to seek ye first the Kingdom of God & HIS righteousness & all these things will be added unto you. Hod do you do that? [Matthew 6:33]
Head of the Household: Caller just got married & wants to know how to be a good husband, the head of the household like the Bible says, & wants Steve's advice of how to do that.
2015-05-11 Kingdom Taken From the Jews: Why was the Kingdom of God taken from the Jews, because they were not experiencing Justice, Peace & Joy? [Matthew 21:43, Romans 14:17]
2015-03-18 4th Kingdom of Daniel 7: What does the 4th Kingdom in Daniel 7 actually represent? Is the caller doing a disservice by only exposing her children to Dispensationalism? [Daniel 7]
2015-03-13 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God: Can I know I am seeking first the Kingdom of God by completely trusting God, & leaning unto our own understanding? [Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:5]
2015-03-12 Baptism & Partaking of the Lord's Supper: Can a person be a part of the Body of Christ, but not fully a member of the Kingdom of God, but yet be able to break bread (for example, if they haven't been baptized yet)?
2015-03-11 Parables, Grain of Seed & Leaven: Most people consider these parables with a negative connotation, but caller has an issue with it because it's talking about the Kingdom of God. [luke 13:18-21]
2015-02-27 Parables Meaning Hidden even for Today?: So are these parables that are in the gospels now supposed to be understand by everyone now or only by spiritually discerning people? [Matthew 13:13-14]
2015-02-09 Righteousness exceeding Pharisees: Whoever breaks the LEAST of the commandments will be the LEAST in the Kingdom of God, but still in the Kingdom, & but it still has to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees or you are not going to get in at all. [Matthew 5:19-20]
Overcoming Drunkenness: Caller has been struggling wtih intoxication/drunkenness, & wonders what he should do to overcome it.
2015-01-29 Gospel of the Kingdom vs Grace: Is the gospel of the Kingdom of God the same as the gospel of Grace?
Kingdom of God & the Millennium: Is the Kingdom of God & the Millennium Related?
2015-01-29 Gospel of the Kingdom vs Grace: Is the gospel of the Kingdom of God the same as the gospel of Grace?
Kingdom of God & the Millennium: Is the Kingdom of God & the Millennium Related?
2015-01-13 Kingdom of God: When is the Kingdom of God going to be established? during millennial reign that we are in now? Caller is also concerned with how Jesus answered them. [Act 1:6-9].
2014-12-16 Kingdom of Heaven & the Wedding Feast: What was the purpose of the Wedding Feast parable & one guy coming w/ out wedding attire? [Matthew 22:1-14]
2014-11-24 Kingdom of God: Can we get kicked out of it once we belong to it or not? If we don't forgive others, Jesus said He won't forgive us. What does that mean?
2014-10-14 Kingdom of God: We aren't in the full phase of the Kingdom of God right now, are we? Isn't there way more of it to come?
Stone Crushing the Feet Of Nebuchadnezzar's Image: Caller thinks that the Stone crushing the image, the feet, is more referring to the Second Coming rather than it being fulfilled when Jesus came the first time. [Daniel 2:45]
Satan defeated at the Cross but a Roaring Lion: How do harmonize that Satan was overcome by the power of the cross, but it also says he's a roaring lion? [1 Peter 5:8]
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