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Topic: Kingdom of God (Heaven)

Showing 151 to 200 of 338.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-09-23 The Kingdom of God: Why have we not heard more about "The Kingdom of God" from the pulpit? [Matthew 6:33]. (Editor's Note: There's a lot of missed audio regarding this call.)
2020-09-18 Faith vs Works, Jesus vs Paul: How do we know where the line is between faith and works, particularly relative to the differences between Paul & Jesus' teachings (call continues after break)? [Galatians 5:6, Romans 12, Romans 14:17, Ephesians 4:32, Philippians 2:1, Matthew 5, I Corinthians 7:10-15].
2020-09-14 Prophecies in Daniel & Revelation: If Revelation was written before 70AD, then what do the prophesies in Daniel 2, 7, and Revelation 13 represent? [Daniel 2, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:12-13, Daniel 7, Revelation 13].
Christ Conquers & Reigns: Doesn't the image of Christ conquering and reigning have a future fulfillment when He reigns physically, since He certainly doesn't reign now? [Colossians 1:13, Philippians 2:8-11, Daniel 7:14, Matthew 13:24-30].
Birds in Trees = Evil?: Doesn't "birds in trees" represent evil in scripture? [Ezekiel 31, Ezekiel 17, Daniel 4, Matthew 13].
2020-09-14 Prophecies in Daniel & Revelation: If Revelation was written before 70AD, then what do the prophesies in Daniel 2, 7, and Revelation 13 represent? [Daniel 2, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:12-13, Daniel 7, Revelation 13].
Christ Conquers & Reigns: Doesn't the image of Christ conquering and reigning have a future fulfillment when He reigns physically, since He certainly doesn't reign now? [Colossians 1:13, Philippians 2:8-11, Daniel 7:14, Matthew 13:24-30].
Birds in Trees = Evil?: Doesn't "birds in trees" represent evil in scripture? [Ezekiel 31, Ezekiel 17, Daniel 4, Matthew 13].
2020-09-09 Why Jesus Didn't Want People to Understand His Parables: Could you clarify why Jesus indicated that he didn't want people to understand His parables, if He wants everyone saved? [Mark 4:12, Mark 4:34, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13].
2020-09-02 Salvation, Powers and Principalities: Could you comment on salvation and the powers and principalities, and the relationship between them? [Titus 3:1, Hebrews 1:14, Ephesians 6].
2020-08-31 Who is in Charge on Earth?: Who is actually in charge on earth? [Proverbs 21:1, Psalms 34:7, Daniel 2:24, Romans 8:28].
The Earth Getting Worse Till the End: Do you think that the earth is going to get worse progressively before He returns? [Revelation 20:7-8].
2020-08-26 Steve Gregg's New Book on the Kingdom: When is your new book coming out and will it deal with Dispensational views?
Jesus Didn't Inherit Mary's : How could Jesus not inherit Mary's sinful human nature, since she was just human? [Genesis 3, Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, Romans 8:4, Galatians 5:16].
2020-08-18 "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Kingdom of God": Are you going to do part 2 of a lecture I heard about the "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Kingdom of God".
2020-08-11 Why Was Israel Chosen: Why did God choose Israel to bring about New Testament restoration?
"Already, Not Yet" Hermeneutic: I don't understand the "already, not yet" hermeneutic in Progressive Dispensational thinking?
2020-08-10 Jesus-King Now or Not Till Later: Is Jesus the King of the earth now? [John 17:4, Matthew 28:18, Acts 2:36].
Authority of an Ambassador: How much authority does an ambassador have and do they have authority over demons?
2020-08-04 Steve Gregg's Book on Hell: What did you delete from your book on hell?
Steve Gregg's Book on Revelation: Did you have to change your book on Revelation for the publisher?
Steve Gregg's Book on Kingdom of God: When is your book on the Kingdom of God coming out?
2020-07-23 Steve Gregg's New Book: Could you talk about your upcoming book and tell us what it is about? (Subject; The Kingdom of God entitled, "Empire of the Risen Son").
2020-07-22 Born Again: Is it not odd that the major Christian doctrine of "being born-again" is only mentioned in one gospels? [John 3:3, I Peter 1:2-4, I John, Titus 3:5].
2020-07-17 So Many Religions and Denominations: Why are there so many religions and denominations, and how do I know which is correct? [Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Romans 10:9, Matthew 25:34].
2020-07-15 Restore the Kingdom to Israel: What do you say in response to Dispensationalists that use the verse about restoring the kingdom to Israel? [Acts 1:6-7, John 16:12-13.
2020-07-10 Sinners Will or Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God: Did you mean that no one can inherit the Kingdom of God if they fall into sin? [I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
2020-07-10 Sons of Kingdom Cast Out & Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth: Could you clarify the meaning of the passage about being "the sons of the kingdom will be cast out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth"? [Matthew 8:11, Exodus 19:5-6].
2020-07-09 Kingdom of God-Now or Later: Would you reconcile the two verses about "The Kingdom of God" and whether it is now or later? [Acts 1:6, Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Mark 4:26-29, Matthew 3:2, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 13:31-33, Luke 17:20 ].
2020-06-24 Promoting the Kingdom of God: What is the best way to serve to further the Kingdom of God?
2020-06-16 Kingdom of Grace vs God: What is the difference between the "Kingdom of Grace" and the "Kingdom of God", and where do some get The Kingdom of Grace? [Acts 20:24-25, Acts 28:31, Revelation 14, Revelation 1].
Steve Gregg/ The Narrow Path Material in Spanish: Is anything available from your website in Spanish?
2020-06-04 Unforgivable Sin and Not for Me, but Against Me: Would you explain Matthew 12, about "who is not for me is against me" and the "unforgivable sin"? [Matthew 12:22-37].
2020-06-04 Daniel's Stone Imagery in Nebechadezzar's Dream : What does the stone in Nebechadezzar's Dream, in Daniel, mean? [Daniel 2].
Nebechadnezzar's Dream: Would it not be required that the stone would hit higher on the leg of the statue if Amillennials are correct? [Daniel 2].
Nebechadezzar's Dream: What does the entire statue image in Nebechadezzar's dream in Daniel 2 represent? [Daniel 2].
2020-06-02 Kingdom of God & Bethel Movement: Could you share your view of what exactly what the "Kingdom of God" is and how it compares to Bill Johnson & the Bethel Movement (NAR, New Apostolic Reformation) view of it is? [2 Corinthians, Job, 1 Peter].
2020-06-02 The Importance of Baptism: Can you describe the importance of baptism? [I Corinthians 1:13].
2020-05-27 Jesus-The Propitiation: Is Jesus the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, for all time? [I John 2:2].
Gospel in a Nutshell for Evangelism: What would be the best way to put the gospel in a nutshell for evangelism?
2020-05-22 Steve's New Book-The Kingdom of God: When is your new book on "The Kingdom of God" coming out?
2020-05-13 Hyper-Dispensationalist Bullingerite Calls Steve a Heretic: Caller (Hyper-Dispensationalist Bullingerite), insists that Steve is a heretic and not following Jesus. [I Corinthians 11, Acts 9, Acts 28:30-31, 2 Timothy 2:7-8, I Timothy 1:16, I Timothy 6:3-4, Mark 16, Galatians 2, Matthew 10, Matthew 15, Romans 2:16, Matthew 24].
2020-05-06 Fulfillment of the Coming Kingdom: Jesus said he would not take of the vine before the fulfillment of the Kingdom, but Peter says they ate and drank together. Is this proving the fulfillment that the Kingdom had come? [Luke 22:18, Acts 2:41].
2020-05-05 Job Knew of Heaven: Since Job said he was going to his long home? [Job 7:10]
Kingdom of Heaven & Birds in the Trees: You are mistaken about the definition of the birds in the trees and the kingdom of heaven? [Matthew 25:34, Matthew 19:23-24]
2020-05-05 The Lord's Prayer & The Kingdom: Could you talk about praying that "thy kingdom come" in the Lord's prayer, in the light of the concept that the kingdom has already come? [Mark 4:26-29].
2020-04-30 Wood, Hay, Stubble, Gold, Silver, Precious Stones: Is the wood, hay, and stubble, the wicked, and the gold, silver, and precious stones the faithful, in the letter to the Corinthians? [I Corinthians 1-3:6-14, I Peter 2:5, Malachi 3, Isaiah 1:22].
Apollos' Eloquent Speaking: Is there scripture that indicates that Apollos was an enticing or eloquent speaker? [Acts 18:24].
2020-04-29 Aliens, Extraterrestrial, Nephilim Theory: What do you think about my view of the possibility of aliens being of the mixing of angels with mankind described in Genesis? [Genesis 6, Daniel 2, 2:44, Jude, 2 Peter 2, Colossians 1:13].
2020-04-28 Peter & the Keys to the Kingdom: Why did you leave out the verse about Peter getting the keys to the kingdom, in your lecture on The Kingdom of God? [Matthew 16:19, Acts 10].
2020-04-16 Timeline of Prophecy: Where are we in the timeline of prophecy? [Revelation 11:15, Psalm 2:8, 37:11].
2020-04-13 Kingdom of God: Could you elaborate Jesus' statement in Luke 16, about the kingdom of God, pressing into it, and the fulfillment of the law? [Luke 16:16-17, Matthew 11:12, 19:23, 16:24, 5:17].
Absent Military Family Member: Can you encourage me as I struggle with my wife's absence in the military?
2020-04-07 Synagogue Visit in New York: Why did you go to a synagogue in New York?
The Kingdom of God: How do you know which "Kingdom of God" scripture is referring to? [I Corinthians 2:9, 3:11, Luke 17:21, Matthew 12:28, Revelation 5:10, Ephesians 2:14, Isaiah 28:16].
2020-04-03 Kingdom of God: What would be the impact within the church of recognizing that the "Kingdom of God" has come and is present now on earth? [2 Corinthians 11, Galatians 1:8, Matthew 16:24-26].
2020-04-01 Test & Temptation in the Lord's Prayer: Is the word used in the Lord's Prayer for "temptation" the same as "test"? [Matthew 6:9-13].
Lord's Prayer -Thy Kingdom Come: What does it mean in the Lord's Prayer, "thy kingdom come"? [Matthew 6:9-13, 12:28, 16:24-26, Exodus 19:6, Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Luke 17:21, 9:23, Colossians 1:13].
2020-03-27 Kingdom of God Enacted: Are we at that place in God's timeline suggested in Genesis 3, where the kingdom of God is enacted and progressing-in the crushing of Satan's head? [Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20, Psalms 47:3,
Kingdom of God: Who is being grafted into the kingdom - is it now primarily gentiles, rather than the Jews? [Romans 11:11f].
2020-03-18 Leaven's Meaning in Matthew: Matthew's reference to leaven, seems to have opposite meanings depending on the commentary -what do you think? [Matthew 13:33].
2020-03-05 Main Theme of the Bible: What is the main theme of the Bible?
2020-02-28 Defining "The Gospel" & "The Kingdom of God": What is the gospel, and why is it "the power of God unto salvation"? [Romans 1:16, Mark 1:14-15, Exodus 19:5-6, Acts 1:6, 17:7, Colossians 1:13, Matthew 28:18, 13:31-33, John 8:31, Hebrews 4:12].
2020-02-17 Unequally Yoked in Church to Unbelievers: How does "unequally yoked" work if we are asked to bring unsaved people to church? [I Corinthians 14, 2 Corinthians 6:14].
The Kingdom of God: I love your lecture "Beholding the Glory", I wish everyone could hear it! Do you think you will write about "The Kingdom of God"?
2020-02-03 Secrets Only Given to the Disciples: Why would Jesus only reveal His message of salvation to only a select few? Does He not want all to be saved? [Matthew 13:11f, 23:37, 16:24, 10:28-30, 7:6, Isaiah 6, Luke 13:34, 19:41-44, Mark 4:34, John 6:44, 12:32, Matthew].
2020-01-07 John's Water Baptism: What is the difference between John's baptism and religious Jewish washing rites? [Mark 1:4, Luke 16:16].
2019-12-18 Preaching the Kingdom of God: Can you help me the relationship between how the disciples preached "The Kingdom of God" and how Jesus did? why do our churches not preach as they did? [Acts, Matthew 12:36, 13:11, Hebrews 11:6, I Corinthians 6:20, 7:23].
2019-12-18 Taking the Kingdom by Force: Would you talk about the passage that says "the violent take it by force"? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16].
2019-10-30 Speaking in Parables: I am puzzled by Jesus speaking in parables so that people would not understand Him-can you help me? [Mark 4:10-12, 33, Isaiah 6:9-10, Matthew 7:6, 13:11, Luke 8:10].
2019-10-22 Hierarchy on the New Earth: Are there two levels of Christians on the new earth?
Kingdom of God: Is entering the Kingdom of God the same as being saved?
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