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Topic: Government

Showing 101 to 150 of 331.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-01-25 Government Responsibility: Could you help me understand Romans 13 in light of the new administration's less friendly attitude toward Christians? [Romans 13:1-5, I Peter 2:13-14].
Voting: Is voting a good thing? [Romans 13:8].
2021-01-25 Government Responsibility: Could you help me understand Romans 13 in light of the new administration's less friendly attitude toward Christians? [Romans 13:1-5, I Peter 2:13-14].
Voting: Is voting a good thing? [Romans 13:8].
2021-01-25 Group for Shared Values: Announcement about a community group in the Vancouver, Washington area (go on Craig's Lies/ Groups) sharing about the book, "Live Not by Lies", by Rod Dreher
2021-01-22 Catholics in Government Prophecy: Do you see a connection between current events; Catholics becoming dominant in government offices, and Bible prophecy? [2Thessalonians 2].
2021-01-20 State Over the Savior: What do you think about a global church who worships the state over the Savior?
Amillennial & Post-Millennial: Could you clarify the different reasons for adhering to Amillennialism and Post-Millennialism, and who are the best advocates for both? [2 Thessalonians 1, Revelation 20].
2021-01-15 Modern Prophets & Prophecies Regarding the Election: What do you think about all the modern prophets and prophecies regarding the elections?
2021-01-15 Not Taking Action as Believers in Current Events: How can God forgive us for neglecting the truth and not taking action against the evil actions in current events-in the political maneuverings and human trafficking, etc.?
Separation of Church & State: Has not the phrase "separation of church and state" been misused?
2021-01-15 Not Taking Action as Believers in Current Events: How can God forgive us for neglecting the truth and not taking action against the evil actions in current events-in the political maneuverings and human trafficking, etc.?
Separation of Church & State: Has not the phrase "separation of church and state" been misused?
2021-01-13 Founding Fathers-Deists: Were the founding fathers not Christians, as I am reading that they were Deists?
2021-01-13 Founding Fathers-Deists: Caller shares a resource from David Barton, "Building on the American Heritage", that denies that the founding fathers were Deists.
Liberty Bell Scripture: What was the scripture on the liberty bell? [Leviticus 25:10].
2021-01-13 Founding Fathers-Deists: Caller shares a resource from David Barton, "Building on the American Heritage", that denies that the founding fathers were Deists.
Liberty Bell Scripture: What was the scripture on the liberty bell? [Leviticus 25:10].
2021-01-12 Conscientious Objection to Government Requirements: Could you talk about conscientious objection to not do what the government requires in light of scripture? [Acts 4:18-20, Acts 5:20].
2021-01-12 Revolutionary War Compared to Today: Could you comment on the revolutionary war and what we are seeing in political developments and potential civil war today?
2021-01-11 Vatican's Involvement in Election Fraud: Have you heard about the Vatican's involvement in the election fraud?
2021-01-08 Pastor Who Doesn't Like Trump: How do you respond to a pastor who supports leftist views and berates President Trump's personality.
Voting as a Democrat: Is it unChristian to vote as a Democrat?
2021-01-06 God's Sovereignty Putting Those in Power in Governments: Since it is God who puts people in power, can you comment on the current controversy with the election? [Hosea 8:4, Daniel 2:21, Revelation 13, John 12:31, Psalm 115:16, Hebrews 13:17, James 3:1, Romans 13].
2020-12-29 The Book, Live Not by Lies: Could you comment on what you drew from the book, "Live Not by Lies" by Rod Dreher?
2020-12-22 New Administration, the Antichrist: Is the new administration the antichrist?
2020-12-16 Separation of Church & State: What does the Bible say about the separation of church and state?
2020-12-14 Vaccine: What do you think about taking the vaccine, as I am afraid I might not be able to work if I don't take it?
Genesis Bible School: Are you familiar with Genesis Bible School out of Santa Rosa, California?
Government Interference with Church Gathering: What do you think about the government not allowing us to gather so that we can love on each other?
2020-12-14 Vaccine: What do you think about taking the vaccine, as I am afraid I might not be able to work if I don't take it?
Genesis Bible School: Are you familiar with Genesis Bible School out of Santa Rosa, California?
Government Interference with Church Gathering: What do you think about the government not allowing us to gather so that we can love on each other?
2020-12-01 Christian Persecution in Cuba: Cuban churches are being bulldozed for not supporting transgender & gay rights. We need to pray for our own country.
2020-11-30 COVID Restrictions: COVID restrictions for home churches in Oregon won't allow more than two families to meet together, so what should we do?
2020-11-30 Christian Involvement in Politics & War: Do you think that the Bible encourages or discourages believers to be involved in government, as our founding fathers were?
2020-11-30 COVID (Coronavirus): What is your understanding of the health effects of COVID? [Psalm 91:12, Psalm 34:7, Hebrews 2:14-15].
2020-11-24 Demons Taking Over: I think that an army of demons may have taken over a political party, as evidenced by many events of late, so what do you think? What should we do? [Matthew 12:43-45, Revelation 9:7-11, Revelation 20].
2020-11-24 QAnon & Conspiracy Theories: What do you know about QAnon? Are Christians more susceptible to conspiracy theories lately?
2020-11-19 Limiting Free Speech: If the government goes further with its exercise of limiting freedom of speech, calling it hate speech, what will you do about it?
2020-11-13 Government Interference with Churches Meeting: What do you think about governors restricting churches meeting? [Romans 13, I Peter 2].
2020-11-10 Mad at God About the Election: My wife is mad at God about the election, and I rather think it may be God's judgment. What do you think? [Psalm 75:7, Daniel 2:21, Psalm 42:5-11, Psalm 43:5].
2020-11-10 Marxist Agenda of the Democrats: Now that Biden is in, are we going to be persecuted, which is the Marxist agenda? [James 4:2-3, Proverbs 21:1].
2020-11-06 Prayer for Election Honesty: Caller requests prayer for honesty of the election and the re-election of Donald Trump.
2020-11-06 Politics, The Election & Donald Trump: Caller disagrees with Steve regarding politics, the election, and Donald Trump.
2020-11-06 Christian Biden Supporter: I just don't see how any Christian can support Donald Trump as president?
Jesus is Not God: Are you familiar with Victor Paul Wierwille (The Way International), who does not believe that Jesus is God?
2020-11-03 Freedom Eroded-Confidence in God: To what degree does knowing about "the kingdom of God" console you when our liberties are being eroded at such an unprecedented pace?
2020-11-03 Life Begins at Conception: If we believe that abortion is wrong, then should be not be writing our lawmakers about the fact that life begins at conception?
2020-11-03 Judging by the Fruit in the Candidate during the Election: Could you help me sort out how to judge people running for office according to judging the fruit in their lives? [Galatians 5:22, Luke 3:9].
2020-11-02 Christians Against Trump: Caller criticizes Steve's comments about Christians who don't use their brains, and will support abortion and Biden. [Proverbs 6:16-19].
2020-11-02 Abortion: Caller comments on the horrible act of abortion and current political issues:
Sick Family May be Cursd: What do you think about someone telling a family suffering sickness, is under some kind of curse? [I Peter 4:12].
2020-11-02 Trump's Support of Christians: Caller comments on Trump and his policies that support Christians.
2020-11-02 Lying Worse Than Abortion: How can anyone say that lying is worse than abortion?
2020-10-30 Democrats Support Abortiom: Did you say that all Democrats support abortion?
Holiday Celebrations: Did you say that you don't support celebrating holidays?
2020-10-30 Abortion, Choice & Voting for Democrats: What can I say to someone who is against abortion, but thinks that women should still have a choice, and plans to vote Democratic?
2020-10-29 Pray for the Election: Caller requests prayer for the upcoming election.
2020-10-29 Impending Civil War & Christian Involvement: What does the Bible tell us about the possible impending war, and if we, as believers have limitations or responsibilities?
Antifa Needs to be Stopped: Does a stand need to be made against Antifa and other violent offenders? Will the Holy Spirit guide us in this situation?
2020-10-29 Impending Civil War & Christian Involvement: What does the Bible tell us about the possible impending war, and if we, as believers have limitations or responsibilities?
Antifa Needs to be Stopped: Does a stand need to be made against Antifa and other violent offenders? Will the Holy Spirit guide us in this situation?
2020-10-26 Founding Fathers & Inalienable Rights: Did the founding fathers get the concept regarding our inalienable rights (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness) found in the Bible? [Acts 25:11, Philippians 4:8, Mark 12:31, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Genesis 9:6].
2020-10-22 Voting at the Ballot Booth: Do you have any idea how I should vote this year? I've been struggling with who to vote for.
2020-10-19 Governmental Role, Rights & Civil Disobedience Today: Who would Paul be referring to in government today instead of the emperor or Caesar in I Peter 2? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-14, John 19:11].
Determining Righteous Government Law: How do we determine what is a righteous law in government?
2020-10-19 Governmental Role, Rights & Civil Disobedience Today: Who would Paul be referring to in government today instead of the emperor or Caesar in I Peter 2? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-14, John 19:11].
Determining Righteous Government Law: How do we determine what is a righteous law in government?
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