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Topic: Government

Showing 301 to 331 of 331.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-07-10 America Prohibiting Buddhism: Buddhist caller voiced his opinion about a previous call suggesting that only Christianity being allowed in America.
Destroying Buddhist Relics: Buddhist shares his disappointment to hear that a Christian ought destroy Buddhist relics.
2013-07-09 Only Christianity Allowed: Shouldn't our country only allow Christianity?
2013-07-09 Saul & Obeying the Government: Would you comment on the fact that David refused to harm Saul because he was God's annointed, and how that relates to God putting government leadership in power and our response?
2013-07-09 Christianity & Citizenship: How can we be a good Christian and good citizen at the same time? [Romans 13:1-7, 2 Peter 3:13-15]
2013-07-08 Chapters & Verse Numbers in the Bible: Caller comments on previous caller about chapters & verse numbers.
Gay Marriage: We shouldn't let the state define marriage.
2013-07-02 Gay Marriage: When did we, as a country, lose the battle to the point where gay marriage is acceptable?
Judicial Rulings: It seems we are no longer a democracy or a republic because laws are being legislated from the bench.
Tower of Babel & America: Do you think we are becoming like the Tower of Babel (Sodom & Gomorrah)?
2013-07-02 Gay Marriage: When did we, as a country, lose the battle to the point where gay marriage is acceptable?
Judicial Rulings: It seems we are no longer a democracy or a republic because laws are being legislated from the bench.
Tower of Babel & America: Do you think we are becoming like the Tower of Babel (Sodom & Gomorrah)?
2013-06-27 Bible-Hate Literature: Doesn't it seem like the country is on the trajectory to banning the Bible, calling it hate literature?
Homosexual Lifestyle: How are we supposed to respond to people who are living a homosexual lifestyle?
2013-06-24 Christian Government Worker: Should a Christian government employee carry out the duty of their job despite that they are personally against something required of them? [Romans 13:1-7, Matthew 5:44]
2013-05-31 America & George Washington's Warnings: Shares some thoughts about early America, George Washington and his warnings about what happens when we disregard His ways. [John 8:31-32, Matthew 7:23, Proverbs 14:34].
2013-05-31 Social Security Benefits: What comes to mind regarding taking social security benefits?
2013-05-14 Unlicensed Church Weddings Could you provide some insight to something many of us are very uncomfortable with-our pastor is performing church weddings without state licenses?
2013-05-13 Charitable Organizations (501c3): Do you think the tax exemption (501c3) has effectively silenced the church from speaking of some of the atrocities, such as the Gosnell case?
2013-05-13 Charitable Organizations (501c3): Comment regarding what is allowed under 501c3 (charitable organizations) and how the government will shut a church down that talks about the antichrist and Jewish gangsters. [1 John 2:22, Revelation 2:6].
2013-05-09 Socialism: Disagreeing caller comments on the value of Socialism.[Mark 10:25, Matthew 19:24, I Timothy 6:8].
2013-05-08 Helping a Socialist: What are your thoughts on someone who I have been financially helping, who I just learned is very socialistic? I now don't want to help anymore. How I should handle it? Recommended: Topical lecture, "Toward a Radical Christian Counter-culture."[1 Timothy 5:3, Matthew 25:22, Matthew 20:12, 2 Corinthians 8:15, 2 Corinthians 5:14, Exodus 16:18].
2013-04-23 Technology Dangers-Taking Us into God's Territory: Since it is God's domain to search hearts and minds, isn't the research into minds with technology a dangerous direction? [Revelation 2:23, Revelation 20:7].
2013-04-16 The Remorseful at the Crucifixion: Who were those at the cross that "beat their breasts" following Jesus' death on the cross? [Luke 23:47-48, Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39].
Separation of Church & State: I agree with you about the "separation of church & state" because our citizenship is in heaven. What do you think?
2013-04-12 Government Involvement in Marriage: In contrast to what you said about the state being the last place for Christians to look to, isn't the first role of government for good is to uphold and enforce marriage? [I Peter 2:14].
Government Upholding Lawsuits: Regarding Lawsuits, doesn't the government officials usually do the right thing in lawsuits and divorces?
Christians Are to Blame: Isn't it actually the fault of Christians when the government goes awry?
2013-04-12 Government Involvement in Marriage: In contrast to what you said about the state being the last place for Christians to look to, isn't the first role of government for good is to uphold and enforce marriage? [I Peter 2:14].
Government Upholding Lawsuits: Regarding Lawsuits, doesn't the government officials usually do the right thing in lawsuits and divorces?
Christians Are to Blame: Isn't it actually the fault of Christians when the government goes awry?
2013-04-12 Marriage Licenses & Divorce: Discussion of marriage licenses and government involvment in covenants and marriages.
2013-04-09 Limited Government Authority: What do you think of my paraphrase of the scriptures about submitting to government authority? [I Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13].
Judgment Seat of Christ: What is the "judgment seat of Christ"? [Revelation 20:11-15, 2 Corinthians 5:9-11, Matthew 25:31-46].
2013-04-09 Legal Marriage: Does one need to be legally married or just committed to each other?
2013-04-08 Revolt Against King George: Was it a godly thing to revolt against King George? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-15].
Revolting Against Government Authority: Under what conditions would you think we should revolt against government authority?
Rebellion & Defending Others: How does one decide when to respond and rebel (the micro and macro) in defense from government and individuals?
2013-04-08 Revolt Against King George: Was it a godly thing to revolt against King George? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-15].
Revolting Against Government Authority: Under what conditions would you think we should revolt against government authority?
Rebellion & Defending Others: How does one decide when to respond and rebel (the micro and macro) in defense from government and individuals?
2013-04-08 Revolt Against King George: Was it a godly thing to revolt against King George? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-15].
Revolting Against Government Authority: Under what conditions would you think we should revolt against government authority?
Rebellion & Defending Others: How does one decide when to respond and rebel (the micro and macro) in defense from government and individuals?
2013-03-14 Anabaptists & "Separation of Church & State": Was it not the Guelfs that were the first ones to try to separate "church and state", instead of the Anabaptists?
Christian Responsibility in Government: Is it not the Chrisitan's responsibilty to participate in government? [Daniel 7, Isaiah 42:4].
2013-03-14 Anabaptists & "Separation of Church & State": Was it not the Guelfs that were the first ones to try to separate "church and state", instead of the Anabaptists?
Christian Responsibility in Government: Is it not the Chrisitan's responsibilty to participate in government? [Daniel 7, Isaiah 42:4].
2013-01-16 No Bibles Anywhere in America: Isn't it hypocritical of the American government to say we can not preach or teach the Bible, but we must accommodate any other religion that is not Christian, such as Buddhism & Isla?.
Trinity: Can you explain the Trinity?
2013-01-04 Our Compromised Government & Conspiracy Theories: What should Christians be doing about our compromised government in America? How can we live an dignified Christian life in light of likely true conspiracy theories?
2012-01-02 Self-importance, Greed & Capitalism: Would you comment on the relationship between capitalism, greed, and self-importance? [Deuteronomy 8:18, Matthew 19:24].
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