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Topic: Government

Showing 251 to 300 of 331.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-08-22 U.S. Constitution: Should the constitution be restricted to reflect Christian views? Caller is concerned it's too secular.
2017-08-02 Capital Punishment (Death Penalty): Are we dishonoring God if we don't support the death penalty? [Matthew 15]
2017-07-14 Abraham Lincoln Humor: Abraham Lincoln asked a witness once, "If we call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does a cow have?".
State Micro-Managing Over People's Lives: The state seems to be involving itself in the transgender business, promoting it.
2017-03-13 People in Power God Ordained: Doesn't it say any person who is in power, that they are God ordained? [Romans 13:1]
2016-10-27 Socialism: "Give Caesar what is Caesar…", How do you respond to people who say we need to give our money to the government? [Matthew 22:21]
2016-10-26 Jury Duty: Should Christians participate?
2016-07-22 Saving America: in view of the current situation our country, what can we do to save America?
2016-06-06 The Government & Kingdom Of God Variance: It says in Isaiah that "the government shall be on His shoulders", so in light of that verse, how much are we supposed to pay attention the government & politics? [Isaiah 9:6-7]
2016-05-13 Critical of People in Authority (Obama/Biden): Caller is concerned that we should be praying for people who are in "authority" over us, so should Christians be talking critically of Obama while they are praying for him? [1 Timothy 2:1-7]
2016-05-05 501c3 registered churches: What do you think about churches being registered as 501c3's?
2016-05-05 501c3's Comment: The caller chimes in about 501c3's & says that churches are tax-exempt with or with one.
National Day of Prayer: Caller thinks we as a nation should really participate in the national day of prayer & repent.
2016-05-05 501c3's: Caller thinks money you give to 501c3's you get back, so is that a good thing or a bad thing?
2016-03-18 Health Issues: Jim, a regular off & on caller, talks about his on-going health issues.
Presidential Election: What does Steve think about the presidential controversy?
2016-02-19 God Ordaining Governments: God ordaining government authority [Hosea 8:4, Romans 13]
Water & the Blood: Caller tosses out a theory about a previous call about Jesus coming in water & blood, when the veil was ripped in twain. [1 John 5:6-8]
2015-12-16 David Segal - David Beaudry: A few comments about the passing of a musician by the name of David Segal/Beaudry.
Powers & Principalities & Healthy living: Do we have to obey the government about man-dated vaccines?
2015-09-08 Voting: Would voting for 3rd party candidate who agrees w/ most of my beliefs, even though it'd be a throw-away vote, should I still vote my conscience & vote for them?
2015-07-14 U.S. Constitution: Caller wants to discuss a few comments Steve had made about the Constitution a week before. There was a concentrated effort to get Christianity in the documnet. How are we Christians supposed to deal w/ the Constitution because it's the supreme authority of the land?
2015-06-29 Same-Sex Marriage: Can Steve please comment on the recent Supreme Court ruling on Same-Sex Marriages? Do Christians need to be concerned about this?
2015-05-19 5013C's: Are there prohibitions that churches/ministries have to obey if they have a 5013c, especially politically?
2015-03-20 Government & Church Sovereignty: Does the church have to obey the government?
2015-02-20 Christian Morality in Law & Politics: Can you clarify Christian responsibility toward morality, law, and politics?
2015-02-20 God is in Control: Caller has never been worried about what's happening in the world, because God does what He wants. [Romans 13]
2015-02-16 Governing of Man: The Government making up laws that are not biblical, is that okay?
2014-12-18 Daniel prayed 3 times a day: Was that normal for the Jew to pray 3 times a day? Or was that just what Daniel did? [Daniel 6:10-28, Psalm 119:164]
Disobeying the Government: What if the government ever made such a decree here? Would we have to obey the government? Or should we do what Daniel did? [Matthew 6:6, Romans 13:1-4]
Mandatory Vaccinations: What if good conscience I refuse to take vaccinations? This Ebola thing is all about mandatory vaccinations.
2014-11-14 501c3's: People w/ 501c3's seem to become a corporation & listen to whatever the state tells them to say or not say. Why do people need a receipt to be able write off the taxes you paid to God? Isn't a 501c3 another gospel? What about homosexuals that come into your church & want to get "married", & you say no, aren't you violating the conditions of the 501c3 that the government gave you?
2014-10-07 Paul's Writings: Paul's writings should be removed because he was usurping the Kingdom of God by saying we should obey government's authority. What do you think? [Romans 13:1-5, 1 Peter 2:13-25]
Working for the Government: Should Christians work for the government since we belong to the Kingdom of God?
2014-10-07 Paul's Writings: Paul's writings should be removed because he was usurping the Kingdom of God by saying we should obey government's authority. What do you think? [Romans 13:1-5, 1 Peter 2:13-25]
Working for the Government: Should Christians work for the government since we belong to the Kingdom of God?
2014-09-04 Phil Robertson & the Kingdom of God & the God of Man: Caller is concerned about Phil Robertson's theology, not understanding that the Kingdom of God & the Kingdom of Man are 2 different things.
2014-07-25 Disclosing a known crime: I heard that even if you confess a heinous crime such as murder, that the priest can not tell the state. Isn't it more important that they share w/ them about bad crimes instead of keeping them a secret?
Priest telling State: If a priest or pastor DOES learn of a crime, should he pretend he's not going to say anything & say something or tell the person up front that's he's going to tell the authorities if they don't?
2014-07-22 Submitting to the Higher Powers: Do Christians have to participate in an illegal war? [Romans 13]
2014-05-28 Aggressive Driving & glorying in Justice: Is it okay to rejoice when you see someone who had been aggressively driving pulled over by a cop later on up the road?
Death of an Evil Leader: What about rejoicing over the death of someone who was evil?
2014-05-15 Servant Leader: A leader of humility, what do you think of the term "Servant Leader"? Or a Servant Leader in Church Leadership verses Gentile or Civil Leadership? [Matthew 20:25-28, 2 Corinthians 1:24]
2014-04-08 One World Religion: Do we know what the One World Religion will be? I heard it was the New Age Movement.
Islam: If any religion is going to take over the world & be the anti-Christ, it sure seems like it's going to be Islam religion.
2014-04-08 The Jefferson Lies by David Barton This is a followup call to calls about Thomas Jefferson.
Bible Contradiction: Matthew quotes from Jeremiah that 30 pieces of Silver would be used to betray Jesus, but it's actually from Zechariah 11. [Matthew 27:9, Zechariah 11]
2014-04-07 People in Heaven: Would God rather have people in heaven of their own volition or aborted babies in Heaven?
Thomas Jefferson: Discussion about caller's disagreement w/ Steve over Thomas Jefferson not being a Christian.
2014-03-06 Civil law & Persecution: What is our duty about obeying the "law of the land" but not wanting to be persecuted or not wanting to obey some questionable laws?
Christians at Liberty: Are Christians allowed to enjoy themselves? or do we have to give everything up, "forsaking" ourselves?
2014-03-06 Correcting Wrongs: We should be proactive & speak against certain things the government does, but ministries who are under a 501c3 seem to be hampered from doing it.
2014-03-04 Horn: What is the "horn" that is being referred to in 2 Samuel [1 Samuel 2:1, Psalm 3]
Distressing Spirit & Prophesies: What does it mean that Saul was given a "distressing spirit" & was able to prophecy? [2 Samuel 18:10, 1 John 4:1]
2014-02-27 Paul Being whipped: Paul being whipped the first time, but when he said the second time that he was a Roman Citizen he saved himself from being whipped, and they were in great trouble for whipping. [Acts 22:22-29]
Financial & Marriage difficulties: How do you take care of yourself in order to help someone else, namely my wife, since we are both having financial difficulties right now, & I don't know what to do.
2014-02-19 Printing of U.S. Money: The U.S. Constitution did NOT grant the Federal Government to authorize the printing of paper money. Yes, it did the coinage, but not paper money.
2014-02-19 Printing U.S. Money (follow up): Coinage refers to paper currency also, according to the caller.
2014-02-13 David cutting Saul's skirt: Was Saul sleeping or using the bathroom when David managed to cut part of the Saul's skirt off?
Federal Reserve Money: Our Federal Government can & does print money without having gold or silver to back it up, & it's legit to do that.
2014-02-05 Illegal Immigration: What are your thoughts on Illegal Immigration, undocumented workers?
Open Borders: Should be have Open Borders?
2013-12-18 Catholic Believers: Are Catholic believers still a believer after they repent even though they still remain a Catholic?
New World Order: Are we headed to a New World Order with the anti-Christ as the leader?
2013-10-09 Pay Tribute to Whom Tribute is Due: What is the actual role of the Government? Should I pay my taxes without question? [Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2]
Sins of Ignorance: What happens if you commit sins of ingnorance? [Acts 2:17]
2013-09-11 Judgment of Nations: Is there a possibility Jesus is about to judge all nations, but will give nations who repent a reprieve of the judgment? [Matthew 25:31-32]
Influencing Gospel in Government or Individuals: Should we be more worried about trying to influence our country with the gospel or individuals?
2013-09-02 USA supporting Terrorism: What can we do about our country supporting terrorism?
2013-09-02 Prophecies Predicting Destroying Nations & Cities: Caller thinks it's prophecy that a whole bunch of nations, cities & governments are getting destroyed.
Evil Government Officials: Are we supposed to obey evil government officials? [Romans 13]
2013-08-19 Public School System: What in the world happened to the Public School system? You could read your Bible in your school, pray in your school, say the pledge of allegiance under God!
2013-07-16 Dietrich Bonhoeffer: What about Dietrich Bonhoeffer's attempt to get rid of evil?
Defending the Defenseless: What about self-defense or helping somebody you see being attacked on the street?
Walking in the Spirit: Caller believes we need to be walking in the Spirit all the time so we know when to resist or lie. Recommends; A.W. Tozer's book, "Pursuit of God."
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