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Topic: Government

Showing 151 to 200 of 331.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-09-29 Can a Real Christian Vote as a Democrat: What is your opinion on whether a Christian can vote for the Democrats? [I Timothy 5:22, Romans 13:1].
2020-09-21 Praying to Another God: Don't you think it would be an insult and sin to pray to anyone but God?
Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Would you comment on the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
2020-09-16 Jesus as "The Word": Could you explain more about Jesus being "The Word"? [I John 1:1, Psalm 33:6].
Coronavirus: What do you think about the "Coronavirus" drama and government overreach?
2020-09-15 Coronavirus Restrictions in Church Meetings: What do you think about believers adhering to government Coronavirus mandates in social distancing & masks in church meetings?
2020-09-04 Bad Kings Ordained by God-Leadership in the Future: Why did God allow bad kings? Were they ordained by God? Can the same thing happen again in the future in the United States? [Hosea 8:4, Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:21, Proverbs 21:1, Acts 5:12]. Where is your alternate site,
2020-09-04 The Death Penalty: What do you think should be the Christian view of the death penalty? [Genesis 9, Romans 12-13]
2020-09-03 Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?
2020-09-03 Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?
2020-09-03 The Over-reach of Government: Comment on over-reach of government.[Romans 13, Matthew 5:40, I Peter 2:13-14].
2020-09-03 Christian Fiction Writer of "Harbinger", Jonathan Cahn: Have you read the books by Jonathan Cahn, "The Harbinger"?
Bidden/ Harris Ticket: Would you comment on the Bidden/ Harris ticket potential for harming our government?
2020-09-03 Christians Hating Democrats: Why do so many Christians seem to hate Democrats and Black Lives Matter?
2020-08-25 Giving to a Political Candidate: Do you think that giving to a political candidate is considered legitimate giving as Jesus directed?
2020-07-28 Black Lives Matter Comment: Caller comments on Steve's response to current events and the organization called, "Black Lives Matter".
Wearing Masks (Coronavirus): Could you comment on the Coronavirus (COVID19) and the requirement to wear masks?
2020-07-24 Church Persecution: Could you share some thoughts about the persecution of the church today, and if the early church relied on the government to assist them? [Mark 12:30-31].
2020-07-23 Drama of Current Events: Could you advise how much to focus and engage with politics and how to balance the drama of current events?
2020-07-22 Difficult Current Events & the Christian Response: Do you think that our freedoms are really slipping away? If so, how should Christians react in these unprecedented times? Do we defend ourselves or instead, love exceptionally?
2020-07-22 Restrictions and Compliance: Would you talk about the current restrictions and our compliance to things that we think are actually harmful (mask wearing)? [Romans 13:1-7].
Vaccine, Chip, Mark of the Beast: What do you think about the proposed vaccine, the chip in it, and its relationship to the "mark of the beast"? [Revelation 13, Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2].
2020-07-22 Restrictions and Compliance: Would you talk about the current restrictions and our compliance to things that we think are actually harmful (mask wearing)? [Romans 13:1-7].
Vaccine, Chip, Mark of the Beast: What do you think about the proposed vaccine, the chip in it, and its relationship to the "mark of the beast"? [Revelation 13, Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2].
2020-07-21 Submitting to Government & Law: What is the Christian's obligation to be submissive to government law, and how far that goes-particularly relative to the verse about buying a sword? Topical article suggested; The Christian and Forcible Resistance. [Luke 22:36, Acts, Matthew 5:39].
2020-07-16 Government Interjecting Thoughts: What does the Bible say about the government manipulation of its citizens by interjecting thoughts and ideas into minds?
2020-07-13 Antichrist is Present Now: Is it possible that we may be missing the presence of the antichrist in our culture today? [I John 2:18-22, 2 John 1:7].
2020-07-10 Responding to "Black Lives Matter": Responding to "Black Lives Matter" painting on the street, should Christians write "White Lives Matter"?
2020-07-09 Jehovah Witness Views of Government Involvement: How would you respond to the Jehovah Witness view of not becoming involved in government issues? [Matthew 25:31-36, James 2:16].
Jehovah Witness View that Jesus is Not God: What do you say to a Jehovah Witness to respond to their belief that Jesus is not God? Topical series recommended:Knowing God. [John 1:1].
2020-07-07 Politics in Church: What do you think about pastors teaching about politics every Sunday in church?
2020-07-03 Wearing Masks with COVID-19 and Other Questionable Laws: Isn't it unnecessary and unadvisable for Christians to buck some of the laws we don't necessarily like, such as the Mask requirements, helmet wearing, non-smoking areas, etc.
2020-07-02 Mask Wearing for Coronavirus COVID-19: Should Christians wear the mask in obedience to the mandate regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Taking a Stand Against Government Overcontrol Do you think that we need to take a stand against inappropriate government interference and overcontrol in our lives?
2020-07-02 Mask Wearing for Coronavirus COVID-19: Should Christians wear the mask in obedience to the mandate regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Taking a Stand Against Government Overcontrol Do you think that we need to take a stand against inappropriate government interference and overcontrol in our lives?
2020-07-01 Institutional Racism & Social Justice: Regarding institutional racism and social justice, caller recommends a video on YouTube to see alternate views.
2020-06-30 Social Justice & the Christian church: What is "social justice" and how involved should the church be in it? [Matthew 12:17-21, Isaiah 42:1-4, Ezekiel 18:20].
2020-06-30 Affirmative Action: Could you talk about "Affirmative Action"?
2020-06-30 Affirmative Action: Could you respond to my thoughts on Affirmative Action which clarifies its inception and purpose?
2020-06-19 Racism: Caller comments on systematic and institutional racism in America.
2020-06-18 Influence of Catholics on the Supreme Court: Regarding the Supreme Court and the dominance of Catholics, do you think that they could overly influence the decisions of the courts and mandate Catholicism?
2020-06-18 Blacks Owned by Blacks First: Because the first person to own slaves was black (Anthony Johnson), we need people to know that this is not the fault of whites.
2020-06-17 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Could you clarify your position about remarriage on a previous call about when divorce is acceptable and marriage allowed?
Thinking About Divorce Before Marriage: If someone is concerned about being afraid of being taken financially in another divorce, should they not be not even considering divorce?
Churches Contracting Marriages, Rather than Government: Do you know of any churches that do binding contracts for marriages thereby circumventing government interference? Comment on Covenant Marriages.
2020-06-11 What Change is Needed in Society Today?: What kind of change do you think we need in our society and government?
Do we need Spiritual Revival: Do we need Spiritual Revival in order to save our culture?
Three Things to Do in Secret: What are the three things we are told to do in secret? [Matthew 6:4].
2020-06-10 Claiming Lower Price on Car: Do you think it would be wrong to claim a sales price lower in a private sale of a car in order to pay less taxes to the state?
2020-06-09 Government Social Program Money for Christians: What do you think about Christians taking money from government programs, including welfare, stimulus money and social security, etc.?
2020-06-05 Christians-Politics & Voting: Is it important for Christians to vote? [I Peter 2:14, Exodus 23:3,6].
2020-05-28 Pandemic Ramifications & Tyranny: Would you comment on the lock-down, the potential tracking, and forced vaccinations proposed relative to the pandemic?
Chip for Vaccinations, Mark of the Beast: Do you think that the rumored chip for vaccinations is potentially the "mark of the beast"?
2020-05-28 Pandemic Ramifications & Tyranny: Would you comment on the lock-down, the potential tracking, and forced vaccinations proposed relative to the pandemic?
Chip for Vaccinations, Mark of the Beast: Do you think that the rumored chip for vaccinations is potentially the "mark of the beast"?
2020-05-28 Caller Attempting to Disprove Christianity: A non-believer presents his postulates about the necessity of proving ones' genealogy from David without such the fallacy of Christianity would be proven. An discussion ensues about what makes him hesitant to follow Jesus. [Matthew 1:1].
Comment on Coronavirus/ COVID-19; Non-believing caller comments on the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic:
2020-05-26 Waco Cult & David Koresh: What do you think about the Branch Davidians and David Koresh? Do you think he was a Christian?
2020-05-18 Pastors & Government Compliance: Is a pastor a servant of the state and should he be complying with government control?
2020-05-18 COVID-19 Restrictions on Church Assembly: Could you comment on the restrictions surrounding COVID-19 and churches not being allowed to assemble? [Acts 5:29].
2020-05-15 Government Regulations in Coronavirus Pandemic: What is your advice about following the government guidelines that have been enforced in the pandemic quarantine?
2020-05-15 Liberty & Government: Why would people in government want to take away our liberties? What is the motivation?
Government Enforced Vaccines or Chips: If the government requires you to get a vaccine or a chip, would you do it?
2020-05-15 Liberty & Government: Why would people in government want to take away our liberties? What is the motivation?
Government Enforced Vaccines or Chips: If the government requires you to get a vaccine or a chip, would you do it?
2020-05-06 Using Social Media: Should Christians use social media to respond to political and social issues?
Christians Facing Difficult & Challenging Times: What should Christians, who are facing difficult times and low prospects for employment, be thinking and doing according to scripture? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2020-05-06 Using Social Media: Should Christians use social media to respond to political and social issues?
Christians Facing Difficult & Challenging Times: What should Christians, who are facing difficult times and low prospects for employment, be thinking and doing according to scripture? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
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