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Topic: Faith (Belief)

Showing 201 to 250 of 492.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-01-07 Regeneration Before Faith: Do the following verses prove that regeneration precedes faith? [John 1:12-13, Philippians 1:29, I John 5:1, Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, John 3, Luke 15:11-32, Hebrews 4, James 1:17].
Greek Philosophy in Christianity: Is it wrong to mix our faith with elements of other religious philosophies? [Exodus 12, Colossians 2:8].
2019-12-23 Faith - a Gift of God: Is faith a gift of God? Can you clarify the concept "once saved, always saved"? [Ephesians 2:8, Matthew 13:3, Romans 5:2].
2019-12-05 All Things Possible: Is it hyperbole to say that all things are possible to those that believe? [Mark 9:23, 11:22].
2019-10-17 Eternal Security & Faith: Concerning "eternal security" - do these verses in I Peter 1:3-5 indicate that it is God who keeps us in Him, rather than us and our faith doing it? Is the inheritance now or in the future? [I Peter 1:3-5, 2 Peter 1:10, Romans 5:2, 11:16,22, Ephesians 2:8-9, I Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Matthew 25:31, Luke 8].
2019-09-17 Faith & Repentance-Gifts or Works: Should faith and repentance be consider gifts, or works? And which one comes first. [Acts 11:18, 2 Timothy 2:25, Romans 4:4-5, Mark 1:15, Hebrews 6:1-3, Acts 20:21, Hebrews 11:6].
2019-09-17 Faith, Salvation, Grace: If faith, grace, and salvation are gifts, that doesn't support the Calvinist position, right? [Ephesians 2:8].
2019-08-22 Faith-God Gives, Authors, Finishes: God gives every man a "measure of faith", and God is the "author and finisher" of our faith, can you expound on these concepts? [Romans 12:3, Hebrews 12:2, James 1:17, Ephesians 4:5].
2019-08-08 Simply Believing: Are there other examples of people being saved just by a simple belief, without the evidence of their works and what followed?
2019-08-02 Emanuel Swedenborg: Emanuel Swedenborg, and others, have claimed that they had a special connection to the spiritual realm. What do you think about reported experiences like these?
Deconstruction of Faith: What do you think about the newer term for losing one's faith, called "Deconstruction of Faith"?
2019-07-22 Answers to Prayer: Is there a disclaimer to all the verses that seem to imply that we will get all the things we ask for in prayer? [Matthew 5:45, 6:9, 7:7-9, Luke 22:42, I John 5:14, John 15:7, John 11, Psalm 34:10, 84:11].
2019-05-30 Helping Catholics: How do we help Catholics come out of their traditions and misconceptions and bring them to true faith?
2019-05-02 Salvation: Since I think that you said that just belief in Jesus, is insufficient for salvation, do you believe that confessing belief in Jesus enough?
2019-04-25 Believing in Jesus: Is believing that Jesus is the son of God enough to be saved? What is high Christology? [Romans 10:9]
2019-04-23 Prayer in faith (follow-up): What does it mean when the Bible says whatever things we ask for, we will have them? [Mark 11:24]
2019-04-22 Faith: In the verses that indicate that we will have all that we want and pray for as long as we have enough faith, how does this work? Understanding hyperbole. [Mark 11:22-24]
2019-03-25 Salvation: What do we have to do to show God that we have enough faith to be saved? What is the evidence?
2019-03-14 Doctors & Medical Insurance: Do you think it is a compromise in your Christian faith if you go to doctors or carry health insurance?
2019-02-28 Christian Mythology: Are stories of Jesus regarding crucifixion, resurrection, etc. taken from stories before the Bible (mythology)?
Being a Prepper: Is being a prepper, a survivalist, is that a lack of faith?
2019-02-27 Salvation: Some people argue that if you have to do more than accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Saviour, you're working for your salvation
2019-02-26 Dead Saints: Is death a sleep? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-14]
Unity in Christ: Maturity, unity in Christ; what is the unity of the faith? [Ephesians 4:13]
2019-02-25 Rape & losing Faith: What should a person say to a someone who says she is a Christian who was sexually assaulted, but is now losing her faith?
2019-02-22 Shipwrecking your Faith: What does it mean to shipwreck your faith? [1 Timothy 1:19-20]
2019-02-21 Imputed Righteousness: What are steve's thoughts on imputed righteousness & double imputation? What about future sins?
2019-02-14 Losing Zeal: I've lost my faith, and I want to know how to regain it.
2019-02-14 Encouraging a Previous Caller: Caller wanted to call & encourage a orevious caller who wants to re-gain his faith.
2019-02-14 Losing your Faith: Asking if Steve agrees about a statement she says about losing our salvation (inspired from a previous caller).
2019-02-11 Faith: "faith is not necessarily what God will do, but what God can do", What does Steve think of that definition of faith? [Hebrews 11:1]
2019-02-06 Repentance for Salvation: Isn't it a false doctrine to teach that we have to repent from our sins in order to be saved?
Paul & Modern Translations: What's that verse about all Scripture being inspired? Is Paul talking about the New Testament? New Translations of the Bible? [2 Timothy 3:16]
2019-02-05 Essentials or Non-Essentials: Should there be a statement of faith, a list of things that are essential & non-essential that a church believes in? Is that a good idea?
2019-02-01 "Leaving the Elementary Things": What does it mean, "leaving the elementary things behind"? [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2019-01-31 Parable of the Sheep & the Goats: Can you please explain the parable of the sheep & the goats? [Matthew 25:31-46]
2019-01-29 Claiming Healing: if I have faith in the power & name of Jesus, can I know that He will heal me? [Acts 3:16]
2019-01-24 Faith & Good Works: Faith in Christ is a must for salvation, but are doing good works just optional?
2019-01-18 Anything You Want God Gives: Does the Bible say that anything you want, He will give to you? [John 15, I John 5:14].
Judged by Our Works: Did you say we are not judged by our works?
2019-01-18 Anything You Want God Gives: Does the Bible say that anything you want, He will give to you? [John 15, I John 5:14].
Judged by Our Works: Did you say we are not judged by our works?
2018-12-31 Not Making your needs known: What do you mean by not availing, disclosing what your burdens are, to the body of Christ? [Galatians 6:2, Romans 12:15]
Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, elected to being saved before someone asking God in their heart, I heard you saying is what Calvinists believe.
2018-12-17 Abraham Stumbling: Abraham & Sarah examples of great faith, but they doubted what God had told them in the beginning, but Paul seems to say Abraham didn't stagger at all. Why the Contradiction? [Romans 4:19-21, Hebrews 11:11, Genesis 16:1-16]
2018-12-12 Anointing with Oil: Why is the purpose in anointing w/ oil? are there healing properties in the oil itself or just symbolic/ritual? What do you think of Essential Oils, is it new agey type stuff?
2018-12-11 Steve's Financial Needs: If you don't take money from donations, how do you make your living?
A Prodigal Son: I have a prodigal son situation, should I fellowship with him or keep my distance from him?
2018-12-07 Word of Faith: Commanding or asking God to give us stuff, do stuff for us, as if He is our own genie, just seems wrong. What does Steve think?
Understanding the Bible: Struggling to understand the Bible.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit: I can't quite wrap my head around the idea of being filled with the Spirit. Does He jump in & out of you?
2018-12-03 Faith of Christ or in Christ: In Galatians it says "faith OF Christ" vs "faith IN Christ" [Galatians 2:16]
Not of Works: "It's of Faith & not of Works" discussion. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
2018-12-03 Faith of Christ or in Christ: In Galatians it says "faith OF Christ" vs "faith IN Christ" [Galatians 2:16]
Not of Works: "It's of Faith & not of Works" discussion. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
2018-11-21 Faith & Legalism: Legalism & criticism coming from a Mennonite family
2018-11-20 Judged by our Works: If we're all saved when we are in Christ, then why are we judged for our works?
2018-11-06 Finding Faith on Earth: Was Jesus being rhetorical when He asked, "Will there be faith on earth"? [Luke 18:8b]
Malchus' Ear being Healed: When Malchus' ear was cut off & healed, shouldn't that have impressed them enough to not want to arrest Jesus?
2018-11-06 Finding Faith on Earth: Was Jesus being rhetorical when He asked, "Will there be faith on earth"? [Luke 18:8b]
Malchus' Ear being Healed: When Malchus' ear was cut off & healed, shouldn't that have impressed them enough to not want to arrest Jesus?
2018-10-25 Differing Views of Hell: What about people who have never heard of Jesus, or, who just are not ready to accept Him yet?
Judged by Faith or Works or both: Are we judged by faith or works, or faith & works?
2018-10-25 Differing Views of Hell: What about people who have never heard of Jesus, or, who just are not ready to accept Him yet?
Judged by Faith or Works or both: Are we judged by faith or works, or faith & works?
2018-09-19 Losing Faith: Caller feels like he's lost his faith, finding it hard to go to church or read the Bible, looking for encouragement & motivation
2018-09-06 Faith: Is faith a feeling, we just feel it?
Trinity: How does the Trinity work?
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