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Topic: Faith (Belief)

Showing 351 to 400 of 492.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-05-25 Express image of God & perception: Michael the Buddhist calling to say it's all about perception, it's all relative, seen different by different people, sin nature, perception & reality discussion.
2016-05-23 Being an Atheist in Light of Book of Daniel: How can there possibly be any atheists if you look at the book of Daniel at all the evidence? [Daniel]
2016-05-13 Faith & Works: Is it a faith that works? [James 2:24]
2016-05-10 Problems for People who stole Ark of the Covenant: God caused problems for people who stole the Ark of the Covenant, giving them emerods, but what is that? (hemorrhoids) [1 Samuel 5=6]
Seed Money: Caller thnks there might be blessing in giving seed money to demonstrate your faith.
2016-05-05 New Bathroom Law (Policy) (Same Sexes in same B/R): How should a Christian deal with the new bathroom law (policy) where any gender can use any bathroom?
Worked-based Religions & Faith Alone: Religions that insist on a work-based salvation, are we brothers & sisters with them even though we believe in faith alone, believing in Jesus?
2016-04-27 Eternal Security (Once Saved/always saved): I believe in Eternal Security, but also know that a person can walk away from God, can become rebellious. What about people who refuse to share their faith? Isn't Confession kf faith necessary?
2016-04-27 Sharing our Faith: Caller wanted to chime in saying that sharing our faith is important, that sometimes we do just have to step up & do it.
True Israel: What is the true Biblical view of true Israel?
2016-04-14 Old Testamanet saints & New Testament Saints: Is there any difference between the Old Testament saints & the New Testament saints?
2016-04-12 Believing Jesus is the "I AM": Is Jesus just talking to the people in His audience at the moment or all of us? [john 8:24, John 9]
2016-04-11 Moving Mountains: Can move mountains with prayer if you enough faith? Is that what that Scripture really saying? [Mark 11:22-23]
Elisha having Bears attack Children: Elisha cured children for calling him bald & having bears come out & attack them, why would he do this? [2 Kings 2:23-25]
2016-04-05 A believer having Sickness or Disease: Caller saying that he was told a true believer won't have sickness or disease, that it was a result of sin in life or a generational curse. Is that true? [Isaiah 53:5]
2016-04-04 Moses having Doubt: Was Moses doubting God's ability to give them plenty of meat? [Numbers 11:21-23]
2016-04-04 A believer having Sickness & Diseases: A question about ickness & disease as pertaining to a believer (doesn't have a chance to ask his question....but he is the first call of the next day's show.)
2016-03-28 Christians Needing or not Needing a Doctor: Are doctors really necessary for the Christian? Don't these verses indicate that we don't, that we will be healed? [James 5, Acts 20:9-10]
2016-03-24 Paul & James' Gospel of Faith & Works: There seems to be contradiction in the conclusion of what actually saves us, Paul saying in Romans that it's completely by faith, but James says it's both Faith AND Works. So is it POSSIBLE that just like the Church Fathers had a lot of latitude in what they believed, is it possible that the apostles did too? [Romans 4:1-4, Romans 2, Romans 5:6, Romans 5:1, James 2:24]
2016-03-21 Faith & Works: "Faith without works is dead", so what are some of the kinds of works are we supposed to do in order to be exhibiting that we are Christians? [James 2:14-25, Galatians 5:6]
2016-03-15 Predestination & Faith, Apostles & Church: Caller thinks that "Calvinism" applies to the apostles, that they were predestined, given irresistible grace, & so on, but we the people of the church, it IS by Faith. What does Steve think of the idea? [Ephesians 1:13, 1 Peter 1:3-5, 2 Peter 1:4, Ephesians 1:3, 2 Peter 1:3]
2016-03-08 "Consensual Theology" (Homosexual Acceptance): Have you ever heard of “Consensual Theology”, which is approval of Homosexual monogamy?
Perseverance: Isn't perseverance a work rather than just a faith?
2016-03-03 Catholics & Protestants Believe in Same God: Catholics & Protestants might get their information from different sources, but they believe in the same God. But the question is, if you say some books aren't part of the Bible, aren't you also following tradition?
2016-01-14 Salvation in the Old Testament & New Testament: Was there any difference in the way people were saved Old Testament vs the New Testament?vove
2015-12-30 Struggling w/ ones faith & examining it: People tend to struggle w/ their faith this time of year. 2 Corinthians 13:3-5
2015-12-04 The Apostle Paul: Is it true Paul tried to preach in his own prowess at first, just trying to be intellectual, his own knowledge, but wasn't spirit-filled, & came out of Athens sort've deflated, but that in 1 Corinthians 2, he completely changed his approach to how he preached, to preach Jesus & Him crucified only? Is this true? [Acts 17, 1 Corinthians 2:2]
Paul after his conversion: Was Paul in seclusion from preaching after his conversion in Damascus for several years? [Galatians 1:15-24, 2:1]
2015-11-10 Healing: Why didn't God heal a baby? Not enough Faith? It's true that Jesus didn't heal everyone on the planet while He was here, but didn't He heal everyone who came to Him?
2015-10-30 Muslims & their belief about Jesus: Why do Muslims think that Jesus never died & was actually lifted up? [Isaiah 53, Proverbs ]
2015-09-30 Understanding Scripture: Caller wants helps interpreting a particular Scripture correctly. It is [Hebrews 11:35].
2015-09-08 Works as a Result of Faith, Enduring to the End: Our good works are a result of our strong faith, is that right? What does "Enduring to the End" mean? [Matthew 24:12-13, Matthew 10:22 22]
Taking the Bible literally or figuratively, Idioms: Does Steve take the Bible more literally or figuratively?
2015-08-27 The Will of God: Caller says that the only will of God is just believe on Jesus, the Person God sent. [John 6:29]
2015-08-27 Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me: God was just looking away for a minute sort've like when your own child might be seriously injured, you just sort've want to look away even though you love the child very much. [Matthew 27:46]
Faith & Works (Saved By): God's work & our work, but we are saved by God's work, but maintain our salvation by our works, caller thinks. [Philippians 2:12]
2015-08-24 Healing & Charismatic Churches: Does Steve know of anyone who's been a deep Christian for a long time who hasn't been healed? [Isaiah 53:5]
No Healing, No Faith: Some people think that if you are suffering from not being healed you are not strong in faith. [Hebrews 11]
Finding a good fit: How did Steve find a good fit for where HE fellowships?
2015-08-21 No Resurrection, Most Miserable: If there was no resurrection, WHY would we be so pitied? [1 Corinthians 15:17-19]
Spiritual Bodies: Why are we pitied though? We could be in Heaven in spiritual bodies?
2015-08-19 Judgment of Believers: Do we have to give an account of for everything we've ever said or done? [Matthew 12:36]
2015-08-17 Leaving a Church Over Homosexuality Issues: (Update:) A member of a church where he had been at for a very long time he had to leave because they didn't want to converse w/ him about their new stance on homosexuality, the leadership just wanting to go w/ the tide, w/ political correctness, instead of doing what the Bible says.
Sinner Saved By Grace: Is that the right terminology to use, that we are sinners saved by Grace?
2015-08-12 Believing Existence of God: Listener really wants to believe in God but needs more evidence, especially when a lack of answered prayer & miracles happen.
2015-07-27 Lordship of Christ: Did Steve say that faith without works is dead? Aren't we completely saved by grace? What does it mean to do "good works"?
2015-07-20 Faith (Grace) & Works: There's a disagreement among the elders of the church, but one says that it's our faith that saves us, but it's our works that justifies our faith, but the second elder says that when it says, "Can such a faith save him?", that it's not talking about Salvation but our Physical life or something, what does Steve think about that? Zane Hodges, Absolutely Free, Lordship salvation, the second elder handed to him to read. [James 2:14]
2015-07-17 "Rees Howells Intercessor": Has Steve ever read the book, "Rees HowellsIntercessor" by Norman Grubb?
George Müller: What about George Müller?
2015-07-10 The Falling Away: Frank Schaeffer discouraging Christians from their faith, homosexuality happening, apostasy in the seminaries, all kinds of weird stuff happening. [2 Thessalonians 2:3]
2015-06-29 Being in the Faith: Determining if people are really in the faith or not but you aren't supposed judge someone's heart.
2015-06-29 By Faith & Through Faith: "By Faith & Through Faith", are those synonymous? [Romans 3:30]
2015-06-10 Growing in the faith: Caller loves Steve for his encouragement, & his ministry, enabling her to develop deeper roots in her faith.
2015-06-02 Salvation (by Works): There's a required preconditional work, like saved by faith, but you have to have Fear of the Lord for instance.
2015-06-02 Faith: Can Steve please explain Hebrews 11:1 & faith? [Hebrews 11:1]?
2015-05-29 Saved by the Law in Old Testament: Were not the people of the Old Testament saved by keeping the law, in contrast to being saved by faith in the New Testament?
2015-05-18 Biblical Definition of Faith: Caller called back from previous show asking about the biblical definition of Faith since they ran out of time.
2015-05-15 Biblical Definition of Faith: What is the Biblical definition of Faith? I'm aware of it says in Hebrews 11, but WHAT is it, so you know you aren't following the Word of Faith mentality? [Hebrews 11:1]
2015-04-10 By Grace Through Faith: Caller thought she knew what "Grace Through Faith" meant, but discovered she might not, & wants to run it by Steve to see if she's right. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
2015-04-08 Joseph Prince - Grace Message: Caller wondering about the Radical Grace Message that Joseph Prince teaches, Grace, Faith & Works.
Losing One's Salvation: Caller would like Steve to talk about the possibility of losing one's salvation."
2015-04-01 Apologetics: The caller said that an atheist said that if God exists, He is a perverse since He's responsible for so much evil.
2015-03-24 Speaking in Tongues as Evidence: Speaking in Tongues is the only evidence you can know you have the Holy Spirit, is this true?
2015-03-19 Unrighteous people casting out Demons: How could the unrighteous people successfully cast out demons? [Matthew 7:22-23]
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