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Topic: Faith (Belief)

Showing 251 to 300 of 492.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-08-29 Losing Faith & Health: I'm suffering in pain & losing my faith, are we not to be given health?
2018-08-24 Supernatural Beings: (Steve said this kid could call back in the same show; he took advantage of it.) How much influence does supernatural beings have on the natural world?
Free Will: Why didn't God plan the world to be like what heaven will be since they won't be able to sin there? Why did He allow sin?
Beliefs & Denominations: Are there some denominations that won't go to heaven? Or one denomination that will?
2018-08-20 Trinity followup & Resurrection: Was Jesus somehow living IN the resurrection when He was here? [John 11]
Faith & Belief: We didn't have enough time last time I called about clarifying the difference between belief & faith.
2018-08-17 John the Baptist's Faith: Was John the Baptist's having a crisis of faith when he was wondering if Jesus was the Messiah? [Luke 7:18-23]
2018-08-17 Faith & Belief: Difference in meaning in greek of the words faith & belief
2018-07-31 Amillennialism: How does amillennialism affect your hope?
2018-07-31 Losing your Faith: Just repent, start obeying Jesus again, if you find yourself start falling away.
Acapella Music: Caller thinks it's Church History that the church didn't use musical instruments for the first few centuries, but it was just for singing & making melody in their hearts.
2018-07-25 Believing in the Name of Jesus: What does it really mean to believe in the name of Jesus? [John 1:12, Acts 5:40-41]
Ceremonial Law or Moral Law as our Tutor: What was paul talking about in Galatians 3, the ceremonial or moral law or both? [Galatians 3:24-25]
2018-07-23 Righteous by Obedience or by Faith: Are we made righteous by obedience or by in faith in Christ? [John 5:29, Romans 3:10]
2018-07-12 Justification by Faith: So Martin Luther re-discovered the fact that we are Justified by Faith alone, so did God use a proviso for all the people who were taught by the Catholic Church that it was by works?
2018-07-10 Choosing Unbelief: What is the main reason for disbelief?
2018-07-03 Spouse more Spiritually zealous than the other: What about husbands who are not the best Christian leaders in their home and community, who are not as spiritual or zealous their wife? [1 Peter 3:1-6]
2018-06-22 Faith: What does the word faith mean in the Greek word "pistus"? [Acts 17:31, Romans 10:17]
2018-06-12 Faith & Grace: Are we saved by grace or faith? Is faith a gift God gives us or do we have to find it? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2018-06-11 Baptism: Do you have to be dunked in water in order for our sins to be forgiven? [Acts 2:38]
Baptism on same Day of Salvation: When did the practice of not getting baptized on the same day you became saved happen?
2018-05-25 Allegiance: War is about to break out, some are inevitably going to die, so who do you give your allegiance to first? Family, Country or your Faith?
2018-05-02 Modalism: Isn't it pretty important to believe Jesus is God? [John 8:58, John 18:23-24, Exodus 3:14]
2018-05-01 Evangelical Inclusivism: What do you think about the idea that people can be saved through Jesus even though they hadn't heard of Him while on the earth?
2018-04-26 Dinosaurs: Were do the Dinosaurs fit into the Creation timeline?
Belief in Christ (John 3:16): Isn't it true that it doesn't really matter what religion/denomination we are, just as long as we start at John 3:16, we really that?
2018-04-26 Faith other than in Christ: What about people who say they have a faith, but in something other than Christ?
2018-04-10 Living by Faith: What does living by faith mean? Don't you have to believe in Jesus? [John 15]
2018-04-05 Faith & Works: Why so much about works, I thought we were saved by faith?
2018-04-04 Belief: What does the word "believe" mean in Greek? [John 8:30]
2018-04-03 "Confirming the words with signs": There's a whole section at the end of Mark that are in the oldest manuscripts, but not in others. Why not? [Mark 16:9-20]
Moving Mountains with Faith of a Mustard Seed: What did Jesus mean to move mountains by having the faith of only a mustard seed? [Matthew 17:20]
2018-03-06 Children of the Promise: Children of the promise, the Seed, who is that? Who is the true seed of Abraham? [Romans 9, Galatians 4]
2018-02-26 Speaking to Others About Their Faith: Why don't more Christians share their faith and thoughts on God?
2018-02-22 Speaking what you Believe and Word of Faith: Is Paul saying we can have whatever we believe and speak? [2 Corinthians 4:13, Psalms 116:10]
2018-02-02 Disbelief: Is disbelief in Christianity indefensible?
Compilation of Bible: Was the Bible miraculously compiled?
2018-01-25 Losing interest in Christianity: Daughter gave her life to Christ as a child, but at 13 seems to have departed from Christian activity, is she still saved?
2018-01-25 Repentance, Conversion & Baptism: Being a Christian, repent before baptism, serious commitment
2018-01-19 Apostolic Power Why aren't there signs of power or spiritual gifts the same today?[Mark 16:17]
2018-01-11 Drawing Closer to God: Believer who wonders if his relationship is more one-sided, He doesn't feel as though God responds or speaks to him; how do you improve your relationship with God?
2018-01-10 Doubting God: James says not to doubt when you pray for something, that a person who doubts is like a person who is being tossed by the ocean, a double-minded person, but everyone has a crisis of faith once in awhile, questioning events and why God is allowing something, even John the Baptist did, so what exactly is James saying here? [James 1:5-7, Matthew 11:3, Ephesians 6:16]
2018-01-08 Seventh Day Adventism-SDA: I have a friend who became a sailor & met an SDA who completely changed his view of Christianity & it's making me nuts, him no longer believing we go to Heaven as soon as we die & so on.
Investigative judgment: Have you ever heard of the Investigative Judgment?
David Reagan - Lion & Lamb Ministries & being "in Christ" & the "faith OF Christ": Seventh Day Adventism, according to the caller, isn't just another denomination; there are some scary things about it, he's believes.
2017-12-27 Peter given Keys to the Kingdom: Peter was given the keys of the kingdom, so were the keys what he said in Acts about repenting & being baptized, and you'll be given the Spirit of God? [Acts 2:38, Matthew 16]
2017-12-19 Falling Away: Departing from Christ, Falling Away & Judaism, what do these Scripture mean about Falling away & going to Judaism? means in scripture? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:4-6]
Not Laying Again the Foundation: What does it mean, "not laying again the foundation of repentance"?
2017-12-15 Calvinism: Does it mean God made us believers or we do? [Acts 13:48]
2017-11-27 Unbeliever & Professing Christians Living in Sin: What do you do about people who were once professed Christians but are no longer Christians or someone who professes to be, but is living anything but but as a Christian? Didn't you say there were 2 sets instructions, one for an unbeliever & one for a believer [1 Corinthians 5]
2017-11-21 Calvinism, Faith being a Work: Why is it that Calvinists say that having faith is a work? [John 6:28]
Steve's Lectures About Rapture: A lengthy discussion about Steve Gregg's lectures on about the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
2017-11-16 Being a True Follower of Christ: The essentials of Christianity, what does it take to be recognized as a believer by God?
2017-11-13 Healing: What does the Bible teach about healing?
2017-10-31 Burning for Eternity: Someone is holding up on becoming a Christian because he doesn't believe that non-Christians are going to burn for eternity.
2017-10-17 Full Maturity of the Church: What do you think it will look like when the church matures? [Ephesians 4:11-13]
Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses: Why do Mormons/LDS & JWs consider themselves Christians yet want to be apart from other believers & in fact only believe they are Christians?
2017-10-13 Faith Proceeding Regeneration: Did I hear you say that Faith has to proceed Regeneration, but Calvinism believes that you are regenerated before you have to have faith but that is wrong?
2017-10-12 Doubting the more I read the Bible: I'm actually having more doubts about God the more I read the Bible, not less, so what do you recommend that I should I do?
2017-10-12 Unified by the Holy Spirit: I'm also, like your previous discussion having doubts about Christianity, wondering if Christians really have the Holy Spirit, why is there so much division, why so much hypocrisy?
2017-09-28 Pastor not having Real Gift of Healing: Caller is struggling whether believing pastor's claim about healings is real or not, & wondering what God thinks about him doubting it.
2017-09-19 Righteousness is a Gift: Caller thinks righteousness is a gift.
2017-09-05 Faith & Good Works: Good works vs faith, & caller's Mormon friend appreciated it (but was wrong w/ what he agreed). [Ephesians 2:8-9, James 2:26]
2017-08-31 Context of Scripture & Cherry Picking: What can you say about people saying you are are just saying take the Bible in Context so they can skillfully cherry pick from the Bible, but not really taking it in context? Exegesis over proof-texting.
Once Saved, Always Saved: So you say people can lose their salvation? What about people who go through a rough period of time, & go out & perform willful sin? Are they lost during that period of time?
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